Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Democratic House Rep. calls on IDVA Director Chapa LaVia to resign
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Democratic House Rep. calls on IDVA Director Chapa LaVia to resign

Monday, Jan 11, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

“I have lost confidence that the current leadership is equipped to address the many challenges facing the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Director Chapa LaVia should resign so we can begin the process of rebuilding trust with Illinois’ veterans and their families.”

Rep. Daniel Didech (D - Buffalo Grove)

*** UPDATE *** Rep. David Welter (R-Morris)…

Director Chapa LaVia’s performance at today’s House Judiciary – Civil Committee does not provide me the confidence in her leadership skills to lead the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs any longer. If Director Chapa LaVia fails to do the honorable thing and resign then, Governor Pritzker must demand her resignation.

* Press release…

State Representative Deanne Mazzochi (R-Elmhurst), a member of the House Judiciary-Civil Committee, has released the following statement after this morning’s hearing on the LaSalle Veteran’s Home COVID-19 outbreak:

“I have spent months warning about the dangers COVID can present to vulnerable seniors in long term care facilities, and encouraging the state to devote more resources to protect them.

When we have a veteran’s facility where over 25% of the residents have died subsequent to a COVID outbreak, I had hoped Director Chapa LaVia would have clear, direct answers; would be intimately knowledgeable with the facts from the fateful two weeks in late October to early November when the COVID outbreak at the facility lost containment; and that she personally had initiated discussions with not just the personnel involved, but the Governor, to keep our veterans in not just LaSalle, but everywhere in the state, safe.

However, after spending the morning questioning director Chapa LaVia and her staff, the department and our veterans would be better served by a change in leadership, and I am calling upon her to resign. I am holding her to no less of a standard than the one she applied when she served as a legislator with oversight on issues involving our veterans.

Under her leadership, COVID-19 was able to run rampant in two of the state’s four homes, resulting in the deaths of dozens of veterans in the state’s care. Finding out what went wrong and where, and demanding accountability is not, as she called it, “micromanagement”; and understanding what went wrong is not just the job of people with medical credentials. It means getting all the facts immediately; and taking responsibility for the organization that she heads to resolve a crisis.

I am particularly disturbed that the agency has outsourced any continued investigation or options for improvement onto a separate agency, with no concurrent self-assessment on the practices and policies that led to the outbreaks. As members of our committee from both sides of the aisle agree, what they heard today was stonewalling of our legislative investigation; and a distinct lack of corrective action being taken by the agency. And, that no steps were taken to ensure the investigative cooperation of the administrator in charge of the facility at the time is an independent critical oversight error.

Furthermore, the apparent effort to insist that this outbreak must have arisen as the result of generalized COVID “community spread” in the LaSalle area, while calling “speculative” the heartbreaking possibility that COVID spread and deaths arose because patient bubbles were not preserved; doors to the rooms of COVID-positive patients were kept wide open; re-gloving from patient to patient was not properly done; the wrong kind of hand sanitizer was in dispensers; cross-contamination risks in administrative areas, and much more as detailed in the evidence of infectious disease control reports who visited the site on just one day, is appalling.

We can’t be afraid to say mistakes were made, and use that to find ways to get better. But to suggest, as was done today, that collective bargaining requirements may prevent full and immediate compliance by staff with infection control requirements is fundamentally disturbing. We can’t be afraid to tell union leadership that our veterans deserve our best. If you cannot get what you need because of procedural rules, then go to bat for our veterans with the Governor, and if he won’t act, then to us, so the necessary change occurs. Every Agency director should be expected to do that, and anyone in charge of our state’s veterans must be someone who not only wants to, but will, identify and rectify their facilities’ COVID policies and practices immediately and to ensure our veterans get the best care.”


  1. - Pizza Man - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:36 am:

    She was never qualified to run this massive bureaucracy and quite a sensitive state agency (especially during this pandemic) which deals with many service members’ lives. I recall when she lambasted then-Gov. Rauner’s VA director during the Legionnaires disease-related death hearings. Rauner was publicly criticized for his weak leadership on this issue and agency.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:38 am:

    Personnel is policy.

    Every day Chapa LaVia is director is support given to her staying.

    If according to Chapa LaVia during the Legionaries Disease the veterans deserved better, how can Chapa LaVia see her own standing as better given the tragedy around her tenure as director.

  3. - Pizza Man - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:39 am:

    Yep…agree with Oswego..

  4. - Loyalty - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:40 am:

    It has been said many times before this… it is amazing that Chapa LaVia is still on the job at this point. If the Governor doesn’t fire her now, I’ll be amazed. That has been said by many at least for more than a month now. But this time, serious she needs to go.

  5. - Pink Girl - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:41 am:

    ….as Rep Kifowit eggs him on….

  6. - Pizza Man - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:42 am:

    I’m shocked that Gov. Pritzker and CoS Caprara have allowed this to continue for so long after so many unfortunate deaths–related to our veterans. Very sad.

  7. - NIU Grad - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:42 am:

    If they were waiting to scapegoat her after an investigation, the ship has sailed on that strategy. It’s pure negligence at this point to keep her in charge.

  8. - AD - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:43 am:

    Yeah, I’m not sure why she still wants the job outside of pride. There’s a reason Buttigieg didn’t want the Federal equivalent. Things go good, you’re doing what you were supposed to. Things go bad, you hurt veterans and that never plays well.

  9. - FormerParatrooper - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:48 am:

    It has taken this long for a loss of confidence?

  10. - Not a DJT Apologist - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:51 am:

    Where are the Republicans on this? The first Rep to call for her resignation was a Democrat? This shouldn’t be a partisan issue at all but that surprises me.

  11. - NIU Grad - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:52 am:

    AD - You hit the nail on the head. It’s not the type of job where you can let deputies run the show while you do outreach events around the state (or, for Buttigieg, the country). I’m with Rich…they should begin the process for outsourcing this type of work to skilled retirement home companies. The only thing standing in their way on that is AFSCME.

  12. - Soccermom - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:54 am:

    Today would be the right day to make a move

  13. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:55 am:

    Beyond the shame of how poorly the outbreak was handled in our veterans homes - as if that is not enough.
    Add the additional shame of not stepping down on top of that.
    Add the additional shame of not forcing that resignation.
    To do either reluctantly now will only add to that shame. This has been horribly handled at every level.

  14. - SAP - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 11:59 am:

    Every day she is still Director makes it easier to blast Governor Pritzker during re-election campaign. Bad policy–bad politics. Huge blind spot for the Governor.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 12:02 pm:

    At this point, the only way to make this even worse would be to make her “resigning” a Friday News Dump in hopes no one would notice AND wishing Chapa LaVia well in the “after 5pm on a Friday” release.

    That’s how bottom/low this is.

  16. - Almost the weekend - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 12:08 pm:

    This administration has a press release or statement ready at a moment’s notice when something happens at the federal level or out of their jurisdiction, but when something happens here at the state level it is just silence. Makes this even more glaring plus the Quincy political ads back in 2018, yikes. Just get it over with already.

  17. - Frank talks - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 12:16 pm:

    Hey John Sullivan about that email you were CC’d on yeah we gotta fire you. Linda your all good we got your back.

  18. - Responsa - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 12:18 pm:

    Can anybody who is inside and comments here see any downside–any downside at all– to Pritzker firing Chapa La Via at this time? That he has not already done so is baffling to an outsider such as myself.

  19. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 12:37 pm:

    == Can anybody who is inside and comments here see any downside–any downside at all– to Pritzker firing Chapa La Via at this time?==

    I certainly can’t claim to be “inside”, but someone else who posts here frequently claimed that Pritzker needed “cover” before he can fire her. Presumably the argument is that a dem governor can’t fire a Latina for cause, without another Latina giving him permission to do so first.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 12:40 pm:

    === Presumably the argument is that a dem governor can’t fire a Latina for cause, without another Latina giving him permission to do so first.===

    So… politics… as veterans lose their lives?

    So I’m clear to the thought, not calling out, I need that clarity.

  21. - Pizza Man - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 12:41 pm:

    Really @ Lester Holt’s mustache… the gov is worrying as looking insensitive. Latinx caucus waiting on your statement… tick-tock ..tick-tock.

    Then again who would the gov nominate to take over? (birds chirping)..

  22. - Lilly of Lake - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:07 pm:

    The attention is on the Governor now. HPritzker has made COVID a priority. So, why would he keep an incompetent director who has failed to protect our state’s veterans from it? How can any restaurant owner take him seriously and shut down when he will not shut down this folly. Chapa LaVia needs to go. She was never a solid choice. The only person it may have benefitted is the Speaker as she had made leadership and so many years of being passed over. He had to be thrilled to see her gone when this Administration picked her up and their first choice resigned.

  23. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:11 pm:

    AP wire article this morning mentioned IL veteran homes as one of the nation’s worst percentages of healthcare staff at a single facility refusing the COVID vaccine…enough said.

  24. - Watching keyboard warriors - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:11 pm:

    Just curious, what’s next for all of you calling for this resignation?
    Do you move on to the 8,670 fatalities at Illinois long term care facilities?

    Crickets about all other facilities… you prefer going after the Governor and a former democratic legislator who cares deeply about veterans and fought tirelessly for our veterans?

    This virus is devastating to everyone around us. What happened in ALL long term care facilities is a tragedy.. Interesting to see who people go after during a worldwide pandemic…

  25. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:16 pm:

    === Just curious, what’s next for all of you calling for this resignation?===

    Ask Chapa LaVia.

    She asked, with fewer deaths, the resignation of Rauner’s director, her predecessors

    If you’re fine mismismanagement and deaths, you’re fine with Chapa LaVia as director.

    ===… former democratic legislator who cares deeply about veterans and fought tirelessly for our veterans?===

    If you call more deaths under Chapa LaVia then during Rauner’s tenure at the homes…

    … if she cared, she would’ve resigned.

    It’s now about her, not the veterans?

    === What happened in ALL long term care facilities is a tragedy.. Interesting to see who people go after during a worldwide pandemic…===

    If your making Chapa LaVia a victim with real victims who died with her as director, ask Representative Chapa LaVia about holding a Rauner director accountable with fewer deaths.

    Not a good look, making the case Chapa LaVia a victim.

    That’s disrespectful to the actual victims.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:24 pm:

    === 8,670 fatalities===

    How many must be victims as not to alienate Chapa LaVia?

    Her job as director is more important that the incompetence she brings by having it?

  27. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:26 pm:

    == So I’m clear to the thought, not calling out, I need that clarity.==

    Not saying it’s accurate, just that it was posted as a comment on this site when the VA story first broke. Seems like a ridiculous argument, so the person probably didn’t know what they were talking about. On the other hand, I can’t think of any other reason for JB to wait besides not wanting to anger a specific constituency. Chapa LaVia surely deserves to be removed over this, regardless of constituency.

  28. - Watching keyboard warriors - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:30 pm:

    OW- you are exhibit A on partisanship. Keep up the drumbeat.
    IMHO veterans and families would be sickened to see your repeated politicization of the outbreak on this blog.

  29. - Watching keyboard warriors - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:32 pm:

    But u already know that OW…

  30. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:35 pm:

    === you are exhibit A on partisanship===


    For which side today.

    You the same bloke that wanted to make it about me to ignore the incompetence of Chapa LaVia?

    Chapa LaVia isn’t a victim here, to me or anything.

    I said the same to the Rauner Administration’s handling to Quincy.

    Unless you are Chapa LaVia, and if so, resign.

  31. - JS Mill - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:36 pm:

    =But u already know that OW…=

    Chapa LaVia very vocally called for resignations over the mishandling of the Quincy Vets issue under Rauner. What is going on at the state facilities now is no different and equally egregious. She needs to be gone and it is confounding that our governor has not taken action or Chapa LaVia hasn’t done the right thing and step down.

    Maybe you are new here and weren’t around when everyone was calling out the Rauner admin. This is not “partisan”, it is called accountability regardless of politics. The same voice that called for the Rauner admin to be accountable must now be accountable themselves. Chapa LaVia and the Governor.

    To the Blogs credit, they are being called out.

  32. - frustrated GOP - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:38 pm:

    I can imagine it’s hard for a veteran used to making things happen to not able to make changes that have immediate impact to help those he/she in those facilities. In so many ways, this is a failure of the negotiated agreement to be able to really make changes when needed.

    and perhaps the Governor will allow his direct reports to be out an about seeing what is going on first hand instead sequestered.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:38 pm:

    === veterans and families would be sickened to see your repeated politicization===

    What would you call a gubernatorial candidate who ran against the problems of Quincy and when more deaths occurred on his watch can’t find a way to fire the director who also politicized deaths in Quincy, so it seems now when incompetence as a director means not resigning?

    According to veterans, *they* want Chapa LaVia removed.

    Keep up.

    Again, if you are Chapa LaVia, resign.

  34. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:40 pm:

    ===But u already know that===

    You’ve been a single-issue commenter and I’m done with it. Bye.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 1:42 pm:

    - JS Mill -

    Well said.

    It’s seems like this line of attack aimed at me to defend Chapa LaVia is purposely erroneous, dishonest to historical context, and is about trying to help Chapa LaVia survive where Chapa LaVia would’ve demanded resignation.

    Personnel is policy.

    Every day Chapa LaVia stays makes that more true.

  36. - don the legend - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 3:22 pm:

    If I evaluate my actions as if someone else were performing them and I decide that person should be fired, then I conclude that I should also be fired.

    Chapa LaVia should be fired as she is acting in a manner or worse than her predecessor did whom she called on to be fired.

  37. - BipartisanSupporter - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 5:29 pm:

    Just curious who is OW allowed to attack everyone who disagrees with him but anyone who disagrees with him is banned? Is this not a media source that’s non-biased?

  38. - JoanP - Monday, Jan 11, 21 @ 9:13 pm:

    If you think “anyone who disagrees with [OW] is banned, then you either haven’t been following this blog at all or you haven’t been paying attention. People disagree with him regularly.

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