Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Kinzinger says repeatedly that he has no intention to run statewide, prepares to “fight to my political death” over the definition of Republicanism
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Kinzinger says repeatedly that he has no intention to run statewide, prepares to “fight to my political death” over the definition of Republicanism

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* He said this several times today…

Congressman Kinzinger also said he wasn’t worried about being challenged for reelection in the GOP primary, saying at least one of the candidates would be a “Pretty easy primary for me.”

* Kinzinger said his end-game right now is building up his new Country First PAC. He wouldn’t disclose how much money he’s raised, but did say that the response has been surprisingly strong, even though he said he was careful not to emphasize the fundraising angle. The money, he said, “came organically,” from “people out there who feel homeless and disaffected.” He plans to spend the cash on behalf of like-minded Republicans.

“All I can do is tell the truth and I’ve made the determination that there’s always going to be some negative in politics, but I think this country needs a dose of good news because we quite honestly have a lot to be proud of. We use fear too much to get elected because fear is compelling.”

* I also asked him about that odd statement issued last week by three dozen southern Illinois Republican county chairs, particularly their line about “One Mind One Strength and No Division.”

Kinzinger said he saw the statement and it gave him a “really eerie” feeling. But, he said, “I don’t represent any of those counties. So, quite honestly, their opinion is meaningless to me.” That doesn’t sound like someone who wants to run statewide.

“But,” he said, “I also do want to use that as an example to say, ‘Look, do you really, is this the Republican heritage you believe? It’s like, everybody has to be like a monolithic thing, under whoever we determined to be the leader, if it’s Donald Trump today, or Sean Hannity tomorrow or whoever?”

“There are a lot of Republicans that have left the party, or were considering, or half-considering leaving the party that want no piece of this. And my goal is to give them voice and, and have the fight. Everybody talks about unity of the Republican Party, and I’m all for it. But I’m not going to unify under the banner of where we’re at right now. And if it takes public, you know, quote, unquote, warfare over the definition of what Republicanism is, count me in and I’ll fight to my political death for it because it’s that important.”


  1. - Jason - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 3:17 pm:

    He knows that he can’t win Statewide. Pritzker will be re-elected and I will gladly vote for Pritzker again and my family in K-Time’s Congressional district are all voting against him and his false morality.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 3:21 pm:

    ===“There are a lot of Republicans that have left the party, or were considering, or half-considering leaving the party that want no piece of this. And my goal is to give them voice and, and have the fight. Everybody talks about unity of the Republican Party, and I’m all for it. But I’m not going to unify under the banner of where we’re at right now. And if it takes public, you know, quote, unquote, warfare over the definition of what Republicanism is, count me and I’ll fight to my political death for it because it’s that important.”===

    Sign me up.

    Ok, you gave me the molasses, what’s the sulfur?

    It’s going to be hard, probably fruitless, and eradicating racists, supporters of an insurrection, and others who are merely conspiracy theorists might be painful to… racists, insurrectionists, conspiracy theorists… a Republican Party based on truth, constitutionality, diversity and equity for all… and… a realization not every conspiracy is real… I’d like that fight. I’d like that fight very much.

    Pick a side, Raunerites, stick with the Trumpkins… or… try to atone for so many other sins that the party here in Illinois embraced since 2013.

    This is the fight. It’s not phony or disingenuous.

    Pick a side.

  3. - Last Bull Moose - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 3:22 pm:

    The Republican Party needs more of this. I have been so disappointed in people like Sen. Flake from Arizona who left rather than fight a primary.

    We honor those who stand and fight. Not those who cut and run.

  4. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 3:37 pm:

    “Pretty easy primary for me.”

    He has had conservative/tea party primaries in the past…but I’m going to go on a limb and say many of his constituents didn’t have strong enough opinions about him at the time to replace him. After becoming “enemy number one” for the Trump wing of the GOP for months, I don’t think he’ll have a similar experience this time around.

  5. - Heather From The Southside - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 3:38 pm:

    -It’s going to be hard, probably fruitless, and eradicating racists-

    Certainly , no easy task. It’s easier to become a registered Democrat.

  6. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 3:53 pm:

    Apparently Republicanism is voting 90.2% of the time with Donald Trump (538).

  7. - Amalia - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 4:01 pm:

    Kinzinger, NARAL Zero. Ben Sasse wannabe.

  8. - Northsider - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 4:23 pm:

    == Ben Sasse wannabe. ==

    Aspiring to be an empty suit? Such … ambition?

  9. - Huh? - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 4:29 pm:

    I voted for king once, a ballot I regret casting.


  10. - Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 4:29 pm:

    =”not going to rule anything out”=

    Kinzinger would be wise to bide his time and stay noncommittal on any statewide office. JB has issues, IDES fraud, Veterans home COVID debacle, lackluster Vaccine rollout, FAIR tax failure. these things have a collective effect. 2022 campaign season will be here before you know it.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 4:29 pm:

    It’s comically confusing… lol

    If you’re against Kinzinger’s charge here, to eradicate Trumpism, then you are aiding racists, insurrectionists, and conspiracy theorists.

    You don’t need to agree with Kinzinger, but if you’re against his mission, you’re actually the problem Kinzinger is fighting.

    It’s comically a self-own actually to today’s politics, and you’re siding with Trump. Double self-own.

  12. - Space Ghost - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 4:38 pm:

    Adam Kinzinger = Joe Walsh

  13. - Bruce( no not him) - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 4:42 pm:

    No intention “But we need you” Oh, Ok then

  14. - Commisar Gritty - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 5:00 pm:

    Here to remind people that Adam Kinzinger voted with Trump 93% of the time. His rhetoric, while appreciated, is made hypocritical by this fact. He wants to take away your healthcare and funnel taxpayer dollars to the wealthy the same as the rest of his colleagues, he just stows the tin foil hat while doing it.

  15. - Colin O'Scopy - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 5:12 pm:

    =Apparently Republicanism is voting 90.2% of the time with Donald Trump (538).=

    I think some of us forget that Trump co-opted the Republican Party, not the other way around. I would defy anyone to show me a policy that was “strictly Trump” that wasn’t easily or readily adopted by the Republican Party.

    Simply put, my question is how are they really different and why would it surprise you that Trump Dogma and Republican Party platforms aren’t one and the same?

  16. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 5:13 pm:

    === Here to remind people that Adam Kinzinger voted with Trump 93% of the time.===

    A point I’ve personally made numerous times.

    Here’s the sitch. This is a reality.

    If, according to polling, 87% of self identifying “Republicans” are actually “Trumpkins”… and by congressional seats, the Trumpkins were about 32,000 votes away from taking the House… isn’t it better to force the party to eradicate versus consolidate?

    It’s like there’s this thought Trumpism is over.

    No one knows that.

    But, agree with Kinzinger or not on policy, right now he’s trying to keep Trumpkism from consolidating by taking on the worst elements and tossing them out of any discussion of governing.

    It’s like one bad election away from Stephen Miller coming back… kinda battle Kinzinger is fighting… today… right now.

    This idea of hoping or cheering the Trump Party will explode/implode and go away… it’s quite the opposite… it will either be eradicated or consolidated… and weasel it’s way back.

    Mary Millers aren’t going away, they are looking for more seats because the party doesn’t mind them… in the party.

    That’s my whole ball game. One step at a time.

    As a realist?

    === It’s going to be hard, probably fruitless, and eradicating racists, supporters of an insurrection, and others who are merely conspiracy theorists might be painful to… racists, insurrectionists, conspiracy theorists… ===

    Especially when those groups can elect more Mary Millers.

    With respect, and the knowledge too I know the score with Kinzinger’s own voting record far too well.

  17. - AlfondoGonz - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 5:22 pm:

    He’s not going to run state wide.

    He think he’s going to be President.

  18. - Responsa - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 5:38 pm:

    Large American political parties have always contained many conflicting internal factions and people with agendas vying for power. Republican party currently does. Democratic party currently does. Some in each party are on the fringe. Most are not. Intelligent sparring and airing of policies and ideas is part of the time honored political process. Calling people names and using words like “eradicate” and “public warfare” demonstrates a lack of understanding of human psychology and how political parties morph and heal themselves decade to decade century to century to meet the needs of their time. Adam’s heart may be in the right place but he has a lot to learn.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 5:47 pm:

    Oh boy… wow.

    === Large American political parties have always contained many conflicting internal factions and people with agendas vying for power. Republican party currently does. Democratic party currently does.===

    Yeah. Bout that.

    Democrats aren’t cheering insurrections or conspiracy theories. It’s not both sides. Not even in the state of the county … of the parking lot of the ball park.

    Trumpkins support the insurrection by refusing to see Trump incited the insurrection. That’s not both sides. Good try. No.

    === Calling people names and using words like “eradicate” and “public warfare” demonstrates a lack of understanding of human psychology and how political parties morph and heal themselves…===

    I’m gonna stop ya there.

    If you are not eradicating racists, you’re welcoming racists. That’s not up for “healthy discussion or debate”.

    If you are refusing to eradicate racists, insurrectionists… you are welcoming the worst elements of domestic terrorists… again… not a “healthy debate” kinda division.

    You wanna heal? Then eradicate the cancer.

    === Adam’s heart may be in the right place but he has a lot to learn.===

    “Adam. We need racists, we require insurrectionists, we gotta have conspiracy theorists… you need to learn that”

    That kinda learnin’?


  20. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 5:53 pm:

    Between us, with “eradication”

    After the Civil Rights Act passed… the Democratic Party eradicated the Dixiecrats by making their party someplace that racist thinking to civil rights is unwelcome.

    Where did all these Dixiecrats find a home?

    I’ll give ya a hint… “Nixon’s Southern Strategy”

    It’s time to eradicate again.

  21. - Al - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 6:35 pm:

    I take the Congressman at his word, that he is not running statewide. Davis is more yard sign friendly.

  22. - Citizen Kane - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 6:53 pm:

    I miss Don Manzullo

  23. - Pundent - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 6:53 pm:

    =Some in each party are on the fringe. Most are not.=

    I believe there we ten Republicans members of the house that voted for impeachment with the rest standing in opposition. So remind me which of these two groups are considered the fringe of the party? The party will not heal, nor will the country, if we embrace the most violent elements of society. Unity will only be found when we can condemn violent acts and those that encourage and enable them.

  24. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 6:55 pm:

    ==After becoming “enemy number one” for the Trump wing of the GOP for months, I don’t think he’ll have a similar experience this time around. ==

    About that…a significant number of Trumpkins only show up when Trump is on the ballot. Trump will not be on the ballot in 2022. These folks messed with the pollsters, because pollsters typically focus their efforts on “likely voters” which the Trumpkins are not.

    2022 will be interesting because Trump has only shown to be a draw when his name is on the ballot. If Adam can raise some cash and then recruit and support non-Trumpers to primary folks like Rep. Mary Miller, then we will see…

  25. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 7:49 pm:

    “Adam Kinzinger = Joe Walsh“

    That is the wrongest, yes wrongest, statement to ever be posted on the Capitol Fax ever. I met both men in their first run for Congress. One reminded me of someone like Dwight Eisenhower. The other one reminded me of the mailman from Funny Farm.

  26. - Space Ghost - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 7:57 pm:

    Let me help u out Ducky since u seem pretty Dense they both = out of Politics not even a footnote to a footnote and it’s doubtful either measure up to Eisenhower but a Genius like u should know not

  27. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 8:11 pm:

    Kinzinger isn’t out of politics, he’s actually the flavor of the month right now… his term literally began 5+ weeks ago.

    Keep up.

  28. - Rich Hill - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 10:13 pm:

    Hope he keeps it up, but the party has a reckoning with an aging plutocrat if it wants to end its spiral of racist conspiracy theories at the expense of even a pretense of interest in governing.

    I speak of course of Rupert Murdoch.

  29. - James - Tuesday, Feb 9, 21 @ 10:29 pm:

    Boy speaks the truth, sure rejects Trump, plants himself as part of a minority wing of the minority party.

  30. - Eire17 - Wednesday, Feb 10, 21 @ 5:39 am:

    As they hes not doing this for nothing. The boy is running for something.

  31. - JB13 - Wednesday, Feb 10, 21 @ 9:35 am:

    Your problem with Kinzinger is… he voted as a Republican?

    You’re not serious people.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 21 @ 9:37 am:

    === You’re not serious people.===

    We’re supposed to take Trunpkins serious?


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