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Kinzinger says repeatedly that he has no intention to run statewide, prepares to “fight to my political death” over the definition of Republicanism

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* He said this several times today…

Congressman Kinzinger also said he wasn’t worried about being challenged for reelection in the GOP primary, saying at least one of the candidates would be a “Pretty easy primary for me.”

* Kinzinger said his end-game right now is building up his new Country First PAC. He wouldn’t disclose how much money he’s raised, but did say that the response has been surprisingly strong, even though he said he was careful not to emphasize the fundraising angle. The money, he said, “came organically,” from “people out there who feel homeless and disaffected.” He plans to spend the cash on behalf of like-minded Republicans.

“All I can do is tell the truth and I’ve made the determination that there’s always going to be some negative in politics, but I think this country needs a dose of good news because we quite honestly have a lot to be proud of. We use fear too much to get elected because fear is compelling.”

* I also asked him about that odd statement issued last week by three dozen southern Illinois Republican county chairs, particularly their line about “One Mind One Strength and No Division.”

Kinzinger said he saw the statement and it gave him a “really eerie” feeling. But, he said, “I don’t represent any of those counties. So, quite honestly, their opinion is meaningless to me.” That doesn’t sound like someone who wants to run statewide.

“But,” he said, “I also do want to use that as an example to say, ‘Look, do you really, is this the Republican heritage you believe? It’s like, everybody has to be like a monolithic thing, under whoever we determined to be the leader, if it’s Donald Trump today, or Sean Hannity tomorrow or whoever?”

“There are a lot of Republicans that have left the party, or were considering, or half-considering leaving the party that want no piece of this. And my goal is to give them voice and, and have the fight. Everybody talks about unity of the Republican Party, and I’m all for it. But I’m not going to unify under the banner of where we’re at right now. And if it takes public, you know, quote, unquote, warfare over the definition of what Republicanism is, count me in and I’ll fight to my political death for it because it’s that important.”


*** UPDATED x1 *** Hey, collar counties: Stop being stupid and let volunteer Chicago doctors vaccinate your residents

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* In order to become a state licensed health care worker, you must submit information to IDFPR for a background check including your fingerprints. So, this is just totally bizarre because the doctors have already done it

A Chicago physicians group has asked the governor’s office to waive requirements that mandate fingerprinting and background checks for licensed health care workers before they can volunteer at mass vaccination sites, according to a letter sent to the office on Friday.

* It turns out, this is a local roadblock

In the letter addressed to Gov. J.B. Pritzker, the Chicago Medical Society said the requirements, set by local governments, are unnecessary for health care workers who are already licensed and in good standing in Illinois, and instead act as barriers for the workers who are trying to lend a hand in the vaccination effort.

“I’m writing to express our concern about the requirement that licensed physicians and nurses need to be fingerprinted and have their backgrounds checked before administering COVID-19 vaccines at mass vaccination centers,” read the letter, signed by the medical society’s president, Dr. Tariq Butt, on behalf of about 17,000 area physicians. […]

But [Dr. Vishnu Chundi, chair of the Chicago Medical Society’s COVID-19 task force] said some volunteers who have tried to volunteer at state sites have been asked by local health departments to go through a cumbersome background check process that is time consuming for doctors and nurses who are already stretched thin.

The Chicago Medical Society says it has over a thousand volunteers who have offered to inoculate people in the collar counties, but the suburbs don’t want those certified doctors (mainly emergency room physicians) unless they redo their cumbersome background checks and submit new fingerprints.

It’s being portrayed as a liability issue. But it sounds like the suburbs have significant barriers against “outsiders” coming in, even if they’re already approved by the state.

Dr. Chundi told me that “each little [home rule] jurisdiction has fashioned its own rules,” and have “made it as hard as possible to go out and help people.” And, I was told, the Chicago docs would have to jump through those same hurdles in each one of those local jurisdictions.

According to the folks I spoke with at the Chicago Medical Society today, a Chicago physician can go to one of these home rule counties to perform heart surgery with no questions asked, but they can’t stick needles into peoples’ arms. I did not make that up.

Since they’re home rule counties, I’m not sure what the governor can legally do and the Pritzker administration says it’s researching the issue. In the meantime, some bully pulpit action is called for here. Put some heat on these counties to let in the volunteers, for crying out loud.

*** UPDATE *** Jordan Abudayyeh…

The governor is committed to using all authority he has to remove barriers that prevent qualified health care workers and volunteers from administering vaccine. IDPH is communicating with local health departments urging them to ensure healthcare workers can assist with their operations without unnecessary burdens.

* Meanwhile, in other news, here’s a press release

As COVID-19 vaccine distribution continues, Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) and her colleagues have fielded hundreds of questions and concerns from people across the state about the rollout, leading her to schedule a hearing to help get to the bottom of the confusing process and call for a more comprehensive and timely plan.

“The COVID-19 vaccine is the greatest line of defense we have against the pandemic,” Morrison said. “Unfortunately, many people across the state who are eligible for the vaccine haven’t been able to get their dose – and that’s disheartening. I hope this hearing will lead us toward a path of greater efficiency.”

Senator Morrison will be joined by representatives from the Illinois Department of Public Health, Sangamon County Health Department, Chicago Department of Public Health, George Miller Safety Net Hospital, Walgreens and CVS — among others.

The hearing will focus on frequently asked questions and concerns regarding the rollout and supply of the COVID-19 vaccine. Morrison hopes the conversation will help distribution become more convenient and readily available.

* From Hannah’s latest thread

* Chicago Tribune live blog headlines

Travelers from 2 states, Puerto Rico no longer restricted under Chicago’s emergency travel order

Illinois reports another 58,189 COVID-19 vaccinations administered; a total of 22 cases of the UK variant have now been identified in Illinois

How Chicago’s Black-owned restaurants have fared during the pandemic

Half of Illinois public school students are still in remote learning only, even as CPS reopening plan advances

Delta, alone among airlines, to leave middle seats empty through April

Walgreens partnering with Uber to offer free rides to vaccine appointments

Comcast to award $1 million in grants to minority-owned small businesses in Chicago

For unemployed Chicagoans, real estate’s flourishing market could provide a solution to being out of work during COVID-19 pandemic

College instructors question why they should wait longer for vaccines than Illinois K-12 educators.

New variants raise worry about COVID-19 virus reinfections.

Coronavirus vaccine rollout leads to frustration, resentment as Americans await their shots.

* Sun-Times live blog headlines

25,000 Chicago Teachers Union members to vote on deal to bring students back for in-person learning

California uses ZIP codes, outreach to boost vaccine equity

An NFL lesson: Masks were not seen as sign of weakness but as sign of responsibility


Governor’s office issues budget preview teaser

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is all I got and all I could get from the governor’s office today. Sorry…


With the Covid-19 pandemic creating massive new hardship for families, small businesses and the most vulnerable, the Governor will be proposing a budget that protects hardworking families from additional hardship – with no tax increase. Vital services such as IDPH, DCFS, IDES and others will be strengthened.

Broadly speaking, his plan can accomplish this because:

    • following the Governor’s $700 million in spending reductions in FY21, the FY22 budget proposal maintains that fiscal discipline by holding state spending flat vs FY21;
    • the FY22 budget proposal will close corporate tax loopholes of $900 million and redirect revenue such as the cigarette tax into the General Fund;
    • significant federal funding for education will provide additional support for schools while the state maintains its existing investment, and the governor is committed to ensuring that education is fully funded in future years;
    • the FY22 budget deficit is projected to be $3 billion, rather than $5.5 billion, after the Governor called for the state to pay off $700 million in MLF borrowing early and the economy performed more strongly than expected.

There is no question that this budget will include painful choices, but as the effect of the pandemic diminishes over the coming months, the Governor will continue to focus on economic recovery for the hardest hit. The Governor will also continue to advance long-term structural budget improvements that continue the stronger fiscal trajectory Illinois was on before the pandemic. The Governor looks forward to collaborating with the General Assembly to finalize a responsible state budget.

The governor’s office claims the $3 billion budget deficit will be closed by his proposal. They didn’t say how. If I had to guess, it would be federal money.

…Adding… I was just told by the governor’s office that they won’t rely on new federal money to close the deficit.

So, flat state spending, including education spending (but heavy federal money for schools on top of state money), corporate loophole closures (tried many times by other governors and usually failed). And one can only wonder what other state money will be redirected into the General Fund (LGDF?).


Question of the day

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We’ve already discussed the report that almost all US Attorneys, including John Lausch, have been told to submit their resignations.

* The Question: Should Illinois’ Democratic Senators get around this by recommending that President Biden appoint Lausch to another term? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…

survey tools


2,082 new confirmed and probable cases; 20 additional deaths; 2,117 hospitalized; 497 in ICU; 3.3 percent average case positivity rate; 4.0 percent average test positivity rate; 55,455 average doses administered

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 2,082 new confirmed and probable cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 20 additional deaths.

    - Clinton County: 1 male 70s
    - Cook County: 1 male 40s, 1 female 60s, 1 male 60s, 1 female 70s, 2 males 70s, 1 male 80s
    - Edwards County; 1 male 70s
    - LaSalle County: 1 female 70s, 1 male 70s, 1 female 90s
    - Madison County: 1 male 80s
    - McDonough County: 1 male 80s
    - McHenry County: 2 males 70s
    - McLean County: 1 female 80s
    - Monroe County: 1 male 90s
    - St. Clair County: 1 male 70s
    - Winnebago County: 1 female 90s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 1,150,170 cases, including 19,686 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 55,705 specimens for a total of 16,739,500. As of last night, 2,117 individuals in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 497 patients were in the ICU and 240 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from February 2–8, 2021 is 3.3%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from February 2–8, 2021 is 4.0%.

A total of 1,638,125 doses of vaccine have been delivered to providers in Illinois, including Chicago. In addition, approximately 496,100 doses total have been allocated to the federal government’s Pharmacy Partnership Program for long-term care facilities. This brings the total Illinois doses to 2,134,225. A total of 1,417,156 vaccines have been administered in Illinois as of last midnight, including 216,522 for long-term care facilities. The 7-day rolling average of vaccines administered daily is 55,455 doses. Yesterday, 58,189 doses were administered, almost doubled compared to a week ago Monday, February 1, when 32,559 vaccines were administered.

*All data are provisional and will change. In order to rapidly report COVID-19 information to the public, data are being reported in real-time. Information is constantly being entered into an electronic system and the number of cases and deaths can change as additional information is gathered. Information for deaths previously reported has changed, therefore, today’s numbers have been adjusted. For health questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email


Caption contest!

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s not like he’s coming back to town anyway, but I was kinda wondering where he was gonna be officially stashed

That’s Marty Moylan’s former office. Bob Rita had it, too.

* Also, from the new seating chart


Doesn’t anyone remember the Senate?

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Illinois Policy Institute has some House rule change ideas. I agree with some, disagree with others, partially agree on a couple. But, interestingly enough, there’s almost no mention of the Senate’s rules, which are nearly identical to the House’s except for term limits, and the new House rules would change that provision, too. Apparently, it’s fine that the Senate has this rule but it’s not nearly enough when it comes to the House

Like the Senate, the Illinois House Rules should limit the term of the speaker to no more than five General Assemblies, so the state does not have to see generations pass without a change in leadership. There is cause for optimism on this front: term limits for legislative leaders is one reform that made it into the recently proposed House Rules resolution. It’s an important step, but all of the above reforms should be considered to truly ensure that the legislative process is fair.

* Again, the Senate has the same rules

Under the House Rules, the speaker appoints each committee chairperson, positions that come with a generous stipend of over $10,000. The speaker can grant and withhold these positions to reward loyalty and punish opposition. For example, former Rep. Scott Drury was denied a committee chairmanship after he did not vote to re-elect Madigan as speaker in 2017.

Committee chair positions should not be used as the speaker’s carrot and stick to influence lawmakers. Committee chair appointments should be approved by a majority vote of the House. House members should eliminate the seniority requirement that members be in their third term to serve as a committee chair.

Madigan couldn’t have done that to Drury without his caucus’ tacit support. He was despised by just about everyone except for the people who loved using him as an example of “Because… Madigan!”

Meanwhile, in the Senate, former Sens. Heather Steans and Andy Manar lost their appropriations committee chairmanships because they picked the wrong horse in the leadership election a year ago.

* There is no odd-numbered-year rule for the Senate Assignments Committee, so the House’s new rules are an improvement

A recent resolution proposing changes to the House Rules would require the Rules Committee to refer all bills to a standing or special committee during odd-numbered years, and all appropriation bills during even numbered-years. That is certainly an improvement on the status quo. But any time a piece of legislation has enough support that a majority are willing to see it moved out of the Rules Committee, a handpicked minority should not be allowed to keep it from getting a fair hearing. A majority vote should discharge a bill from the Rules Committee and send it to the appropriate substantive committee.

* The Senate doesn’t have this, either, but I’m not sure it would work. You call your bill when you have the votes. This seems like a tactic to delay the passage of needed bills until the number appears on a schedule

The rules allow the speaker to change any order of business at any time; there is no requirement for a schedule to be set in advance. This means that hundreds of bills can be on the calendar, and only the speaker knows for sure which ones will get a vote that day.

Lawmakers should have an idea of the votes coming up so they can debate and act on the legislation intelligently. The rules should require a schedule set in advance that can only be changed with the approval of a majority of the House.

* Once again, no similar demand is made of the Senate

The Illinois Constitution requires that all bills be read by title on three separate days before they can be passed, but lawmakers use shell bills to get around this requirement. These bills are designed to be amended later, usually by removing a word in the Illinois code and replacing it with the same word. Once a shell bill is read on two separate days, it can be amended to include substantive changes. Lawmakers will insert whole pieces of unrelated legislation into shell bills after they had already been read into the record three times, technically meeting constitutional requirements. […]

The House Rules need to be changed so all bills must be read by title on three separate days in their final form. Lawmakers need time to understand what they are voting on – as the spirit of the constitution intended.

* The Senate President can replace committee members if they have an “unforeseen absence from the Capitol at the time of the committee hearing”

The speaker can temporarily replace committee members if they are “otherwise unavailable.” This can be done to protect members from votes that would be controversial in their districts or to get more favorable results. For example, WBEZ reported that in 2014, the speaker substituted certain Democratic representatives on the House Environment Committee to achieve a unanimous vote in favor of a measure Exelon wanted to pass.

Members should not be switched in and out of committees for political reasons. Temporary replacement should be prohibited unless the member has a conflict with another committee meeting or has an excused absence from session.


The Time For Equitable Jobs And Lower Bills Without Bailouts Is Now. CEJA Can’t Wait.

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

In a Chicago Tribune op-ed last week, Senator Cristina Castro and Representative Ann Williams stressed the importance of passing the Clean Energy Jobs Act without delay. They wrote that while President Biden has made some important strides toward addressing the climate crisis, Illinois must take action at the state level to create thousands of clean energy jobs and build stronger, more equitable and healthier communities. Without it, Illinois risks being left behind in the clean energy economy.

“The path forward is clear — it’s time to put communities first and set Illinois on a path to 100% renewable clean energy. It’s time to address the growing climate crisis, take steps toward COVID-19 recovery by creating jobs where they are needed the most and end the corruption that has clouded the energy discussion in Springfield for years.”

Equitable jobs. Lower energy bills. No utility bailouts. CEJA can’t wait.

Read the full op-ed in the Chicago Tribune here and learn more about the Clean Energy Jobs Act here.

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It’s just a bill

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Former Speaker Michael Madigan has co-sponsored only one bill so far, and it’s this one

The Your Care Can’t Wait Coalition, a group of healthcare and patient advocacy organizations, announced their support of the Prior Authorization Reform Act. The comprehensive, bipartisan bill was introduced today in the Illinois House of Representatives (House Bill 711) to address patient and physician concerns about the bureaucratic delays caused by the prior authorization processes used by state-regulated health insurance plans. The bill is expected to be introduced in the Illinois Senate (Senate Bill 177) on Wednesday, Feb. 10.

“The pandemic has only exacerbated the issues that physicians and other healthcare professionals face in delivering patient care,” said Illinois State Medical Society (ISMS) President Robert W. Panton, MD. “Before COVID-19, more than a thousand Illinois physicians responded to an ISMS survey and the vast majority expressed frustration about the harms caused to patients by this cumbersome prior authorization system.”

“We need to remove artificial barriers so patients get the treatments they need, and eliminate bureaucratic hurdles for doctors and other medical professionals. People should get the best quality care, whether it is physical health or behavioral health services, according to the best scientific standards and we need to cut through the red tape,” said House Majority Leader Gregory Harris (D-Chicago).

The use of prior authorization has exploded in recent years as a cost-cutting measure by health plans, at the expense of patient care.
“Patients are left in limbo for days or weeks before they can begin receiving needed care – even some cancer patients,” remarked Deputy House Republican Leader Tom Demmer (R-Dixon). “It’s heartbreaking and cruel to the patients waiting to know whether the life-saving treatments their doctor has ordered will be covered.”

The Prior Authorization Reform Act will establish consistent timelines so patients don’t have to worry about decision-making delays causing further damage to their health. The legislation will also make sure prior authorization requirements are based on medical evidence and administered by qualified individuals.

“Our bill defines who can review and make prior authorization decisions, because only qualified medical professionals should be making determinations about patient care,” explained Assistant Senate Majority Leader Linda Holmes (D-Aurora).

This legislation also removes the possibility that an insurance company can later deny payment for medical care that they previously approved. “We’ve all heard stories of patients who received surprise medical bills for treatment the insurance company said they would cover,” said Sen. Donald DeWitte (R-West Dundee). “Under the Prior Authorization Reform Act, the insurance companies will have to honor their commitments to the patients and care team.”

“It’s time to make prior authorization work for the people of Illinois. We don’t want to abolish it altogether, but it desperately needs to be reformed,” concluded Dr. Panton. “Our message to Illinois patients is simple: Your care can’t wait!”

* WIFR on an odd couple

Rep. Will Guzzardi (D-Chicago) and Rep. Andrew Chesney (R-Freeport) wrote an opinion editorial form together over their shared interest in protections against exploitative loans on Monday.

You can read the opinion editorial in its entirety below.

“We are two legislators who don’t agree on a lot.

One of us is a Chicago Democrat who co-chairs the Illinois House Progressive Caucus. The other is a Northwest Illinois Republican who is a firebrand for Conservative causes.

Despite these obvious ideological differences, this summer we joined forces on an issue that matters deeply to both of us: curbing excessive interest rates on payday loans.

A payday loan is a short-term loan that is supposed to be meant to keep a family afloat until the next paycheck comes in. It is intended to be a tool of last resort for people whose backs are against the wall.

The payday lending industry knows their customer base are desperate, and they have been insufficiently prevented from taking advantage of that desperation. Payday loans could be issued at annualized interests rates over 400 percent.

* Press release…

As Illinois faces an economic and public health crisis, a racial and economic justice crisis, and a crisis of utility corruption, leaders of the Illinois General Assembly and the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition (ICJC) today announced the reintroduction of the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) with a pledge to pass the comprehensive legislation in the General Assembly by May 2021.

With a new Biden administration pursuing rapid federal action on the climate crisis, a clean jobs champion serving as the new Speaker of the Illinois House, and CEJA champions taking over leadership of the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus, the urgency and opportunity to pass CEJA is at an all-time high.

More than a year ago, Governor Pritzker committed to passing community-driven clean energy legislation that would create jobs and protect our planet. In his 2020 State of the State address, Gov. Pritzker said, “It’s time to put consumers and climate first. I’m not going to sign a bill written by the utility companies.”

In fact, Illinois and Oregon are the only states in the country led by Democrats that haven’t committed to 100% clean energy by 2050. CEJA changes all of that.

CEJA would hold utilities accountable and move Illinois to 100 percent clean energy by 2050, by drawing billions of dollars in renewable energy investment to Illinois, expanding money-saving efficiency programs, and promoting vehicle electrification. CEJA would spark tens of thousands of clean energy jobs without raising taxes, hiking power bills, or giving bailouts to Exelon or fossil fuel companies.

“The days of the big utility companies meeting in back rooms to shape energy policy to benefit their bottom lines are over. CEJA is a product of the most grassroots-intensive energy policy development effort in the history of Illinois. It was put together after over 100 ‘Listen. Lead. Share.’ community meetings were held across the state. As a result of this grassroots effort, the bill addresses head on the issues most important to communities: it tackles climate change, creates equitable jobs in every part of Illinois, and holds utilities accountable. This is what the people of Illinois want, and we’re working to make it happen on behalf of all Illinois communities,” said State Rep. Ann Williams, House sponsor of CEJA and chair of the House Energy & Environment Committee.

“While we are heartened by President Biden’s leadership on climate change, only the states can ensure the benefits of clean energy policy flow equitably to communities of color often left behind, support the development of rooftop solar and energy efficiency programs, hold utilities accountable, deploy electric vehicles, and support a just transition for former fossil fuel communities. CEJA is the most comprehensive energy bill that tackles all these issues, and without it, President Biden cannot achieve his ambitious climate change goals. Illinois must lead the way,” said State Sen. Cristina Castro, Senate sponsor of CEJA.

As demonstrated in the recent lame duck session, the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus is a key force for change in Springfield. Black Caucus Chairs Sen. Robert Peters and Rep. Kam Buckner, as well as Joint Caucus Chair Rep. Sonya Harper, are all strong supporters of the Clean Energy Jobs Act.

“We don’t just want electric vehicle charging stations, rooftop and community solar, and energy efficiency projects completed in Black neighborhoods and communities. We want Black workers installing them, and we want Black-owned businesses designing the projects and getting them built. Chicago should be at the forefront of moving from the Rust Belt to a Green Belt. Clean energy must become an engine of safety and stability in our communities, and CEJA is the only comprehensive energy bill that delivers on that promise,” said State Sen. Robert Peters, Senate chair of the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus.


Throwing red meat to the base ought to have some limits

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Last night…

* It was the usual hyperventilating from the usual types…

* But…

Such responsible rhetoric.


After report that Biden administration is asking almost all US Attorneys to submit their resignations, Durbin and Duckworth issue statement backing Lausch

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller


The Justice Department, as soon as Tuesday, is expected to ask US attorneys appointed by former President Donald Trump to submit their resignations, a turnover expected to spare two top prosecutors in Delaware and Connecticut overseeing two sensitive Trump-era investigations, a senior Justice Department official said.

In a call Monday night, acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson asked Delaware US Attorney David Weiss to remain in office, where he is overseeing the tax probe of Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son. John Durham, appointed as special counsel by former Attorney General William Barr to reinvestigate the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, will also continue his work, but he is expected to resign as US attorney in Connecticut, the Justice official said.

The resignation request is expected to apply to 56 Senate-confirmed US attorneys appointed by Trump.

Justice officials have scheduled a call with US attorneys around the country to discuss a transition that is expected to take weeks. The Justice official didn’t say when the resignations would take effect.

The changeover of US attorneys is routine, but is often fraught with political overtones. In 2017, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked 46 Obama-appointed US attorneys to submit their resignations. A handful were allowed to stay on for a brief period, but most had to leave immediately.

* Press release…

U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today released the following statement after it was reported that the Biden Administration will terminate John Lausch as United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois:

“While we agree with the Biden Administration’s criminal justice agenda, we are disappointed with the decision to terminate U.S. Attorney Lausch without consulting us. In 2017, our non-partisan screening committee gave its support for Mr. Lausch to serve in this position, and the Senate confirmed him unanimously.

“While the President has the right to remove U.S. Attorneys, there is precedent for U.S. Attorneys in the Northern District of Illinois to remain in office to conclude sensitive investigations. We believe Mr. Lausch should be permitted to continue in his position until his successor is confirmed by the Senate, and we urge the Biden Administration to allow him to do so.”

In August 2017, the non-partisan screening committee set up by Durbin and Duckworth to assist them in evaluating candidates for vacant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Marshal, and federal judgeship positions in Illinois recommended Mr. Lausch to serve as the next United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois. He was unanimously confirmed by voice vote in the Senate on November 9, 2017.


Let’s Try This Again…Bigger And Blacker!

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

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Cassidy: “A deal that is supposedly high-minded is still a backroom deal”

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rachel Hinton

North Side Democrats promised no backroom dealing in appointing a successor to former state Sen. Heather Steans, vowing the process would be open and transparent.

But state Rep. Kelly Cassidy said Monday that wasn’t the case — and her decision to not engage in those dealings may have been a key reason why she lost the chance to win the appointment herself.

“I think that what it says is that we’ve got a long way to go to fix the culture, and get people accustomed to doing things in a truly open manner,” Cassidy said. “A deal that is supposedly high-minded is still a backroom deal.” […]

Cassidy said when the committeepersons were weighing the appointment, “everybody in their own way,” either personally or through an “emissary,” tried to cut some sort of deal with her, including one that would’ve ensured her state representative seat would go to a person of color had she moved up.

The North Side legislator said her decision not to engage in the deal-making was related to community groups who were “upset about the process” and the group of committeepersons “making all these assurances about it not being a backroom deal — and so I wasn’t going to make any deal.”

Lots more in there, including react, so go read the whole thing.


Open thread

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Just a wee bit chilly…



Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Report: Underutilized CPS schools driving up costs
* AG Raoul lays out extensive defense of state immigration laws
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* USDOJ wants to join challenge to Illinois law that requires nonprofits to disclose demographics of boards and officers
* It’s just a bill
* As Chicago continues to look the other way, Decatur city council bans sweepstakes machines
* Illinois Hospitals Are Achieving Nursing Excellence Through ANCC Magnet Program
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