Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** State to vaccine everyone 16+ on April 12th, reopening “bridge phase” to be announced tomorrow
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*** UPDATED x1 *** State to vaccine everyone 16+ on April 12th, reopening “bridge phase” to be announced tomorrow

Thursday, Mar 18, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

[This post has been bumped up from last night for greater visibility and to add fresh updates.]

* Confirmed…

*** UPDATE *** Pritzker public schedule…

Daily Public Schedule: Thursday, Mar. 18, 2021

What: Gov. Pritzker to join Dr. Ezike to give a COVID-19 update.
Where: James R. Thompson Center, 15th Floor, Blue Room, Chicago
When: 11:30 a.m.
Watch live:

* St. Clair County Board Chairman Mark Kern

What the governor’s office is saying is… the mitigations now are going to be hopefully rolled back based upon the number of people vaccinated. […]

So the governor will be rolling out percentages of here’s a number of people above this age limit that need to be vaccinated. If we meet that goal, then we’re able to start to roll back whatever mitigations are still remaining.


The new phase will rely on factors like the vaccination rate in each region and will allow more capacity at bars, restaurants and gatherings.

* Crain’s

Gov. Pritzker will announce Thursday that on April 12, vaccine eligibility will expand to any Illinoisan 16 and over, according to two people familiar with the state’s plans. The sources could not confirm a Chicago Tribune report that the expansion will not apply to Chicago. The city receives a separate vaccine allocation from the federal government than the state. […]

The state is also expected to announce details tomorrow on a “bridge phase” between the current Phase 4 and the coming Phase 5. During the bridge phase, more pandemic restrictions will be lifted.

That interim phase will begin when 70 percent of people 65 and older have received at least one vaccine dose. Currently, 59 percent of seniors have received their first dose.

Phase 5 would begin when at least half of Illinois residents 16 and older have received their first dose. Currently, 18 percent of those between 16 and 64 have received theirs.

* Tribune

Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Thursday is expected to widely expand eligibility for the coronavirus vaccine starting April 12 to all Illinois residents 16 and older except those in Chicago, sources told the Tribune.

It’s part of a revised reopening plan that also includes slightly increased capacity limits for retail stores, theaters and outdoor venues, among other changes, sources said. […]

Pritzker said Wednesday he’s working with business interests and health professionals in developing an incremental reopening plan for Illinois that is expected to be released this week.

“We’re working with industry leaders, (and) we’re working with our doctors at (the Illinois Department of Public Health) as well as other experts in the state to make sure that the phased reopening is not only healthy for everybody but also good for the economy as we move it forward,” Pritzker said outside Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital in downstate Lincoln.

* ABC 7

The step between Phase 4 and 5 will allow for greater capacity limits for bars and restaurants, social gatherings, museums and zoos, etc., depending on whether they are indoors or outdoors. Bars in particular will be allowed 20% standing capacity, but the six-foot social distancing will still be required. […]

Suburban Cook County is expanding its eligibility starting Monday, March 22, as the county moves to Phase 1B+, which includes people younger than 65 with underlying conditions.

Cook County public health officials said the decision was partly made based on the promise of more vaccine doses on the way.

* Sun-Times

The bridged reopening Pritzker is planning to announce on Thursday will allow for “a gradual increase in capacity limitations” as the state vaccinates more people and continues to monitor case numbers, one source said.

All of the state’s regions will move into the intermediate phase — there will be additional metrics to meet, involving new case numbers and the state’s positivity rate, to get to Phase 5, which is a full reopening, the source said. The state has been in Phase 4 since last summer. […]

Part of the challenge to lifting restrictions will be handling threats posed by newer, faster spreading coronavirus variants — but the governor suggested that was not an insurmountable hurdle to reopening.

“Let me be clear to everybody,” the governor said at a news conference in downstate Decatur. “I am more optimistic today than I have ever been throughout this pandemic, about where we are going and getting to the end of the pandemic.”


President Joe Biden set a goal that all American adults be made eligible for the vaccine by May 1.

“We’re looking at following President Biden’s prescription for opening everything up for all comers who want the vaccine, and perhaps even earlier than that if we can do it,” Pritzker said.

Chicago’s public health commissioner, Dr. Allison Arwady, at a separate event on Wednesday, appeared dubious the city will be able to reach that mark

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  1. - Socially DIstant watcher - Wednesday, Mar 17, 21 @ 10:07 pm:

    @Watcher: the doctor now says he was joking.

  2. - Hot Taeks - Wednesday, Mar 17, 21 @ 10:30 pm:

    Good decision! Supply keeps ramping up and demand will soon be met. This puts Dr. Arwady on the hot seat again as she couldn’t promise to meeting Biden’s May 1st goal. Pathetic leadership from CDPH.

  3. - Stuff Happens - Wednesday, Mar 17, 21 @ 11:56 pm:

    Still haven’t been able to get a vaccine here in Champaign-Urbana — never any openings. Hopefully everyone who’s already eligible can get it before April 12th when things get busier.

  4. - Nick - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 2:49 am:

    Explicitly tieing re-opening to vaccination is smart, and I think could be a good way to add some social pressure to those who might be hesitant about getting it.

  5. - Southern Skeptic - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 4:46 am:

    “Still haven’t been able to get a vaccine here in Champaign-Urbana — never any openings. Hopefully everyone who’s already eligible can get it before April 12th when things get busier.”

    Go to Springfield and get vaxxed at the state fairgrounds. That place runs like a machine.

    This is all great news. Demand and supply are slowly but surely becoming matched. By mid-April it shouldn’t take more than a few days to get an appointment. As to the City, their failed approach on the vaccination effort is probably the most under-covered stories of the pandemic.

  6. - PublicServant - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 5:59 am:

    Opening it up to “and everyone else” at once is going to commence the vaccine Hunger Games.

  7. - Masker - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 6:28 am:

    Good decision! Supply keeps ramping up and demand will soon be met. This puts Dr. Arwady on the hot seat again as she couldn’t promise to meeting Biden’s May 1st goal. Pathetic leadership from CDPH

    Sorry but if your look at other metro areas I bet they’re the same. Comes down to simple #s games…too many people for the resources currently.

  8. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 7:56 am:

    ==The step between Phase 4 and 5 will allow for greater capacity limits for bars and restaurants, social gatherings, museums and zoos, etc., depending on whether they are indoors or outdoors. Bars in particular will be allowed 20% standing capacity, but the six-foot social distancing will still be required. […]==

    And it better be enforced. Which even though I am not a bar goer (even before the pandemic), on my way out of work yesterday I was stopped at the Capitol Complex stoplight near Boone’s. I could see two people well under 6 feet separation sitting and goofing off together. And this is near the Complex.

    No way will I ever patronize Boone’s ever, even years after the pandemic. It may even be a long time before I even go to a restaurant again.

    I would go as far (but I’m sure the unions would object), especially after the recent bar fight involving Pontiac CC employees, to want state agencies to amend their ethics policies to bar their employees from going to bars until long after the pandemic is over and we’re 1000% that everyone is safe.

    BTW–I’m halfway vaccinated. Got mine at the State Fairgrounds. And they schedule your second dose appointment for you before you leave. Without having to go on the Sangamon County public health’s website.

  9. - Excitable Boy - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 8:03 am:

    - That place runs like a machine. -

    Agreed, my wife and I were in and out in 30 minutes. Very proud of the National Guard members making that happen.

  10. - Tired Teacher - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 8:07 am:

    This is very good news by the Gov. about vaccines. I look forward to getting the ASAP.

  11. - Big Mike - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 8:12 am:

    Nothing in Northwest Cook county suburbs. County health department vaccines are not available. walgreens is useless. Cook county and the governor better be able to handle hundreds of complaining phone calls.

  12. - Cool Papa Bell - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 8:28 am:

    I’ve been booking appointments for those who aren’t tech savvy or don’t want to deal with it in Sangamon County for a month or so now.

    There hasn’t been a day in the last two weeks where I couldn’t find an appointment. Most have been at the state fairgrounds, but the local health department is running like a top and Walgreens has many openings.

    I’ve even booked appointments in Madison County for folks I know in the metro east.

    My advice is if your within an hour of Springfield try the Orr Building site. You might have to wait a week to actually get in but the appointments are available.

  13. - Big Mike - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 8:40 am:

    Schaumburg was as a recent site for mass distribution. I did not hear about it in time to register. Over 6000 shots. Cook county will need many more sites if the governor’s plans are followed. Is Cook county up to the task?

  14. - DuPage Teacher - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 9:04 am:

    New “Max Vax” site opens in Batavia tomorrow and Aurora test location hours decreasing due to lack of demand:

  15. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 9:07 am:

    This is great news and the correct way to reopen, as securely as possible, with as many vaccines as possible. Elected officials like governors are responsible for helping protect us, which is their fundamental job. I don’t want my governor just throwing the state wide open without much more vaccination.

  16. - Pundent - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 9:46 am:

    If the supply issues aren’t sorted out this will just increase the political pressure on Pritzker as he’s now set an expectation that everyone will be able to get a vaccine on April 12. Much like our current situation eligibility and availability are two very different things.

  17. - Road Trippin - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 9:58 am:

    Carbondale has two mass vaccination sites staffed by National Guard that are streamlined and efficient. If you can’t find an appointment locally, Google the Jackson County Health Department, see what’s available and consider a road trip. Any Illinois resident is eligible.

  18. - Bothanspied - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 10:08 am:

    PublicServant- Your Hunger Games analogy is spot on. And unfortunately, District 9 chose the 78-year-old tribute with no computer skills to compete with 25-year-olds who can open and multitask in three browsers at the same time. Never mind that two of the biggest pharmacy chains open up batches of appointments at midnight and 5 AM respectively. And the pattern is inconsistent on whether appointments will be released on any given day.
    There is a Facebook group devoted to sharing vaccine availability and restrictions for Chicagoland and the rest of the state. There are so many seniors posting desperately begging for help because they do not understand how to use the Internet to schedule nor are their fingers nimble enough to punch in their information before all the appointments allotted that day are gobbled up.
    This move by Pritzker signals that there is now a steady and increasing supply of vaccines, but he/they are absolutely failing to address those that simply are not savvy enough to get appointments online. Local pharmacies need to be able to schedule out longer than the current 3-5 days and they must be able to do it in-house (locally) to accommodate this tech illiterate population.
    End rant.

  19. - Sangamo Girl - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 10:37 am:

    The Adams County (Quincy) site has many more shots than arms. None of the times today are fully booked and they have slots open through the weekend. It’s Johnson and Johnson so it’s only one trip.

  20. - MSIX - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 10:42 am:

    Got my first Moderna shot yesterday. Most painless shot I’ve ever received. It took me maybe 2 minutes from initial contact with the county health department to having an appt for the next day. Piece o’ cake. Hats off to our county HD.

  21. - Blonde Moment - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 11:39 am:

    Yesterday afternoon I scheduled my husband for a vaccine this morning at the State Fairgrounds/Orr Building. Earlier commenters are spot on; the operation is fast and efficient. Staff are friendly and helpful. It was much busier today than two weeks ago when my sister and I took our mother and her husband but the in and out was still under 30 minutes. They were smart to start slow and tweak their processes to ensure they could handle larger crowds. The National Guard members and other staff including medical and administrative personnel deserve a shout out for a top notch operation.

  22. - Give Me A Break - Thursday, Mar 18, 21 @ 1:11 pm:

    Still waiting for the next round of the J&J vaccine to be given out in SPI. So far, no one seems to have any information about when the next round will be ready.

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