After her allocation of covid funds going overwhelmingly towards police when it wasn’t supposed to, who is the person to run against lightfoot and unite the city in 2023? A meta pawar is my pick personally he’s nothing short of a stellar laser focused problem solver that the city needs!
Sad to see Stone’s Cannabis monopoly in the Capitol city is expanding to a third westside location. Cannabis is sold at $10,750 a pound or $670 for an ounce of flower buds. We can’t know how much tax Springfield receives due to the super secrecy of not divulging how much revenue they are making. If Springfield had a Second unique provider we could know how much revenue the city is bring in. How is this kept out of audited city financial statements.
Selling one pound a day at $10,750 (a lot of it goes for more) is $4,000,000. We need more competition and openness in these operations which are in violation of federal law.
Given the lines out the doors of the Cannabis shops I imagind the two locations sell a pound a hour. We are being taken and we need more dispensary owners. This is too concentrating of wealth and no one should own more than one retail establishment. I hope the general assembly will take corrective action and pass portions of Rep. Ammon’s Cannabis bill.
Al - as long as you get your weed, why do you care who sells it? Aside from that, you should already know that most pols are “do as I say and not as I do” kinda people.
Al - Marijuana should be regulated like alcohol. Much more competition at the retail level, and craft brewing provides some competition for the national oligopolies.
Check out the letter the city of Moline sent to WIU, it is on Moline’s Facebook page. Guess Moline is shopping for another University.
- Gruntled University Employee - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 8:36 am:
It’s a shame the Feds aren’t including cannabis decriminalization in the stimulus bill. If they decriminalized, took it off the Schedule 1 list and added a 1% federal sales tax I think it would meet the criteria for reconciliation.
Sun is out even though the temp is 7 however, saw some melting yesterday when the sun was out and the temp went above 20. Forecast sounds like rain and warming by Sunday so Yay us.
Dear Sloppy, Mr. Stone is the son of a successful cardiologist. Mr. Stone has two stores operating in violation of federal law. No disclosures. He has fed enough from the public trough. There are others, like army veteran African Americans who would like a retail license and can’t get one. By opening these shops while it is federally illegal this give cash ready applicants an edge as bankers can’t really loan money to set up Cannabis shops. This is how the mafia is keeping minorities out of the lucrative market. It Stinks. One Retail license per individual please. Let us not forget the lessons of our past.
Dear Remember, the alcohol industry is set up the way the mafia ordered it set up in 1933. We need to institute a wholesale liquor tax and require liquor warehousemen disclose their gross revenue and cost of sales.
We do not tax and regulate alcohol sales in Illinois. Drinking and driving is legal. We subsidize alcohol sales with personal income taxes. These are facts. If you are over .04 BAC you are impaired.
With all the censuring going on in the GOP of members who are against Trump, I’m afraid they’re going to sink their party. So much for being against “cancel culture.” I’m libertarian leaning so I typically vote Republican but man that party is getting very top-down authoritarian.
- Essential State Employee - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:15 am:
=Is the snow melting anywhere?=
It finally has on major streets and snow routes in at least Springfield and Chatham. Including near the Capitol Complex.
Many of the side streets, and cul-de-sac and subdivision drives, are another story. Still a mess there. Hopefully after it finally gets above freezing later this weekend those streets can melt.
==Will county GOP voted last night to censure Adam Kinzinger.==
While I appreciate the update, isn’t that like when Dean Wormer putting the fraternity on double-secret probation? I also enjoy the GOP’s rantings on ‘cancel culture’ while they proceed to do just that.
===Drinking and driving is legal. We subsidize alcohol sales with personal income taxes. These are facts.===
These are not facts as you deem them.
If you have issues with cannabis, citing “mafia” and targeted angst isn’t helping with a sound argument.
To the post,
The sun shining here in Kendall county as the wind continues to gather and sweep light snow around. The sun is only helping my disposition, not my warmth.
== covid funds going overwhelmingly towards (Chicago) police when it wasn’t supposed to ==
Not sure that’s a factual statement. The feds made a large pool of funds available to municipalities to help reimbursement them for costs directly related to Covid — equipment, personnel, etc. Those aren’t block grant dollars that the city can now direct to new programs for things like affordable housing. If the city put up dollars to house homeless people when the pandemic first hit, they could recover those costs now, but lots of activists and aldermen in the Chicago media today seem to think that’s newly found money — don’t think that’s the case.
Is anywhere in the state actually following Pritzker’s recommendations to expand vaccine eligibility on Feb 25?
Every county I have looked at has said they don’t have enough vaccine to do that. And now some vaccine appts are getting canceled bc of weather-related vaccine distribution problems.
- Essential State Employee - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:34 am:
=Check out the letter the city of Moline sent to WIU, it is on Moline’s Facebook page. Guess Moline is shopping for another University.=
As an master’s alum at WIU I say let the QC campus go on their own or with another university. NWIU or UIQC has nice rings to it!
The growth of WIU-QC (in addition to 20 years of disinvestment in state higher ed especially during both Blago and the Rauner impasse) has adversely hurt both investment and enrollment on the main Macomb campus. Let WIU-QC go on their own or elsewhere and focus back on Macomb instead.
It’s really great to see the President be actively interested in scientific missions to Mars. It’s also really great to see that in order to watch television coverage, he left his office and watched it on television in a different part of the West Wing.
It’s such a quiet relief after four years of a horse running our hospital.
– I hope the general assembly will take corrective action and pass portions of Rep. Ammon’s Cannabis bill. –
Which bill?
The state showed their hand (initially) when they entirely struck the 5 plant homegrow for healthy law-abiding adults and then handed adult-use production and distribution to the organized “medical” monopoly companies. Illinois is (not by accident) motivated to keep prices as high as possible. It may not be the mafia but the greed and manipulation seems pretty obvious, so far.
Competition is great but absent a legal token homegrow option for healthy adult Illinoisans, it remains about the revenue opportunity.
- Not funny - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 5:33 am:
The veiled reference to Mussolini and Madigan was clever in your post./s
- PublicServant - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 6:43 am:
Pretty sure Jason Gonzales will not be appointed Mike’s successor…just sayin.
- Lindenhurst147 - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 6:57 am:
After her allocation of covid funds going overwhelmingly towards police when it wasn’t supposed to, who is the person to run against lightfoot and unite the city in 2023? A meta pawar is my pick personally he’s nothing short of a stellar laser focused problem solver that the city needs!
- blue line - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 7:07 am:
now that i know about the madigan garden, the mushrooms make much more sense. the circle is complete.
- Al - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 7:19 am:
Sad to see Stone’s Cannabis monopoly in the Capitol city is expanding to a third westside location. Cannabis is sold at $10,750 a pound or $670 for an ounce of flower buds. We can’t know how much tax Springfield receives due to the super secrecy of not divulging how much revenue they are making. If Springfield had a Second unique provider we could know how much revenue the city is bring in. How is this kept out of audited city financial statements.
Selling one pound a day at $10,750 (a lot of it goes for more) is $4,000,000. We need more competition and openness in these operations which are in violation of federal law.
- Dog Lover - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 7:42 am:
Happy to see the sun again, but -4 degrees…sheesh. It’s Friday and I hope you all have a good day and a great weekend.
- Anon E Moose - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 7:55 am:
Is the snow melting anywhere? Just seems to get higher and higher.
- Al - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 8:04 am:
Given the lines out the doors of the Cannabis shops I imagind the two locations sell a pound a hour. We are being taken and we need more dispensary owners. This is too concentrating of wealth and no one should own more than one retail establishment. I hope the general assembly will take corrective action and pass portions of Rep. Ammon’s Cannabis bill.
- Sloppy Joseph - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 8:14 am:
Al - as long as you get your weed, why do you care who sells it? Aside from that, you should already know that most pols are “do as I say and not as I do” kinda people.
- Anyone Remember - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 8:19 am:
Al - Marijuana should be regulated like alcohol. Much more competition at the retail level, and craft brewing provides some competition for the national oligopolies.
- Grimlock - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 8:33 am:
Check out the letter the city of Moline sent to WIU, it is on Moline’s Facebook page. Guess Moline is shopping for another University.
- Gruntled University Employee - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 8:36 am:
It’s a shame the Feds aren’t including cannabis decriminalization in the stimulus bill. If they decriminalized, took it off the Schedule 1 list and added a 1% federal sales tax I think it would meet the criteria for reconciliation.
- Excessively Rabid - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 8:38 am:
AEM - It thawed a little in Springfield yesterday. I said that the worst is over when you see a guy driving a snowplow wearing a t shirt.
- Give Me A Break - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 8:45 am:
Sun is out even though the temp is 7 however, saw some melting yesterday when the sun was out and the temp went above 20. Forecast sounds like rain and warming by Sunday so Yay us.
- TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 8:53 am:
Will county GOP voted last night to censure Adam Kinzinger.
- Ok - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 8:53 am:
The floods, the floods, are coooming…
- don the legend - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:02 am:
Anyone else hearing that Bill Houlihan to become chair of Democratic Party of Illinois?
- Al - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:04 am:
Dear Sloppy, Mr. Stone is the son of a successful cardiologist. Mr. Stone has two stores operating in violation of federal law. No disclosures. He has fed enough from the public trough. There are others, like army veteran African Americans who would like a retail license and can’t get one. By opening these shops while it is federally illegal this give cash ready applicants an edge as bankers can’t really loan money to set up Cannabis shops. This is how the mafia is keeping minorities out of the lucrative market. It Stinks. One Retail license per individual please. Let us not forget the lessons of our past.
- Al - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:10 am:
Dear Remember, the alcohol industry is set up the way the mafia ordered it set up in 1933. We need to institute a wholesale liquor tax and require liquor warehousemen disclose their gross revenue and cost of sales.
We do not tax and regulate alcohol sales in Illinois. Drinking and driving is legal. We subsidize alcohol sales with personal income taxes. These are facts. If you are over .04 BAC you are impaired.
- Former Decatur - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:11 am:
With all the censuring going on in the GOP of members who are against Trump, I’m afraid they’re going to sink their party. So much for being against “cancel culture.” I’m libertarian leaning so I typically vote Republican but man that party is getting very top-down authoritarian.
- Essential State Employee - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:15 am:
=Is the snow melting anywhere?=
It finally has on major streets and snow routes in at least Springfield and Chatham. Including near the Capitol Complex.
Many of the side streets, and cul-de-sac and subdivision drives, are another story. Still a mess there. Hopefully after it finally gets above freezing later this weekend those streets can melt.
- Jocko - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:16 am:
==Will county GOP voted last night to censure Adam Kinzinger.==
While I appreciate the update, isn’t that like when Dean Wormer putting the fraternity on double-secret probation? I also enjoy the GOP’s rantings on ‘cancel culture’ while they proceed to do just that.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:17 am:
- Al -
With respect,
Your mafia and angst is noted.
===Drinking and driving is legal. We subsidize alcohol sales with personal income taxes. These are facts.===
These are not facts as you deem them.
If you have issues with cannabis, citing “mafia” and targeted angst isn’t helping with a sound argument.
To the post,
The sun shining here in Kendall county as the wind continues to gather and sweep light snow around. The sun is only helping my disposition, not my warmth.
- Anonymous - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:20 am:
Lindenhurst147 If there wasn’t any protesting/rioting/looting then maybe they wouldn’t have had to use Covid money to pay for all the overtime.
- Pawar Lost - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:22 am:
Lindenhurst147, Pawar lost the City Treasurer’s race.
- Telly - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:28 am:
== covid funds going overwhelmingly towards (Chicago) police when it wasn’t supposed to ==
Not sure that’s a factual statement. The feds made a large pool of funds available to municipalities to help reimbursement them for costs directly related to Covid — equipment, personnel, etc. Those aren’t block grant dollars that the city can now direct to new programs for things like affordable housing. If the city put up dollars to house homeless people when the pandemic first hit, they could recover those costs now, but lots of activists and aldermen in the Chicago media today seem to think that’s newly found money — don’t think that’s the case.
- Cailleach - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:30 am:
It’s Friday, Rich. How about some Oscar pics?
- hisgirlfriday - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:32 am:
Is anywhere in the state actually following Pritzker’s recommendations to expand vaccine eligibility on Feb 25?
Every county I have looked at has said they don’t have enough vaccine to do that. And now some vaccine appts are getting canceled bc of weather-related vaccine distribution problems.
- Essential State Employee - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:34 am:
=Check out the letter the city of Moline sent to WIU, it is on Moline’s Facebook page. Guess Moline is shopping for another University.=
As an master’s alum at WIU I say let the QC campus go on their own or with another university. NWIU or UIQC has nice rings to it!
The growth of WIU-QC (in addition to 20 years of disinvestment in state higher ed especially during both Blago and the Rauner impasse) has adversely hurt both investment and enrollment on the main Macomb campus. Let WIU-QC go on their own or elsewhere and focus back on Macomb instead.
- BTO2 - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:46 am:
Compared to Texas, I’ll take my electricity, water and small amount of snow left on roads.
- Candy Dogood - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 9:58 am:
It’s really great to see the President be actively interested in scientific missions to Mars. It’s also really great to see that in order to watch television coverage, he left his office and watched it on television in a different part of the West Wing.
It’s such a quiet relief after four years of a horse running our hospital.
- XonXoff - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 10:16 am:
– I hope the general assembly will take corrective action and pass portions of Rep. Ammon’s Cannabis bill. –
Which bill?
The state showed their hand (initially) when they entirely struck the 5 plant homegrow for healthy law-abiding adults and then handed adult-use production and distribution to the organized “medical” monopoly companies. Illinois is (not by accident) motivated to keep prices as high as possible. It may not be the mafia but the greed and manipulation seems pretty obvious, so far.
Competition is great but absent a legal token homegrow option for healthy adult Illinoisans, it remains about the revenue opportunity.
- Dotnonymous - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 11:46 am:
How many Black owners are there in Illinois?…zero.
- Al - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:18 pm:
Dear XonXoff, 102 general assembly bill hb0902. This is not a light read. It is a serious thought out legislation.