Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » VFW State Commander, numerous county Veterans Assistance Commission superintendents, Medal of Honor recipient call for Chapa LaVia’s and Kolbeck’s resignations
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VFW State Commander, numerous county Veterans Assistance Commission superintendents, Medal of Honor recipient call for Chapa LaVia’s and Kolbeck’s resignations

Monday, Jan 4, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Open letter…


It is with deep regret, that we, the undersigned, must demand the immediate dismissal or resignation of Director Linda Chapa LaVia and Chief of Staff Anthony Kolbeck for their misfeasance and nonfeasance concerning the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak at the various Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Homes. As the leading advocates for veterans, in the 10th most veteran populous state, we have simply lost confidence in their ability lead. We are concerned about actions that took place under their leadership as well as actions that did not take place under their leadership. These include, but are not limited to:

    - In a consultative visit by the VA’s VISN-12 Infection Control Lead on 11/12/2020 it was found that a non-alcohol-based hand sanitizer, ineffective against COVID-19, was found to be used in all mounted dispensers throughout the La Salle Veterans Home. This occurred several months after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control recommended that only specific alcohol-based hand sanitizers be used. According to Illinois House Testimony by Department staff, this occurred inat least one other State Veterans Home.

    - Additionally, unapproved Personal Protective Equipment was being used and there was found to be no temperature monitoring staff found to be at the employee entrance at the time of the consultative visit.

    - A key position in preventing such issues, the Senior Homes Administrator, was left vacant for over a year despite a majority of that time being during a Pandemic that has been known to have a detrimental impact on long-term care facilities. There is no excuse as to why that position, one which oversees all State Veterans Homes, would remain vacant for that long.

    - Until mid-December, there was no standardized notification letter that reported standard information for the outbreaks across the State Veterans Homes. In fact, it appeared that the Quincy Veterans Home altered their notification letter to remove information in early December after a new outbreak started there. That is despite promises from Department leadership to be “transparent” and leads us to the conclusion that Department leadership was aware of and directing these actions or that they were simply asleep at the wheel. Our veterans deserve better.

As far as what was not done, we are deeply concerned about the Department’s communication plan and incident response plan which have been seemingly non-existent. To our knowledge, no Department Press Conferences have been held on the specific topic of the COVID-19 outbreaks at any of the State Veterans Homes. Additionally, an Incident Command System appears to have never been activated, which would have allowed for a Unified Command to coordinate the response. Further, not until late into the La Salle Veterans Home outbreak did leadership even visit the Veterans Home. This is indicative of leadership that is not actively participating in managing the crisis and is again, unacceptable. Our veterans deserve better.

It is for the reasons set forth above, that we must take the unprecedented step in demanding the immediate dismissal or resignation of Director Linda Chapa LaVia, Chief of Staff Anthony Kolbeck, and any other official deemed culpable in these outbreaks. Our veterans deserve better.

Respectfully Submitted

* Signatories…

I’ve asked the governor’s office for a response.


  1. - NIU Grad - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 4:32 pm:

    Now we finally get to see the administration’s official word on this agency’s leadership. My thinking has been either they’re sticking with the director because of politics…or they want her around long enough to be the scapegoat. But by waiting so long, any dismissal will be perceived as a shakeup “in the face of criticism.” I can’t believe this administration is bungling this so badly.

    “To our knowledge, no Department Press Conferences have been held on the specific topic of the COVID-19 outbreaks at any of the State Veterans Homes.”

    If the administration had faith in Director Chapa LaVia, she would have been present at the Governor’s press conferences detailing the agency’s response to this issue. The fact that she has been mostly out of sight is inexcusable if the administration still has faith in her.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 4:33 pm:

    How Chapa LaVia is still director is… wow.

    That it got this far to this letter, that this letter needs to exist, that Chapa LaVia herself, after her own words to the past governor and director, this is truly… wow.

    It’s past time.

    Chapa LaVia must resign, or be asked to resign.

  3. - Anon1 - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 4:35 pm:

    Why Pritzker appointed Chapa in the first place is a valid question. She showed little competence as a state representative, why would she be qualified to oversee the care of our state’s veterans? She should resign immediately.

  4. - 4 percent - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 5:08 pm:

    John Sullivan was forced out for not reading an email…

  5. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 5:12 pm:

    Linda - you need to do the right thing and resign. You need to do that, irrespective of what the Gov says to you.

  6. - Nagidam - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 6:07 pm:

    Well the governor got about 5 hours of goodwill on his success regarding cannabis expulsions. Fickle world this thing called politics. But, this issue is on him and how he has handled it.

  7. - Not a DJT Apologist - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 6:07 pm:

    ===There is no excuse as to why that position, one which oversees all State Veterans Homes, would remain vacant for that long.=== Mercy

  8. - Marine267 - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 6:26 pm:

    Chapa LaVia knew, or should have known, that leaders take responsibility. This job is not about padding one’s pension or photo op for a long time rep who could not even win a mayoral primary in her hometown. She is incompetent and untrustworthy. The honorable thing would be to resign. If not, the Administration should show they care about veterans and remove Chapa LaVia and Kolbeck.

  9. - Almost the weekend - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 7:33 pm:

    Has it ever been determined what Deputy Governor oversees this agency?

  10. - Helm - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 7:41 pm:

    Seeing that Chapa La Via was appointed in February 2019 if she can hang on until February 2021 does that giver her a higher final average salary for pension purposes ?

    She needs to go……last year……

  11. - Smarty - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 7:47 pm:

    Her appointment is up January 18th. My guess is that she won’t be re-appointed.

  12. - Truth - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 8:39 pm:

    Enough of the Chapa Lavia witch hunt.
    I smell a poorly disguised partisan attack here… and at least one disgruntled former employee.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 8:42 pm:

    === witch hunt===

    Tell that to the 34

    If you’d like, I can pull up Chapa LaVia quotes during the prior administration and calls to the previous director.

    Was Chapa LaVia on a witch hunt then?

  14. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 9:20 pm:

    Leadership is about responsibility. The veterans calling for her removal know that. She has lost their belief in and support of her leadership of the Agency. She has to resign.

  15. - Candy Dogood - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 9:51 pm:

    Okay, VFW leaders, lets talk about “misfeasance and nonfeasance concerning the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak.”

    How many VFW Posts are still open for indoor service of food and alcohol? The closest one to me is. How long did it take for the VFW Posts to comply with mitigation efforts? When did the LaSalle VFW post stop having service of indoor food and drinks? When did they cancel their events? How many weeks after the most recent mitigation efforts was that?

    I’m not going to go for a deep dive into social media accounts for all of the signatories, so basically started with the top, Commander Laurie Emmer. It took me fewer than five minutes to locate a post advocating against the State’s mitigation efforts on her public facing campaign website for her county board seat.

    I’m not making a defense for the failure of the Pritzker Administration to create the appearance of accountability, but I am really tired of vocal critics who hold elected office who have routinely advocated against our state’s mitigation efforts clutching their pearls.

    We have more than 16,000 dead in this state from COVID-19 and there have been many contributing factors to those deaths, but here we have another elected official denouncing something that is a consequence of their own behavior.

    On October 1st Laurie Emmer was advocating that bars and restaurants continue to operate without restriction.

    Laurie Emmer should resign.


  16. - Gary - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 9:58 pm:

    Lynch is a MOH recipient who last worked for the IDVA before probably any current employee there now has. He has been involved with veteran’s issues since he left the service. To single him out is not appropriate “Truth.” He’s earned the right to give his opinion on veterans issues.

  17. - Truth - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 10:27 pm:

    Gary- You’re incorrect.. I was not referring to Mr Lynch as the disgruntled employee.

  18. - Adjutant - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 10:31 pm:

    Worst Chain of Command I have ever worked under!

  19. - Not a DJT Apologist - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 11:17 pm:

    OW and NIU Grad comments on this blog are proving to be correct:

  20. - Targeted anger - Tuesday, Jan 5, 21 @ 12:43 am:

    No witch hunt here I am a dem but I care about our veterans and Illinois government. I cannot understand why our country’s 5th largest state made such a dismal choice in VA Directors. I also do not understand why Pritzker will not remove Chapa La Via asap. If the position was reversed, I have no doubt she would throw him under the bus. Also, with all the names on that letter, I don’t get why Pritzker would think she could serve him and the people of Illinois. Good question about the Dep Gov? Who is it? I am interested, too.

  21. - heart of illinois - Tuesday, Jan 5, 21 @ 1:22 am:

    Not DJT apologist…
    Thanks for proving what’s clear…OW has certainly been after her to begin with.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 5, 21 @ 7:19 am:

    ===… has certainly been after her to begin with.===

    While I wasn’t keen on her appointment, what is happening now and my thoughts are also found as to why, and it appears, by this post, others are asking for Chapa LaVia to step down.

  23. - Anon1 - Tuesday, Jan 5, 21 @ 9:23 am:

    @ Truth, it’s not a witch hunt. There are plenty of people in Springfield that can attest to Chapa’s incompetence. A bunch of them served with her in the G.A. She wasn’t the most popular member.

  24. - Duke - Tuesday, Jan 5, 21 @ 10:34 am:

    Fire the Director and rebuild. Anaon1 is right. I found Chapa LaVia to lack character. She broke her word, threw others under the bus and spoke out of both sides of her mouth. It was also offensive that she routinely claimed to be an army officer and was never deployed. No leadership skills. Pritzker needs to admit to his mistake and get rid of her. Enough people have died. This sad second choice candidate should never have been entrusted with the job.

  25. - s - Tuesday, Jan 5, 21 @ 3:07 pm:

    If the Quincy notification was altered, then Superintendent Troy Culbertson should be removed. As I am sure he was aware and probably tried to cover the new outbreak.

  26. - Pizza Man - Tuesday, Jan 5, 21 @ 3:22 pm:

    The governor should have been very selective when choosing his VA director in Feb. 2019, especially to see what Rauner went thru with his own VA director during the legionnaire’s outbreak debacle in 2017.
    He must request both Chapa’s and Kolbeck’s resignation mostly on incompetence and face the storm of ‘waiting too long himself to take action.’

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