WATCH: No, It Wasn’t The Windmills. Don’t Let The Fossil Fuel Companies Tell A Texas-Sized Lie About The Blackouts.
Thursday, Feb 18, 2021 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] FACT CHECK: No, the Texas blackouts aren’t because of wind turbines. Wind farms in Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota do just fine when the temperature gets down below zero. PolitiFact: “Natural gas, not wind turbines, main driver of Texas power shortage. Of the power shortfall that hit Texas, over 80% was due to problems at coal- and gas-fired plants.” Chicago Tribune: “Texas blackouts in winter storm falsely blamed on renewable energy, Green New Deal” Texas Governor Greg Abbott: “It’s frozen in the pipeline. It’s frozen at the rig. It’s frozen at the transmission line. The natural gas providers are incapable of being able to come up with the gas that feeds into the generators that send power to people’s residences …” Kansas City Star: “One lesson that should not be taken away from this weekend: that it underscores the need for more natural gas and fossil fuel production…” When Illinois experienced the Polar Vortex in 2019, it was coal plants that shut down in freezing temperatures. Reject the noise. Get the facts in this new video from the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition.