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Question of the day

Thursday, Mar 11, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* At the end of a 1200-word Chicago Crusader piece entitled “Lisa Madigan for Governor?”

With the political climate in bloom for female political leaders and her strong reputation, Lisa Madigan may have a chance at beating Pritzker in 2022. There may also be challenges. Some voters may have forgotten about Lisa Madigan, and others may confuse her with her father’s tarnished reputation.

Retired U.S. Senator Roland Burris, who served as Illinois Attorney General from 1991 to 1995, said Lisa Madigan would have a difficult time defeating an incumbent Democratic governor because of the limited Democratic voter base in Chicago and Illinois.

“I think she would have a tough time in the Primary. If she can win the Primary, she can win the General Election.”

However, Burris acknowledged that Lisa Madigan would win because of her name and reputation.

“Lisa is smart, shrewd, tough and very confident,” he said.

I don’t know whether to laugh about this story or try to take it seriously.

* The Question: Laugh or serious? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…

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  1. - jackmac - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:00 pm:

    If not Lisa Madigan, then maybe Roland Burris wants to put himself out there … again.

  2. - levivotedforjudy - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:02 pm:

    I wanted to count the hours it took for this rumor to pop up amongst my crew when MJM announced he was stepping down. It only took minutes. Finally, it has some public legs. I’m laughing.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:06 pm:

    It’s like a trolling of Kass more than Lisa OR Pritzker.

    In that framing? Genius.

  4. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:07 pm:

    ==f not Lisa Madigan, then maybe Roland Burris wants to put himself out there … again.==

    Or Pat Quinn.

  5. - lake county democrat - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:08 pm:

    Doesn’t anyone watch horror movies? They *always* rise up at least once.

  6. - Str8Facts NoChaser - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:09 pm:

    I’d vote for her over JB Pritzker. Easily, without batting an eye.

  7. - Responsa - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:09 pm:

    I don’t think most people in Illinois ever connected Lisa and her job performance and talents with Mike’s issues or the Madigan name. In fact, many had great respect for her and felt sad that she was unable to stay in politics while he was so high profile. It’s hard to know if she is still interested in public service but I wouldn’t automatically rule her out should she decide to get back into the ring.

  8. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:12 pm:

    She is not going to primary Pritzker, period. The extremely slim chance becomes zero if her father is still under a cloud, or even charged. Another office, maybe but not that one.

  9. - jorge bucay - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:15 pm:

    Time for a fresh face.

  10. - NIU Grad - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:15 pm:

    They needed to call someone with political acumen for perspective and they called Roland Burris…Definitely Laugh.

  11. - Give Us Barabbas - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:16 pm:

    I laugh but she could probably be the Chicago district USA or AUSA if she wanted it.

  12. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:18 pm:

    -she could probably be the Chicago district USA or AUSA if she wanted it.-

    Not with her Dad as an apparent target of the biggest investigation they have going right now.

  13. - Ignatius - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:22 pm:

    Maybe Lisa and Roland could run together?

  14. - Cool Papa Bell - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:24 pm:

    2022 - A laugh out loud knee-slapper

    2026 - chuckle time

    And where would she even find the money to primary JB?

  15. - Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:25 pm:

    Mental note: ignore anything you ever see from a writer named Erick Johnson. That is the dumbest take…ever. I’ll put him firmly in the Kass/Konkol Kategory.

  16. - Sammie from Schaumburg - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:25 pm:

    Lisa Madigan will return to public office at some point in the future. While she will always carry the family name, she has earned a separate identity and reputation.

  17. - Wow - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:26 pm:

    She’s not leaving Kirkland & Ellis to be Gov

  18. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:27 pm:

    Laugh. Pritzker is already one of the most accomplished governors, having enacted many policies favored by the Democratic base of the Democrat Party: minimum wage hike, criminal justice reform, marijuana legalization, union support, etc. Today he gets the popular federal stimulus that he’s strongly supported. Unless he does something really bad, he should have the base with him.

  19. - Bruce( no not him) - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:30 pm:

    Downstate doesn’t like Pritzker all that well. The Madigan name is pretty toxic as well.
    So… which one can Darren Bailey beat?

  20. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:31 pm:

    Laugh and laugh hard. I remember when people were saying Rod was going to have a serious primary challenger… and it ended up being some guy named Edwin. Now, who wants to take on a governor at least as popular as Rod was at the time (probably more popular than Rod at that) to get buried by millions of dollars in attack ads? Who?

  21. - PublicServant - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:35 pm:

    Regardless of who wins the Democratic Primary for Governor, the Republicans will say that Mike Madigan is the puppeteer. So, if she does decide to run, I’m sure that would apply to her more than any other contender. I’m laughing by the way.

  22. - May Soon Be Required - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:38 pm:

    Voted Serious. JB is very vulnerable and has dealt with an unimaginable issue the best he could. The mistakes, the failures, like an uncontrollable snow storm may be to much to overcome.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:40 pm:

    ===may be to much to overcome.===

    Find $300K a day to spend… for 430 days.

    That’s *actually* too much to overcome.

  24. - Not the Dude - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:40 pm:

    “She is not going to primary Pritzker, period” agree with Ron Burgundy. I laughed very hard.

  25. - blue line - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:42 pm:

    laugh. that ship sailed long ago.

  26. - low level - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:44 pm:

    She’d certainly be a serious candidate and therefore, since she’s very smart, she is not challenging an incumbent Democrat with deep pockets. Thats why I went with laugh - at the prospect of her running, not her.

  27. - OldSmoky2 - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:46 pm:

    I voted serious, but with very little conviction that she would actually do it. I do think she is a formidable candidate anytime she’s on the ballot, but this just won’t happen unless Pritzker is hit with something pretty bad. And, yeah, most reporters would find somebody other than Burris for political analysis.

  28. - Occasionally Moderated - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:51 pm:

    I voted serious.

    Heard her speak to a law enforcement group years ago and vowed that I would vote for her at every opportunity.

    The state would be a better place if her father would gave got out of the way a decade or so ago.

  29. - Loop Lady - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:55 pm:

    Absolutely positively not…c’mon…
    Haven’t we seen this show before?

    I always wondered what it would feel like watching the white
    male Irish pols be put out because of demographic changes…
    Here it is…about time…

  30. - Commisar Gritty - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 3:58 pm:

    Honestly, we always heard “If her father would step out of the way, she could have been governor.”

  31. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:02 pm:

    =Maybe Lisa and Roland could run together?=

    Lieutenant Governor could be one more job title for Roland to put on his mausoleum.

  32. - Commisar Gritty - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:03 pm:

    Also I was thinking about this last night. I think JB got the very short end of the stick, having to battle Covid in his first term. I had a lot of hope for his administration, but that went down in flames when Jordan Abbudayah accused every legislator and staffer of trying to “solicit donations” (bribes, we all see you Jordan) for trying to help people navigate their ultra broken IDES system. I still haven’t gotten over that. Still not sure if I’m mad at JB or staff but I don’t think she would have accused the entire GA of that without clearance.

    Deloitte is still hurting people every minute of every day with their inadequacy. A year in and I’m still having to correct their reps when they scare the heck out of our constituents. No action ever taken to improve things there either.

  33. - TominChicago - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:04 pm:

    Retired U.S. Senator Roland Burris, who served as Illinois Attorney General from 1991 to 1995, said Lisa Madigan would have a difficult time defeating an incumbent Democratic governor because of the limited Democratic voter base in Chicago and Illinois.

    Can anyone explain what Burris is saying in that sentence?

  34. - Someone you Should Know - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:07 pm:

    Well to Start with, She Ran against Joe Birkett in the 2002 General, not John Schmidt (That was the primary)

  35. - Thomas Paine - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:07 pm:

    I had to laugh because if Lisa is running for office again, it is for Mayor of Chicago.

    As far as her family is concerned, Mayor is the only job that tops Speaker.

  36. - Wensicia - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:09 pm:

    It’s amusing but not impossible, though the Madigan name is a liability. Personally, I don’t think anyone can primary Pritzker at this point.

  37. - Too cute by half - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:13 pm:

    Unrelated but that Obama ad that keeps popping up, about how he wants to end partisan gerrymandering? He was talking about other states. IL has competitive maps, but other states have had theirs thrown out by court orders. Astounding opinions containing phrases like “…the map disenfranchies African-American voters with a near surgical precision.”

    Obama was never talking about our maps, that ad is pretty disingenuous

  38. - walker - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:20 pm:

    @TomPaine, ok maybe
    I would caution against simply assuming Lisa and MJ have the same view on such things. She’s independent, and in many ways unique.

  39. - Moe Berg - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:21 pm:

    A more plausible notion would be her running for mayor, perhaps with Pritzker’s (quiet) support.

  40. - Annonin' - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:32 pm:

    Guessin’ this is a Proft/IPI scheme to keep the Madigan name in the mix cause GOPies have zero ideas and all voted no on the Biden plan

  41. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:32 pm:

    ===accused every legislator and staffer of trying to “solicit donations”===

    You got a link to that because I may have missed it.

  42. - Leslie K - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:34 pm:

    Laugh. I have no doubt she could do the job well, but I doubt she could get it (or even still wants it). The possibility of a run for mayor is intriguing though.

  43. - Frumpy White Guy - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:42 pm:

    Oh God, why would she want a no win job? She left on top and hopefully will pursue a wonderful life minus the heap of mess this state is mired in.

  44. - Louis G Atsaves - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 4:52 pm:

    I had a serious laugh so I voted laugh.

  45. - Julian Perez - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 5:00 pm:

    What does she offer that Pritzker does not?

    By virtue of not having to increase taxes on the working and middle-class, Pritzker will easily win another term

  46. - Friendly Bob Adams - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 5:01 pm:

    Not likely that Lisa Madigan will run for public office again.

  47. - Because I said so.... - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 5:01 pm:

    Is Roland looking for a Lt. Gov gig, LOL

  48. - JT11505 - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 5:08 pm:

    As for community colleges building housing units, ask Sauk Valley College how that worked out - not well.

  49. - @misterjayem - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 5:11 pm:

    It’s legal, and I’m happy that it’s legal, but folks need to remember to partake in moderation.

    – MrJM

  50. - Inverted Pyramid - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 5:37 pm:

    Lisa: #Blame(mike)Madigan

  51. - 4 percent - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 5:45 pm:

    If Lisa Madigan is in, then I’m waiting for Republicans to start talking about Jim Edgar again.

  52. - blue line - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 5:50 pm:

    Lisa Madigan will become to the 2020s what Jim Edgar was to the 2000s.

  53. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 5:54 pm:

    When the seat is open, maybe. She seems like Pritzker’s ideological cousin, so no real motivation to run for “change”. Other than being the state’s first female gov, what would be the motivation?

  54. - Michael Westen - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 6:17 pm:

    I could see Lisa Madigan running for Supreme Court if Anne Burke retires.

  55. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 6:54 pm:

    ===running for Supreme Court===

    She’s said a hundred times that she doesn’t want to be a judge.

  56. - low level - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 7:04 pm:

    Look, Lisa Madigan is not running against the first female LGBTQ African American mayor of Chicago. And Pritzker isn’t supporting anyone against her, either overtly or quietly.

  57. - JS Mill - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 7:47 pm:

    I agree with @Grandson of Man stated earlier. I think Pritzker will be formidable in Illinois again. He has the money, and in many ways a strong record- even with some defeats- I think he is a bit of a grinder and does not step out of character often or take the GQP bait much.

    =Downstate doesn’t like Pritzker all that well. The Madigan name is pretty toxic as well.
    So… which one can Darren Bailey beat?=

    Downstate votes do not matter for Pritzker. Sorry, but Putin or Chavez could get the downstate vote if he ran as a republican. That is just the deal down that way any more. Kinda the same with much of Cook county. The collar counties will be important for Pritzker.

  58. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 8:11 pm:

    =As for community colleges building housing units, ask Sauk Valley College how that worked out - not well.=

    Illinois Central College in East Peoria has had on-campus housing units for at least 10-15 years now.

  59. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 8:40 pm:

    === Illinois Central College in East Peoria has had on-campus housing units for at least 10-15 years now.===


  60. - Cool Papa Bell - Thursday, Mar 11, 21 @ 9:57 pm:


    Maybe rural kids looking to go the CC route don’t want the hour or hour and half commute every day to school?

    And you know that out of state kids do go to Illinois Community Colleges. So a few of them need a place?

  61. - Raising Kane - Friday, Mar 12, 21 @ 1:08 pm:

    Ironically, if MJM had stepped aside in 2014 and let Lisa run for Governor, as she wanted to do, things would be quite different today. MJM would be wintering in Palm Springs, his reputation in tact. Rauner never would have been elected. Lisa would be running a decent ship and Illinois would be in much better shape.

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