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“When the vaccines become available, please take it”

Wednesday, Dec 9, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It was good to see an Illinoisan with such courage highlighted yesterday

Bonnie Blue, one of the first participants in the Moderna vaccine trial at the University of Illinois Chicago, spoke about her experience Tuesday, saying she took a “huge risk” in doing the trial.

Blue, who joined Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker in his daily coronavirus update, is a 68-year-old former Senior Case Manager in the HIV program at Provident Hospital of Cook County with asthma who said her “body is fragile.”

She chose to take part in the trial despite objections from loved ones due to being so at-risk.

“For a person that has been on life support so many times, for me to take part in this trial was a huge risk, a risk my family and friends weren’t happy I was taking, but I’m here,” she said.

* Alton Telegraph

Blue has asthma, and noted she was on life support 13 times over her life.

She added that it was important for those on life support to have friends and relatives with them to “hold their hand,” but with COVID that is not possible.

Originally, Blue said she would “wait a year or two” before trying it before becoming a trial participant, and noted that because of her medical history it could have been a “huge risk” and her family did not like it.

“My body is fragile, that’s what I’ve been told by the doctors, but I do what I have to do,” she said. “Please do what you have to do to stay safe. When the vaccines become available, please take it.”

* From Capitol News Illinois

Although the state of Illinois is having its own independent team review the data, Pritzker said the vaccine appears to be effective in 95 percent of the people who receive it, and in 94 percent of people over age 65.

“Illinois will only distribute a vaccine that is deemed safe, and we are one of many states that have established additional review panels, including Indiana, California, New York, West Virginia and Michigan,” Pritzker said. “Our Illinois team is already poring over the analysis released by the FDA on the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine this morning.”

An FDA review committee is scheduled to meet Thursday to decide whether to grant the companies Emergency Use Authorization to release the vaccine. If that happens, Pritzker said, the first shipment could arrive in Illinois next week.

* Tribune

Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike said her agency is working with organizations across the state to make the virus as accessible as possible once the state has enough doses to immunize anyone who wants it. That includes plans in the works for drive-thru vaccination clinics, she said.

As state and local officials prepare for the vaccine’s arrival, Illinois continues to see some positive trends in its fight against the pandemic compared with the past month, when cases, hospitalizations and deaths were rising rapidly, though officials still are bracing for a possible post-Thanksgiving spike.

* SJ-R

Front-line health care workers and nursing home residents are scheduled to be offered the vaccine first, followed by others at higher risk of COVID-19-related medical complications. For now, it’s likely that only people 18 and older will be offered vaccine because the vaccine hasn’t been tested on children yet, Ezike said.

“Without vaccination, this pandemic will extend longer than it needs to,” she said. “Let’s fight back and let’s do what it takes to get us to the end sooner.”

She added it will take months to roll out the vaccine to priority groups and even longer for the general public because of limited supplies in the U.S. “I ask that people be patient. We can only allocate the vaccine that we’re actually given, so we’re prioritizing those at greatest risk of exposure and severe illness. We are hoping for everyone to get this vaccine in the coming year.”

* Daily Herald

The state’s seven-day average infection rate now stands at 9.9%, the first time it has dipped below 10% since Nov. 6.

Nov. 6 was also the first day the state started including the results of “rapid-result” antigen tests in the state’s daily case counts, which caused a noticeable spike in the infection rate.

The seven-day average infection rate, also referred to as a case positivity rate, is the percentage of new cases each day among the number of test results. It is a metric health officials use to determine when to enact or lift mitigation restrictions on businesses and gatherings.

In the suburbs Tuesday, many counties saw the seven-day average infection rates shrink or stay the same. Will County reported an infection rate below 14% for the first time since Nov. 5. The only county that didn’t see a decrease in the infection rate was Kane County, which climbed from Monday’s rate of 13.9% to 14.3% Tuesday.


  1. - Martin - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 7:45 am:

    I am 64. According to the NYTimes “when will I get vaccinated” calculator, I am behind 268.7 million people nationwide, 4.2 million in Cook County. If I were 65, those numbers would drop to 118.5mm nationwide and 1.9mm in Cook County. That is without health issues. I do have some. I am fat, have high blood pressure and elevated blood sugar (my doctor says type II diabetes). That moves me to 23mm nationwide and 363,200 in Cook County. Right now, I feel guilty about moving so fr up in line. Am I being too sensitive?

    The NyTimes calculator is here -

  2. - Trubisky clipboard - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 8:23 am:

    Some of the data coming from UK right now is showing substantial side effects from yesterday’s shots.

    Overreact much? Two people with a history of allergic reactions had treatable reaction to the vaccine. Change the channel from CNN.

  3. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 8:32 am:

    Bonnie Blue is an inspiration and an incredibly brave person.

    Please take not of this lady politicians. She is a hero.

  4. - Chatham Resident - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 9:11 am:

    I plan to get the vaccine as soon as possible after I’m allowed to take it. Even if the vaccine causes dangerous side effects, in my opinion it’s still worth the risk.

  5. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 9:15 am:

    Oops. That was me at 9:15am

  6. - Resolved - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 9:17 am:


  7. - Touré's Latte - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 9:36 am:

    So now the anti-vaxxers have a new whipping boy in these CV19 shots? Give me a break.

  8. - EssentialWorkingMom - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 9:36 am:

    I wasn’t expecting Trubisky’s Clipboard to be as disappointing as Trubisky himself. Literally just went to CNN’s website (out of curiosity, because I don’t regularly visit) and on their cover page, upper right, is an article with the title “Allergy warning for Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine after UK health workers with allergy history suffer reaction”.

    Perhaps, if some common sense clipboard were used, it would recommend that each individual evaluate their own risks and benefits for a vaccine. Ms. Blue obviously had a lot of health risks before she signed up for the study, but the benefits were worth it to her.

  9. - harp5339 - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 10:06 am:

    This was an amusing typo from the Herald-Review report:

    “Dr. Ngozi Ezike said her agency is working with organizations across the state to make the virus as accessible as possible”

    There are unfortunately enough Illinoisans handling this task, we don’t need any more help in that regard!

  10. - 1st Ward - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 10:10 am:

    Unfortunately, the national media continues to pump the fear machine in regards to everything Covid. Two people with allergies have “reactions” and now the media says don’t get the vaccine if you have allergies. The Sun Times had a good piece yesterday with the US national media spreading covid fear. 91% of US media Covid coverage was negative compared to 54% non-US media and 65% in leading scientific journals. I wish they had some cites in the piece though.

  11. - Cube Dweller No More - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 10:20 am:

    * Stunning that this needs to be said. *

    Stunning that you don’t think some people may have reservations, and no, I’m not an anti-vaxxer.

  12. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 10:31 am:

    ==and now the media says don’t get the vaccine if you have allergies==

    The media did not say that. British health authorities said that, and that’s not at all what they said. They said if you have a history of severe allergic reactions to vaccines you shouldn’t take it right now.

  13. - Club J - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 10:41 am:

    As I listened to Ms. Blue speak yesterday and she said she had been on life support 13 times my heart sunk. Talk about someone with a will to live and for her to sign up for this trial. She’s a shining example of what we all should strive to be. She is the true Matriarch of her family. I would proudly walk in her footsteps.

  14. - 1st Ward - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 10:44 am:

    “severe allergic reactions”

    Define severe. This blog continues to point out Illinoisans and Americans not wearing masks and how clear the science is in wearing them. How many millions of people have had an allergic reaction to anything? What constitutes as severe? How do you think these people will react to the headline of don’t take it if you have a history of severe reactions. It’s a complete undermine and completely irresponsible because 2 people are recovering well after having a “reaction”.

  15. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 10:50 am:

    ==It’s a complete undermine and completely irresponsible because 2 people are recovering well after having a “reaction”.==

    Then take it up with the British authorities. I agree thta people shouldn’t overreact to this. This sort of stuff is going to happen.

  16. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 11:49 am:

    =Define severe.=. What, your computer doesn’t have the Google? There is an actual definition. It is a real thing called anaphylaxis.

    I am tired of all of the “alternative fax” people out there. There is actual truth in this world. You and darren bailey can live where you want, but I am all filled up on crazy these days.

  17. - JoanP - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 12:58 pm:

    =“Dr. Ngozi Ezike said her agency is working with organizations across the state to make the virus as accessible as possible”=

    I thought that was Tom Devore’s job.

  18. - thoughts matter - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 1:03 pm:

    The severe allergic reaction was such that they needed to use the epi-pens that they already carried with them. This should not be a surprise. Flu shots come with a warning for those with allergies to eggs. As for CNN, I saw a segment today where the suggestion was to take a proactive antihistamine before you took the shot. That’s a far cry from telling people not to take it. Quite honestly the people telling me that they won’t take the vaccine keep their TVs on Fox and Newsmax.

  19. - 96Illini - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 3:34 pm:

    I, for one, will not hesitate to take the Trump vaccine. I appreciate how heaven and earth were moved during operation Warp Speed to bring us out of this pandemic.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 3:54 pm:

    === Trump vaccine===

    … to stop the Trump Virus that are the cause of deaths under Trump’s watch.

    Dolly Parton (yes, *that* Dolly Parton) has been credited, personally, to donating to the creation of the vaccine, and did so quietly, only made public well after the donation.

    The Dolly Vaccine seems appropriate.

  21. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 4:00 pm:

    ==the Trump vaccine==

    lol. What a maroon.

  22. - 96Illini - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 4:39 pm:

    Didn’t know that about Dolly, but now I like her even more. Jolene is one of the best country songs ever written.

    I’m kidding a bit with Trump comment, BUT, with a “normal” president in office there’s no way we get a vaccine this fast. The guy cuts through red tape with a chainsaw.

    Hey Demoralized- Bugs Bunny called and wants his insult back.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 4:47 pm:

    === BUT, with a “normal” president in office there’s no way we get a vaccine this fast.===


    Friend, the companies manufacturing are the ones doing the lift. These companies do NOT recognize this President as a mitigating factor to their speed, including Pfizer who makes a point that the Administration put no monies toward its creation.

    Trump is far from any hero in *any* of this…

    Heroes are those willing to take the Dolly Vaccine, the scientists, doctors…

  24. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 5:52 pm:

    @96Illini- when is Trump taking that chainsaw to a health care plan?

    Asking for a couple of hundred million friends.

  25. - Martin - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 6:12 pm:

    The Tangerine One does not deserve credit for the vaccine. This all goes to Big Pharma. And the system is designed to respond in emergencies. And it did.

    Science has known about the possibilities of using messenger RNA for a long time. The technology did not exist. Even now, it requires special handling. We have two different approaches and will soon know which is better. A lot of work had been done on developing messenger RNA technology in the past dozen years or so. The kind of basic research that costs billions and may not go anywhere. We were lucky that Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna did this work and realized back in Feb-March that it could be used for a COVID vaccine. Most of the work had focused on its use in oncology. All the companies involved immediately pivoted to vaccine work. Pfizer and BioNTech without any puch from the government. Moderna had the benefit of the work done by a Vanderbilt researcher who benefited from a million dollars in seed money from Dolly.

    If you do not love Dolly Parton as a person and a performer, there is something wrong with you. Watch her cover of Neil Young’s After the Gold Rush.

  26. - Blue Dog Dem - Wednesday, Dec 9, 20 @ 8:37 pm:

    I said it yesterday,but it’s worth repeating. Thank goodness for capitalism and the American healthcare system.

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