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Rate the pro-Kinzinger cable ad and the Lauf intro video

Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Comcast’s latest ad buy report shows the Republican Accountability Project has made a small $3,090 cable TV ad buy in Rockford, Pontiac, Joliet, DeKalb, La Salle-Peru, Streator-Ottawa, Sterling-Rock Falls and Pontiac. Here it is

* Meanwhile, here’s Politico with its usual deadpan manner

CATALINA LAUF, who spoke at the Republican convention last summer, is challenging Rep. Adam Kinzinger in the 16th Congressional District GOP primary, setting the stage for one of the most high-profile primaries in the country as former President Donald Trump targets Republicans who have been disloyal to him.

Lauf declined to say whether she’s talked to Trump about her entry into the race. But it’s no secret she’s a darling of the right. Trump adviser Corey Lewandowski tweeted his support Tuesday night, calling Lauf a “strong candidate…She can win and will support the American First Agenda,” which is a Trump motto.

Lauf told Playbook the race “isn’t just about [Kinzinger] voting for impeachment… He’s just not representing the values of voters in the district.”

If elected, she said she would focus on “preserving free enterprise,” fixing problems with immigration, and supporting individual liberties.

Should Trump declare his support, Lauf will likely see a swell in fundraising. Watch for Trump donors like Dick Uihlein to emerge in this race.

Kinzinger, a six-term congressman, has had an easy go of elections in recent years. In the 2020 General Election, he secured 65 percent of the vote in his district. Trump, by comparison, won the district by 56.9 percent over President Joe Biden’s 40.9 percent. A primary, however, is different.

Lauf ran unsuccessfully in the GOP primary for the 14th Congressional District last year. She doesn’t have to live in the district to file to run in the 16th. The upcoming remap may include her current address, which she said is near the border of Kinzinger’s district. And she’s willing to move if the remap doesn’t include her current home.

She may be a darling of the DC right, but she finished third last year in an open-seat race despite getting loads of coverage from the national conservative media hive

A conservative young Latina from Illinois is running for Congress as the anti-AOC.

Republican Catalina Lauf, 26, who is hoping to snag a Democratic-held seat outside Chicago, supports President Trump’s border wall, cites Ronald Reagan as an idol and hopes to be a counterweight to Rep. Alexandria ­Ocasio-Cortez’s congressional “Squad.”

If Lauf wins the seat, she would break the Bronx-Queens representative’s record as the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.

* Her announcement video…


  1. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 10:55 am:

    Lauf appears to be another Republican who believes “being united” means agreeing with her, on everything.

  2. - NIU Grad - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 10:57 am:

    “fixing problems with immigration”

    Trumpian Translation: “fixing the problem of immigration”

  3. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 10:58 am:

    She’s well produced. If she’s able to raise any money, and withstand what I’m guessing will be a deluge of oppo, she can make a race of this.

  4. - Dysfunction Junction - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:00 am:

    Rate the ad? It says what it needed to say, nothing more, nothing less. This is a basic choice between sycophancy and fidelity to one’s oath of office. The debates with Lauf should be interesting. Only wish I lived in this district so I could chime in at the ballot box.

  5. - John Lopez - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:00 am:

    So Kinzinger through a Bill Kristol independent exoenditure ad buy, gets a birthday present this weekend.

    He got an early birthday present from Catalina Lauf yesterday, and her new video went viral.

    Video clearly from the Kim Klacik school of advertising. If Lauf repeats Klacik’s fundraising starting in 1st quarter, Kinzinger’s 6th term could be his last.

    Definitely America First, not Trump first kickoff, and if her 10K+ growth in followers on social media is early indicator, Kinzinger in fight for his political life next year.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:03 am:


    It’s a “D”


    You can agree or disagree with her, the reality is the intro piece talks about not wanting division, but making Kinzinger an outcast in the party

    As a carpetbagger Lauf talks about constituents she has no real connection to with geography.

    She touts the vote by Kinzinger for impeachment as wrong, siding her with Trump, who incited an insurrection, not to have voices heard, but to ignore what the insurrection was, an attempt to nullify a fair and free election.

    Lauf complains about censorship, but refuses to see her own retweets of conspiracy theorists as wrong.

    If anything, the video marginalizes her and makes her less appealing to the masses, clinging on to Trumpism.

    It’s a “D”… mostly for Disappointment.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:05 am:

    === if her 10K+ growth in followers on social media is early indicator===

    How many actually live in the district?

    - John Lopez -

    Are you part of the Lauf campaign “in any way”?

  8. - Lurker - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:09 am:

    Mitt Romney said it best when he declared Trump will win if he runs. Unfortunately, that translates to doom for Kinzinger is my guess because going against Trump (the 60 year democrat I could add) is now the Republican Party.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:09 am:


    It’s a “B-“, maybe a “C+”

    It’s nice and all, it’s like a high profile thank you note, but in reality, it’s not doing anything more than try to keep Kinzinger’s name out there, and where he stood on that day in January.

    It’s like a warm cookie; you eat it, it’s good, it’s over.

  10. - Ryan - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:12 am:

    So, she’s a carpetbagger. Got it.

  11. - Julian Perez - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:13 am:

    Contributed to two campaigns last cycle. Tulsi and Catalina.

    This Mexican-American believes in Lauf’s vision for America. Will support her again.

    Unfortunately, I don’t live in her district

  12. - Ok - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:13 am:

    Shorter Lauf: refuge for me, but not for thee.

    Her mother fled war-torn Guatemala. The United States at the time routinely rejected asylum applications from Guatemala during the Reagan years primarily because of the U.S.’s unique role in that conflict, while accepting asylum from other Central American countries where Reagan didn’t like the leader (i.e. Nicaragua).

    Most Guatemalans that sought refuge in the U.S. actually came here illegally first, and then were later able to legalize their status in the 1990s. It would be quite rare for Lauf’s mother to not fall into that category.

  13. - Montrose - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:15 am:

    Lauf gets demerits from her base for saying “Democratic Party” vs. “Democrat Party,” but other than that, she hits all the right notes for that crowd. I don’t know that district. If she were to oust Adam in the primary, does the district almost certainly go with the Dem?

  14. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:16 am:

    She came in behind Oberweis in some recent primary. So she’s a district hopping loser.

  15. - Pundent - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:20 am:

    =This Mexican-American believes in Lauf’s vision for America. Will support her again.=

    A candidate who proudly proclaims that she served under a President who sought to overthrow the government? That’s quite a vision that you share.

  16. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:23 am:

    The performance on video strikes me as an audition tape for the Real Housewives of Somewhere. Too many hand gestures.

  17. - Cool Papa Bell - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:23 am:

    Lauf: D - done with the over used slow downed video of candidates, mostly women for some reason, that seems to lead off all of these clips. It really stands out as an over used piece of video editing on the Republican side of things.

    Adam - C - Adam’s not as WOKE as he wants everyone to think he is. So this trying to convince who to vote for him? Is this aimed at Democrats or swing votes? Nice piece, does the job of keeping his name out there as a “reasonable Republican”

  18. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:25 am:

    === She doesn’t have to live in the district to file to run in the 16th. ===

    Alan Keyes must be trying to call her with some advice. He did win those eastern block counties pretty handily.

  19. - SouthSide Markie - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:25 am:

    Am I the only one who looked at Lauf’s finger waving and saw Cicely Strong on Weekend Update?

  20. - Chambananon - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:27 am:

    So she thinks the Dems are creating a “socialist utopia”….

    …aren’t utopias definitionally a positive thing?

  21. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:28 am:

    Depending on how the other primaries pan out, there may be a few democratic voters showing up to vote in the republican party primary election.

  22. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:30 am:

    ===He did win those eastern block counties===

    Kinzinger’s district isn’t in that part of the world.

  23. - May Soon Be Required - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:32 am:

    D she starts a campaign kickoff by eliminating moderate and centrist Republicans not a good way to unify a district she doesn’t even live in.

  24. - McGuppin - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:36 am:

    Did someone say “lost to Jim Oberweis”???

    Let me be the first to congratulate Cong. Kinzinger on this development. As a Democrat, my sincere hope is that having this level of competition in a primary keeps Adam focused on re-election vs. running for something else.

  25. - XonXoff - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:37 am:

    – Am I the only one who looked at Lauf’s finger waving and saw Cicely Strong on Weekend Update? –

    Nope. Familiar timing as well.

  26. - Responsa - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:42 am:

    Yeah, the Kinzinger ad is way too treacly for my taste. For the people who are already on team K. the ad is unnecessary and therefore worthless. For the people who think he’s mostly all about self promotion and raising PAC money this ad is confirmation. For the people on the D side he may be hoping to get to cross over, good luck with that–lol. So C-.

  27. - Lincoln Lad - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:49 am:

    Might just be me, but I find her ad to be demeaning. She seems to underestimate our intelligence - much as Trump always has… After all that’s happened I expect the majority of voters won’t repeat a mistake of just giving it a try…

  28. - Crash - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:51 am:

    That Lauf thing is horrible.

    First, she’s like bouncing towards wherever she’s going at the start. Is she going into a studio to record the ad, or what? There is nothing wrong about being young and attractive, but the way it was filed makes it seem like it going to a new ad for Macy’s or something. It seems weird for a political ad.

    The pointed finger which is sort of in the shot but not really is also strange. Was she told to do it and then the ad producer changed his or her mind? Again strange.

    Lastly, we have the odd capitalization in the text. Maybe that is intended to reflect Trump’s use of the language, but for the rest of us, it seems like she failed fourth grade English.

    Overall, it was incredibly unimpressive.

  29. - Essential State Employee - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:53 am:

    =Comcast’s latest ad buy report shows the Republican Accountability Project has made a small $3,090 cable TV ad buy in Rockford, Pontiac, Joliet, DeKalb, La Salle-Peru, Streator-Ottawa, Sterling-Rock Falls and Pontiac.=

    What a waste at this point not knowing what the new 16th could look like. No guarantees that all of these markets will be in the new district.

  30. - Lincoln Lad - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:55 am:

    I like the Kinzinger ad - and it’s hard to argue with the reality of what actually happened on 1/6 and why. Good for him.

  31. - Crash - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 11:57 am:

    OK, another thing. I know it sounds sort of petty to talk about appearance rather than words but the contrast between the right hand moving continuously while the left arm never moves at all is strange.

    I can imagine her giving a strong speech to her base, but whoever produced the ad really blew it.

  32. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 12:12 pm:

    I gave up after the first 20 seconds — did she ever get where she was going?

    – MrJM

  33. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 12:17 pm:

    Lauf’s twitter bio describes her as “Lover of all things startups,” which might explain the strong Elizabeth Holmes/Theranos vibes that she radiates.

    – MrJM

  34. - H-W - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 12:19 pm:

    The implicit message at the end, that the Republican party now belongs to young members, not he elders (she says this implicitly) is striking.

    I am not sure if she is suggesting she is a small business owner, or if her father is a small business owner. If it is she, I would be curious about what sort of business she owns, her successes in the business community, etc., given that should she win, she would be the youngest congresswoman in history.

    I think youth could be her downfall, in addition to her intentional divisiveness among republicans, and across parties. It makes me wonder if a Democrat could become competitive against such a candidate.

  35. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 12:19 pm:

    Lauf’s ad is terrible - young inexperienced candidate needs to project gravitas - she could have done that by sounding more mournful about Kinzinger and throwing in some more substance. Kinzinger ad should have added a line about having a solid conservative voting record - as noted by others, it’s fine but probalby isn’t moving anyone.

  36. - Near West Side - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 12:29 pm:

    D add for Lauf for myriad reasons, not the least of which is her stance on term limits is played over photos of first term senator Mitt Romney and third term congresswoman Liz Cheney - the subtlety is breathtaking

  37. - Suburban Guy - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 12:45 pm:

    How come she doesn’t mention that she was the field director for the pro-choice, “weak Republican” Bruce Rauner? /snark

  38. - Marjorie - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 12:48 pm:

    Assuming this District is still somewhat intact in 2022, the top question is “Does Ms. Lauf believe that Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President of the United States?” If she can’t answer with a clear and definitive “yes,” does she have a path to victory in the General Election in Kinzinger’s current District?

  39. - City Guy - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 12:48 pm:

    I was expecting a wind machine to kick in and start blowing her hair.

    I love how she claims to support “law and order” when her party’s leader wanted to ignore the constitution and give himself 4 more years.

  40. - Steve Rogers - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 12:50 pm:

    That Lauf ad is really bad. She didn’t mention Kinzinger’s 90% Trump voting record, only mentions the 33% voting with Pelosi record. And Trump hadn’t left office when he was impeached, so that’s just wrong. Also, not sure why she used John Oliver’s coronavirus studio for her really, really long spiel.

  41. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 12:59 pm:

    Lauf : Kinzinger is not grounded in our home. I do not live in the 16th but I will move there if you will vote for me. Looks like a nice opportunity.

  42. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 1:22 pm:

    Rate: D. Ms. Lauf could easily morph into the Illinois version of Mellissa Carone.

  43. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 1:57 pm:

    This primary looks like it’s been cast by the producers of the Bachelor.

    I do not want to grade Catalina Lauf’s video, but I want to caution. It is very good for what it is meant to do and what it is meant to do is not very good for the future of our nation.

    Representative Kinzinger’s video is not on par he needs to immediately bring on full time dedicated campaign staff if he has not already and be present in that district in a way he never has been before if he wants to win.

    Lauf is the kind of poison that feels good to drink and her ad captures that perfectly but I have no desire to grade it and pretend like it is normal.

  44. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 2:16 pm:

    Lauf’s ad is bizarre in opening with United We Stand, Divided We Fall and then focusing on issues that divide us. It gave me a headache trying to figure out the theme and how it was a mess of messaging and weird right wing talking points. She seems to think the quote refers to the internal politics of the GOP which is, of course, historically dumb.

    The America First theme should be especially troubling for anyone who is familiar with history.

    And that means it probably will hit the mark for the Trump wing of Republicans. I have no idea if she can win as she isn’t the only challenger, but it may just take a generic Trump supporter against Kinzinger at this point.

    That said, she’s using WinRed which is a giant scam machine so it will be interesting to see how much she pays to them for their various ’services.’

  45. - Lt Guv - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 2:17 pm:

    I haven’t watched the ad because I won’t learn a thing. What I do know is in the story in the NW Herald announcing her candidacy she dropped the word “fake” several times. That lost her all creditability in the really world and locked in her votes in the Trumpian fantasy. Sad.

  46. - fs - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 2:20 pm:

    The Lauf ad deserves an F, if just for being Factually inaccurate. She says that he voted to impeach Trump when he had already left office. Fact Check: He was still President when he was impeached by the House. There are so many, so many other things wrong with that ad. But getting simple, easily verifiable facts wrong is a big one. Not a good sign for her campaign.

  47. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 2:24 pm:

    ===Most Guatemalans that sought refuge in the U.S. actually came here illegally first, and then were later able to legalize their status in the 1990s. It would be quite rare for Lauf’s mother to not fall into that category.

    It’s not clear to me that Lauf is claiming they sought asylum. They may well have been from the right wing side of the conflict.

    Maybe Jerry Weller can do some media for her.

  48. - Frank talks - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 2:25 pm:

    Lauf ad playing to the base. Low information undereducated voters. “I love the uneducated” taking a cue from her leader, the Don. She probably would’ve done great at Darren Baileys Gov announcement.

  49. - 1st Ward - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 2:29 pm:

    The Lauf ad looks like a Fox News audition not someone that’s serious in running for Congress.

  50. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 2:37 pm:

    ====The Lauf ad looks like a Fox News audition not someone that’s serious in running for Congress.

    Isn’t this today’s Republican Party though? I’m just not seeing the downside for her with this kind of ad. Again, I don’t know if she is able to run a decent campaign given she lost to Jim Oberweis, but most of the negative critiques are missing what’s been happening since 2016.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 2:41 pm:

    ===The Lauf ad deserves an F, if just for being Factually inaccurate. She says that he voted to impeach Trump when he had already left office. Fact Check: He was still President when he was impeached by the House.===

    This wins.

    Lauf’s wholly dishonest way, you’d think the Kinzinger vote could be enough for her, Lauf is dishonest to facts.

  52. - Seats - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 3:51 pm:

    This is my district. Will depend who is on the ballots, but I may vote R in the primary for once to cast a vote for Kinzinger.

    I will say he seems to be in danger. The LaSalle GOP is getting more extreme by the day between the sticking with Jerry Long, the police making national news for having multiple in-deep Q-Anon followers, and Darren Bailey being treated like a rock star by at the very least a loud minority of voters. Will make for an interesting primary.

  53. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 3:54 pm:

    ===The LaSalle GOP is getting more extreme by the day between the sticking with Jerry Long===

    And they failed. You’re warning about a paper tiger. They got no money, no precinct operation. They’re just a bunch of old angry white guys sitting around a tavern.

  54. - Ste_with_a_v_en - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 4:12 pm:

    The GOP accountability project is the same folks who did Republican Voters Against Trump. They run the Bulwark website and are trying to support Republicans who stood up for Trump. Good people.

    Lauf will say whatever it takes to get attention. She only got her job because her dad gave money to Charlie Kirks TPUSA and left after 6 months. All sizzle and no steak as they say.

  55. - Bummed - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 4:17 pm:

    I feel bad for Kinzinger. So apparently all it takes to be a “fake Republican” is standing against Trump. That’s sad. As someone who votes Republican it’d take a lot for me to vote for people like her and not just find a third party candidate. Never thought I’d say it but if that’s the future of the Reps. I hope the Dems get more people like Manchin…

  56. - Madison - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 4:17 pm:

    What has she accomplished? I like how she says all Kinzinger wants to do is be famous, when clearly all she is looking for is attention.

    All challenges to sitting members of Congress are a bit silly at this point as we do not yet know how the map will look.

  57. - Pundent - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 4:29 pm:

    Well 2022 is still a ways off and it remains to be seen what influence Trump may have over the party at that point. He’s got a minefield of financial and legal issues to navigate through in the interim.

    But if he is able to exert influence over the party then expect more ads like what Lauf just launched. There will be any number of candidates claiming that they are the most Trumpian of the bunch. Not sure where that leaves the ILGOP but could be where we’re headed.

  58. - Thomas Paine - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 4:31 pm:

    Lauf’s Internet announcement is not for the voters.

    Her target audience is all those folks that donated hundreds of millions of dollars to Trump AFTER Election Day. That list, friends, is a goldmine. Those are the true believers who will throw money at a hopeless cause or atleast a long shot.

    They particularly adore Black, Latinx, female candidates because it ups the owning of Democrats to face a candidate from their own “base.”

    If they can raise a lot of online money nationally, look for them to have a very high burn rate raising more money, while they blanket conservative media with fawning interviews. The goal here is to feed the consultants not actually win the election.

    She’s a GOP version of Beto Roarke who was, also, a carpetbagger.

  59. - Keeping Track - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 4:41 pm:

    She’s for “individual liberties.” Does that include actually counting ALL of the vote (and not just those for her favorite guy)?

  60. - Pundent - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 4:53 pm:

    =The Kinzinger claim repeats the allegation that a Capitol Hill Police Officer was killed on January 6th.=

    The fact that a police officer was killed is now in dispute? Well maybe we’re one step closer to the denial that anything of consequence happened on 1/6. Hard to see how Kinzinger is on the wrong side of history here.

  61. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 4:54 pm:

    === The family of the deceased officer has disagreed with some of the sensationalized details of that story.===

    So it was a peaceful insurrection?

    What exactly are you saying?

  62. - Veil of Ignorance - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 5:01 pm:

    Really loves that finger wag huh? Good luck.

  63. - Kaitlin - Wednesday, Feb 24, 21 @ 7:22 pm:

    If Lauf’s entire campaign can be run in dramatic slo-mo ads with MAGA talking points,then she can give Kinzinger a run. Otherwise, while no candidate should be underestimated - esp with a Trump primary electorate looking for restitution - there’s plenty for Kinzinger to take her on with.

  64. - Saluki Babe - Thursday, Feb 25, 21 @ 2:05 am:

    One word: bosom

  65. - IL14 Mike - Thursday, Feb 25, 21 @ 3:49 pm:

    Lauf says she’s a Trump Appointee or Trump Adviser. She was an unpaid intern in the Commerce Dept. She’ll say anything to get attention

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