Double birthday caption contest!
Thursday, Jan 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller * I don’t care what anyone says about him, I like Jim Durkin. Yeah, we disagree on a lot of stuff, but that’s not the point. He’s a decent man and a good legislator. Today is his birthday. I think he’s 75. Not sure. Here he is from the before-times with 2020 Golden Horseshoe Award-winner Eleni Demertzis and former Bulls great Horace Grant. It’s Eleni’s birthday today as well… ![]()
- Politi-no - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 2:55 pm:
“Eleni’s birthday today as well”
Wow. What a coincidence.
- JoanP - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 2:58 pm:
Happy birthday to both.
- Dave Dahl - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:05 pm:
Grant poses with the birthday folks after a day of lobbying for a gambling bill — er, visiting lawmakers — on the Senate floor
- Dan Johnson - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:07 pm:
Happy birthday! If only national Republicans were like Jim the country would be in a far more stable, safe place.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:08 pm:
“It’s not personal Leader Durkin, I’ve always liked you”. Happy Birthday. Keep up the good fights.
Eleni Demertzis, my best, happy birthday, and a well earned Golden Horseshoe.
Members of the party of Lincoln take a picture with Grant.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:10 pm:
“No, Demertzis was already standing on a box.”
- Third Reading - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:11 pm:
Grant: I thought you were Tom Cross.
Durkin: That’s OK, I thought you were Harvey.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:14 pm:
“Horace, I think some of the eastern bloc have Orlando Magic jerseys they’d like you to sigh, but first, a picture”
- OneMan - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:15 pm:
Fortunately for the photographer, the State Treasurer was unable to join them for the photo since the office wasn’t big enough for them to back up enough to get all 4 in frame
- Joe Bidenopolous - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:16 pm:
I mean…75 is snark, right???
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:18 pm:
A Bulls legend stands with the captain of the political equivalent of the Washington Generals.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:21 pm:
It’s not how Tex Winters drew it up, but here is the Triangle offense (fig. A)
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:23 pm:
“Ok, Horace, now one picture with the RecSpecs, just for us”
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:25 pm:
“Tell Mr. Reinsdorf, if we can get the inflatable Benny the Bull to fly over the chamber, we can deliver, say, 12-13 votes on that alone.”
- Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:25 pm:
=I think he’s 75. Not sure=
I’m sure you’re just pulling his leg and all, but according to the Wiki…
James Brian Durkin (born January 28, 1961) is a Republican member of the Illinois House of Representatives,
- Just Another Anon - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:38 pm:
“OK, so if Horace can unplug the clock, we can pass a bill to keep the Bulls playing in Chicago.”
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:45 pm:
While all smiles, Durkin looks at Grant and wonders what might have been had he perused basketball instead of the law and politics all those years ago.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:48 pm:
“Mr. Grant, we’re big fans, Eleni and I both, but I’m Jim *Durkin* not Arne *Duncan*. Sorry. Can we still have picture?”
- West Side the Best Side - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:52 pm:
That Irish white hair just makes guys look older.
- Been There - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:52 pm:
=== I don’t care what anyone says about him, I like Jim Durkin. Yeah, we disagree on a lot of stuff, but that’s not the point. He’s a decent man and a good legislator. Today is his birthday. I think he’s 75. Not sure.====
I could have written this exact same thing about him. Agree 100%. Well except for the birthday part. I still need his support on some legislation.
- Leslie K - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 3:55 pm:
===If only national Republicans were like Jim the country would be in a far more stable, safe place.===
I couldn’t agree more with that statement (although I would say “more national Republicans”; some are). Not a fan of many of his positions, but definitely a fan of how he handles himself and how he does his job. I don’t have a good caption; just a Happy Birthday to them both [exclamation point]
- Monroe Steet View - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 4:02 pm:
Happy happy birthday to Leader Durkin! Milestone birthday - 60th!
- Old Norseman - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 4:11 pm:
Eleni to self: “If I scoot over a little more towards Horace, I can have the photographer photoshop Jim out of the picture.”
- Numbers matter - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 4:18 pm:
The Washington Generals didn’t spend $40 million for a net loss of 1 seat.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 4:24 pm:
=== The Washington Generals didn’t spend $40 million for a net loss of 1 seat.===
It was a net 1 gain.
Still super-minoritied, but a +1 gain.
While Demertzis‘ skill as a press flack is celebrated, Horace Grant surprised Durkin asking her about her basketball skills and career that once made her a feared off-guard during her glorious playing days.
- Numbers matter - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 4:37 pm:
Irony over your head I know, but for the record, Team Madigan spent $40 million of a net loss of 1 seat. With a rigged map. Caption–Speaker Durkin.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 4:43 pm:
=== Team Madigan spent $40 million of a net loss of 1 seat. With a rigged map.===
Nah. It’s not lost on me
=== With a rigged map.===
“Ok”, LOL “rigged”…. whew.
Dems went from a zenith of 74 seats, most ever for that caucus… to a minuscule… 73.
Yikes, I needed that laugh.
It took a number of years but Durkin and Demertzis have completed their Grant Twins picture set.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 4:50 pm:
After Leader Durkin hired a new research assistant, he and Demertzis became the prohibited favorites to win the 3 on 3 legislative co-ed basketball tournament.
- SouthSide Markie - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 5:03 pm:
== He’s a decent man and a good legislator. ==
===If only national Republicans were like Jim the country would be in a far more stable, safe place.===
Couldn’t agree more and couldn’t say it better. Happy Birthday, Mr. Leader.
- OneOpinion - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 6:31 pm:
75…younger than I thought.
- Essential State Employee - Thursday, Jan 28, 21 @ 8:06 pm:
Looks like a new Sesame Street skit, “Tall, Taller, Tallest.”