Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** CBS 2 uncovers yet another “wrong raid”
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*** UPDATED x1 *** CBS 2 uncovers yet another “wrong raid”

Monday, Jan 25, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* CBS 2

Delores Garner says a team of Chicago police officers burst into her home, executing a search warrant in August of 2019. But, they raided the wrong home she says and left a trail of destruction behind.

“They broke through this door,” she said while showing it no longer locks.

Garner says officers also damaged property inside her home, including a television, mattress, bathroom vanity and her granddaughter’s iPad. It cost her thousands of dollars.

“I have not gotten a dime,” said Garner about the city not compensating her. She said she even tried to file an insurance claim, which was denied because the damage was from a police raid.

This raid at Garner’s home was unlike any of the other botched raids CBS 2 Investigators have exposed since 2018.

Garner’s home is not in Chicago. She lives in suburban Calumet City.

The complaint for search warrant shows how a bad tip from a confidential informant led to Chicago officers getting a warrant approved by the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office and a Cook County Circuit Court judge too. The warrant gave officers the authority to cross into another city looking for a marijuana dealer. […]

CPD does not track these raids to determine if any are wrong raids resulting from officers’ failing to verify they have the correct address before getting a warrant. One of many systemic problems, exposed by CBS 2 Investigators, which led to a consent decree enforcement action demanding CPD make significant search warrant related reforms.

City officials failed to respond to the enforcement action, said lawyers for the consent decree. They filed a motion earlier this month, asking a federal judge to intervene.

1) The police routinely use tips from “confidential informants” to obtain search warrants, yet the police union staunchly opposes allowing the public to submit confidential complaints about police officers.

2) Why is the Cook County State’s Attorney signing off on these warrants?

* Meanwhile, here’s the Rockford Register-Star

A portion of a more than 760-page criminal justice reform bill approved by the General Assembly would expand the powers of the state to decertify police officers for misconduct.

Until now, a police officer had to be convicted of a felony or certain misdemeanors, such as offering a bribe, prostitution or criminal sex abuse, to lose certification needed to practice law enforcement in Illinois.

If the bill is signed into law by Gov. JB Pritzker, that would change starting in 2022 by providing the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board with expanded powers to weed out bad cops if a review panel finds there was misconduct without requiring a conviction. […]

An officer could be decertified if it is determined they committed a felony or a disqualifying misdemeanor, even if they were never convicted or charged, under the bill. Other actions that could result in an officer being decertified include using excessive force; failing to intervene when another officer uses excessive force; tampering with dashboard cameras, body cameras or evidence; and committing perjury or engaging in “unprofessional conduct” such as deceiving or harming the public.

The state board could receive complaints from police agencies, state’s attorneys or the public about police misconduct. The board would conduct a hearing before a newly created Certification Review Panel to determine if decertification is warranted if an investigation finds the complaints are valid.

* News-Gazette

Supporters also dismissed the notion that the bill was a last-minute surprise. They contended they held multiple virtual meetings in recent months to hear from interested parties, their point being that everyone was up to speed on the bill if they wanted to be.

But Champaign County State’s Attorney Julia Rietz, who testified at one virtual meeting, challenged that claim.

“There is a big difference between saying, ‘We will let you talk’ and ‘We will let you participate in the decision-making,’” she said.

If you want in on the final decision-making powers of the Illinois General Assembly, then run for the House or the Senate. Only the governor has a veto.

*** UPDATE *** Lee Gaines at Illinois Public Media

Between 2016 and 2019, UIPD arrested more than 3,700 people, according to data obtained via a Freedom of Information request. These arrests include everything from traffic tickets, ordering them to appear in court but releasing them on the scene to physically taking them to jail. Broken down by race, Black people account for about 29% of total arrests, while white people make up 42% of arrests; Asian individuals make up 22% of arrests and Hispanic people account for only about 6% of total arrests.

But during the same time period, more than half (54%) of the 576 people physically taken to jail by UIPD were Black — while only about a third (34%) were white. Black students, however, make up only about 7% of the student body on the campus, and Black people account for about 12% of the metro population, according to Census estimates.

Of those issued traffic tickets or ordered to appear in court, about 24% were Black; while white people accounted for about 43%.


  1. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 11:03 am:

    Having spent more than two decades in law enforcement, there is no “reliable” C/I. A decent one may give you solid info maybe a third of the time.
    The rest is B.S.
    It’s up to the individual LEO to separate the wheat from the chaff.

  2. - Roadrager - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 11:11 am:

    Any idea what Calumet City’s police department had to say about all this at the time?

  3. - 1st Ward - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 11:21 am:

    “committing perjury or engaging in “unprofessional conduct” such as deceiving or harming the public.”

    This should be applied to all government officials. Emmanuel covering up and deceiving the public on Laquon was just as bad as the officers lying on the report. Same goes for Lori and Anjanette Young. A States’ Attorney deceiving the public as well as confirmed by an internal IG report on said manner….

  4. - Friendly Bob Adams - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 11:26 am:

    While the previous raid happened on Emanuel’s watch, this one is on Lightfoot. If the mayor is not in control of the police department, who is?

  5. - The Most Anonymous - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 11:50 am:

    An attorney from the Cook County States Atty’s office showed up to the 12/22/20 City Council committee hearing to answer this question (#2).

  6. - Frank talks - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 11:50 am:

    But the criminal justice reform bill won’t let police do their job? sn/

  7. - Third Reading - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 12:05 pm:

    When we last checked in on Julia Reitz …

  8. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 12:37 pm:

    ==2) Why is the Cook County State’s Attorney signing off on these warrants?==

    How about judges too? The entire system is broken.

  9. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 12:47 pm:

    Licensing police will acknowledge it’s as much as profession as is doctors and lawyers. It also makes it easier to not allow bad cops to move on to other jurisdictions when they’re fired for stuff like this.

  10. - Amalia - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 12:48 pm:

    Seems problematic if the Chicago police are conducting raids in other jurisdictions on their own, even with warrants. there may well be reason not to include officers from the jurisdiction in question, but what about working with officers from a third jurisdiction as a check on what the CPD is up to?

  11. - Dotnonymous - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 1:52 pm:

    When you have to think…”Who’s in charge?”…nobody is?

    After two or ten bad address invasions…one might suspect it’s on purpose.

    A Citizen’s review board with de-certification power would work to root.

  12. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 1:55 pm:

    This wrong raid story is even more infuriating after reading the whole story.

    Why smash an IPad at a crime scene when that might have evidence of crimes on it? The body cameras not being on is very suspect. And these things happening to other victims of the same CPD officer’s bogus warrants is also disturbing.

    Another thing that is maddening to think about is all this was chasing after a marijuana dealer at a time when the General Assembly and governor had already approved making marijuana legal, it just hadn’t gone into effect yet.

    But still, why was the state’s attorney signing off on this? So the state’s attorney would get more convictions they would try to expunge a year later as Kim Foxx has advocated for weed dealers?

  13. - Dotnonymous - Monday, Jan 25, 21 @ 1:57 pm:

    Unprofessional behavior/conduct follows a Doctor and a Dentist and a School Teacher and a Soldier…but not a Police Officer?…Why is that… again?

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