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Question of the day

Wednesday, Nov 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Washington Post

With the coronavirus spreading uncontrolled across nearly the entire country, many public health experts are urging Americans to cancel their Thanksgiving gathering plans.

But not everyone is taking this advice to heart: Roughly 40 percent plan to attend a Thanksgiving gathering with 10 or more people, according to a recent survey commissioned by Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center.

Peer-reviewed risk assessment data produced by researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology suggests that many of those big events may become coronavirus super-spreaders. Drawing on public data sets, the Covid-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Tool produces daily county-level estimates of the odds of encountering at least one coronavirus-positive person at a gathering of 10 or more people.

I posted the Georgia Tech county map the other day, but you can click here to refresh your memory if needed.

* The Question: What are your Thanksgiving gathering plans, if any?


  1. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:49 am:

    Five people, four of whom reside, in our house.

    Built in excuse not to go anywhere, which suits me fine.

  2. - NoDumbQuestions - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:51 am:

    Spending the day in beautiful Rogers Park with my Fiance and dog. We bought our first turkey, so trying to not ruin the turkey.

  3. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:51 am:

    Zoom zoom zoom-ah zoom.

  4. - Reeves - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:52 am:

    Traveling to Missouri for our usual Thanksgiving with the family. Typically 20 or so people but most likely 10-15 this year with a few family members opting to stay home. We will be doing Zoom calls.

  5. - Outsider - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:53 am:

    The same as previous years, getting together with family & friends.

    If I was feeling courageous, I might head to the French Laundry and smooze with political friends. But alas, I am not the Gov. of the country’s most populous state.

  6. - Nieva - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:54 am:

    We are headed to Rich Millers for a big turkey blowout!

  7. - Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:54 am:

    We have plans …to stay alive for a while longer…over Thanksgiving…for two.

  8. - RNUG - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:54 am:

    Right now, eating takeout at home for 2 (meal is pre-ordered).

    We may see my son and extended family. Not much more risk than normal because they live close and the grandkids are at our house almost every day.

    At most, it will be 8 people … but more likely 6 total, which we already see most every day.

  9. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:56 am:

    Just my wife and I at home. No family.

  10. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:57 am:

    Dinner with the four of us living in our home. May be joined by a friend who is already in our bubble.

  11. - The Real Captain - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:57 am:

    9 people. 7 who reside in my home and two immediate relatives who follow guidelines and live less than a mile away. Probably zoom with the rest of the family.

  12. - Proud Papa Bear - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:58 am:

    Just my 3-person family and my recently widowed mother.

  13. - West Sider - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 10:59 am:

    College kid coming home- semester over. The various families of our extended family will have identical meals- ordered from the same restaurant. We will convene over Zoom- a thing I had never heard of last Thanksgiving.

  14. - Fixer - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:01 am:

    Four of us at home and my son is going with his father who lives about an hour away. We’ve had a good dialogue back and forth regarding who will be at that gathering and they are keeping it small also this year.

  15. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:01 am:

    My partner and I at our vac home in Iowa. We already did our curbside grocerying for the feast (turkey is in the freezer). We aren´t going out for anything other than car fuel or to pick up groceries. We will quarantine upon return.

  16. - Papa2008 - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:02 am:

    Dinner at home with my wife and I. Curbside delivery to both children and their families prior to us eating. Everyone self isolating. Take this seriously folks.

  17. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:02 am:

    Around 8 people will gather, five from the same household. Would normally have over 30.

  18. - harp5339 - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:03 am:

    The wife is traveling to spend Thanksgiving with our older son, who moved 1000 miles away to land a job (bad year to graduate with a hotel management degree). My younger son and I are going to watch football all day and eat buffalo wings. We “regretfully declined” the invite to my in-laws gathering.

  19. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:04 am:

    Watch the Macy’s pseudo-parade then lots of football. Then seeing how much damage my family of 4 can do to a Thanksgiving dinner originally intended for about 10 people.

  20. - OneMan - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:05 am:

    My wife and I and…

    Have one kid returning from college and they will be home for a while (not sure how long yet depending on practice for a school team they are on).

    Other child and a friend are coming home (both have had COVID).

    There is a 92-year-old widow we know from church we normally have over that we will not this year ,with my wife seeing COIVD patients while wearing PPE we think it is too big of a risk.

    My daughter and so and her friend will bring her food later in the week from a safe distance also so she can see her and her friend from a safe distance outdoors.

    We will zoom in with family further away so in part so they can finally meet my daughter’s friend.

  21. - tea_and_honey - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:07 am:

    Dinner with my mom (who lives with me). But then again I haven’t been within 10 feet of another human since mid-March so no big change from a normal Thursday for me.

  22. - Earnest - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:07 am:

    Drive to the next town over to be with three family members who are all in the same household, assuming we all feel we’ve been able to avoid any situations of potential exposure until then. On the bright side, I’m not assigned to bring anything so their meal will still be complete if I can’t go.

  23. - Bow echo - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:08 am:

    same as usual - not gonna stop living.

  24. - Election Worker - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:09 am:

    Just going to be me and my dogs and quite frankly, that’s the way I like it.

  25. - Mike Madigan - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:10 am:

    Just my mother and I. My sister comes to visit twice a week anyway, she got tested and it came back negative.

  26. - Bob Loblaw - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:11 am:

    Well my family is in a quarantine that ends the day before Thanksgiving, and my brother just recovered from COVID, so we’re meeting him and my parents at their house so they can see their grandkids for the first time this year

  27. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:12 am:

    Immediate family only. As it should be this year. Other family joining by zoom. Exploring how to pass the gravy through the app.

  28. - Glengarry - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:15 am:

    Just the wife and I. No taking any chances.

  29. - Huh? - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:16 am:

    Staying home with wife and 2 yowling cats. Daughters and SOs won’t be coming for dinner. Menu to be determined.

    PS - Anyone have a spare volume knob for a yowling cat?

  30. - ktkat1 - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:17 am:

    Three of us together with the animals. A zoom session scheduled with family across the country for about 30 minutes. Possibly a second one with the other side of the family but hasn’t been confirmed yet.

  31. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:17 am:

    Finally getting the Thanksgiving I’ve always wanted. Just the four of us, no guests, no need to dress up. We got a fresh turkey breast and will give it the buttermilk/brine treatment, plus the usual sides and two or three pies. Looking forward to food, football and no family to entertain. Will probably stay in pajamas all day too. Really looking forward to this.

  32. - Jose Abreu's Next Homer - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:17 am:

    Dinner at my house in Albany Park with my wife, 3 year old daughter and our 10 year old Westie. We’ll order out to help a restaurant. Not going to Carol Stream to my 70yr old parents, neither is my brother and his family. We’ll play it safe.

  33. - Ryan - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:21 am:

    Staying home. No one is coming over.

  34. - DHS Illinois - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:23 am:

    Since I have to go into my office everyday with lots of people whom I don’t know, YES, I will be having Thanksgiving with my family.

  35. - Downstate - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:25 am:

    Reduced family gathering. Elderly relatives are staying in place with limited visitors - no event with food.

  36. - walker - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:26 am:

    Wife and I at home. Not even our son and partner who live nearby will join us. No reason to risk heath over this.

  37. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:27 am:

    Dinner at home with our college kids (who will be home until Jan). We will probably be wearing masks for a while; so, eating will be interesting.

  38. - FNULNU - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:27 am:

    Family plans canceled - I stand with Dr. Ezike and Dr. Fauci! Will be cooking with my sis and watching sappy Christmas movies. We’re old and fat and ok with staying home now to save Christmas with the family later. If Dr. E and Dr. F say it’s ok. Fingers crossed.

  39. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:29 am:


    What’s a “plan”?

    – MrJM

  40. - lenoard - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:33 am:

    share a balogna sandwich with my dog

  41. - Frank talks - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:34 am:

    Big dinner at home with the kids, zoom the family

  42. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:39 am:

    Dinner at home with the wife and kids. Going to give Grandma’s dressing recipe a try for the first time. Weather is supposed to be fairly nice. So there may be a trip to my parents’ house so the kids can see them and play outside. Nothing inside with anyone outside of my household.

  43. - SouthernCentrist - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:40 am:

    I’m away from both my place of residence and my immediate family in Illinois until mid-January due to work commitments so I will likely just do a Zoom with my family. Looks like a turkey sandwich and mashed potatoes from my hotel room. I may try to drive home to where I live to see my SO and dog. We both get tested frequently, and a positive test for either of us would nix those plans.

  44. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:41 am:

    Just me and my senior dog. Miss B will get her usual kibble enhanced by some wet canned dog food. And a bone.

    Carpaccio w champagne, big Grilled lobster tail, baker, asparagus. traditional pumpkin pie. football all day. Phone calls w fam.

  45. - DownSouth - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:43 am:

    Thanksgiving hasn’t been a big to do for us for years. I usually hunt in the morning and then we have just the two of us for lunchtime. Sometimes and evening visit with the larger crowd at my brother’s.
    This year - probably not hunting (let’s face it 4 + people crammed in a duck blind blowing calls? Not such a stellar idea) and my brother is smartly limiting their their usual evening open house to only their immediate family/current COVID bubble. So - just another day at our house.

  46. - Titan - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:45 am:

    My wife and I have declined 3 invites for family dinners with various family subsets. We’ll be at home with just the 2 of us.

  47. - Louis G Atsaves - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:46 am:

    The wife and I and two little Maltese dogs.

  48. - H-W - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:46 am:

    My wife and I just officially cancelled our family gathering for Thanksgiving. We have four sons (aged 21-30) who were coming, and my mother-in-law. In addition, my daughter who lives in Virginia (the state) was planning to visit with our 2-year-old granddaughter. However, COVID won the day.

    Now, we are planning on a spectacular Festivus Holiday.

  49. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:47 am:

    In-laws who were going to drive in from out of state will no longer be doing so.

    After a lot of trepidation and stress about logistics on all sides, my mom finally pulled the plug on the usual Thanksgiving dinner with her kids and grandkids. Hopefully we will do a Zoom call.

    Will still have a small Thanksgiving dinner for just family members that already are in our bubble due to regularly providing babysitting help for my family.

    Also bought the smallest turkey I could find to try to make one myself for the first time at some point over the Thanksgiving weekend. *fingers crossed*

  50. - Jason - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:47 am:

    Staying home, I have a very big family and we can’t see each other but luckily we are safe

  51. - Drake Mallard - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:48 am:

    Bottle of wild turkey. Watch football. Forget about this crazy world for a day

  52. - Anon and wearing mask - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:49 am:

    Thanksgiving dinner home with my cat.

  53. - thoughts matter - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:53 am:

    Immediate family only - total of 6- granted from multiple households. we’ve all seen each older fairly often. It’s entirely possible that three of them may change their minds as it gets closer. Would be disappointing but allowed. Spouse may not be as okay with that choice if that’s what they decide.

  54. - HangingOn - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:54 am:

    If my co-worker’s test results come out negative this week, same small dinner with my teenage daughter and my boyfriend. If not, just me and her and the cat. And possibly the fire department if I attempt to cook a turkey for the first time.

  55. - Bruce Rauner Voter - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:54 am:

    The usual Thanksgiving and then off to a big box store.

  56. - Responsa - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:56 am:

    Dinner cooked using traditional family recipes at home served on family dishes with the same 5 people in attendance as always. This will be followed by a nice long post prandial walk weather permitting.

  57. - Benjamin - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:56 am:

    Just the three of us in our househild, plus our friend (who is part of our pod and comes over every day to watch our kid while my wife and I work). Basically, the same people who are here every weekday.

    But we’ve invited friends to videocall in during dinner–friends who live alone and don’t have family conveniently nearby. We may be separated, but we don’t have to be alone.

  58. - Birdseed - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:57 am:

    Captiva Island, Fla. with the family.

  59. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:01 pm:

    Me and hubby at home alone, but still cooking for a crowd.
    Big turkey, los of stuffing, etc, etc.
    Lots of leftovers…….yum.

  60. - Bigtwich - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:01 pm:

    For Thanksgiving Day, Zoom will lift its 40-minute time limit for free meetings

  61. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:02 pm:

    I haven’t seen my comments pop up for a few day. Have I officially been exiled to the Island of Wobegon Capitol Fax Commenters?

  62. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:03 pm:

    Now it pops up. Thanks, Rich.

  63. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:05 pm:

    My plan includes the current occupants of my house, me and my daughter. That’s how it’s been since 3/13/20.

  64. - Major Biden - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:08 pm:

    Going to my parent’s house. They will be eating in dinning room while I eat in separate room nearby. Mask only off when at respective tables. No extended family or out of town guests, but desert zoom calls…

  65. - Major Biden - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:08 pm:


  66. - Wonk - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:16 pm:

    Eating at home with only members of our household. Doorstep drop off of some turkey, sides, and pie slices to neighbors and family who are celebrating the holiday alone.

  67. - JoanP - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:16 pm:

    I don’t have any. But then, I don’t usually, as I don’t have family in town.

    I used to do a Sunday-after-Thanksgiving open house, but I got tired of people not RSVPing, or saying they’d come and then not showing, so I quit a few years ago.

  68. - Observation - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:23 pm:

    For the second time since my mom passed in 1996, I will not be hosting the big family event that is typically ranges between 16 and 28 people depending on the year. It will be just my husband and me enjoying our blessings.

  69. - Jed - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:25 pm:

    Taking the private jet to the FL mansion. Back soon to hold some press conferences lecturing the masses on personal responsibility.

  70. - Boone's is Back - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:36 pm:

    Small gathering of immediate family members- 6 people.

  71. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:41 pm:

    Just the four of us in the household. There is an outside chance that a friend of my daughter’s who is back from college may need a place to stay and we’ll add him if he needs it.

  72. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 12:54 pm:

    NoDumbQuestions: Ina Garden has a very good turkey recipe–complete, easy to follow, delicious.

    I’m on my own and haven’t bought a bird yet. I may just get a rotisserie chicken from Jewel. And I’ll be zooming, so it’ll be okay.

  73. - SSL - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 1:02 pm:

    Cooking dinner at home with only those that live in the house. Like every other day. Still thankful.

  74. - pawn - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 1:24 pm:

    All extended family gatherings are cancelled. Hoping my two college students make it (we are all testing and isolating in advance so waiting for test results). Planning for a simple dinner for 6, the twist is 2 are vegan….

  75. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 1:36 pm:

    Son is in Seattle. Got him a gift card for a very nice supermarket so he can buy what he wants. Then we’ll have dinner via Zoom. Daughter, son-in-law, and grand kid may show, but they are regulars.

  76. - bogey golfer - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 1:42 pm:

    It will be the 3 of us. We are making extra (including a separate turkey) to send to her mom and brother.
    We have had a day-after brunch for her nephews’ families and our Son’s friends…cancelled.

  77. - Bourbon Street - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 1:50 pm:

    Just the 2 of us and our cats (who are probably very happy they are not going to be bothered with guests). Found a 10-pound turkey at the grocery store this morning so we’ll have close to a typical Thanksgiving feast with lots of turkey leftovers. Zooming with family members who are also curtailing their Thanksgiving get-togethers.

  78. - RNUG - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 1:58 pm:

    == PS - Anyone have a spare volume knob for a yowling cat? ==

    Try a Super Soaker …

    If nothing else, the cat will likely move to another room out of range.

  79. - IL Concerned - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 2:08 pm:

    Just the three of us (the third is the cat) with a small turkey dinner.

  80. - Cool Papa Bell - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 2:21 pm:

    Perhaps dinner at my parents while eating in their garage with the door up and seated at different tables.

    Perhaps we meet half way and enjoy a distanced parking lot party if the weather abides.

    Perhaps we just stay home. Have a few options, nothing decided just yet.

  81. - dbk - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 2:21 pm:

    At home with our daughter and 18-mo-old granddaughter, we’ve been sheltering together for a month.

    I’ll cook a fair bit - daughter is a vegetarian, so different menus - and take a full meal to our closest friends (won’t go in, will just leave it at the door), who aren’t too well these days.

    Skype with our son in NYC and Face time with our SIL.

    We feel grateful.

  82. - Hieronymus - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 2:39 pm:

    Just the two of us. Either leftovers or Chinese carryout. Phone calls and Facetime for family.

    ==PS - Anyone have a spare volume knob for a yowling cat?==

    It’s a good bet that you already have plenty of yowling-cat volume reduction knobs on hand. Check your pantry. Any with a “Friskies” label is a good place to start.

    NB: Cat volume may temporarily increase exponentially until the contents of the volume reduction knob have been extracted and placed in a bowl upon the floor.

    In case of failure with the above solution, create your own volume reduction knob out of freshly carved turkey. After consumption of sufficient quantity, the cat should then waddle into the middle of the living room, roll onto its back with all four paws in the air, and assume a tryptophan-high, comatose-like state for the next several hours.

  83. - Helmut - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 2:48 pm:

    - tea_and_honey - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 11:07 am:

    I’m in the same boat. My Mom who will be 90 on the 30th misses others (We have a really big family). She raised eight children on her own after my Dad died very young so it is going to be very hard for her on her Special Birthday and all of us are sick of Zoom

  84. - Sangamo Girl - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 2:59 pm:

    Sangamo Boy and and I at home in our jammies with the kids on Zoom.

  85. - Atti's Lady - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 3:12 pm:

    I plan on spending it with my daughter, son-in-law and four grandkids at their home. We nearly lost one due to a head injury in July (he spend 2 months in picu and another 2 in rehab). Since I’ve been providing support to them, we’ve been spending a lot of time together.

  86. - Rutro - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 3:16 pm:

    No family gathering, hoping to get out of turkey cooking, maybe order a pizza

  87. - Suburban Mom - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 3:57 pm:

    We have been sharing a Covid bubble with my brother from March to August, and then again since October. (My SIL had a baby in August so they had 8 weeks of no one outside the household, to protect the newborn.) It vastly simplifies child care and e-learning supervision when we can share four adults across six children instead of two and three, and two and three, and prevents any of the kids from having to receive childcare outside the bubble.

    So we are having Thanksgiving with them, which means ten people, and I feel super-guilty about it because 10 is the Bad Number For Gatherings. Even though we’re basically one household, and that the whole point of our bubble is to reduce exposure by removing childcare and in-person school as vectors.

  88. - Huh? - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 4:14 pm:

    “Try a Super Soaker”

    Have used a squirt bottle. The cat just yowls in another room.

  89. - illinifan - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 4:25 pm:

    A meal with total 7 people (3 being grandchildren who will have socially isolated for 2 weeks prior to coming). Son who is doc will be there (he practices in negative air flow space with full PPE). He actually feels safer in the hospital than being in public and we will trust his PPE works just like he has to trust.

  90. - jabes - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 4:41 pm:

    Reluctantly but dutifully cancelled plans to have five friends over. I live alone, so I’ll cook for myself and just have lots of leftovers (should probably freeze some for later since I doubt things will be much better in Chicago at Christmas).

  91. - Austinman - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 5:50 pm:

    Just my family of 4 and we will zoom for other family members

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