Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** The massive failure of the IHSA’s defiance: Only eight out of 813 schools going ahead with basketball
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*** UPDATED x1 *** The massive failure of the IHSA’s defiance: Only eight out of 813 schools going ahead with basketball

Thursday, Nov 12, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

The Illinois High School Association announced Wednesday that it has formally invited representatives from Governor J.B. Pritzker’s office and the Illinois Department of Public Health to its board meeting on Nov. 19.

“The board hopes to create a dialogue and build a more collaborative relationship with all the entities involved with developing sports policy in our state as everyone tries to navigate the myriad issues caused by the pandemic,” IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson said. “The board’s decision to move forward with the IHSA basketball season was not meant to be adversarial. It was rooted in a desire to receive more direct communication and data from our state partners. They hope all the groups will see the mutual benefit of increased discourse and be represented at the meeting on November 19.”

The invite comes after only eight of the IHSA’s [813] member schools announced they would participate in the IHSA’s basketball season.

The board’s decision wasn’t meant to be adversarial? Right. They stood by silently while their supporters were picketing outside the homes of administration officials and told the Illinois Department of Public Health to shove their public health rules where the sun doesn’t shine and went full speed ahead for “the kids,” and, of course, their sweet income stream, some of it due to state law.

But this was completely predictable

Without adhering to the COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the governor and the IDPH, insurance companies would not cover the liability costs for schools.

The IHSA administers a state-mandated liability insurance program for catastrophic injuries, so it should’ve known its plan was doomed. The IHSA is accustomed to getting its way, so perhaps the people who run the group thought they could bully the state into changing course.



The Southern Illinois University men’s basketball program has paused team activities due to positive COVID-19 test results, head coach Bryan Mullins announced on Thursday.

SIU will not participate in the Wade Houston Tipoff Classic in Louisville, Ky., from November 25-29, as previously scheduled.

“We have diligently followed the safety protocols established by our administration and local health officials, but as we’ve seen throughout the country, Covid cases can and will arise,” Mullins said. “We will resume preparation for the season as soon as our medical professionals deem it is safe to do.”


  1. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 6:04 am:

    === The Illinois High School Association announced Wednesday that it has formally invited representatives from Governor J.B. Pritzker’s office and the Illinois Department of Public Health to its board meeting on Nov. 19.

    “The board hopes to create a dialogue and build a more collaborative relationship with all the entities involved with developing sports policy in our state as everyone tries to navigate the myriad issues caused by the pandemic,” IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson said.===

    Dear IHSA,

    You don’t invite the people who run the state to hear you… you go talk to them.

    If you ever needed to understand how foolishly ignorant the IHSA is to its own role and how it thinks it can run things… just read that open. You are clueless to your own existence.

    At this rate, you’ll be lucky you aren’t dismissed and replaced.

    Don’t ever call the governor or others to *your* meetings again.

    Do it again, they’ll come to tell you to fold.

  2. - The Dude - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 6:13 am:

    Listen, I get it. It sucks kids are getting screwed through this.

    But what IHSA is doing seems like it should be criminal and people making decisions for them should be held accountable for not following the mandate.

  3. - RDB - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 6:41 am:

    Why would anyone from the Governor’s office even want to go to their meetings? They know what the outcome will be (IHSA won’t listen to them) so what’s the point? OW is right, though, I wouldn’t be surprised if this leads to the IHSA’s demise.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 6:51 am:

    (Tips cap to - RDB -)

    === The invite comes after only eight of the IHSA’s [813] member schools announced they would participate in the IHSA’s basketball season.===

    Less than 1% think the IHSA is smarter than the massive liability it asked schools to take on the start basketball.

    Maybe the days of the IHSA should be numbered.

    Maybe a better governing body should exist.

    The IHSA thinks… the governor and those more concerned in saving lives… they can call others to “them”, and they have no time for the ignorantly frivolous.

    Neither do 805 member schools of the IHSA.

  5. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 7:20 am:

    Does Matt Troha show up on payday wearing a mask (no pun intended) and carrying a gun?

    Seriously, why does this racket exist and who in their right mind will listen to anything they have to say in the future?

  6. - theCardinal - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 7:21 am:

    The ISHA is the same group that doesnt want to school to track head injuries to athletes, so you get what you get from them. Go Team !

  7. - Overlord - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 7:45 am:

    Is Mark Zuckerberg running the IHSA? These people clearly don’t understand the world and the damage their organization has caused for kids and schools.

  8. - Skeptic - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 7:55 am:

    Aren’t these the same folks that forced a team to forfeit because the numbers on their uniforms weren’t in the right place?

  9. - Lincoln Lad - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 7:58 am:

    What does the IHSA do that we can’t do without?

  10. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 8:04 am:

    === What does the IHSA do that we can’t do without?===

    This is the question the IHSA shoulda thought about before “going alone”

    Up to “these times”, very limited questioning to its existence, they were there, but…

    … now… why *are* they around when it appears their goal is to endanger student-athletes at a level insurance won’t cover the reckless decisions of the IHSA.

    If the IHSA cared about student athletes, the IHSA woulda been leading the charge to save lives, not line their coffers with a hope for a basketball tournament.

    The IHSA is as useful as a 3rd ear.

    Don’t *ever* summon the governor to show up at your convenience… to show a governor your distain for saving lives again.

  11. - Chatham Resident - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 8:06 am:

    Maybe it’s time to revisit the Rep. Chapa LaVia 2014 House resolution calling for a state takeover of the IHSA? (Probably under ISBE).

  12. - Lincoln Lad - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 8:11 am:

    I looked at their website - this seems to be a huge organization. Where does their funding come from? Property taxes paid into school districts?

  13. - JS Mill - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 8:15 am:

    Yes, yes, yes, and yes to all of the posts and posters and Rich.

    I have long been at odds with this over officious organization. It is the ultimate good ol’ boys and girls club.

    In their original statement they also indicated that they did not consult with legal counsel which is pretty foolish if you ask me. Their medical advisory did not have a virologist or epidemiologist on board either.

    So now it is time to back pedal. I hope that someone decides to give them a closer look like Chapa Lavia did, and maybe this time it sticks.

  14. - RDB - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 8:29 am:

    ==Where does their funding come from?==

    The IHSA charges each school a $100 fee per sport annually to be a member of the organization. It also makes a bulk of its money off of its television contract for the state football and basketball championships.

  15. - Mr. Hand - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 8:32 am:

    Maybe Mills or someone can help me with this…

    Predictably, insurance companies were not going to back the schools in Illinois. IHSA could have easily foreseen this coming. So, they are truly foolish.

    However, these insurance companies, I assume, have interests in other states that are playing and are covering them. Therefore, how can an insurance company cover in one state over the other when the risk is similar?

  16. - J-School Warrior - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 8:34 am:

    The board’s decision wasn’t meant to be adversarial? (Narrator: It was). The IHSA has tried to win a public relations war with the governor the past few months and it hasn’t worked. If they were expecting a wave of support to their cause by schools ala Braveheart (Freedom!), that hasn’t happened either. The IHSA has backed itself into a corner now, time will tell how or if it gets out.

  17. - School Guy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 8:36 am:

    There is a lot of misinformation included in these comments. The IHSA has been begging to meet with the Governor’s Office for months. Anytime, anywhere. Information has come in the past either just prior to IHSA board meetings or during board meetings, usually through the media. If there was any communication with the IHSA, this could have all been avoided. And funding for the IHSA comes in large part through ticket revenue for state championship series. Very little income comes from media contracts.

    There is no doubt the Governor hold all the cards now. What is wrong with public inviting someone from his office to a meeting?

  18. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 8:41 am:

    “if there was any communication with the IHSA”

    See, there’s your problem. The Governor has been dealing with not only a pandemic, but a vast number of Illinoisans, business owners, and lawyers who feel he has been violating their constitutional rights to serve cheeseburgers indoors.

    High school sports has been relegated to where it belongs. An extra-curricular activity that takes a back seat to public health.

  19. - Rasselas - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 8:43 am:

    Mr. Hand - the difference is, in other states, the schools are complying with the government guidelines. Here, IHSA proposed operating in defiance of government guidelines. Insurance companies aren’t going to cover your behavior that violates state law.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 8:47 am:

    ===The IHSA has been begging to meet with the Governor’s Office for months. Anytime, anywhere. Information has come in the past either just prior to IHSA board meetings or during board meetings, usually through the media.===

    There’s ZERO to meet about. Zero.

    Unless the IHSA can end the virus, they bring zero to the table, and are useless to stopping the spread by their choices.

    === What is wrong with public inviting someone from his office to a meeting?===

    You can’t be defiant, lose with you membership by 99%… and call for a meeting at your place.

    This is prolly why the IHSA may need to either re-evaluate itself, or it should prolly be disbanded

    Call on to meet with the governor… that’s comically tone deaf by the IHSA.

  21. - Arock - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 9:20 am:

    Put up a hoop outside and let the kids play some basketball, set up the everything outside for kids to play and interact and get exercise. That way all the kids are involved and not just a select few. More fun can be had playing pick up games than many organized sports that place too much pressure on kids.

  22. - Publius - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 9:26 am:

    In the good old days kids played sports because it was fun. Now it is all about beating the other team and making lots of money. I think Covid has made us learn a lesson about what is really important.

  23. - Leigh John-Ella - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 9:28 am:

    There’s a huge hole in the budget in the midst of a global pandemic that is back with a vengeance and threatening to overrun hospitals and health care workers, but yeah, Mr. Governor, could you and your top public health and medical people come talk to us about how we’d like to crowd teenagers onto buses and take them to other communities to sweat and breathe on other teenagers for a couple hours and then put them back on the buses and bring them back to their families so that our outside entity can continue to profit off the situation? Can’t understand why the IHSA wouldn’t be the top priority.

  24. - allknowingmasterofraccoodom - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 9:30 am:

    OW @ 6:04 AM. I could not agree with you more on this issue. Arrogance has finally come to roost.

  25. - Blue Beard - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 9:37 am:

    The IHSA has always been thick headed in it’s arrogance. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some cross-over between them and the Eastern Bloc. If it were up to them, any school north of I-80 and East of 355 would be broken off from the rest of the state.

  26. - Anyone Remember - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 9:58 am:

    Lincoln Lad -

    IHSA goes out of its way to avoid charging “dues” as this allows an audit by OAG (55 ILCS 5/10-22.40). Last one was for 2009.

  27. - City Zen - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:07 am:

    ==I looked at their website - this seems to be a huge organization. Where does their funding come from?==

    Their 990 is publicly available. The bulk of their $10 million in revenue comes from athletic tournaments. I’m sure they have deals with Gatorade and shoe companies too.

  28. - Mary P's Trainer - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:13 am:

    I get the feeling that Oswego doesn’t have many high school athletes going to college on scholarships. Some people are into the sedentary lifestyle.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:18 am:

    === I get the feeling that Oswego…===

    You’re equally as ignorant and a mouth breather to the virus, LOL

    Yesterday was “signing day”… lots of signees, both high schools, if you use the Google, you’d know that.

    Good try, lol

  30. - School Guy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:19 am:

    This board has become fairly insulated in discussing issues and doesn’t always allow for other perspectives to be shared without superlatives being thrown around.

    To be clear, the IHSA invited a representative of the Governor’s office to join a Zoom meeting. There is no in-person meeting planned and the Governor is probably not expected.

    Most of us can acknowledge that rising positivity rates do not make this the right environment to start up a sport like basketball.

    But this virus is not a one variable equation. Physical and mental health have to be included in the conversation. Students are struggling all over the state because of the lack of opportunity. I completely recognize that the Governor has a lot of important things to do. But setting a meeting once over the last eight months could have happened. The Governor holds all the cards, of course. He doesn’t have to have anyone join the meeting. But couldn’t he?

    Over 200 superintendents recently signed a letter asking the Governor to work with them and the IDPH to find a way for students to participate and compete safely.

    Now is not the time. But is there a target metric for competition? I’m not an anti-masker. I’m not an anti-vaxxer. But is there an opportunity to talk?

  31. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:21 am:

    Some people are into abetting a global pandemic that is overwhelming health care workers and hospitals, as predicted, so they can harbor delusions about how their kid is a great athlete.

  32. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:21 am:

    ===IHSA invited a representative of the Governor’s office to join a Zoom meeting===

    So, you’re saying the IHSA believes it’s safe for kids to play basketball, but not safe enough for its board to meet in person?


  33. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:22 am:

    - Mary P’s Trainer -

    In case your Google is broke.



  34. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:23 am:

    “is there an opportunity to talk?

    Sorry, busy. See Capital Fax 11/12/20-hospitalization crisis.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:28 am:

    - School Guy -

    Your comment is so comically farcical, I’d pass out laughing at its tone deafness.

    The reason I’m not… people are dying. Hospitals are filling. A virus is raging.

    Your concerned a governor isn’t on a “Zoom” meeting to allow sports or basketball?

    Wow. Whew.


  36. - Still Waiting - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:32 am:

    IHSA whines about a lack of communication and the last-minute change of basketball from medium risk to high risk. The Governor has actually been communicating quite a bit, usually every day at 2:30. IHSA simply didn’t like what he was communicating. And even if basketball had stayed at medium risk, under the All Sports Policy, that would have allowed for intra-team scrimmages only; no competitive play. For the IHSA to act otherwise is dishonest.

    The IHSA with their actions exhibited a complete lack of responsibility to the student-athletes and the schools they represent. But that’s pretty on-brand for them. It’s all about the money they rake in. That’s why they force schools to switch brands of basketball every few years. It’s not about what’s best for kids. It’s about what’s best for their coffers.

    About the only thing they managed to accomplish with their hubris is the sowing of even more division in the state. Parents under the impression that IHSA has any actual authority are now furious with school boards and administrators for “taking basketball away.”

    And I heartily second everything JS Mill wrote at 8:15.

  37. - Give Me A Break - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:36 am:

    The “Let Them Play” gang is still at it on social media.

    Yesterday, when DPH posted suggestions about social distancing and mask wearing, Let Them Play fired back at DPH with a reply that said, “No”.

    And the local football brain trust Ken and Dereck Leonard are jumping on the Let Them Play bandwagon and taking shots at the Gov.

    I don’t ever want to hear another HS football coach, especially one of the Leonards, talk about how they teach life lessons and help kids become men. They are teaching kids to deny the facts and then act like spoiled toddlers if they don’t get what they want.

    SHG and Rochester need to yank a knot in their football coaches and teach them some lessons they clearly missed in school.

  38. - Mary P's Trainer - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:38 am:

    -Oswego Wonder-

    How many high school athletes are dying from Covid-19 ? Now don’t be a science denier.

  39. - School Guy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:43 am:

    There you go again. “Comically farcical” “Tone deaf” Conversations are not welcome here. You all can point to the pandemic as a reason for no discussion, but it’s not good leadership. This is a topic that has been ongoing for 8 months.

    You all seem to think that the IHSA is greedy. The IHSA is made up of people who all come from school backgrounds. These are the people who know what life is like in schools (or remote schools) right now. They have seen the safe protocols put in place by other state associations. Can’t they be part of the discussion?

    I’ve been long time lurker and almost never commenter. I’ve enjoyed the news that Rich brings to the people of the state of Illinois.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:46 am:

    Oh - Mary P’s Trainer -

    First you’re utterly clueless, claims no athletes are getting scholarships in Oswego, now you’re all “how many”…

    Ask the athletes like Indiana Football player Brad Feeney…

    Or… what one athlete that can ravage their whole family by bringing it home.

    The SEC football conference, they had 7 games scheduled for this weekend. Seven.

    Three are being played. Four are cancelled, and after the millions being spent, the SEC can’t even field it’s entire conference slate.

    Who will pay for the testing equivalent to the NFL, NBA, SEC, B1G… is it the IHSA.

    Nick Saban, coach of the #1 ranked Alabama Crimson Tide, here what he told Sports Illustrated, November 11th…

    === “We’ve been good,” Saban said during Wednesday’s coaches teleconference. “I think we had maybe one positive this week. That’s it.”
    Saban further explained his rigid guidelines for his players when most of them went back to their respective homes.

    “Everybody trusts their family and I trust my family,” Saban said. “But nobody knows where Uncle Tommy has been, either. So, you still have to be careful. That’s why we try to do the best possible educational program. I mean, the options were to not let the players go any place, which is really kind of a punishment.===

    Now reverse that… as the IHSA won’t be testing anywhere near Alabama, Notre Dane, Wisconsin… all schools with canceled contests.

    Take your drive bys to Facebook.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:48 am:

    === There you go again. “Comically farcical” “Tone deaf” Conversations are not welcome here.===

    Eight of 813 schools aren’t having sports.

    Maybe listen instead of talking.

    Try that. That’s what is comically farcical.

    === You all can point to the pandemic as a reason for no discussion, but it’s not good leadership. This is a topic that has been ongoing for 8 months.===

    Get 500 schools to even consider sports as defined now, then you have a point.

  42. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:50 am:

    “how many high school athelete are dying”

    Hopefully none. What they bring home to their families, well, now that’s a different story that you obviously want to ignore.

    School Guy-want a tissue?
    The IHSA thought they were going to cause some mini-revolt with H.S. sports, then the lawyers stepped in.
    Defend them all you like, they’ve been exposed as fraudulent as the NCAA.

  43. - Craig From Cairo - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:59 am:

    Compromise is necessary. Many parents don’t want their children to be physically inactive. Does Governor Pritzker understand that ?

  44. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:01 am:

    === Compromise is necessary===

    Tell that to the virus.

    Tell that to the legal counsels to 805 school districts.

    You’re not looking at where the problem is.

  45. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:03 am:

    Craig from Cairo-

    Uh, my kids never played a minute of sports, were active as children, active as adults.

    It’s up to J.B. Pritzker whether your kid is physically active? Should he also be responsible for finding him/her a job?

  46. - Dysfunction Junction - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:08 am:

    I’m wondering if anyone here knows where I can find a list of the eight schools that still intend to play. Yes, I’ve searched on my own, but to no avail. Thanks in advance.

  47. - Craig From Cairo - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:08 am:


    Just because your kids didn’t play sports or weren’t good enough to play sports doesn’t mean that others should be denied those opportunities.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:11 am:

    === or weren’t good enough to play sports===

    … and there it is…LOL… There. It. Is.

    Living through your kid isn’t a reason to infect a whole community.

    Don’t be *that* parent.

    High school is four years. You can’t un-die. No one can un-die, no matter how good others think their kid is at a sport.

    Why is no one clamoring for the arts, theatre, band, choir.

    What… some kids not good enough to sing, play an instrument, act?

  49. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:14 am:

    ===Just because your kids didn’t play sports or weren’t good enough to play sports ===

    And y’all wonder why the public isn’t supporting you.

    Such hubris.

  50. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:15 am:


    That’s not what you wrote. You tied a child’s inactivity to actions taken by the Governor. In effect, making it his responsibility if your kid is a couch potato.

    But as OW wrote, your main gripe is you can’t continue to harbor delusions about the greatness of your child’s atheletic abilities.

  51. - Leigh John-Ella - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:16 am:

    – I’m wondering if anyone here knows where I can find a list of the eight schools that still intend to play. –

    I’d suggest contacting ITLA. I bet they have it.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:22 am:

    === others should be denied those opportunities.===

    There’s AAU basketball, there’s travel volleyball…

    Use the Google.

  53. - Joe Bidenopolous - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:34 am:

    ===Many parents don’t want their children to be physically inactive.===

    Are IHSA sports the only way you can keep your kids active? If so, I feel sorry for you and for them because apparently you have no imagination.

    My kids are not in organized team activities for the first time in their lives. And yet, they’re playing tennis (well, that stopped this week when it got cold), rock climbing, hiking and bike riding. I’m sorry none of those activities are available where you live.

  54. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:38 am:

    ===Compromise is necessary. Many parents don’t want their children to be physically inactive. Does Governor Pritzker understand that ?

    Workout. Run. You don’t need to be a member of a team to be active. Do you understand that?

  55. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:39 am:

    ===You don’t need to be a member of a team to be active===

    Other sports are also allowed.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:41 am:

    School district 308 listed student after student… on November 11th… that signed letters of intent… scholarships

    If your kid is good enough, schools find them.

    Living through your child’s athletic prowess…

    … isn’t good enough for 805 school district lawyers.

  57. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:44 am:

    ===“how many high school athlete are dying”

    It’s not just about dying. We know a significant number of college athletes developed myocarditis from even mild or asymptomatic Covid-19. The Big 10 has put a fairly stringent protocol for return from Covid-19 due to this. The good news is that most students seem to be recovering naturally after a time, but need time and monitoring to do that.

    Who is going to do that monitoring at the high school level? Or is it okay to risk an early return that could result in medium to long term health effects?

  58. - Thomas Paine - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:45 am:

    IHSA has some pretty good lobbyists working for them.

    They should start listening to their lobbyists.

  59. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:52 am:

    ===Other sports are also allowed.

    Also, an excellent point. It shouldn’t be lost on everybody that the loudest voices are upset about a small number of boys sports of football, wrestling, and basketball.

  60. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 11:55 am:

    Commenters over 50, help me out-

    While I played H.S. sports in the early ’80’s, I don’t remember adults, especially my parents, being so obsessed with it.
    Was this just my experience?

  61. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 12:02 pm:

    ===I get the feeling that Oswego doesn’t have many high school athletes going to college on scholarships. Some people are into the sedentary lifestyle.

    I’m baffled by this obsession with college scholarships for athletes. Even with all sports, the number of college sports scholarships aren’t that great. Illinois gets a big thing right in having required Physical Education every day you are in school. PE has also become far more constructive than in many of us experienced in school. The point being, being active isn’t about being a scholarship athlete. Far more students are involved in intramurals, non-competitive sports, and being active on their own. PE is the best way to achieve that more than varsity sports because most people aren’t going to be in high level sports and PE teaches an active lifestyle as a part of life not as the center of a student’s life.

  62. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 12:05 pm:

    ===Was this just my experience?

    Just barely younger, but there were some I remember. One guy I remember in particular had two daughters and was obsessed with the guys basketball team and had very strong opinions on the coach disciplining players unfairly. I think the internet has made it easier to notice and then it has become a part of cultural signifiers between tribes.

  63. - OneMan - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 12:10 pm:

    Flying Elvis’-Utah Chapter, there were some dads who were but in terms of the general public, not really. I still remember being surprised when a classmate’s father was aware I played football because I was mentioned in the local paper depth chart.

    The biggest difference in a lot of sports (and this may be a function of where I live now and where I grew up and the difference in disposable income) is I think I was aware of two people who did ‘club’ sports, there was one volleyball player and I think one baseball player. No one had outside coaches, some guys on the football team might go to the local gym and there was offseason lifting at school if you wanted to go. I’d be hard-pressed to think of any adults who were not coaches at the HS level who got a dime out of coaching.

    Now I can think of multiple facilities that provide sports coaching, speed training, and performance assistance. That’s a big change. People spend a lot more on their kids’ athletics. When I was a youth football coach we had a kid who saw an outside trainer, a nice kid, but his grandfather was being ‘fed a line’ about the kid’s ability by a paid trainer.

  64. - Lincoln Lad - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 12:24 pm:

    The IHSA chose to be political going directly against the Gov. There are consequences to being overtly political. Ignore them. They are not serious people during a very serious time.

  65. - thisjustinagain - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 12:36 pm:

    Where is the ISBE in all this? They should be ORDERING schools not to allow sports, because they have the legal power to do so:
    (105 ILCS 5/2-3.3) (from Ch. 122, par. 2-3.3)
    Sec. 2-3.3. Supervision of public schools.
    To supervise all the public schools in the State. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.). Instead, they do nothing to stop the madness of even allowing school sports at this time.

  66. - JS Mill - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 1:21 pm:

    =Over 200 superintendents recently signed a letter =

    Which leaves pout roughly 65o who didn’t write a letter. I have expressed my stance directly to Craig Anderson. I didn’t get an invitation to be a part of the discussion. I know many other expressed their opposition as well, yet none of those voices were invited. Interesting how they never embrace the voices of dissent as part of the “conversation”.

    And why in the world would the governor engage in that call? It is a total set-up for him. Fortunately he is smart enough to figure that out.

    If Craig Anderson was serious, he would have found a way to have a discussion with the governors staff or maybe even the governor and the ISBE and IDPH and not try to bait them into some grandstanding spectacle.

    The IHSA likes to hear. voices, just certain ones though.

    The IHSA has multiple revenue streams. The biggest single source comes from the state series for Boys Basketball and football. Other state series generate some revenue.

    Sponsorships are a big stream as well. Country Financial, Wilson, Cat,and Gatorade are the big hitters.

    Their insurance pool is also a revenue stream.

    They bring in big money and have significant reserves although good luck finding an audit on their website.

    (tip of the hat to Still Waiting)

  67. - Last Bull Moose - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 1:33 pm:

    High School competition is different now. College costs are higher so athletic scholarships are more valuable. If by chance your kid has pro level talent, you are talking life changing dollars. That was not true in my youth.

  68. - TiredOfIt - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 2:06 pm:

    All contact team sports should be stopped - not just at the high school level - all. Let the NFL and other professional sports teams
    set an example for all those student athletes and suspend playing now.

  69. - Leigh John-Ella - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 2:29 pm:

    Last Bull Mooose, yes, and a kid with that level of talent has already been identified and the college would likely prefer he or she sit out rather than take the risk, because the college doesn’t care how you do your senior year. The colleges want their athletic resource at full value when you arrive on campus.

    This is the same economic argument top college football players make when they sit out some meaningless bowl game because the only thing it could mean for them is a potential injury and jeopardizing pro status.

  70. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 2:31 pm:

    === The Southern Illinois University men’s basketball program has paused team activities due to positive COVID-19 test results, head coach Bryan Mullins announced on Thursday.==

    “But, but, but… my kid can play sports better than other kids”

    Only EIGHT of 813 school districts think basketball is possible… ask SIU basketball.

    I mean ask them when they resume.

  71. - Fixer - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 2:43 pm:

    As someone that was offered athletic and academic scholarships from a few different schools, I think I can say from first hand experience that the kids these universities want to offer those scholarships to are for the most part already on their radars. For the parents worried about that, have your kids focus on their studies and for every single sport out there, there are drills they can continue doing without the team to improve themselves. Catching this is more likely to be a detriment to their possible scholarship opportunities than them missing out on this season. Help us get this under control so that they’ve got a hope of having some sort of season in the spring.

  72. - School Guy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 9:50 pm:

    It’s amazing how everyone thinks that the IHSA is still pushing to start a basketball season right now. I don’t think you’ll read that in any comment or statement from yesterday. Can’t a discussion happen about sports and even sport safety? Could this have happened earlier? Yes. But the IHSA has already made it clear all overtures for conversation were denied. I understand, some of you think that this is the way things should operate. Fair enough. I disagree.

    And those 200 superintendents often represent more than one school. And 100+ private schools were not included, so if JS Mill is taking a poll, it may be incomplete.

    But that leads me down Oswego Willy’s typical path. No comments are allowed unless there is a majority behind them. Show me 500 schools! Show me 71 votes! It would be nice if this could be a place where ideas and opinions could be shared without the almighty OW stepping forward to shut everyone down.

    Why beat my head against this wall. The moment has passed. This is what we have become. I am right and so everyone else is therefore wrong. I appreciate you all sharing your opinions, especially those who do so in a way that engenders conversation.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 12, 20 @ 10:44 pm:

    === No comments are allowed unless there is a majority behind them.===

    Friend, your argument is with the 805 school districts and their lawyers.

    You getting to cheer your kid, it seems like a liability risk.

    You wanna argue, argue to the 805 districts that think you cheering your kid… is dangerous to them legally.

    ===Just because your kids didn’t play sports or weren’t good enough to play sports ===

    Read that?

    I don’t listen or take serious the angry parent types that think their kid hangs the moon so listening to science, lawyers, and insurance, all that IHSA knows they can’t fix… make you someone to take serious.

    This is a time for serious people, not those that that complain “hear me out” when 805 schools have heard… they’re saying no.

    === It would be nice if this could be a place where ideas and opinions could be shared without …stepping forward to shut everyone down.===

    What’s your discussion.


    You don’t like that, statistically 99% of schools see sports as a liability right now.

    You have worse problems than me.

    I’m not shutting down sports, heck, the governor isn’t shutting down sports. The virus is shutting down sports.

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