* IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike at the November 4 news media briefing…
While votes are still being tallied, let’s be clear, whomever is elected or re-elected president does not absolve any one of us from taking personal responsibility to curb the transmission of COVID-19.
Again, regardless of the occupants of 600 Pennsylvania Ave., our role is unchanged. So please, let’s do our part. And let’s encourage one another to do the right thing. […]
I’d also like to encourage people who participated in recent campaign rallies, worked in polling places, stood in line to vote where maybe they couldn’t maintain the 6-foot of distance, anyone who participated in a recent protest or any other recent events, please get tested. Wait approximately one week after the high-risk exposure because it takes several days after exposure for a test to be positive if in fact you’ve contracted the virus. But if at that 7-day mark the test is negative, remember that it can take up to 14 days to have a positive test. […]
So, if you think you have been exposed to COVID-19, please get tested and quarantine so that you don’t spread the virus to others. The virus is spreading rapidly. We are fully into the second wave or second surge and the cases are increasing exponentially.
* November 6 press release…
The Governor’s Office was notified this afternoon of a recent exposure to COVID-19 and as result of that possible exposure is currently conducting contact tracing and following all necessary health protocols from IDPH. The exposure was the result of an external meeting with the Governor that took place on Monday in a large conference room in the Governor’s Office. The Governor was tested today and his results will be made public when available. The Governor is currently isolating pending his test results.
* November 7 press release…
Governor Pritzker and staff who attended the meeting Monday where they were exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 have tested negative. The PCR tests were conducted Friday afternoon. This is the second negative test result for the Governor and staff after they underwent their weekly test on Wednesday.
Per the CDC, the Governor and staff who attended the meeting, are not considered close contacts because they met with the individual prior to 48 hours before symptom onset. Following CDC guidance, the Governor and staff will not be required to quarantine for 14 days
* CDC…
Close contact is defined by CDC as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.
* I followed up with the governor’s spokesperson…
It’s a close contact if you were in contact with someone 48 hours prior to symptoms. Gov met with this person outside that window. So he only had to isolate pending a negative test. And he had two negative tests. We asked Ezike what we needed to do and she told us. You know we always listen to her
* So, the governor was following the fine print of CDC guidelines. But that’s a lot of nuance and people don’t do nuance. So it looked to many like he was flouting the rules on Saturday, particularly his adversaries who probably did not like what he was celebrating…
But at a time when the virus is spreading at a very dangerous rate and when the governor refuses to completely rule out another stay at home order, he should probably be setting an example by staying out of sight. And now that he’s been out and about, he ought to consider taking Dr. Ezike’s advice about what to do next.
*** UPDATE *** Pritzker was asked about this today and he deferred to Dr. Ezike…
I’ve actually been stricter in cases, just to be overly cautious, I’ve probably put him on quarantine when we probably didn’t have to.
Just to be abundantly cautious in this case, there was an exposure on Monday. The person develops symptoms on Thursday, and got tested, found out, on Friday. So, per CDC guidelines if someone is identified, you go back two days from when symptoms began. And so, from Thursday when the symptoms began if you go back Wednesday and Tuesday. Anyone that that person was around on Tuesday and Wednesday, if they had more than 15 minutes of contact within six feet. Those people would be the identified contacts. The meeting on Monday was outside of that period.
- Mr. Hand - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 7:26 am:
I bet Griffin and the super minority Republicans made him do it.
- Bruce( no not him) - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 7:27 am:
“…people don’t do nuance.”
Truer words have never been spoken. He needs to lead by example, even if it means going over and above the minimum.
- Froganon - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 8:00 am:
To the first three posts - the rules are the same for everyone and easily accessible on multiple sites, just follow them. If JB follows a different set, accusations will rage about “hiding in his penthouse”. Your complaints are endless and nothing will satisfy you. Masking up prevents infection for everyone, even JB, Jay Bob and hypocrits everywhere. Who knew?
- JS Mill - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 8:24 am:
=He was probably just heading to his daughter’s equestrian event.=
Or maybe another maskless Trump rally.
- Cubs in '16 - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 8:47 am:
===It’s ok the vaccine is ready now…. one week after the election lol===
Do you have a standard tinfoil hat or the deluxe model?
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 9:09 am:
=== Apparently===
… you need a place to mouth breath to feel better?
To the post,
So much right now is predicated on the premise that leadership matters and leading by example is predicated by doing what any asks of others
Here’s the sitch;
I believe the governor has all of our best interests at heart. I do. I believe he wants us to be safe.
I also believe doing nuance, something people will miss, that is framed as a partisan choice to be seen, this is one of those where a video message, a social media moment, a way to signal that social distancing celebration is how we beat the virus.
I’m not the governor. I’m sure the governor’s folks, if they took me seriously, and as they should, they don’t take me seriously, they would tell me how they go about their business *is* their business, and if I see it differently, they have a reason, a nuanced reason, to the choice, to the governor’s choice.
Odds are if you’re spamming comments to mouth breath and feel better, you aren’t supporting the governor anyway, as the governor gave you a reason to feel empowered.
- Publius - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 9:13 am:
It’s strange how everyone says that this vaccine is here and it will help. But at the same time say they won’t take it becasue they dont trust vaccines and this is all a hoax anyway so it isn’t needed.
- Moderate Mom - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 9:14 am:
Seeing pictures of Pritzker out and about celebrating after it was widely reported he had been exposed and seeing Lightfoot out in a crowd with no mask yelling into a megaphone have me dumbfounded. This State is in the middle of a health crisis largely because people aren’t taking the Covid 19 pandemic seriously. The two most high profile office holders in the State just went out and partied in the streets? And the election actually didn’t go all that well for Illinois’ future. I am a health care provider who has spent the last week trying to hold up front line staff and Covid 19 survivors. My own family gives me blow back for following the precautions because of the type of behavior exhibited over the weekend by leadership. Another unforced error on their part as far as I’m concerned.
- JS Mill - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 9:20 am:
So the governor was outside and wearing a mask over the weekend. I fail to see the hypocrisy.
MAybe it would have been better to stay home, so maybe not the best political choice. But hypocrisy it isn’t.
So many new people posting here, would have been nice if you would have spoken out against the lack of mask wearing etc.
- JS Mill - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 9:33 am:
= I’m done here.=
Jim Oberweiss?
- Mr. Hand - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 9:42 am:
A bit hypocritical to knowingly go into an area where a mass gathering is occurring.
- JS Mill - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 9:55 am:
=A bit hypocritical to knowingly go into an area where a mass gathering is occurring.=
Wearing a mask?
So I can only assume from your comment that you want a new stay at home order.
- Mr. Hand - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 10:07 am:
We are supposed to limit gatherings with masks or without masks. The Biden news probably caused spontaneous celebration. To partake in a mass celebration is within his rights, but as governor who has suggested we limit these gatherings will muddy his overall message.
- JS Mill - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 10:56 am:
=We are supposed to limit gatherings with masks or without masks.=
Yeah but….
Whatever he walked past (which is all I saw in the video) was outside. If there is something I missed in the video then ok. But walking past something isn’t forbidden.
- Frank talks - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 11:09 am:
The Governor needs to do better politically.
I know it was an historic event and he was a big Biden supporter but your personal life and fun times get put on hold in the big chair. Sorry that’s just the deal.
- Mr. Biden - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 12:22 pm:
==Whatever he walked past (which is all I saw in the video) was outside. If there is something I missed in the video then ok. But walking past something isn’t forbidden.==
No, it is not. Walking into a crowd that are not practicing safety measures that he established is hypocritical. I am sure there was more than one way to get wherever he was going.
- Intheknow - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 12:24 pm:
Still, according to the IDPH guidance sheet, must stay home 14 days. Poor leadership on the Governor’s part since he is not following the guidelines sent down by his own department.
- Thomas Paine - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 2:31 pm:
“I know this may look bad, but I followed the letter of the law.” - Prtizker
He was trying to be ironic, right?
- 1st Ward - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 2:48 pm:
Tom DeVore Line 1.
- Toobin' - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 3:50 pm:
This is the same guy who refused to postpone the primary, saying it was safe, only to close down the state right after.
He’s a complete hypocrite.
- VoterAtLarge - Monday, Nov 9, 20 @ 7:05 pm:
I am on the Governor’s side on a lot, but this one took away from his message today, as Mary Anne has to get involved to get the questions actually answered. earlier in today’s press conference, Dr. Ezike mentioned someone cannot test out of quarantine, but the quarantine rules on IDPH & ISBE are stricter than CDC guidelines, and they do require 14 day quarantine, negative test or not. Champaign County Health Dept told me when I tested positive on Saturday, that they needed 4 days of contact tracing info, even though I didn’t begin symptoms until Thursday evening. Consistency is key.