Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x4 - Didech joins opposition - Croke won’t vote for MJM - Conroy, Gabel, Moeller and Williams say they won’t be backing Madigan - Guzzardi says he’s a ‘No’ *** Tipping point: Two more House Democrats say they won’t vote to reelect Speaker Madigan
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*** UPDATED x4 - Didech joins opposition - Croke won’t vote for MJM - Conroy, Gabel, Moeller and Williams say they won’t be backing Madigan - Guzzardi says he’s a ‘No’ *** Tipping point: Two more House Democrats say they won’t vote to reelect Speaker Madigan

Thursday, Nov 19, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Future of the Democratic House Caucus

This year has presented us with many challenges and we have always put the betterment of the people of Illinois first. We want to see our caucus go a new direction with different leadership. Therefore, we will not be supporting the current speaker for the 102nd General Assembly.

Representative Jonathan Carroll
57th District

Representative Sam Yingling
62nd District

That’s 14.

If everyone who has said they won’t vote for Madigan (8 plus today’s 2) or said he should step aside and let someone else take over (4) actually stick to their guns, Speaker Madigan is now at 59 for the January election. That’s one short of the 60 he needs to win another term.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Rep. Will Guzzardi makes 15…

In so many ways, our state is at a crossroads. We face unprecedented political, economic, social, and public health crises. And they are compounded by Illinoisans’ lack of faith in our government to lead our state fairly and ethically.

The charges announced last night only confirm what we already knew: the old ways of doing business in Springfield will not be adequate to rise to our present challenges. We will need new, transformative leadership to meet this moment.

I join many of my fellow House members in asking Rep. Madigan not to seek re-election as Speaker of the Illinois House. If he does, we will not be voting for him. And without our votes, we do not believe he will have the requisite number to be re-elected as Speaker.

It is time for our House Democratic Caucus to decide on new leadership for the 102nd General Assembly. This is a historic moment, and I look forward to the discussion with my colleagues on a transformative new direction for our Caucus.

…Adding… Reps. Kelly Cassidy, Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, Terra Costa Howard, Maurice West, Bob Morgan, Anne Stava-Murray, Stephanie Kifowit and Lindsey LaPointe have all said they would not vote to reelect Madigan. Reps. Deb Conroy, Robyn Gabel, Anna Moeller and Ann Williams recently sent Madigan a letter asking him not to run again so somebody new could take his place. Add today’s three and that’s 15. The House Democrats will have 73 seats in the next General Assembly, so MJM is now two shy of the 60 he needs for reelection unless some folks get cold feet and flip back.

*** UPDATE 2 *** This seals it…

November 19, 2020

On November 8, 2020, we sent a letter to Speaker Madigan calling on him to step aside and make room for new leadership of the Illinois House in January. In the wake of yesterday’s expansive and far-reaching indictment, it has become even more clear that the Speaker will no longer be able to effectively lead the House Democratic caucus, and we will not be supporting him for Speaker.

We are committed to working collaboratively with our colleagues to identify the best path forward to protect working families, ensure access to healthcare, protect our environment and address other critical Democratic priorities.

Representative Deb Conroy - 46th District
Representative Robyn Gabel - 18th District
Representative Anna Moeller - 43rd District
Representative Ann M. Williams - 11th District

*** UPDATE 3 *** Press release…

Representative-elect Margaret Croke of Illinois’ 12th district will not support Speaker Michael Madigan’s reelection as the Speaker of the Illinois House.

Croke, who will represent Chicago’s near Northside, lakefront neighborhoods stated, “Given the incredible challenges facing our state, Springfield cannot afford distractions that take our focus off of meeting those challenges head-on.

We must do all that we can to restore people’s trust. Springfield needs to focus on helping people get through this pandemic and then restoring and rebuilding a better economy and state that works for everyone.

With change comes opportunity. Illinois has a diverse and majority-woman legislature. It is my hope that when I am sworn in to serve the 12th district, I will have an opportunity to cast my vote for a Speaker that represents the diversity of our state. We must then get to work restoring trust with voters and addressing the very serious and real challenges we face.”

Croke joins other notable representatives calling for a change in leadership.

*** UPDATE 4 *** Rep. Daniel Didech has also issued a statement. Click here to read it.


  1. - Nummy yummy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:45 am:

    The avalanche is reaching critical mass.

  2. - Precinct Captain - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:47 am:

    Free for all

  3. - ILPundit - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:47 am:

    I suspect this is going to start to look like a House roll call, where once it becomes clear on the board it isn’t going to pass, more people start jumping off.

  4. - Rasselas - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:48 am:

    For better or worse, Madigan is the Tito of the Illinois Democratic Party. If/when he leaves, I think we’ll see chaos as the various factions of the party divide along ideological, gender, geographic, racial and ethnic lines.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:48 am:

    It’s up to the “14” to write… to write a joint statement, acknowledging math to the Speaker, show the speaker his fate, and allow him to remove his own name, or release the statement of the “14” and force the hand.

    Would end so much.. quite quick.

  6. - 10th Ward - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:48 am:

    Ok? So who is the next speaker?
    My guess: Greg Harris

  7. - So_Ill - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:48 am:

    Who would be the most logical choice for his replacement? Rep. Harris?

  8. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:49 am:

    To the update…

    Write the joint letter, y’all have the votes, be done with it.

  9. - Just Me 2 - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:49 am:

    By the end of the day we should hear of Members calling around asking for votes. By Monday Madigan will say he won’t run again and try to install his favored candidate, and that will backfire on that person.

  10. - Bridgeport Bob - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:51 am:

    The 14 “will not vote for Madigan” votes are interesting for sure, but until there’s an alternative to vote for - where do they go? Kifowit is an alternative, but not a realistic one. Yet, she’s the only other candidate for speaker at this point. Who will step up and give them a ship to jump on to? Right now they’re just adrift at sea.

  11. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:52 am:

    ===where do they go? ===

    One thing at a time.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:54 am:

    === The 14 “will not vote for Madigan” votes are interesting for sure===

    The 15 now, and until they all decide, collectively, publicly, as one, decide to make known what the math says, the rest is useless to speculate.

  13. - Amalia - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:54 am:

    Ann Williams is big tell. She knows how things are done. She knows when to move on.

  14. - Arsenal - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:55 am:

    @10th Ward- Harris if they want a placeholder, Welch if they want another guy that’ll last for decades.

    I wouldn’t predict a real pie fight. The Mushrooms dont have that in ‘em.

  15. - STFD - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:56 am:

    So far it’s a bunch of progressives who couldn’t pass a bill on their own.

  16. - ;) - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:57 am:

    Time for the Unions to make clear: you will not receive Union support if you jump ship on the only person to protect organized labor. MJM has been organized labors one man Blue Wall in the Midwest. Time for them to return the support, in full.

  17. - Bridgeport Bob - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:59 am:

    ===One thing at a time.===

    My point is that until someone steps up and says “vote for me”, I don’t think these defections carry a lot of weight. There’s no alternative. And looking at the roster of those who could be considered legitimate contenders, I don’t see a single one of them stepping up and breaking rank.

    I could be wrong, only time will tell - but that to me is a HUGE missing piece.

  18. - RNUG - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:59 am:

    == Yet, she’s the only other candidate for speaker at this point. ==

    You don’t attack the King maker unless you are sure of the outcome. There are one or two waiting in the wings.

    And if, an big IF, MJM were to voluntarily exit, his price might be nominating the next king maker.

  19. - Graybeard - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:59 am:

    = So far it’s a bunch of progressives who couldn’t pass a bill on their own.=
    Your opinion of their politics is irrelevant here. They have the votes and the Speaker does not.

  20. - NIU Grad - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:59 am:

    I worry that his goal now will be to incite chaos in a way that implies that he is the only steady hand for the future. The House doesn’t exactly have an obvious pick waiting in the wings to be the next Speaker…

  21. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:00 am:

    It’s time for a new Speaker. Yes, Madigan still has a super-majority after years of attacks on him. Yes, he should not be indicted unless there’s sufficient evidence. But the baggage is too heavy. It’s time for a clean slate. That should not be controversial.

    Plus, it would take away the ILGOP smokescreen. The party would no longer be able to cop out by attacking Madigan and would have to run on issues and ideology.

  22. - DuPage Saint - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:01 am:

    It is a long way between cup and lip

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:03 am:

    === My point is that until someone steps up and says “vote for me”===

    They don’t.

    The pressure is the supporting of MJM.

    The rest is the fallout.

    That fallout being mending fences with Labor.

    Ask Pat Quinn how it worked out crossing labor.

    === I could be wrong, only time will tell - but that to me is a HUGE missing piece.===

    No, the piece that is of consideration is the letter from the collective 15 to end the discussions, and try to heal the family rift and get labor on board, none of which needs to happen until the 15 act as one.

  24. - So_Ill - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:05 am:

    ==Plus, it would take away the ILGOP smokescreen. The party would no longer be able to cop out by attacking Madigan and would have to run on issues and ideology.==

    This would definitely be a “careful what you wish for” scenario for the ILGOP. They lose their main political fodder and a more liberal/progressive speaker (with a supermajority) moves the state further left than it probably would under Madigan’s leadership.

  25. - Powdered Whig - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:07 am:

    This is the best thing to happen to the ILGOP in decades.

  26. - STFD - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:08 am:

    == - Graybeard - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:59 am:

    = So far it’s a bunch of progressives who couldn’t pass a bill on their own.=
    Your opinion of their politics is irrelevant here. They have the votes and the Speaker does not. ==

    Beg to differ. It’s easy to count to 15 before anything goes on the board, but not easy to count to 60. They don’t have the votes to elect a new Speaker. The progressive wing of the caucus isn’t aligned with the Black Caucus, Latino Caucus, or many of the non-progressive women. At some point they will move on to figuring out who’s next, and it aint gonna be one of them.

  27. - Responsa - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:09 am:

    ==Free for all==

    A necessary process of abandoning ship is never predictable or well organized.

  28. - Nick - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:12 am:

    Things are certainly getting interesting now, that’s for sure.

    I think I’d agree with the idea though that until they publicly affirm their intent of not voting for him, it’s too early to say it’s over for good ole Mike. The math is becoming difficult, but not impossible, for him.

  29. - Guzzardi Himself - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:14 am:

    = So far it’s a bunch of progressives who couldn’t pass a bill on their own.=

  30. - Nick - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:15 am:

    I don’t think it’s really on them to figure out a Madigan replacement. The entire caucus can do that as soon as it becomes clear Mike doesn’t have the votes, and thus will need to step aside.

  31. - Almost the weekend - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:16 am:

    Pritzker has three deputy governors, surely one of them can take this on, and unite them under one individual. If Madigan is able to stay the Speaker after this, 2022 will be bad for the whole Dem ticket.

  32. - IrishPirate - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:16 am:

    The games afoot!

  33. - Amalia - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:17 am:

    Women of the House, start your engines.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:17 am:

    === Pritzker has three deputy governors, surely one of them can take this on, and unite them under one individual.===

    Ask President Lightford how that worked out.

    It’s a caucus thing, it should be left to the sitting 74 and then if it’s not rolling now then to the 73 that will be sat in January.

    The math isn’t MJM’s friend.

  35. - Sue - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:19 am:

    Madigan is likely to be out as Speaker but in terms of timing Pritzker will find it nearly impossible to govern through the Covid crisis w/o Madigan and his experience. We should prepare for Chaos

  36. - Powdered Whig - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:21 am:

    === If Madigan is able to stay the Speaker after this, 2022 will be bad for the whole Dem ticket. ===

    If Madigan is not the Speaker, 2022 will still be bad for the whole Dem ticket.

  37. - Nick - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:21 am:

    Point being if they already have a replacement ready, it isn’t a ’stop Madigan vote’ it’s a ‘Madigan vs this other person’ vote.

    And in a pure two-person contest, Madigan probably manages to scrounge up the votes.

    You’re better keeping it purely a question of Mike, Yes or No.

  38. - muon - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:21 am:

    I look at the defections among the HDems as equivalent to a failed judicial retention vote. It’s only after a judge fails to be retained that a replacement is identified and others step up to run in the next election. Once the votes against the Speaker are a hard count sufficient to deny his reelection, then I expect clear alternatives to emerge. As Rich notes, there are 4 that are still not what I would consider in a hard count.

  39. - Leslie K - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:22 am:

    ==== So far it’s a bunch of progressives who couldn’t pass a bill on their own.=
    Your opinion of their politics is irrelevant here. They have the votes and the Speaker does not.===

    No–they have the “not” votes. Peeling off from Madigan doesn’t mean they have coalesced around a replacement.

  40. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:26 am:

    ===you will not receive Union support if you jump ship===

    And what happens if they jump ship and MJM goes down? They’ll work with the new Speaker.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:29 am:

    With Labor, it’s going to be about the mending fences after, and what labor group is going to trust the GOP here after Rauner, and with state party Rauner appointed leadership still in place?

    That’s why it’s a process of steps, not one swoop.

  42. - Pass the Butter - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:29 am:

    “Congratulations. You are Speaker again.”

    Haunting then. Even more so today.

  43. - Responsa - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:30 am:

    ==Peeling off from Madigan doesn’t mean they have coalesced around a replacement.==

    The man is 78 years old. Seriously how could there not be a tacit heir apparent even if it was not previously possible to say so publicly?

  44. - Juvenal - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:30 am:

    === The fallout being mending fences with Labor ===

    Not just Labor.

    These legislators largely represent districts where neither the Fair Tax nor Police Reform fared well. Redistricting means that meaningful police reform and tax reform are on life support right now. You can probably do one but not both.

    Yingling will get cheers from the Tribune editorial board tomorrow and after the vote for Speaker is taken, but come endorsement time the editorial board will still find reason to endorse his opponent and he will be gone.

  45. - Back to the Future - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:35 am:

    I think Amalia has made the best comment of the day.

  46. - too soon? - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:40 am:

    So will the future speaker allow MJM to set up an office in the 300 conference room or is he getting kicked back to the Stratton Building offices?

  47. - Anon III - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:43 am:

    Nick - @ 10:21 am: === You’re better keeping it purely a question of Mike, Yes or No. ===

    “You can’t beat somebody with nobody.”

  48. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:48 am:

    === “You can’t beat somebody with nobody.”===

    It’s a “Vote of Confidence” in this instance, not an election.

    That’s the difference.

    Also why the caucus itself needs to do this in steps

    A Dem will get 60.

    Allowing the Raunerites to be relevant is not possible, they all can agree to that.

  49. - Freida - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:48 am:

    ==The man is 78 years old. Seriously how could there not be a tacit heir apparent even if it was not previously possible to say so publicly?==

    His mentor Richard J. Daley had no heir apparent because it could pose a political threat and, at the same time, send a signal that he was a lame duck.

  50. - Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:49 am:

    Finally under 60. The tide will quickly turn now that political cover is no longer needed.

  51. - Nick - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:51 am:

    Exactly OW

    And none of these 14/15 are presumably stupid enough to try working with House Republicans to push a replacement. It’d be suicide for them and lead to a real irrevocable split with labor/other Dem groups.

    You deny him a majority, and then it’s either up to him to bow out graciously and influence who his successor is, or you keep at it until a majority of the caucus finally tells him to step aside.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:57 am:

    It’s a pretty straightforward thing;

    The release;

    “The New Day Caucus Won’t Support Madigan; A New Speaker Will Be Elected

    Springfield - The New Day Caucus, a 15 member caucus of Democratic members of the 102nd General Assembly, announce today they will not be voting for Mike Madigan as Speaker, and announce so to begin the next steps in electing a new Speaker

    … “

    After that, then the rest begins.

    Until the 15 decide to call the game, collectively…

  53. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 10:57 am:

    ===“You can’t beat somebody with nobody.”===

    In this case, you can bet a Somebody will emerge to answer the second question, if the answer to the first question is “nope”.

  54. - superfly - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:01 am:

    Labor MUST have a plan B. I understand that Madigan is their first choice, but they must know that he is in trouble. Who is labor’s second choice?

  55. - Jim Edgar's Pension Check - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:07 am:

    Oswego Willy gives great advice for the Democrats. You Democrats should appreciate all the work he does for the party.

  56. - Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:08 am:

    Somewhere, Scott Drury must be smiling and thinking ‘This is so much better than a ******* clock’.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:10 am:

    - Jim Edgar’s Pension Check -

    IPI is down the dial, Wirepoints even further.

    I can’t think of an honest Republican, (Raunerites need Madigan, they have nothing else) that sees MJM staying as helpful to governing

    Then again, the ridiculously silly trying to make me a Dem aren’t smart enough to come up with clever handles, so they put words together they think are clever, but signals another silly take is coming.

    It’s the obvious play.

    Will Dems do it? Dunno.

  58. - Steve Rogers - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:16 am:

    ===“You can’t beat somebody with nobody.”===

    Tell that to Justice Tom Kilbride.

  59. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:18 am:

    If you’re going to troll, at least add to the discussion


  60. - Arsenal - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:20 am:

    I’ll be shocked if the number stops at 15.

  61. - west wing - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:24 am:

    every one of the 73 or whatever house members looks in the mirror and sees a future speaker of the house … who can put the coalition of city/suburban/downstate together?

  62. - dupage progressive - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:34 am:

    it’s going to be a woman…
    Harris is tainted - he donated a whole lotta money to MJM. He’s tied to MJM. If there is a new speaker, it SHOULDN”T be him.

  63. - Powdered Whig - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:42 am:

    Just to be clear, despite the large number of Democratic seats, a new Speaker means a rebuilding of the caucus political apparatus. I have previously raised issues regarding the ability of other legislators to put such an apparatus together. I don’t see anyone that fits the bill right now.

  64. - Chicagonk - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:42 am:

    The question for me is whether Madigan’s successor will try to keep all of Madigan’s rules and organizational power in place or whether that will fall apart once the big guy is gone.

  65. - The Moderate Non-Voter - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:45 am:

    - dupage progressive -

    Harris isn’t tainted. He fits many qualities in the oppression olympics. He’d make a good Speaker.

  66. - McLeanist - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 12:06 pm:

    If, and not assuming anything, but if MJM doesn’t retain the speakership, any thoughts on if he would continue as 22nd District Rep? I realize this is clearly a “cart before the horse” question, but could we really see him returning as a rank and file member?

  67. - Precinct Captain - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 12:07 pm:

    - Steve Rogers - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 11:16 am:

    Unclear on the concept of a retention election? It’s Keep or Don’t Keep, not candidate versus candidate. Try to keep up.

    To the updates, the scorecard is:
    MJM 58
    Kifowit 1

  68. - Captain Obvious - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 12:29 pm:

    McLeanist asks a very pertinent question. Is Madigan a fade into the sunset kind of guy? He is 78 but do you see him not fighting back? He will still have enough money and likely influence to be a thorn in the side of those who oust him. That’s why it would be optimum to have many more than 15 come out and say they will not vote for him. Leave him enough loyalists and he could come right back. He will be motivated to do so by his nature.

  69. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 12:33 pm:

    To update 2

    Madigan can fight the accusations, the possible legal, even the ethical going forward… but Madigan won’t be doing it… as Speaker.

    That battle is over. It’s time to think behind yesterday, today… and Madigan needs to think to his tomorrows… and what the tomorrows bring.

    Staying now, today, as Speaker… is a selfish game of false belief that the end of the road isn’t upon him

  70. - SE Progressive - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 12:38 pm:

    On one had I’d love to see new leadership instead of Madigan in there again as Speaker.
    On the other hand, whenever I see a FB post from Darren Bailey cheering the end of Madigan’s reign, I kinda want him to continue on.
    (Mostly sarcastic)

  71. - Nick - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 12:40 pm:

    That looks like the ballgame

  72. - NIU Grad - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 12:46 pm:

    Am I the only one that thinks this doesn’t feel real? Like…is today the day?

  73. - Nick - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 12:51 pm:

    It’s rather anticlimatic

  74. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 12:52 pm:

    === This is the best thing to happen to the ILGOP in decades.===

    Dunno about that.

    The ILGOP has yet to show they can win statehouse and congressional seats in Cook and the Collars *with* Madigan… how’s that gonna go without Madigan?

    (Tips hat to - Nick -, humbly)

  75. - Nagidam - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 12:53 pm:

    After discussions with Labor leaders and the Trial Lawyers over the weekend, my bet is three people not named Kifowit emerge next week. New names just needed the numbers to say the Speaker cannot get re-elected. The prospective Speaker candidates can now get in the chase.

  76. - Nick - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 1:05 pm:

    Guzzardi tweeting lol

    “Fifteen of us are now publicly committed not to vote for Madigan. That only leaves 58 Democrats.

    It’s time to start talking about who can get to 60.”

  77. - BeenThereDoneThat - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 1:50 pm:

    My prediction - Speaker Kelly Burke. She defeated Madigan’s hand-picked candidate in a primary, held no grudge, moved eventually into leadership, is smart and well liked in the building.

  78. - Precinct Captain - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 1:55 pm:

    Nick - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 1:05 pm

    Look at how quick he said this only applies to the vote for Speaker lol. He can’t get his own bills out of his own committee lol.

  79. - Amalia - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:20 pm:

    there are more women in the caucus than men. Barbara Flynn Currie was loyal for like ever. way past time to have a woman lead one of of the chambers. Ladies, get going.

  80. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:24 pm:

    The more names coming forward, the more it’s like setting sail, landing, and burning your ship… there’s no turning back, it’s beyond the point of worry, the piling on will be the play, not the peeling away.

    Waiting and watching.

  81. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:24 pm:

    Thank you thank you thank you to all these members who have surrendered to common sense and reason in calling for Madigan’s retirement despite the tremendous pressure brought to bear on you from many insiders seeking to keep the status quo churning on.

    The overwhelming majority of Illinois citizens thank you and bless you for doing the right thing here.

    Being willing to say good bye to the Madigan anchor dragging down the Illinois Democratic Party does not show any betrayal or disloyalty. It means being a reality-based person.

  82. - northside reformer - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:28 pm:

    Did CTU clear Guzzardi’s statement? In all seriousness, look how long it took for the guy who posterized Joe Berrios to come out against Madigan. The kids all growns up.

  83. - Powdered Whig - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:29 pm:

    === The ILGOP has yet to show they can win statehouse and congressional seats in Cook and the Collars *with* Madigan… how’s that gonna go without Madigan? ===

    You are assuming, like many others, that Madigan was a net negative for the Democrats. Sure, the Republicans have used Madigan as a punching bag for decades, and in the last few cycles it has started to gain some traction.

    With that said, what Madigan brings to the table is a seasoned group of staff and supporters that all contribute to the effort to get House Democrats elected. Winning campaigns do not materialize out of thin air. With Madigan gone, plenty of loyal followers will leave with him. Sure, many of these folks will still be around the Capitol, but how many of them are willing to dedicate their nights, weekends… their lives to helping out a new Speaker? This work is extremely hard work, and I suspect many of them will se this as an opportunity to ride off into the sunset or do other things with their free time. That is the intangible factor that will be missing without Madigan. I know people here say that someone else will pick up where he left off, but I don’t see it. It will be a rebuilding process from the ground up, and whoever takes the helm will not have the experience, knowledge or expertise that the Speaker has brought to the table. I think the caucus is in for a big surprise and a world of hurt over the next several cycles.

  84. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:35 pm:

    === You are assuming, like many others, that Madigan was a net negative for the Democrats. Sure, the Republicans have used Madigan as a punching bag for decades, and in the last few cycles it has started to gain some traction.===


    In all you stated, you didn’t refute a single word or reality of… results.

    === Sure, many of these folks will still be around the Capitol, but how many of them are willing to dedicate their nights, weekends… their lives to helping out a new Speaker?===


    And McConchie and Durkin are going to be those motivators far more than the supermajority that can offer those who do decide to work hard… opportunities… that Madigan might not have given.

    === I think the caucus is in for a big surprise and a world of hurt over the next several cycles.===

    Yeah. The map. You forgot the map.

    … and the senate map… congressional map… and who exactly is gong to run statewide without “Madigan” to run against?

    In the Biden midterm, you think Raunerites clamoring fit a 51st state, who supported a racist “former” president in Trump… that’s a new day.

    Regroup, Renew, Recruit… the rest is “hope”

    Hope isn’t a plan.

  85. - Nick - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:38 pm:

    2022 does pose some risks, but it’s useful for IL Dems that they can redistrict quite a few of those risks into something more managable.

    And many of the suburban voters that have shifted Dem 2016-2020 aren’t going to shift back.

  86. - Powdered Whig - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:39 pm:

    === In all you stated, you didn’t refute a single word or reality of… results. ===

    In 2018, he won a supermajority that the chamber has never seen. This year, in an “off” year, he lost 1 net seat. Don’t talk to me about results.

  87. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:42 pm:

    === This year, in an “off” year, he lost 1 net seat. Don’t talk to me about results.===

    Narrator: it’s still a supermajority.

    What, you think the Dems should win all 118?

    As someone pointed out, 51 HDem seats were unopposed, that’s not a Madigan problem.

    Anything else?

  88. - Powdered Whig - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:44 pm:

    === Yeah. The map. You forgot the map. ===

    And what is going to happen with the map? Didn’t JB say that he was going to veto and map that he didn’t perceive as a “fair” map?

  89. - ZC - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:44 pm:

    The best thing that would have happened to the ILGOP’s political prospects in decades is if the Fair Tax had passed.

  90. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:45 pm:

    === And what is going to happen with the map? Didn’t JB say that he was going to veto and map that he didn’t perceive as a “fair” map?===

    The hopes for Raunerites is a Dem governor?

    Hope… is not a plan.

    At this point, no Raunerite is going to say any map that’s drawn by anyone other than them will be deemed “fair”

  91. - AD - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:47 pm:

    ===And many of the suburban voters that have shifted Dem 2016-2020 aren’t going to shift back.===

    You sure about that? If you told me last November about everything that would happen in 2020, let’s just say I’d be a little hesitant to believe you. And now you’re trying to predict people’s opinions 24 months from now, let’s just say I’m very hesitant to believe you.

  92. - Powdered Whig - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:49 pm:

    === The hopes for Raunerites is a Dem governor? ===

    I have no idea what you are talking about.

    I guess I have to be explicit. I don’t think that there is another House Dem that has the political savvy to craft a map that will overcome what will likely be coming on the national level. Whether it was by design or not, I don’t know. But I predict it is going to be a complete cluster.

  93. - Nick - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:51 pm:

    ===You sure about that? If you told me last November about everything that would happen in 2020, let’s just say I’d be a little hesitant to believe you. And now you’re trying to predict people’s opinions 24 months from now, let’s just say I’m very hesitant to believe you.===

    Trends are called trends for a reason.

    And 2020 if anything confirmed many of the trends we’ve been seeing for awhile. Rural voters becoming more Republican, suburban voters becoming more Democratic, to varying degrees.

  94. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:51 pm:

    ===And many of the suburban voters that have shifted Dem 2016-2020 aren’t going to shift back.===


    “And many south suburban voters that have shifted Dem here in 1996 they are going to shift back”

    - Lee Daniels talking about getting the the gavel back … forgetting the map… and demographics… maybe.

  95. - Random Online Blogger - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:51 pm:

    The biggest issue for Madigan once he isnt Speaker anymore is what they call the Paterno Affect. Once Joe Paterno was weakened enough he couldnt keep a lid on the stories surrounding Jerry Sandusky, they all came out as there was no negative consequence because there was no more leverage on the throat. Once Madigan is stripped of his official power it will all escalate as people clamor to get on the right side of things and a new round of stories that connect the dots come out. This is a bonanza for the G and their case

  96. - Powdered Whig - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:51 pm:

    === And 2020 if anything confirmed many of the trends we’ve been seeing for awhile. Rural voters becoming more Republican, suburban voters becoming more Democratic, to varying degrees. ===

    Tell that to Diane Pappas and Mary-Edly Allen.

  97. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:53 pm:

    === I have no idea what you are talking about.===

    Sure you do, lol

    You said it here;

    === And what is going to happen with the map? Didn’t JB say that he was going to veto and map that he didn’t perceive as a “fair” map?===

    Raunerites are counting in a Dem governor.

    === I don’t think that there is another House Dem that has the political savvy to craft a map that will overcome what will likely be coming on the national level.===

    Again, there were 51 unopposed HDem seats.

    You keep forgetting.

  98. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:54 pm:

    === Tell that to Diane Pappas and Mary-Edly Allen.===

    Grant Wehrli… Allen Skillicorn

  99. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 2:57 pm:

    Heck, Anne Stava-Murray survived…

  100. - Nick - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 3:00 pm:

    Also didn’t the Dems *just* flip the DuPage County Board?

    I’m not saying there won’t be any reversion at all in 2022, but you can’t turn back the clock on these sorts of shifts.

  101. - Huh? - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 3:03 pm:

    I will wait until the private Democratic caucus vote to see if Madigan is forced out. All this chest beating about how someone won’t vote for Madigan political puffery. Between now and then, arms will be twisted and deals made.

  102. - Frank talks - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 3:31 pm:

    Well this is a turn of events I don’t think folks we’re banking on.

    Had Pappas and Edly-Allen won I’d wait and see how votes were going against him. Their losses combined with Stava and Costa wins shows that the Speakers operation isn’t as strong as it used to be. Plus you may not actually need him like before?

  103. - Marquee - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 3:34 pm:

    Chris Welch is the best candidate to be the new Speaker but he is not helping his cause by delaying the investigation committee

  104. - DuPage Dave - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 3:43 pm:

    Madigan’s best bet is to retire soon. Tomorrow would be a good day. If he fails to win re-election as Speaker he will regret staying. So leave now.

  105. - Been There - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 3:43 pm:

    =====The man is 78 years old. Seriously how could there not be a tacit heir apparent even if it was not previously possible to say so publicly?==

    Remember Lou Lang? Problem is Lou and others thought Madigan would retire around 8-10 years ago. Didnt happen and Lang and others moved on for various other reasons.

  106. - Marquee - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 3:58 pm:

    Madigan is the reason Sara Feigenholtz gave up her House seniority to go to the Senate

  107. - Amalia - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 4:25 pm:

    Marty Moylan’s letter makes me laugh even more now.

  108. - JS Mill - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 5:47 pm:

    MJM does not leave of his own volition. He will have to be removed. He has too much to lose if he gives up control, too many skeletons.

    What will be interesting is how it all plays out and will the democrats engage in public squabbling that allows the ILGOP a shot a relevance if only for a minute.

  109. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 7:20 pm:

    Don’t count the votes before they are cast…Madigan appears to not have enough votes…today. When the caucus meets to pick a Speaker, and folks actually cast a vote…then, we will know. Until then, don’t count Madigan out.

    As a hard-core Dem, I would love to see some new leadership. (DPI is so useless to anyone but a House Dem that the county Chairs had to create a parallel organization to help non-House candidates.) It has been time to move forward for 10 or 20 years; yet, Madigan remains. He is resilient. I will believe he is out as Speaker when he loses an actual vote on the Speakership. Words are just that, words.

    Kelly Burke and Chris Welch might be good candidates for Speaker, but unless one of them (or someone else the House Dems would trust) is willing to stand for the job…and that stance brings huge risks if they lose…it will be Madigan again.

    I’m waiting for the caucus vote. (and hoping for change)

  110. - Twinkie Man - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 7:36 pm:

    Can someone say why both the Latino and Black caucus remain mum? It’s time for a new leadership, bold ideas, transparency.

    There is a reason why our nation does not have a
    monarchy; why they passed a constitutional amended after FDR’s reign; we don’t have rulers like Pres. Putin (respectfully speaking).

    Speaker in Jan 2021: Rep. G. Harris.

  111. - Chatham Resident - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 7:59 pm:

    Is Margaret Croke related to Ryan Croke (one of Quinn’s chiefs of staff)?

  112. - Mal - Thursday, Nov 19, 20 @ 9:58 pm:

    I had a dream Boss Madigan was watching the Training Day movie and the scene where he says “You think you can do this to me”? “You all will be playing basketball in you know where when I get through with you” lol

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