*** UPDATED x3 *** Just when you thought it couldn’t get any weirder, Rep. Welch responds to shopped oppo as caucus meets to elect new Speaker
Tuesday, Jan 12, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller * This is happening while the House Democrats are right now talking about their next Speaker…
* As I told subscribers this morning, lots of members are talking about this. I asked for a statement from Welch a while ago and I’ve since heard that another outlet is about to run their own story, so you can click here to read the background report. Whew. Here’s Rep. Welch’s full statement…
I’ll update if need be. *** UPDATE 1 *** This 2010 lawsuit just came in over the transom… ![]() It appears Ms. Johnson voluntarily dismissed the case shortly thereafter. I’ve asked Rep. Welch’s spokesperson for a comment. *** UPDATE 2 *** The Tribune story is up. The paper did not talk to either woman and here’s one tidbit I didn’t have…
*** UPDATE 3 *** Another one…
The full document is here.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 5:41 pm:
They had to know this was going to come up, didn’t they?
Considering what is going on in the larger world right now, I am sure things can get weirder, in fact if Illinois sports books took bets on weird I would take the over.
- NIU Grad - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 5:41 pm:
“Karen Caucus”
Mocking and insulting a group of women, who make up the majority of the caucus, for daring to try and say a new leader is needed is a good way to show that we need more women in leadership positions to shoot down this type of talk.
- Ok - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 5:46 pm:
You gotta be able to take the fire. It is clear at this point that Welch and Williams are the two to beat, and they are the only ones with a path forward, with Hoffman trying to find any kind of angle, and Republicans trying to find their spin.
- Lincoln Lad - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 5:49 pm:
I can’t shake the image of MJM standing there watching… and waiting. Everyone knew this would come up - it did on this blog before Welch was announced.
- The Most Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 5:51 pm:
I don’t think this is a weird thing to explore, nor would I put this under the trivial oppo category. This is a significant moment in his young adult life that he should have to answer for if he wants lead the IL House of Representatives at a time when women are done being overlooked and mistreated. Glad you asked for a statement.
- Anon - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 5:52 pm:
Did you read that report Precinct Captain? Or are you not able to read? If so, could someone please read Precinct Captain these words “…grabbed her hair with both hands while in the kitchen and proceeded to slam her head backwards several times on the countertop.”
Would you like to retract your statement?
- Elliott Ness - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 5:55 pm:
Wow, likely disqualified…Madigan enters stage left? This had to be known. Rep Welch now casting blame at the GOP, interesting. Maybe there is a possibility the GOP is looking at a coalition that does not include Welch. However, wasn’t Welch the choice the Black Caucus? Are they still with him after this? Did they know?
- Lincoln Lad - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 5:57 pm:
Everyone paying close attention knew this… the caucus had to know.
- Etown - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:03 pm:
About as honest and frank a statement as Rep. Welch could make .
He at least acknowledges the concern unlike the man he may replace.
- Newcomer - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:06 pm:
The statements in the police report are really unnerving…
“During this verbal argument, (the victim) admitted telling Welch he was a ‘loser,’” Peterson said. “At that point, Welch became enraged and grabbed her hair with both hands and slammed her head backwards on the countertop multiple times. Afterwards, he let her hair go and backed away.”
And all Welch has to say is that this was a verbal argument? That the two have since reconciled? You’d think that after everything that has happened in the House in the wake of #MeToo that this ugliness would bear more significance. Or at least a more direct response.
- Cotton - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:08 pm:
Can we all just appreciate his defense of “Jim Durkin made me do it” for a moment here?
- Not Antifa - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:08 pm:
“About as honest and frank a statement as Rep. Welch could make.”
Don’t know what statement you read. No apology. No remorse. No explanation. Not even a denial other than to call it a “verbal argument.”
- Fantasma - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:19 pm:
- Etown -
“About as honest and frank a statement as Rep. Welch could make”
He PHYSICALLY assaulted her. And trying to minimize that by calling it a verbal argument is disingenuous and misleading at best and a straight out lie at worst. If he’s willing to lie about this what else will he lie about? You can’t lie during a mea culpa, that negates it in its entirety. As a woman I’m appalled at his lack of integrity and this sorry excuse for an explanation.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:22 pm:
Illinois state lawmakers and senior staffers have been rightfully ousted for allegations that pale in comparison to this arrest report, the details of which Welch does not seem to deny here.
- ;) - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:30 pm:
Definitely disqualified. At no point in that statement did he say anything close to I denying these allegations.
- Arock - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:31 pm:
- Lincoln Lad - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:31 pm:
Kind of diminishes the puppet thing… or makes it more important in an effort to get through.
- Amalia - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:33 pm:
Latinx caucus to support? You must rethink. Disqualified.
- DuPage Saint - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:33 pm:
The police report is horrible and now I think pretty much a deal killer. But on a much lesser note but maybe if going for reform and openness didn’t he hire or recommend relative for state jobs. I am old school on this. Why not you won but I am of a different generation and that is not reform.
- Quick to Judgement - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:36 pm:
Before condemning Rep. Welch, it would be prudent to read the entire report. A very serious allegation was made - that he grabbed her hair with both hands and slammed her head backwards on the countertop multiple times. - the way that reads makes it sound like, in anger he used extreme force.
Yet from the report: “It should be noted that there were no visible signs of injury to (name redacted).”
Did they do an examination? Was there bruising or bump or any kinda of mark? If not why not?
- TaxTheMemes - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:36 pm:
“I must convey my dismay over the lack of decency displayed by the GOP politicians and their urge to use this report against me.”
In context this statement is insane. You know what else is a display of indecency, Representative?
- Lincoln Lad - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:38 pm:
Who’s next?
- Quick to Judgement - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:38 pm:
Adding, if the police were negligent that should be brought to light as well.
- Daisy's Mom - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:42 pm:
It’s a sad state of affairs when one of the best the House Dems has to offer to lead the caucus is someone who committed violence against a woman, and has no better explanation than, in not so many words, I reconciled with the victim. (Domestic violence is not something anyone should look the other way on, and is definitely not related to overly privileged women complaining to the manager a la “Karen”.) I can’t believe any Representative in their political heads would think it would be a good idea to vote for him now. It also makes me wonder what other secrets or oddities may find their way out of the grave about other members of the caucus now that MJM may not be Speaker.
- Nagidam - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:44 pm:
I get in the era of Trump the GOP is an easy punching bag. The GOP has less of a reason to pull this dossier out than members of his own caucus. My bet is those affiliated with the Women’s Caucus. Pretty bad stuff either way.
- Aristotle - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:45 pm:
#meetoo except when it’s a Democrat. Signed, Tara Reid
- Pizza Man - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:48 pm:
Rep. Welch should not even remotely be considering the speakership. Whether you are a Dem or a Republican. Period.
It’s not against anyone’s gender, race or political affiliation. It’s about character and integrity when seeking the top political post in the Illinois Legislature.
This woman should speak up; police reports/timelines should speak for themselves.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:49 pm:
===This woman should speak up===
You don’t get to say that.
- Realtalk - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:52 pm:
It’s obvious that Welch has both Williams and the Republicans scared, Her campaign is pushing this issue that didn’t result in any charges 18 years ago. They couldn’t find anything else on him because he is a good guy. I thank him for taking the hi road and not going negative on his opponents.
- Hot Head - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 6:56 pm:
Some people have short fuses not bridled by self control. Not a good quality for a Speaker. The job is tough. Have to be able to handle the pressure and criticism.
- Centennial - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 7:09 pm:
“You don’t get to say that.”
Exactly right.
- Nagidam - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 7:45 pm:
Well I guess the question now is do people believe these women (plural) or not? These are serious charges but never litigated to the fullest.
- Mr. Hand - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 7:45 pm:
Bold strategy. Blame the Republicans. There are multiple members of his own party that would benefit from this story getting out.
I know in newer post there is speculation maybe a deal would be cut, but if I am a member if the women’s caucus. I think it would be beneficial to allow this to play out the over the next 24 hours.
At the very least, Welch might have to comment on the events.
- Anonanonsir - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 8:03 pm:
Whew to the updates.
- NIU Grad - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 8:05 pm:
The question: Do the people in the room right now have this information already, or are they just seeing it on their phones now?
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 8:07 pm:
===Do the people in the room right now have this information already===
Most had the first story. Not sure if anyone had the lawsuits.
- fs - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 8:18 pm:
== Most had the first story. Not sure if anyone had the lawsuits.==
If the woman who sued him in 2010 ran against him two years later, how does nobody know about it? Was it just a coincidence she ran against him?
- Amalia - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 8:20 pm:
but wait, there’s more?.?.?.? what, not bad enough for him to be in office?
- Some Anonymous Dude (S.A.D.) - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 8:25 pm:
I can’t imagine that they are in caucus and not reading all of the developments on their phones.
- Pizza Man - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 9:11 pm:
Rep. Welch, respectfully, please withdraw your candidacy. Period. No need for explanations.
- City Guy - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 9:15 pm:
Disqualified. This was not a one time minor mistake. There is a pattern.
- Veil of Ignorance - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 9:57 pm:
Given this is the first opportunity for a new speaker in decades, perhaps the House Dems should take a bit more time vs rushing. Don’t to blow this one and hand the GOP a gift. These are serious allegations unless journalists saying otherwise. Nobody is irredeemable but this is for leadership. Just saying
- Realtalk - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 10:01 pm:
Sorry Republicans… Welch will be the next Speaker. Thank you for your oppo’s but you need a charge and conviction to stop this train. Welch’s pro-Choice, Pro-Everything Women record speaks for itself. We aren’t buying what your selling
- Dave W - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 10:07 pm:
I wasn’t aware that police officers had discretion in domestic violence cases, when there was evidence of violence? The laws are in place so the victim can’t be intimidated or “talked out of” pressing charges.
If it were an isolated incident, maybe he could get a pass on it, but there seems to be a pattern with this guy. Usually where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
- Three Dimensional Checkers - Tuesday, Jan 12, 21 @ 10:32 pm:
I don’t really think the Welch oppo is going to fly in contested districts. He is better than Madigan, but is definitely giving any primary opponent or Republican an issue. I wouldn’t blame more vulnerable Dem reps for holding out.
- Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 1:29 am:
=I wouldn’t blame more vulnerable Dem reps for holding out.=
I wouldn’t blame any woman for holding out. Frankly, it’s shocking to me they won’t given the oppo. They’re basically inviting another woman to challenge them - a woman who won’t support an alleged abuser