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Question of the day

Friday, Feb 19, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I have to run some errands for a bit, so I’ll be back later this afternoon. From WJBC

On Wednesday, Gov. Pritzker unveiled his 2021 budget proposal, which did not include a tax hike. However, Senator Jason Barickman (R-Bloomington) said the speech did have unnecessary rhetoric.

“First of all, I was stunned at the harsh partisan rhetoric that I heard from the Governor in his budget address. I can’t point you to another budget address for which the person standing at the microphone took so many just over-the-top rhetorical political swings at Republicans. And for me, I’m a guy who worked with this Governor over the years. I mean, I’ve broken with the party and worked with him to try to forge bipartisan agreements.

“For him to make those attacks, I think, were totally unjustified. I think the public is fed up with that level of rhetoric, and they expect more. I tell you, I expect more out of all of us, including the Governor.”

* The allegedly offensive language

Two months ago I asked Republicans in the General Assembly for their proposals to close this year’s budget deficit. I was met with silence. Apparently their idea of bipartisanship ends when hard choices must be made.

I won’t pretend that these tough decisions don’t have a human impact, because we are operating within one of the most bare-bones government infrastructures in the country. While the right-wing carnival barkers have used our state as a laboratory to undermine essential public investments, the fact of the matter is Illinois state government spends less money per person than the majority of states in this nation.

Twenty years ago Illinois had about 30% more employees than it does today. We had 40% more Illinois State Police to protect the 58,000 square miles of our state. Our Environmental Protection Agency had nearly 60% more people protecting our air and water. And state government’s share of spending on education has steadily dropped to the lowest in the nation – leading your cities and your counties and your school districts to impose suffocatingly high property taxes in order to maintain quality public education. Government cannot be bloated, but it must have the resources to provide for the needs of our state’s residents. […]

For decades, Illinois has been forced to send billions more tax dollars every year to the federal government than we receive back from them in support of our citizens. Federal spending is rigged against Illinois. We’ve been subsidizing public services for other states, like Iowa, Kentucky, Indiana, and Missouri.

You deserve better. I’m fighting for better. Congress must act decisively, and I urge every Illinoisan to add their voice to this demand. So far, not a single Republican Congressman from Illinois has supported you getting back what you paid for. If not in a national crisis, when will they stand up for us? Now is the time.

Let’s be clear. Congressional action will help us today, but it won’t solve Illinois’ remaining fiscal challenges. That’s why any money we receive from the federal government needs to be spent wisely, by paying down borrowing and our bill backlog. Anything remaining must be used to invest in expanding jobs and economic growth. More jobs, more businesses, more economic activity – means a higher standard of living for our citizens, a healthier budget and a healthier state government.

* The Question: Was the governor’s rhetoric justified or unjustified? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…

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  1. - Put the fun in unfunded - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:27 pm:

    “Federal spending is rigged against Illinois.” States don’t pay taxes. People do.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:28 pm:

    Is this from the same folks who say “Democrat Party” and refuse to see it as a slight?

  3. - very old soil - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:29 pm:

    Justified. Is there anything he said that is not true?

  4. - Groucho - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:29 pm:

    I voted that this was unnecessary. You can make every point he made without name calling.

  5. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:29 pm:


    Precisely because the specifics given. Not just what those specifics are, but that those specifics were brought up at all. That’s the important thing, and it needs to happen more not less.

    You can see the contrast to this in the response from Jason. Vague generalities not being specific on what the actual issue is.

    It is in fact the generic types of responses that Jason is making that people are predominantly getting tired of. Except of course for his ever shrinking base.

  6. - May Soon Be Required - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:30 pm:

    Justified…. as Leader OW always says Governors own. The Governor has determined that he owns this and will need to forge ahead on his own without the help of the Republicans. His job then is to convince his fellow Dems to share in the ownership. However, the Senate Dems and Educational funding, the Black Caucus and Social Justice reform funding along with the local municipalities and LGDF will creat a very tough budget cycle for the Governor.

  7. - Huh? - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:31 pm:

    It is clear the republican’ts don’t want to be part of the solution. They want to sit on the sidelines and complain why they aren’t in the game.

  8. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:33 pm:

    Oh my God - cry me a river of crocodile tears. I guess he slept through the Rauner years…and the Trump years.

  9. - Former Downstater - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:35 pm:

    Justified. We’re all waiting for something from the Republicans other than conspiracy theories and complaining about Democratic ideas and plans.

  10. - Lefty Lefty - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:38 pm:

    I said it was justified, but only people in the room and on the calls know what really happened last summer (mentioned in the full article). If the input Sen. Barickman mentions involves unconstitutional pension reform or “cutting waste,” that doesn’t count.

    Also - if the shoe fits….”Carnival barker” is pretty accurate to describe the current state of the Republican Party at all levels, and it doesn’t come near the Right’s bringing up the Governor’s weight (which I just saw yesterday on Twitter by a renowned pundit).

    I’d love to see compromise and governance out of the Rs again. Email updates from my Republican legislators recently consist of fear-mongering about the law enforcement reform bill and more “pension reform/waste” nonsense.

  11. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:41 pm:

    Unjustified. Calling your opponents right-wing carnival barkers earns no one any respect. Governors own.

  12. - Montrose - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:42 pm:

    Justified. It’s all true. People generally get upset when you call them out.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:42 pm:


    I lead NO one. That much I know.

    To the question?

    Here is the only reason I’m going “justified”

    The politics here to get this budget through, right now it seems no one is fully satisfied with the proposal.

    After the Fair Tax Flop, the partisan bend after November to fiscal choices, Raunerites, like a Barickman, like others, have made that defeat (or win as they see it) a point towards the governor, and not just a wonky belief to the fiscal challenges.

    Governors own.

    If governors own (and they do) the pre-emptive rhetoric makes very clear; governors own, so don’t decide that by not engaging you can passively be harmless.

    That’s all.

    If Barickman is confused by this, he can attach his own suggestions for the governor for his caucus, as a menu, not a ridiculous “cut 5% everywhere”

    Barickman should be better than that.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:43 pm:

    === Governors own.===

    … and yet you blamed the budgetary impasse on Madigan when Rauner refused to sign THREE budgets.

    So there’s that, lol

  15. - Inverted Pyramid - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:45 pm:

    Voted justified only because it is justified in the Governor’s mind, so he’s justified in saying it.

    But, this paragraph:

    “Twenty years ago Illinois had about 30% more employees than it does today”…

    Ryan, Blagojevich, Quinn, Rauner, Pritzker.

    Philip, Jones, Cullerton, Harmon.


    Yes, there were the two years of the budget impasse in Rauner’s four. And two years of Philip And one year of Ryan.

    But wrapping his blame of Republicans around the two decades of state government decline rings hollow.

    The Democratic Party has almost wholely controlled state government over the two decades he uses, including years of Dem legislative super majorities. Yet the Governor lays no blame at the feet of fellow party members. GOP sees through that hypocrisy.

  16. - Give Me A Break - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:46 pm:

    So the party that supports the flame throwing, vulgar, hate promoting former POTUS is upset about being on the end of some speech they don’t like? Got it. Barickman must have a case of the swoons and needs to lay down on his fainting couch.

  17. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:47 pm:

    Barickman kept his mouth shut for four years of the horrible, partisan rhetoric coming hourly from the highest levels of government, so many insults to so many people and slanderous lies thrown in for good measure.

    Forgive me if I don’t feel sorry for Jason Barickman’s feelings because Governor Pritzker spoke with tough political language.

    And if anyone is setting up a GOFUNDME page to buy tissues for Illinois Republicans, I’ll gladly contribute.

    Just doing my part.

  18. - AlfondoGonz - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:47 pm:

    I can’t imagine an honest Republican would clutch pearls over “rhetoric” for at least a political generation.

    I also think it necessary to address the fringe elements that exist on the right, because they’re a real problem.

    Also a problem is the tribalism that kicks in when the fringe is chastised.

    If, when someone cautions against “carnival barkers” you are afraid they’re talking about you, you may consider where the issues lays.

  19. - Nagidam - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:47 pm:

    I think it was unjustified. It was supposed to be a speech given to the people on the State of Affairs going on in our state since the previous year along with his budget proposal for the coming Fiscal Year. He does not do angry politician very well and it showed. He turned it into a quasi campaign speech that was just not necessary. He wants to whack Republicans for lack of participation, which they deserve, do it in the follow-up.

  20. - You Asked Me To Explain - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:48 pm:

    Unjustified- The Gov and the Dems have no one else to blame with Trump gone- so let’s blame the GOP.

    The Dems control the majority and have for years in Illinois- they need to stop acting like they need the GOP to make a balanced budget- they don’t. They should be able to produce that and pass it themselves. They are the SUPER majority.

    I think it’s cute that the GOP sure can’t have bills called in committee that they want called, but the Gov calls them out for not helping with the budget. C’mon.

  21. - NIU Grad - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:48 pm:

    Here’s my question: Would he have been so directly partisan if he was addressing the chamber, with the GOP side ready to pout, throw theatrics, and steal the show? If you have the chance to do a video address…take the swing.

  22. - Steve Rogers - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:49 pm:

    Justified. This is small potatoes compared to the rhetoric that came from the Trump WH and his minions. But R’s are a lot better at playing the victim than D’s.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:51 pm:

    === The Dems control the majority and have for years in Illinois- they need to stop acting like they need the GOP to make a balanced budget- they don’t. They should be able to produce that and pass it themselves. They are the SUPER majority.===

    … and yet Rauner refused to sign a budget for THREE years, and the fourth year, according to your mouth breathing, would be a budget signed by a governor out of balance.

    The Great Charlie Wheeler has “asked and answered” the “balanced budget” dates ad nauseum, use the Google.

  24. - 4 percent - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:52 pm:

    I’ve yet to see the House or Senate Democrats submit a list of budget cuts…

    Secondly, I see a whole lot of “corporate loopholes” filed in legislation by the same legislators wanting to close them…

    If we had a tax on hypocrisy, we’d fix our budget debt.

  25. - Gracchus - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:53 pm:

    Justified. The Republican legislative record speaks for itself.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:54 pm:

    === the GOP sure can’t have bills called in committee that they want called, but the Gov calls them out for not helping with the budget. C’mon.===


    You can’t have Governors own without decidedly NOT putting out publicly what the opposition party would suggest.

    Why hide your light under a bushel? The Raunerites can easily, like Jeanne Ives did, put forth a budgetary frame.

    Of course Ives took the IPI thoughts and ran with them…

  27. - City Zen - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:56 pm:

    ==Federal spending is rigged against Illinois==

    State spending is rigged against (insert upper middle-class Chicago suburb here).

  28. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:56 pm:

    === I’ve yet to see the House or Senate Democrats submit a list of budget cuts…===

    It’s the Governor’s budget. He’s a Democrat, the Democrats are owning the choices of this budget until such time they disagree.

    If the super minority is ok lobbing rocks, expect more harsh rhetoric as adults cobble 60 and 30 and that budget.

  29. - SWIL_Voter - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:57 pm:

    I’ve been called much worse by these whiners for going on 20 years. I thought we stopped caring about rhetoric when we elected Trump. I can’t even repeat the stuff he said on the daily, and complaining about it only made me a snowflake.

  30. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 1:59 pm:

    I said unjustified. There is no need in Illinois to ever talk about the Republican Party unprompted.

  31. - RNUG - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:02 pm:

    I didn’t vote because I didn’t like the justified / unjustified language.

    If the category was unneeded, I would have voted, Yes. JB in theory doesn’t need GOP votes to advance his agenda. The language, however, could be viewed as divisive. Better to have tamed it down and try to get a bit of cross party cooperation on whatever common interests that can be agreed on.

  32. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:03 pm:

    Skunks smell like skunks. It is in their nature and is a key part of their evolutionary advantage. Skunks don’t take offense at being accused of their odor.

    Republicans are what they’ve become. If they don’t like someone pointing out what they are, if they don’t like someone acknowledging their stink, perhaps they should consider changing their nature?

    After all, their behavior isn’t in their DNA. But if they change they lose their current niche at the head of the mob they’ve carnival barked into a dim witted frenzy of self destructive behavior.

  33. - EssentialWorkingMom - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:08 pm:

    Justified. Because I’ve seen no bipartisan efforts to actually fix the budget mess this state is in. It’s funny how on the national stage the R party ran on a slogan of “banned word that starts with the letter F” your feelings, and called people out as snowflakes but now the term right-wing carnival barker is going to be disappointing to them.

  34. - Moe Berg - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:08 pm:

    The ILGOP just set up a “Fire Pritzker” website.

    The claim:

    “From Cairo to Chicago, Quincy to Danville, the people of Illinois are saying enough is enough. Enough tax hikes, unbalanced budgets, radical leftist agendas and enough unaccountable rule by one man shutting down our economy and destroying Illinois’ future. Enough is enough.”

    The chairman of Barickman’s party just said:

    “Pritzker is a sore loser who has proposed a truly nasty budget.”

    What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

    The pundit fetishization of “bipartisanship” has never seemed more ridiculous given the anti-democratic, authoritarian and insurrectionist nature of the current GOP.

    In that context, Pritzker needs to say it like it is.

  35. - Lt Guv - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:20 pm:

    Totally justified. In the last few months, Durkin has abandoned any imagined graciousness. It’s been a major disappointment. The GOP is mostly a bunch of offended, entitled whiners who don’t know how to interact with a world that is not an exact reflection of theirs. I would suggest world travel without a pre-fab US tour group.

  36. - Boongledoor - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:23 pm:

    Justified. It’s obvious he’s gearing up for the re-elect.

  37. - Anyone Remember - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:27 pm:

    Justified. Constructive critics offer detailed alternatives. Unconstructive critics offer nothing, and when pressed about it whine like a 4 year old who can’t have a second cookie.

  38. - Pundent - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:28 pm:

    After hearing a steady drumbeat of Pocahontas, Sleepy Joe, Shifty Schiff, and countless others for 4 years, carnival barker seems a bit tame.

  39. - tomhail - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:29 pm:

    Justified. He warned us this would be the situation if we rejected the Fair Tax.

  40. - Bruce( no not him) - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:29 pm:

    === right-wing carnival barkers ===
    I just like this image.
    Justified or not, I just like it.

  41. - Tired Teacher - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:31 pm:

    Totally justified. It is amazing that Republicans in this state greedily slurp up money sent to them, yet refuse to reinvest in our own state. JB is spot on.

  42. - Precinct Captain - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:31 pm:

    Imagine being such a baby like Barickman. He must have cried every night during the Trump presidency. Or is it OKIYAR?

  43. - Last Bull Moose - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:33 pm:

    Republicans have had multiple opportunities to suggest improvements. Crickets.

  44. - Donnie Elgin - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:37 pm:

    =Two months ago I asked Republicans in the General Assembly for their proposals to close this year’s budget deficit. I was met with silence=

    I voted unjustified, it was an unnecessary dig at his political rivals. He could have alluded in a general to the silence from the opposition. It also has a boomerang effect. It opens him up to question like how come the IDES fraud is still rampant when he has known about the problem for months….

  45. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:38 pm:

    === States don’t pay taxes. People do.===

    Then the states paying more… for other states getting more than they put in… should stop.

    The taker states might need to get less.

  46. - Franklin - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:42 pm:

    The Governor needs a villain. Rauner, Trump and even Madigan for a minute are all gone. If he doesn’t find someone to deflect on soon people will start noticing him.

    He swung wildly and looked a bit lost.

  47. - nadia - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:50 pm:

    I voted justified because I believe what he said to be mostly true. But to me there is very little “rhetoric” in the statement. He only mentions Republicans twice and only once is it the GA. He does mention “right wing carnival barkers”, I think most of us agree they do exist, just like left wing barkers.

  48. - Fed Up - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:54 pm:

    When the conservatives get an actual fair seat at the table maybe they will make suggestions. For years in this state suggestions were made and ignored. Now we want to blame them for no ideas?? I don’t blame them for not giving him any, they will be turned and used against them as a tool to blame the hard times. As others have said, the democrats have had how many years of power to fix it and haven’t. When you have full control it evidently is hard to look in the mirror and accept responsibility.

  49. - Techie - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 2:58 pm:

    Justified. The only name-calling was referring to Rauner as a carnival barker, which is a minor insult and also fairly accurate. Also well-deserved for one of the worst governors the state has known in recent history.

  50. - A - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:00 pm:

    When do Republicans have much of anything to do with anything in this state? As long as I can remember we’ve been a democrat controlled state

  51. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:01 pm:

    === When the conservatives get an actual fair seat===

    Winners make policy. Win. Then sit.

    ===I don’t blame them for not giving him any, they will be turned and used against them as a tool to blame the hard times.===

    Yeah, that’s only true of *any* idea that is illogical, silly, hurtful, or dishonest.

    If you can’t sell your idea as a good one, maybe it *aint* a good idea.

    === As others have said, the democrats have had how many years of power to fix it and haven’t.===

    Illinois has had 26 years of GOP governors, 30 of the last 42 years.

    So there’s that.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:02 pm:

    === As long as I can remember we’ve been a democrat controlled state===

    Did you miss the 1990’s, the last 30 of these 42 years?

  53. - Skeptic - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:04 pm:

    Totally justified. Explanation in two words: “Eastern Bloc.”

  54. - Lt Guv - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:04 pm:

    ==When the conservatives get an actual fair seat at the table maybe they will make suggestions. For years in this state suggestions were made and ignored. Now we want to blame them for no ideas?? I don’t blame them for not giving him any, they will be turned and used against them as a tool to blame the hard times. As others have said, the democrats have had how many years of power to fix it and haven’t. When you have full control it evidently is hard to look in the mirror and accept responsibility.==

    Give me a break. For 2 of the last 4 years the GOP owned the federal gov’t. and then the last 2 year they owned 2/3 of it. What did they do? Hurt us. “Nuff said. They have nothing to offer, it’s clear.

  55. - Just a comment - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:10 pm:

    I agree with the Governor’s sentiment, but his criticism of the progressive federal tax system is interesting. Wealthier individuals (and states with higher concentrations of wealthy individuals) pay more to the federal government than states with fewer wealthy taxpayers. Exactly what he proposed the state have in place to shift more of the tax burden to our wealthier taxpayers. I support progressive taxation and was disappointed it failed to pass here. If we are unhappy with the amount of federal money we are getting here, we need to blame the elected officials we are sending to DC.

  56. - Pundent - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:10 pm:

    =As long as I can remember we’ve been a democrat controlled state=

    My district has flipped from red to blue. Bad candidates have that effect.

  57. - 4 percent - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:11 pm:

    – It’s the Governor’s budget. He’s a Democrat, the Democrats are owning the choices of this budget until such time they disagree.

    Do you really think that the Democrat-led General Assembly is simply a pawn of the Governor? No. If the Governor wants to see “cuts” from the co-equal legislative branch (that the former Speaker yesterday touted in his good bye missive), then the supermajority Democrats in the GA should also put forth their ideas.

    You cannot say that only GOP members of the legislature have an obligation and give a blind pass to the Democrats. As Joe Biden says, “c’mon man.”

  58. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:15 pm:

    “Calling your opponents right-wing carnival barkers earns no one any respect.”

    Did someone ignore Rauner and Trump and their sweet nothings aimed at their political opponents?
    If you thought that was ok and said nothing and like it when your people did it then be quiet and take your lumps now.

  59. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:19 pm:

    === Democrat-led===

    (Sigh)… ugh.

    ===If the Governor wants to see “cuts” from the co-equal legislative branch (that the former Speaker yesterday touted in his good bye missive), then the supermajority Democrats in the GA should also put forth their ideas.===

    Yeah, your premise is ignorant to your own words.

    If you think Democrats haven’t discussed the budget, the wants and how to cobble 60 and 30, maybe Facebook is your speed.

    When a party isn’t obsessed with a cult of personality or regionalism and racial purity, they have policy they discuss they agree on and want passed. Keep up.

    ===… give a blind pass to the Democrats.===

    LOL, if they are are Democrats, you don’t think they have common policy and budgetary wants, and further, aren’t already working together to reach those agreements?

    You can’t complain about a “Democrat-led” legislature then put in your thoughts they might not agree to a budget.

    It’s not a pass, they’re already working together.

  60. - BTO2 - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:20 pm:

    Justified. I thought it was tame compared to all the other extreme things being said by politicians the last few years.

  61. - Al - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:28 pm:

    People who operate Casinos are neither nice nor good people.

  62. - Captain Obvious - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:33 pm:

    Whiny tone. Lots of blaming, not much solving.

  63. - City Zen - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:35 pm:

    ==his criticism of the progressive federal tax system is interesting==

    Right, he’s complaining about a system that sends more money to southern states whose populations have the highest percentage of African Americans in the country. I thought equity was important.

    Virginia is one of the biggest taker states. Maybe JB can ask Governor Northam to cut Illinois a check.

  64. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:37 pm:

    === Virginia is one of the biggest taker states. Maybe JB can ask Governor Northam to cut Illinois a check.===

    I think those statements already are towards… Virginia… along with Texas, Florida, and every other taker-state.

    Good try.

  65. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:42 pm:

    ===southern states whose populations have the highest percentage of===

    defense spending.

  66. - Incandenza - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:47 pm:

    Justified. If the GOP wants to be treated seriously, they would act seriously

  67. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 3:51 pm:

    === defense spending.===

    Seemingly can’t throw a rock from Texas to Virginia without hitting a military installation in those states.

    To the post,

    Our Illinois delegation need to grasp that partisan rancor won’t help when looking at the needs of our state and what is possible in these times could be the needed help, because this global pandemic doesn’t know if your state leads in military monies or not, but ignoring how states have seemingly different ways to financial solutions… seeking help for Illinois during these times is expected.

  68. - 62629 - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 4:00 pm:

    Justified. What a bunch of babies. My 9 yr old nephew has thicker skin.

  69. - Shytown - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 4:04 pm:

    Justified. Justified. And again, justified.

  70. - SammyG - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 4:05 pm:

    He didn’t need to say “carnival barkers” but that’s a minor thing to clutch pearls over.

  71. - SSL - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 4:06 pm:

    Pritzker has been saying it since day one. It’s what everyone does now. It doesn’t look good on anyone, but if it makes him feel better, go ahead.

  72. - Streamwood Retiree - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 4:08 pm:

    Justified. When have the republicans offered anything but pension slashing and union bashing?

    Get a clue, Republicans, working people are the majority. Offer us something besides hate for other working people that look different.

    The part about red states getting back more than they send was a bit over the top IMO. How much of that is because most military bases are located in warm places not this frozen H___. Not including Great Lakes which exists to torment recruits. Why should the Marines in San Diego have all the sadistic fun?

  73. - theCardinal - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 4:09 pm:

    Justified but maybe a bit over the top. Illinois has had problems w federal take for decades. But as I recall it really accelerated under Rod when there were 100s of millions left on the table (if not more )in the transit/transportation sector. He diverted huge sums from highway fund and tried to match fed dollars with fed dollars elsewhere and that was a no go. Thus leaving matching dollars on the table for other states.

  74. - Julian Perez - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 4:14 pm:

    The federal government is borrowing money at 1.35%. It’s sending it to the states. Why would Pritzker “offer” to raise taxes on anyone, when the state of IL and Chicago are two of the few states and cities to have lost population over the last decade?

    In fact, Pritzker should cut regressive taxes (sales, property) and demand that the federal government PERMANENTLY increase federal aid to states

  75. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Friday, Feb 19, 21 @ 4:23 pm:

    Voted “Unjustified”. JB knew (or should have known) going into this job that the ILGOP consists solely of carnival barkers who are completely uninterested in the business of governing and are only here to grift money from the clueless and to move farther up the political ladder. To use the budget address to state the obvious only insults the intelligence of the supermajority of Illinoisans who refuse to vote for ILGOP candidates. We already know what they are, JB, so there is no need to waste lines of a budget address telling us what we already know.

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