Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Democratic Rep. Bob Morgan won’t vote to reelect Speaker Madigan
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Democratic Rep. Bob Morgan won’t vote to reelect Speaker Madigan

Monday, Nov 9, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a letter to Rep. Morgan’s constituents…

Dear Friend,

First, thank you for allowing me to continue serving as your state representative during this time of unprecedented state and federal government challenges.

I want you to hear directly from me - I will not support Mike Madigan for House Speaker. You deserve a government you can trust.

You know my story. I ran for office three years ago because I could no longer sit on the sidelines. The Trump travel ban replicated the kind of heartless government that kept my great-grandparents and so many thousands of others from escaping genocide and religious persecution. The State of Illinois had not had a budget in 700 days - hurting the most vulnerable citizens among us.

I had enough. I decided to run for a seat in the Illinois House of Representatives because it is the people’s house and should reflect our collective voice. It can no longer be led by a Speaker who is uniquely and completely distrusted by the people in our state.

The allegations surrounding Speaker Madigan and Commonwealth Edison are extremely troubling, as are ones about sexual harassment by top aides. Leadership requires taking responsibility, and the pervasive culture of mistrust and corruption in Illinois rests at Mike Madigan’s feet.

Therefore, I will not support Mike Madigan for Speaker under any circumstances. I will work with my colleagues to bring new leadership to the Illinois House of Representatives.

The challenges before the Illinois General Assembly are formidable and it is time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. We cannot do that without you firmly behind us.

Mike Madigan has irreparably breached the trust of the people of Illinois and he cannot lead us any longer. I encourage my colleagues to cast a vote for change we can believe in, and reflect the promise of the great State of Illinois.


Bob Morgan

Morgan’s defection brings the public count to eight House Democrats who want Madigan to resign or say they won’t vote to reelect him: Reps. Kelly Cassidy, Terra Costa Howard, Stephanie Kifowit, Lindsey LaPointe, Anne Stava-Murray, Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz and Maurice West.

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  1. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 12:53 am:

    Thank you, Rep. Morgan.

    I hope this momentum can keep on moving against MJM.

    Remember House Dems, MJM is not indispensable to Dem success in this state.

    MJM is a roadblock to Dem success going forward given his damaged reputation as well as his inability or unwillingness to adapt to modern campaigning and fundraising.

    2022 will be hard enough for Downstate and Suburban Dems without the MJM anchor dragging them down the way he did Kilbride.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 6:38 am:

    Can the HDem caucus get it down to 59 for MJM, denying him 60 votes, a vote where he would require his own vote to hit 60?

    The pressure on both sides of the decision is already forcing arms of the party to weigh in on what is essentially a 72-75 person decision that will impact so much more that one legislative chamber.

    When the number get to double-digits, the “no” legislators, whew, then it’s ones and twos that will decide it, not any sort of mandate that will save Madigan in the end.

  3. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 7:38 am:

    Thank you Bob for leading on this. Unfortunately, it takes courage to take a stand. Fortunately - you have that courage. Well said, and well done.

  4. - Nagidam - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 8:33 am:

    Inside of 6 months there will be legislative leader challenges for every caucus. I personally think that the challenge itself is healthy for our democracy. Will the House leaders ultimately face a credible challenge? Sounds like the HGOP will finalize things this week with he big race on the HDEM side potentially lining up votes as painstakingly as counting votes in this last election.

  5. - lake county democrat - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 8:46 am:

    Thank you Representative Morgan.

  6. - Marty36 - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 9:39 am:

    Looks like one of Rich’s circular fire squads!

  7. - SandyC - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 10:00 am:

    I’ll just say this…I respect Madigan’s authority and ability to run this state efficiently…IN THE PAST. I’ve been met with respect when walking into his office or speaking to his staff. However, I feel with all that’s been happening the last few years, that the party has been stained. I don’t know if he’s guilty, I don’t know the insides like others do, so can’t speak on it professionally. What I do know, as a constituent, is that it’s time, time to lay the gauntlet down and retire respectfully. Allow others to now move forward. This is just my honest and genuine opinion.

  8. - Friendly Fire - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 10:18 am:

    Willie Mays, arguably the best all-around player in baseball history, famously held on a few years too long. He played his last couple seasons unable to hit his weight or chase down fly balls in the outfield. For the longest time, his team won games because of him. Now, they were losing games because of him. He was finished. But he had provided so much baseball greatness, he was allowed to play on, even though everyone knew it made it harder to win. Sound familiar?

  9. - Disgruntled IL Democrat - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 10:21 am:

    Good for Morgan. Wish it came before the election, but glad momentum against Madigan is building. Who’s next?

  10. - Billy the Kid - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 10:23 am:

    Thank you Rep. Morgan! Profiles in Courage award goes to you, Rep. Kifowit, and the others.

    A caucus member does not need MJM to politically survive, I’m pretty sure the gov can step in plus the new would-be new Dem chair would be there to lend a hand as well–the new speaker would not assume dual roles of Dem Chair like MJM.

  11. - Fav Human - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 10:42 am:

    If so many say so PUBLICLY, I wonder how many are being quiet, but if it’s a secret ballot, will vote AGAINST Madigan?

    Of course, they need someone to vote FOR. One candidate has a hat in the ring. Who else will dare and toss theirs?

  12. - Medvale School for the Gifted - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 11:01 am:

    A risky decision, for sure. If Madigan hangs on, Rep. Morgan’s district may change into a competitive one after redistricting.
    Representing a district where he has no opponent and no threat to his re-election was a nice place to be.

  13. - ;) - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 11:19 am:

    Morgan is a weak legislator. Time to draw him out.

  14. - SandyC - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 11:22 am:

    ~ A risky decision, for sure. If Madigan hangs on, Rep. Morgan’s district may change into a competitive one after redistricting.~

    True but EXACTLY why Madigan should retire.

  15. - Frank talks - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 11:27 am:

    So where do they go? So far Kifowit is the only one to throw the hat in the ring. Are any one of the No votes going to make the jump? Is it more of an anti-Madigan vote and I’ll let someone else make the really tough decision to be Leader?

    Who will herd the cats and which member can cut a hard deal with Durkin? Durkin may have an actual upper hand on any new leader as he’s been up close and personal with how to operate. Hopefully Durkin was taking notes during his years of dealing in close quarters with the Speaker, guessing he probably picked up a trick or two?

  16. - Lake Effect - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 12:04 pm:

    All these commenters were much less effusive about Drury when he was much more courageous and led on this issue. So is the praise in this thread about Bob’s courage or about his timing? Another example of how timing is everything in life. - An ambivalent-towards-Madigan Dem

  17. - lake county democrat - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 12:11 pm:

    Morgan’s anti-Madigan stance won’t be unpopular with voters in general - his district elected/reelected Scott Drury, and I don’t know how you redraw the district to cover grounds where either that would be unpopular or where you could add more GOP territory to make it competitive.

  18. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 12:16 pm:

    ===much less effusive about Drury when he was much more courageous===


    Drury had no ability to lead on anything.

  19. - wondering wendy - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 12:35 pm:

    Thank you Rep.Morgan

  20. - Epoc - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 3:35 pm:

    We really need to separate those who say they won’t vote for him from those who say he should resign. Those who say resign will have an easy out on voting for him. Cant vote for Republicans after all.

    But people who have any confidence Dems can hold the state if it gets rid of Madigan now know nothing about Dems in IL or how thats
    worked out in the rest of the midwest. Supreme Court could strike down the lines and if those are re-drawn + KG’s money, we’re Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. Swing as they come baby.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 3:43 pm:

    === Supreme Court could strike down the lines and if those are re-drawn + KG’s money, we’re Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania.===

    Slow down, speed racer, you already have a map drawn, voted on, in court, appealed, and a fictitious ILSC ruling all happening. At the least take a breath, but with a mask on, please.

  22. - Thomas Paine - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 5:25 pm:

    Bob Morgan is a Tribune Democrat. He sought the Tribune endorsement in 2018 - when many Democrats avoided them - and again in 2020. Its who he is.

    Morgan threatened to vote against the Fair Tax unless there was a regressive property tax relief plan built into it. He got what he wanted, a bump in the Homestead Exemption so that all the folks on the North Shore could get a few hungred dollars back. $1 billion in all.

    What else has he done? Not really sure.

    I do believe that his constituents probably do talk to him about Madigan alot. That’s because other than the COVID restrictions at Ravinia, they dont have a lot of real problems. So, is he representing his district? Sure. Does that make him a courageous guy? I havent seen that yet.

  23. - Lake County Rising - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 6:19 pm:

    Bob Morgan is a Madigan Democrat and likely had Madigan’s blessing to issue his letter. People in his district feel he has failed to live up to Rep May or Sen Garrett. He’s more like Sen Morrison - do nothing, say nothing.

  24. - Chatham Resident - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 6:53 pm:

    Morgan is also a Quinn Democrat too, having worked for that administration as well (as a general counsel, and running the medical cannibis program).

  25. - SandyC - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 7:57 pm:

    ~Please. Drury had no ability to lead on anything.~


    And to those who ask what else has Bob done? A quick look at his website will give you a small but concise description of some of the things he’s accomplished throughout the state. “Bob served as the lead healthcare attorney for the State of Illinois where he was instrumental in securing health care for over 650,000 Illinois residents and ensured they were covered under ACA’s Medicaid expansion. He was lauded for his efforts to implement the Affordable Care Act and the Illinois Medical Cannabis Program. The state’s medical cannabis program has already helped over 45,000 (more now) residents struggling with debilitating medical conditions like cancer and PTSD, and Bob continues to advocate for patients still waiting for access to the program. Active in the local community, Bob is a tireless advocate for those without a voice. He is an active Board Member of the Anti-Defamation League and serves on the Board of Trustees of Equip for Equality.”

    This is his second term…let him breath and show what else he can accomplish. He had a hell of a lot of pressure to pick up where Lang left the cannabis program and Bob did so with a solid passion to make it better than before. He’s passionate our disabled community, children and those left out of opportunities. There are few good guys in Springfield, he’s definitely of them.

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