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Today’s quotable

Friday, Jan 29, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Former Gov. Jim Edgar in the SJ-R

“…Republicans have lost their No. 1 political issue: It’s Mike Madigan,” Edgar said. “I don’t know what they’re going to complain about. I don’t think on issues they do well sometimes. What they do well on is Madigan.”


  1. - The Captain - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:47 am:

    It’s going to be harder to be Governor in the next two years than it has been at any point in this century, and this has not been an easy century (nor have we had Governors up to the task). If Republican leaders can keep focus and keep from chasing the shiny objects that some of their most outspoken members tend to focus on, they’re going to have a good opportunity to make some inroads by offering reasonable criticism and a (probably vague) alternative.

  2. - 33rd ward - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:48 am:

    Besides low taxes and not running good govt, what do Republicans stand for anywhere?

  3. - truthteller - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:50 am:

    since Illinois GOP was totally dependent on Madigan being the target, they may have to actually come up with some ideas. I’m not holding my breath

  4. - Just a thought - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:50 am:

    thats easy = Pritzker. He isn’t exactly lighting thing up lately and will be an easy target in the election season.

  5. - JG from PG - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:52 am:

    maybe they can spend more time talking about the pension crisis. Or does a IL top 10 pensioner not want to discuss that topic?

  6. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:54 am:

    The new ILGOP chair has significant and serious questions that need immediate answers;

    Is the party with Kinzinger and honesty or Miller/LaHood/Bost and Davis and see things with a phony look at facts and alternative facts.

    What does the ILGOP stand for now without “Madigan”? What will the party stand fit to attract persons of color, women, suburbanites, and moderates.

    How much room to messaging will the ILGOP give to the Eastern Bloc blokes, and how much influence will McConchie and Durkin have to shape a more appealing to the groups I listed.

    Will the ILGOP disavow racists, insurrectionists, conspiracists… WITHOUT… the tiring “whataboutism”. If so, how will being honest to facts still be a building where division, regionalism, and monolithic thinking has been part and parcel behind the most important uniting message… “Madigan”

    First thing, Madigan… next thing Kinzinger.

    The sooner they tell me where they stand on first living on from Madigan and next how Kinzinger will be embraced, (or wholly dismissed?) that’ll set the table for 2021 AND then 2022, at least for me.

    Jim Edgar, still not wrong.

  7. - TNR - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:55 am:

    Based on what we’re seeing from Durkin of late, they seem to think they can make a lot of hey out of the criminal justice reform bill. Are they just preaching to the choir, or do they think it’s a way to get suburban women back?

  8. - Downstate Illinois - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:55 am:

    Let’s see. Rising crime, incompetent IDES, the loss of civil liberties, the destruction of the state’s economy, JB, JB, and again JB.

  9. - Pizza Man - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:55 am:

    Kuddos to then-Gov. Rauner. He effectively used the Madigan brand statewide to go after his caucus and surprisingly, like a lion attacking the buffalo, he brought down his daughter’s re-election for AG.

    Soon the Welch surname will begin to spread like wildfire across the state. Stay tuned.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:56 am:

    === spend more time talking about the pension crisis===

    Ok, what are your options to that, that are constitutional?

  11. - Hon Don Gerard - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:57 am:

    I’m going to put a small wager on “JB Pritzker owns stock in the Jewish fire-starting laser beam factory”.

    (I mean, remember the “BLM Brick Pile” theory?)

  12. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:57 am:

    === civil liberties===

    Really, which ones? Explain.

  13. - Third Reading - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:58 am:

    Jim Edgar calling Republicans “they” as opposed to “we” is an interesting takeaway regarding where the Illinois Republican Party is today.

  14. - Jocko - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 9:58 am:

    Until they get the wolf (Trumpism) out of the chicken coop, I don’t expect much from the ILGOP.

  15. - essentially working - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:01 am:

    Few republicans will miss Jim Edgar if he leaves the party. Madigan was the face of everything that was wrong with IL, deserved or not. He was certainly useful in that regard for Republicans. I think as a state party they will be lost in the wilderness for a very long time.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:03 am:

    === Kuddos to then-Gov. Rauner.===

    LOL, for what, ruining the state and losing by 16+ points Witt no constituency, had no one run with him on a statewide ticket that could win AND giving Dems the largest super majority the HDems have ever seen? My gosh, lol

    ===He effectively used the Madigan brand statewide to go after his caucus and surprisingly, like a lion attacking the buffalo===

    Narrator: Madigan has his largest and second largest caucus number as Speaker thanks to Rauner.

    ===he (Rauner) brought down his daughter’s re-election for AG.===


    Mike Madigan stood in the way, personally, from Lisa running for higher office by staying Speaker.

    How do I know, Lisa Madigan told all of us

  17. - Frank talks - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:03 am:

    Taking big loses in suburbs last two cycles even with Madigan messaging they will adjust. The adjustment comes in the form of law and order. The GOP will feed racial tendencies in the suburbs vs “those Cook County people” flooding the streets of all the collar counties, committing crime. I believe a Dupage County Board member said during their discussion, if the Governor signs this old women won’t be safe walking down streets anymore in Dupage. A car jacking in Elmhurst by one of those people from Cook County proves that passing that bill has already started the downward cycle and the crime spiking.
    These were actual comments from Dupage Board members. There were more.

  18. - lake county democrat - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:04 am:

    People are forgetting that we just watched a national election where the GOP made gains in the House and Donald blanking Trump might well have one if Mitch hadn’t set forth the last minute message “Vote for Biden and you’ll be getting a $1400 check.” The GOP is playing what the French call “the politics of misery” - wait for things to get bad, don’t take any ownership of a tax increase, and reap the benefits.

  19. - Steve Rogers - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:05 am:

    @downstate: Umm, what civil liberties have you lost? Is wearing a mask to prevent the spread of a pandemic a loss of civil liberty? Is not watching high school football games last fall a loss of civil liberty?

  20. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:07 am:

    They will campaign on being not-Pritzker, not-Biden, not-Pelosi.

    They will campaign on being anti-taxes, anti-police reform bill, and anti-restrictions to address COVID.

    If Trump is kept somewhat under wraps until the midterms maybe that is good enough for a narrow GOP victory for gov.

    But if Kinzinger runs for gov that could mean a bunch of Trump minions parachuting in for the GOP primaries to give JB a boost in the general against whatever not-Kinzinger wins.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:12 am:

    To Edgar, and then to Rauner;

    Rauner did zero to take down Madigan, it was the USA, his staff issues, including Hampton, and 19 HDem members agreed on ONE thing, and one thing only, no to Madigan.

    Rauner was humiliated, had a ticket that was embarrassing even for a fringe party, and while the HRaunerites were +1 in seats, they lost a seat two suburban seats and Cabello’s seat.

    Edgar is trying to get the party to start to recalibrate to a new normal. Forgetting Madigan and moving on as quickly as possible to build.

    ===Welch surname===

    Let’s hope this isn’t a call to a racial divide, as the Raunerites are seemingly old, white, rural, and they understand the false flag, “Welch from Chicago”, and that’s far different than Madigan too.

  22. - walker - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:15 am:

    @Third Reading
    Good catch.

  23. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:18 am:

    @TNR -

    The police reform bill can get the GOP votes. Everywhere in IL.

    The pro-police reform people have not been promoting what is good about the bill to the general public in all parts of the state. They I guess just don’t feel like they need popular sentiment because they have the votes.

    Meanwhile people on the anti side have been bashing it in mainstream and social media, they have created a litmus test that if you support police you must oppose the reform bill, and the legislation being passed in the middle of the night during lame duck naturally makes people think there is bad stuff in the bill.

    People have fresher memories of the carjackings in the loop than George Floyd’s situation.

  24. - Levois J - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:20 am:

    Truth be told, focusing on one man was never a smart thing anyway. And who’d have anticipated the storm that helped to get him away from the Speaker’s gavel. I know I never did.

    So yeah now IL Republicans need a new issue. What should that be? 2022 is around the corner….

  25. - Anon y mouse - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:21 am:

    Bad take. There’s obviously plenty to focus on. Illinois’ horrific financial condition & Pritzker’s horrific handling of Covid, are easy answers. Ironically, it’s the State Dems & JB who are jammed: They can’t blame everything on Trump.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:23 am:

    ===Third Reading. Good catch.===

    Totally blew by it.

    If Edgar has moved on, totally moved on, what does that say to a party who still seemingly celebrates Rauner and Trump, but can’t seem to attract Edgar, and maybe Edgar-type voters?

    If the goal is to be phony righteous after Madigan, and ignore facts, insurrection, and embrace conspiracies… how will that be a winning party in Illinois?

  27. - Pizza Man - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:24 am:

    No OW…the IL GOP using Welch brand simply due to his position as the new Speaker.

    ===he (Rauner) brought down his daughter’s re-election for AG.===

    “Mike Madigan stood in the way, personally, from Lisa running for higher office by staying Speaker.”

    Rauner effectively, due to the Madigan brand bashing, hurt Lisa Madigan’s ‘re-election’ for AG bid.

    Yep, MJM hurt his own daughter’s bid for gov as we knew then.

  28. - Downtown Worker - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:25 am:

    I noticed the last two elections that Jim Edgar didn’t vote for the Republican candidate for president. It’s nice of him to give advice to a political party he hasn’t really supported in a long time.

  29. - RNUG - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:25 am:

    == maybe they can spend more time talking about the pension crisis ==

    Maybe they can tell the truth about the pension issue which the voters won’t like … that higher taxes and muddling through are the norm for the next 20 to 30 years until the majority of us Tier 1 pensioners have passed on.

  30. - Back to the Future - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:25 am:

    Gov. Edgar has a point. Unfortunately both party organizations are into negative ads in a huge way. It would help the R’s if they could come up with a few new ideas on pensions and education.
    As to OW’s point on pensions, perhaps the R’s could start with a platform that calls for replacing all the trustees that are on any state pension fund. We always see a story or two on investment issues. Time to clean house. If performance was better the funds would be better funded and that would help the tax burden.
    The unusual trend on performance continued on the Pritzker appointed new Firefighters Board. At a public meeting they reviewed a search for an investment consultant. The staff of the Pritzker appointed board had concerns about one of the candidates performance history and did not recommend them. The Board went ahead and hired them any way. This is the same consultant that was replaced by the State Board of Investments.
    Of course, they still have “Madigan Bad” idea. Madigan is not “ gone”, he is still Chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party so the R’s can keep talking about him - -and they will keep talking about him.

  31. - Nuke The Whales - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:26 am:

    I have always wondered what a dog would do if they actually caught a car. This will be interesting to find out.

  32. - Frank talks - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:27 am:

    @Anon Trump isn’t leaving. He’s going to be at rally’s pushing agendas and probably at the forefront of elections within in the Republican Party at least until midterms if not longer.
    So suburbanites are still going to be able to point at him and downstate can still rally around him.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:27 am:

    === Welch brand simply due to his position as the new Speaker.===

    You mean like that radio interview where “Welch from Chicago” isn’t a dog whistle?

    That might be wishful thinking. The ILGOP isn’t exactly embracing of persons of color, quite monolithic actually. Look at Durkin’s leadership rollout as an example.

    === Rauner effectively, due to the Madigan brand bashing, hurt Lisa Madigan’s ‘re-election’ for AG bid.===

    Not according to Lisa, see, Lisa wanted to move *up* not stay, the AG thing you’re saying isn’t honest to, well, Lisa’s own words.

  34. - Electric Lemonade - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:28 am:

    Madigan was the perfect villain for GOP email/digital fundraising (and organizing, etc). Guessing that GOP will now try to turn Pritzker into the new bogeyman on COVID restrictions and also use Fair Tax and likely federal tax hikes to mobilize the party’s historical anti-tax base.

    Both of those issues could have general election appeal to Independents with someone like Adam Kinzinger as the messenger if he survives a GOP primary for Governor.

    To others above, yes, Madigan built a House super-majority, but his vulnerabilities led Gov. Pritzker to come out against Madigan leading up to his re-elect campaign. I can’t imagine that Pritzker wanted to even contemplate the notion of running for re-election with the Madigan albatross to be coupled with Fair Tax failure and COVID anxieties building.

  35. - Pizza Man - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:28 am:

    That’s true Downtown Worker.

    “I noticed the last two elections that Jim Edgar didn’t vote for the Republican candidate for president”

    Former Governor Edgar comes off like “GOP” Colin Powell at the national stage…on and off with his party. ‘Gone with the wind…’

  36. - Roman - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:30 am:

    == Pritzker’s horrific handling of Covid ==

    All public polling I’ve seen indicates voters are giving JB pretty good marks for his handling of Covid. So beating him up over Covid might make everyone feel good in the GOP primary, but at least for now, there’s no indication that’s how a Republican wins in November.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:30 am:

    === I noticed the last two elections that Jim Edgar didn’t vote for the Republican candidate for president.===

    Donald Trump, all his bad, eventually incited an insurrection, and you say Edgar is bad for not supporting Trump ever is… bad.

    This is exactly why the ILGOP is failing.

    “How dare Edgar not support someone who turned out to be someone willing to overthrow a fair and free election, he’s bad for our party”


  38. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:33 am:

    - Back to the Future -

    Hey, I hear ya, good points.

    Can voters *name* any member on the pension boards?

    Is that nuance? Dunno.

  39. - levivotedforjudy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:36 am:

    The IL GOP now has to stop throwing rocks at the window and get in the arena with counter-proposals and be very visible with those proposals. Maybe have a confab and think about “what would Judy do?” Then get to work.

  40. - Defense Attorney Near 219 - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:38 am:

    -Rauner did zero to take down Madigan-

    Change is rarely mono-causal . There’s little doubt Rauner’s petty behavior helped change the public attitude and awareness on Mike Madigan. No doubt the 5th floor at 219 has been after Madigan for some time (based on the Danny Solis) search warrant. But, saying Rauner had zero effect is unfair to the massive amount of money Rauner spent to trash Madigan’s reputation. Rauner’s TV ads and anti-Madigan flick raised awareness on who MJM was. No doubt , before the Rauner money MJM was not popular . But, the combination of the 5th floor at 219 and the Rauner money made Illinois House members feel that MJM was a negative for them. I actually say Rauner has no other real accomplishments than MJM’s Speakership . Well, a minor accomplishment : the tax credits for school vouchers.

  41. - Lake Effect - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:40 am:

    18 out of 19 took hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions and voted for Madigan for Speaker at least once, in some cases multiple times- Madigan will be an issue at least one more cycle

  42. - JS Mill - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:41 am:

    =maybe they can spend more time talking about the pension crisis.=

    There is no “pension crisis” in Illinois. Pensions are actually getting cheaper and have been for a decade thanks to Tier 2. Jan 1, 2021 was the 10-year anniversary and the impact on the annual cost of the pensions has been significant.

    What we have is a debt crisis. Specifically, a legacy debt crisis. Pension debt- created by diverting payments and borrowing against the pensions, is the largest part of the debt.

    @Downstate: Is that intentionally inaccurate or are you just being snarky?

    You didn’t lose a single “civil liberty” which, by the way comes from the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution and are commonly referred to as the “Bill of Rights”.

    Going to a restaurant without a mask is not listed in the Bill of Rights.

    And, the USSC has upheld innumerable modifications and limitations to the protections from government found in the USC. Ever try to buy a Javelin shoulder launched missile?

    “JB” didn’t tank the economy either. That was already happening in January and February before the imposition of public health measures. you know, top try and slow the spread of COVID-19 when the president said it would “magically” go away (checks data, 450,000 dead from COVID now).

    Here is the thing, once you get outside the Cook and the collar counties things begin to get very monolithic. That is not to say that Cook and the collar counties vote with one voice. Bt downstate has become an echo chamber and there is a declining diversity in political thought even as the rest of the state moves in the opposite direction as demonstrated by the elections in Illinois.

    Maybe downstate (really rural Illinois)needs to give this a rethink and start coming up with some more productive thoughts and get out into the world a little.

    I live in rural Illinois because there is a lot to love about it. But the rise of the Mary Miller’s and Darren Bailey’s is definitely not a good thing for Illinois. Neither is the lack of support for science or understanding of what is actually in the constitution.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:43 am:

    === But, saying Rauner had zero effect is unfair to the massive amount of money Rauner spent to trash Madigan’s reputation.===

    Explain the 19 and their decision not to back Madigan.

    In the end, it was the 19 choosing, not because of Rauner’s ads, not because Rauner helped Madigan get to 74 than 73 seats. The Dems swept all the statewides, the Senate now sits at 41… out of 59 seats.

    What damage to the political did Rauner do?

    Unfair? Rauner claiming this as a victory to him is like not grasping the labor case now cited as “Janus” and not “Rauner” … in the end, it’s not Rauner at all.

    It would be disingenuous to the 19 who took down Madigan.

  44. - DuPage Saint - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:44 am:

    The funny thing about Republicans bashing Madigan all these years is When did it ever work? Sure they made his popularity go down but exactly how did that help Republicans or hurt Democrats? I don’t see a Republican majority anywhere. And even though I am no fan of Edgar he is right. We cannot move on clinging to Trump Rauner and insurrections. I thought we hit bottom but looks like Republicans are still digging

  45. - Disappointed Female Suburban - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:45 am:

    I know there will be blowback on my question .and I guess I should know the answer, but if you can change the Illinois constitution on taxes as was just attempted with a referendum on the ballot, why can’t the same process legally work for pensions….?

  46. - Bored Chairman - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:49 am:

    Jim Edgar is incorrect. The Republicans have become super-minorities in the House by having not much more than “But Madigan!” They do have ideas and some new blood that might give voters a choice of something to vote for, instead of voting against someone.

  47. - Martin Kennelly Voter - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:50 am:

    I read the comments on this website often, without commenting . What’s the big deal if Jim Edgar voted 2 times in a row for the Democratic candidate for president? Or 3 times in a row? So, the guy doesn’t vote for the Republican party at the presidential level. What’s the big deal?

  48. - Mr. 401 A - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:56 am:

    -why can’t the same process legally work for pensions-

    Current pensions probably can’t be altered. But, there is nothing legally preventing future Illinois government workers from not getting pensions. Nothing.

  49. - Pizza Man - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 10:57 am:

    With you @ Defense Attorney Near 219…

    Yes, the Fab 19 eventually brought down MJM–had to be his caucus and not MJM’s local constituency. But the PR damage done with millions under then-Gov. Rauner during his 4-year term was quite effective and got the MJM brand to its lowest point and by this year…the caucus voted which carried the #ME Too baggage.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 11:04 am:

    === But the PR damage done with millions under then-Gov. Rauner during his 4-year term was quite effective and got the MJM brand to its lowest point and by this year…===

    … and yet… swept statewide offices, largest house and senate Dem caucuses…

    The branding of MJM led to zero… political success that can be pointed to Pre-Rauner seats and offices… to Post-Rauner… seats and offices.

    In reality, the movie against MJM, Rauner’s millions, the whole campaign against Madigan by Rauner… it was MJM’s own handling of things and the USA that propelled the 19.

    Even suggesting… that Rauner was a thought to the 19 after the USA and office mishandlings and serious abd significant staff issues… is folly.

    With respect, but the election results and the 19 themselves say so much different, as does the USA.

    Had Madigan been indicted, are ya going to say implementing the “Arroyo Rule” was Rauner too?

    To Edgar, Rauner, and Madigan…

    Winners make policy.

    Going after Madigan isn’t making policy makers out of GOP electeds.

  51. - 14th Ward Walker - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 11:14 am:

    -Going after Madigan isn’t making policy makers out of GOP electeds-

    This is a very true statement. Rauner was quite ineffective as a Governor and articulating public policy. However, in Rauner’s petty little world he won his little trophy. All that money helped destroy a Speaker. What Rauner couldn’t achieve positively , he achieved negatively . The super-rich really are different than you and me.

  52. - Brady - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 11:16 am:

    IDES debacle
    LaSalle Veterans Home
    Horse Shows

  53. - Waldo Pattern - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 11:20 am:

    I don’t know if Rauner has read Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals but Rule 13 describes Rauner’s approach to MJM : ‘ Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.’

  54. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 11:25 am:

    === Current pensions probably can’t be altered.===

    They can’t.

    ===But, there is nothing legally preventing future Illinois government workers from not getting pensions. Nothing.===

    71 and 36

  55. - JS Mill - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 11:33 am:

    =‘ Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.’=

    And lose the next election by historic margin.

    ====But, there is nothing legally preventing future Illinois government workers from not getting pensions. Nothing.===

    71 and 36=

    Based on facts an analysis two things will happen:

    1- This will have no impact on the legacy debt owed.

    2- It will increase costs because employees will now be subject to SSI and probably a 401k

  56. - don the legend - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 11:38 am:

    As some have said here, that the GOP will pivot from “but Madigan” to “but Pritzker”, that would be interesting.

    Madigan never directly responded even though he had a few million he could have spent.

    JB would strike back and has shown that spending a few HUNDRED million is easy as Sunday morning.

  57. - Soapbox Derby - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 11:39 am:

    I liked Edgar better when he was a Republican.

  58. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 11:41 am:

    Agree with the former governor, except not with Madigan having been good for the ILGOP. The ILGOP spent years attacking Madigan, and he left the Speakership with a second super-majority in a row.

    No opponent can help the ILGOP leave super-minority status. Finding another one to attack ignores the need for positive messaging and policy ideas. It’s finding another crutch, another comfort zone that distracts from necessary hard work.

  59. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 11:48 am:

    === I liked Edgar better when he was a Republican.===

    If you can’t explain what this means, or won’t, that’s probably why you’re in a super-minority.

    === JB would strike back and has shown that spending a few HUNDRED million is easy as Sunday morning.===

    This is the other shoe that has me wondering in the coming days where I am;

    If the ILGOP is going to pick, as their chairman a Trumpkin conspiracy theorist that welcomes racist and insurrectionists as Republicans by which the party builds… my decision will be easy.

    If Kinzinger, new directions outside “Madigan” exist building in the suburbs and disavowing fake news, conspiracists, racists, are the order of the day… that too will make my decision easy.

    Pritzker, with the former… will pummel every and all Republicans who embrace that thinking, and he should, they are traitors to America, they tried to overthrow our fair and free election.

    Thinking Pritzker will sit back and let… a “GOP” chairman a Trumpkin conspiracy theorist that welcomes racist and insurrectionists as Republicans by which the party builds… beat him… yeah… that will double his ire and cash I’m betting.

  60. - Disappointed Female Suburban - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 12:04 pm:

    === Current pensions probably can’t be altered.===

    They can’t.

    Please explain why they can’t

  61. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 12:05 pm:

    === Please explain why they can’t===

    Use the Google, “Illinois Supreme Court Pension”

  62. - Steve Polite - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 12:09 pm:

    == maybe they can spend more time talking about the pension crisis ==

    Is there a real crisis if it’s been ongoing for over 100 years?

    ‘Dating as far back as 1917, reports by the Illinois legislature described the condition of the state and municipal pension systems as “one of insolvency” and “moving toward crisis”.[8] Such findings continued in the 1940s to 1960s, when the state pension commission warned of the pension systems’ impending insolvency and the growth of unfunded pension liabilities, noting the appropriations were “grossly insufficient” and “below mandatory statutory requirements.”[8]’ - Illinois Pension Crisis, Wikipedia

  63. - Disappointed Female Suburban - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 12:12 pm:

    === Please explain why they can’t===

    Use the Google, “Illinois Supreme Court Pension”

    That relates to a bill passed by the legislature, not a voter Passed Constitutional amendment…..?

  64. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 12:13 pm:

    === That relates to a bill passed by the legislature, not a voter Passed Constitutional amendment…..?===

    Did you even Google it?

  65. - Bartender Up North - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 12:16 pm:

    -the pension crisis -

    Moodys and S&P use that phrase about Illinois. But, there’s aren’t 71 and 36 who believe that yet or Illinois wouldn’t be in the situation it is in.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 12:18 pm:

    === But, there’s aren’t 71 and 36 who believe that yet or Illinois wouldn’t be in the situation it is in.===

    And what would they do? Explain.

  67. - Jocko - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 12:23 pm:

    ==not a voter Passed Constitutional amendment…==

    This may come as a surprise, but “Don’t wanna.” is not a valid constitutional argument.

  68. - Bartender Up North - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 12:35 pm:

    Existing public pensions can’t be cut . But, future employees (those not yet on the Illinois public payroll) could be put into a 401 A program. It’s much cheaper to fund than a pension plan. 71 and 36 aren’t there yet but how many more tax and fee increases can the average Illinois taxpayer afford before being forced out of state ? Not everyone gets pay raises every year to pay higher taxes.

  69. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 12:38 pm:

    Get back on topic, please.

  70. - Crafty Veteran - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 12:46 pm:

    What Jim Edgar said is true. Just running against MJM isn’t a strategy or a political program , especially now that he’s no longer an issue. If the GOP doesn’t have a viable program they will continue to lose especially now that many of their voters are leaving this state for Florida, Texas, and Tennessee. This will become more apparent once the final 2020 Census numbers come out.

  71. - JS Mill - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 1:05 pm:

    Given the ILGOP’s performance on issues and the ability to effectively message, my money is that the stick with the good old “but madigan” for at least a few more election cycles.

    They may not be effective, but they are consistent.

  72. - Last Bull Moose - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 1:29 pm:

    Liked Republicans more when Jim Edgar thought he was one.

    Republicans need to run on issues and not personalities. Yes, the need people with good personalities to carry the message. But there is a difference.

    Not sure how they overcome the fiscal reality that the state needs more tax revenue just to maintain basic services. Admitting reality is not their style.

  73. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 2:29 pm:

    I’ve deleted several comments since I asked y’all to get back on topic. Banishments will begin henceforth.

  74. - History Professor - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 4:12 pm:

    Madigan was made minority leader during Edgar’s reign as Governor. Can anyone else claim that in last 4 decades?

  75. - anon2 - Friday, Jan 29, 21 @ 4:59 pm:

    Assuming Madigan gives up his party chairmanship, the new issue may be a tax hike. I don’t see how the State can limp along to 2023 with no new revenue. I doubt most Democrats will want to sit on their hands while education funding, social services, and health care are all facing brutal amputations. I doubt any Republicans would support a tax hike, except regressive taxes solely for infrastructure. Hence the issue.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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