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ALPM to reopen next week

Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum will begin welcoming visitors again on Monday, Jan. 25, with clear, simple safety protocols to protect all guests.

Visitors will need to schedule their appointments in advance so the number of people in the building at any one time can be held to safe levels. Visitors will also have to wear masks that cover the mouth and nose, answer basic health questions and have their temperatures taken before they can enter.

The facility has been meticulously cleaned and disinfected, and protective barriers have been installed in key places to ensure guest and employee safety. Visitors will be also be encouraged to stay one “Lincoln” apart – 6 feet, 4 inches, the equivalent of President Lincoln’s height.

“New public health guidelines allow us to open the museum doors again. It will be wonderful to see visitors exploring Lincoln’s life and taking inspiration from his accomplishments,” said Acting Executive Director Melissa Coultas. “We will continue to be mindful of the threat of Covid-19, and we ask our visitors to do the same.”

The library portion of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum will not immediately be open to visitors. Its reopening date has not been set yet. In the meantime, researchers can access a wealth of information by or emailing

Measures to maximize public safety include:

    • Requiring tickets be purchased in advance, either online or by telephone
    • Requiring face masks at all times
    • Installing signs with outlines of Lincoln’s feet to help visitors maintain proper physical distance
    • Reducing the number of theater performances and maintaining safe guest distancing throughout the shows (theaters will be cleaned and disinfected after each performance)
    • The temporary closure of the “Mrs. Lincoln’s Attic” play area
    • Establishing a strict cleaning and sanitation regimen for the museum and library.

The museum will maintain its usual schedule of being open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week. Visitors can buy tickets up to two weeks in advance

The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum uses a combination of rigorous scholarship and high-tech showmanship to immerse visitors in Lincoln’s life and times. The library holds an unparalleled collection of Lincoln books, documents, photographs, artifacts and art, as well as some 12 million items pertaining to all aspects of Illinois history.



  1. - Commisar Gritty - Thursday, Jan 21, 21 @ 12:41 pm:

    I’m reminded of the time that Abe, as a young man, was challenged to a duel. As was customary at the time, the person who received the challenge got to choose the weapons. Being of unusually tall stature and strong build, he chose broadswords. The other guy never showed up. 🤷‍♂️

    If I remember correctly, there was another incident where he broke up a fight by picking up one of the guys by hos throat and throwing him 6 or 7 feet onto his back.

    I’ve never been to the Abe Lincoln Museum, but never forget that Honest Abe had a bad boy streak.

  2. - Essential State Employee - Thursday, Jan 21, 21 @ 12:50 pm:

    During the shutdown, did Museum staff finally get a chance to update the introductory video in the lobby of the “Ghosts of the Library” theatre? The one that still shows Richard Norton Smith as Director–about 15 years after he left.

  3. - Proud Sucker - Thursday, Jan 21, 21 @ 1:00 pm:

    One more step toward normalcy - glad to hear.

  4. - Sweet N Sour - Thursday, Jan 21, 21 @ 1:02 pm:

    Can I see the hat? Or is that still under “quarantine”?

  5. - Responsa - Thursday, Jan 21, 21 @ 1:50 pm:

    This looks reasonable. The protocols that ALPM has set forth for safety look to be little different than the long time successful protocols for going to the grocery store or pharmacy. The ALPM is a state treasure. Good luck to them and to the returning museum visitors.

  6. - JB13 - Thursday, Jan 21, 21 @ 3:07 pm:

    I guess the Lincoln Museum is good with killing all their guests /s

    Seriously: Hurrah. Glad to see it.

  7. - striketoo - Thursday, Jan 21, 21 @ 3:17 pm:

    Time for both sides to reflect on the closing words of Lincoln’s second inaugural speech.
    “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

  8. - Steve Rogers - Thursday, Jan 21, 21 @ 3:29 pm:

    @Commisar Gritty: Actually, the other guy (James Shields) did show up. They traveled to Missouri to duel. The seconds got involved and reached an amicable agreement between Lincoln and Shields. In other words, cooler heads prevailed, and tragedy was avoided.

  9. - filmmaker prof - Thursday, Jan 21, 21 @ 4:28 pm:

    Will they be showing the copy of the Gettysburg Address they had planned on before shutting down?

  10. - Leslie K - Thursday, Jan 21, 21 @ 5:31 pm:

    This seems cautious and good. I went to the Art Institute over the summer when it was open (well, obviously not when it was closed…) with similar measures and I felt comfortable. (And I tend to be on the super-cautious side regarding COVID.)

  11. - Still South of I80 - Thursday, Jan 21, 21 @ 11:40 pm:

    There’s a small bias here because I’m a communications/history major, who is months away from graduating, but here goes…

    I went to the museum when they reopened in July 2020 and still loved looking around. Their ticket reservation system was easy to follow and they answered all the questions and concerns I had from asking about the gift shop to which door they marked as the entrance for those with tickets already.
    They also had a well thought out set up for letting people in and requiring a temperature check along with sanitizing hands before you pass by the volunteer counting people inside.
    I applaud the safety measures they have taken and I encourage those who want to safely go visit the museum to visit.

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