Question of the day
Friday, Jan 29, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller * Oscar loves the snow more than just about anything. He’s always begging to go outside these days. If I have a scheduled phone call, I have to let him out before it starts so he can get it out of his system and doesn’t interrupt my work. I do love this little doggie… ![]() * The Question: Your favorite pet story?
- Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 2:31 pm:
When my little White Maltese (now deceased) decided to run outside and roll around in our just blacktopped driveway? That was a fun bath session/not! The vet told us to use Dawn.
- Blue Dog - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 2:45 pm:
Had been seeing far too many snakes around the homestead. Got a rescue cat to keep the mice away. Problem is, the cat brought into the house a 2 foot long copperhead. Alive.
- RNUG - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 2:48 pm:
One of our dogs was learned he could jump out of the backyard fence … but when he came home he didn’t know he could jump back in and would sit at the alley gate and bark to be let back in.
- PublicServant - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 2:57 pm:
I had just gotten a Jack Russell terrier, creatively named by my children, Jack. It was January and there was about an inch of newly fallen snow on the ground. I took him out to do his duty, and he climbed up on the top of my shoe because the snow was too cold for his toes. I couldn’t believe he got all four of his paws on the top of my shoe. Funny as hell.
- Norseman - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 3:03 pm:
Responded to ad for a dog from a farmer. Took the kids there and he said all he had left were males. Kids picked out their favorite, gave it a male name and went home. Grandpa then noticed the dog go potty like a female. Moral of the story, always double check what a salesman tells you.
- btowntruth from forgottonia - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 3:12 pm:
My cat is a backup alarm clock on mornings I have to work.
She will either come onto the bed and meow a few times until I pet her to show I am awake or meow in another room a few minutes before my alarm clock goes off.
Believe it or not on weekends she doesn’t do that.
- Sir Reel - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 3:13 pm:
When I was in grad school I had a dog named Bufus. He was part Bluetick hound and like all hounds he loved to run, especially after something. One day I chained him up in the yard and went to school. When I got home he had pulled the metal stake out of the ground and was nowhere to be seen. A few hours later I heard some distant barking (we lived in the country). It was Bufus running full steam, dragging the chain and stake, across a field about a quarter mile away. Every so often the chain would snag on something and Bufus would jerk up, bark, and pull himself free. He eventually went out of sight. He returned home 2 days later, still with the chain and stake, a little worse for wear. Dedicated to his job.
- zatoichi - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 3:15 pm:
Had a siberian huskie(Trinity) for over 16 years. In winter it was often hard to get her to come in on really cold nights. After heavy snows we would call for her, then a mound of snow would move and she would prance in, shake snow every where, get a bite, do a little family time, and quickly want back out. In summer she loved that AC inside.
- Sal - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 3:18 pm:
Glad to see discussion other than politics or COVID. Thank you.
- Club J - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 3:25 pm:
I had a basset hound named Joey. He never left my side no matter what. I’d sit on my deck in the summer and he’d sit out there with me through the heat. He’d look up for a drink of beer every once in a while. He always knew I’d be putting meat on the grill. So that’s what he was really waiting for, but he was my buddy.
- Responsa - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 3:26 pm:
Lab was proudly standing perched over the bow of our inboard power boat (like a figurehead) Going fast, we hit a big wave that bounced the boat and dog flew over the front, head first into the water and immediately disappeared directly under the moving boat with moving propeller. I dreaded even looking behind us, expecting to see blood and dog parts coming to the surface. But thankfully she popped up, fully intact, about 30 feet from the back of the boat. She was paddling furiously, “hey, wait for me.”
- Manchester - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 3:30 pm:
I had a basset hound (rescue dog), now deceased. The day I brought her home, I took her in the house and proceeded to unload the car of purchases. Took me 5 minutes at most. In that five minutes, she tipped over the trash, got herself a snack. took it into the family room, jumped up on the sofa and made herself at home. She was a real character and quite the chow hound. God, I loved that dog.
- 618er - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 3:41 pm:
Neighbor in a large college (SIU-C) apartment complex had a not well behaved dog, inexplicably named Kevin. To sit in that apartment with the windows open and watch unsuspecting people listen to the conversations that dude had with Kevin were absolutely priceless..
- don the legend - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 3:54 pm:
As a boy, had a mutt. I lived across the street from a church. He hated men but did like priests (not kidding at all) and ladies.
- "Old Timer Dem" - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 4:03 pm:
My father was a fireman. He brought an injured dog home from the Firehouse that he found outside the firehouse in the early 1960s. The dog had been stabbed with a fork in the snoot. We already had a dog. My Dad knew of a very old lady who lived alone whose dog recently died. She lived about 5 blocks away. After a month or so, the dog recovered from the stabbing and my Dad gave the dog to the lady. Remarkably, the dog ran away from the lady and found his way back to our house. He brought the dog back and again he ran away and returned on our doorstep. Finally, the lady agreed he was our dog and we should keep him. We had him for 15 years.
- Amalia - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 4:15 pm:
Dog a few doors down from where I grew up used to come down to our house and bark to ask us to come out and play. we did not have a dog of our own.
- 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 4:26 pm:
My favorite story is really a quote about a loyal dog from the 1940 film, THE THIEF OF BAGDAD: “He gives more than he could ever receive, like all dogs.”
- Lefty Lefty - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 4:27 pm:
My dad told me once that my grandfather, who worked in a rail yard on the south side, would bring dogs home all the time. He was a Hungarian immigrant, a real “blankety blank”, but apparently he had a soft spot for (stray) dogs. They’d stay a while and then leave, maybe back to the rail yard.
One of them was afraid to go down stairs so he went down them backwards. I hope to see a dog do this some day since I only have my version of this in my head.
- Papa2008 - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 4:32 pm:
Grew up in the country and had several good dogs. Had a doberman that would run to the back door every evening, after dinner, to see what was being tossed out the back door. Would just inhale whatever came off the plate. Never let it hit the ground. One night had to throw out some suspect cocktail shrimp from a party. Sure enough, there was Diablo, scarfed it right up. Only time I ever heard a dog gag!
- Langhorne - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 4:34 pm:
If my retriever thinks that I am oversleeping, she will grab a sock out of the laundry basket, and try to shove it in my ear. But not let me have it. Kind of hard to ignore.
- yinn - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 4:38 pm:
We’ve had three German shepherds at different times over the years and each one picked and ate tomatoes from our garden, often finding shady spots to rest while enjoying them in a leisurely fashion. None of our other dogs were ever interested, just the GSDs.
- former state employee - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 4:42 pm:
Years ago we had a desk to phone with buttons and numbers were programed into it. I came home after work one night to meet the police on my porch ready to break a window to get in. They said they had two 911 calls from my house but no response on the line, and were ready to enter to investigate. After trying to assure them no one was home, we learned my cats had dialed 911 while sitting on the desk to look out the window. We moved the phone soon after.
- Toothpicks and Ice Cream - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 4:53 pm:
I don’t have a story at this time, but Oscar posts continue to be a highlight!