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Question of the day

Tuesday, Mar 23, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rate the governor’s tenure so far? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…

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  1. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:16 pm:

    We picked B as in billions.

  2. - What's in a name? - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:17 pm:

    Gave him an “A”; he benefits by the curve established by his predecessors.

  3. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:18 pm:

    I initially thought B, but after consideration gave him an A. Overall, I think my expectations should be tempered by the realities of our condition.

  4. - cermak_rd - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:20 pm:

    He’s been governor during a challenging time. I feel he’s done the best he could with all the cats he had to herd. He was very early in dropping all restrictions on religions, and kept IL out of all the lawsuits that actually went places.

    He’s had no scandals, has attempted to console grieving communities, and has not gone out of his way gratuitously to antagonize people.

    I rate him a B. I wish he could have got the progressive income tax and such. But I am happy with some of the things we have got (equity legislation especially)

  5. - Julian Perez - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:20 pm:


    Awful with Covid

    But A- fiscally.

    I applaud Pritzker for resisting the Establishment Hacks who have lobbied him to raise taxes on the working and middle-class

  6. - Practocal Politics - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:22 pm:

    Too much talk and not enough action.

    He really botched the graduated income tax referendum with bad marketing.

  7. - Perrid - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:23 pm:

    I’d give him a high B. His first session was pretty stellar. If he hadn’t whiffed on the Fair Tax he would have been a pretty solid A, but even getting it through the GA was an achievment, in my mind.

    We can debate the covid response as much as we like, but I give the governor very high marks there. Of course he could have been better, that’s always going to be true, but I think he, and IL, did OK.

    Really, what I think his biggest problem is (excluding the aforementioned Fair Tax) is not quite working hand in and with the GA, and quite frankly I think the GA tends to be more full of whiners and blowhards than even politicians in general, so I don’t wanna mark him down too much for not always getting along with them. But it does get in the way, that’s gotta be said.

  8. - ;) - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:24 pm:

    Trash. D.
    His staff is worse. F.
    Fortunately for him, and them, we don’t have any options with the courage and money to compete in a primary.

  9. - DuPage Dem - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:26 pm:

    A. Brought us through a terrible time in the best shape possible. And has done a whole lot of other good in the meantime. I appreciate the competence in his management of the state’s finances too.

  10. - Blue Dog - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:27 pm:

    Voted F. Gas tax. License plate. Pension debt. Unpaid bills. FOID delays. Covid(oops, that was Trumps fault).

  11. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:28 pm:

    Solid B. IDES is a nightmare, as is the veterans home debacle. If Blue Dog gives him an F, that means Pritzker’s doing quite well.

  12. - uialum - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:30 pm:

    Voted B overall but would have given an A for work on Covid response and feel like if there had been a “normal session” in 2020 then this would have been an A overall.

  13. - Courser - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:31 pm:

    Gave him a B. Has managed well during a very difficult time, but he really botched up the messaging around the progressive tax. Sadly, the other side controlled the debate with a lot of misinformation and no one stepped up to effectively counter all of the false narratives.

  14. - H-W - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:31 pm:

    I assigned a B.

    Under the circumstances of an international pandemic, there are somethings not done that probably should have been pushed aside for now.

    He has managed our State well, given the parameters of the pandemic. While some feel compelled to complain, I am convinced any thing less, and more citizens of Illinois would have died. The propositions that we could open sooner or be more open generally, surely would have caused some increase in deaths.

    Still, I think the Governor could be more assertive, particularly in regard to budget constraints. I think we should be digging deeper into our budget, given the public sentiment against raising taxes. Were we to cut deeper, as conservatives tend to insist, perhaps more conservatives would realize that a graduated income tax would hurts less than cutting infrastructure. I think the Governor should have been more austere. [I vote largely Democrat, and am a fiscally-conservative progressive]

  15. - The Way I See It - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:31 pm:

    Certainly not perfect, but is doing fairly well with the cards that he has been dealt. He is going to have to take some strong steps to rebuild the economy and take leadership without Madigan running the show in the General Assembly.

  16. - Papa2008 - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:31 pm:

    Leadership-A, did what had to be done with the pandemic. Governance-D, VA hospital deaths, IDES, progressive tax, all total failures. Ability to stay out of the Madigan scandal only thing that moves this from an F. Overall-B (generous, but I like the man)

  17. - SWIL_Voter - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:31 pm:

    Minimum Wage hike
    Legal Weed
    Criminal Justice reform

    Not sure if this is grading on a curve, but he seems to have been the best governor I’ve had in my life, and I campaigned against him pretty vigorously

  18. - He gets grief, but - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:32 pm:

    I gave him an A. I have never seen Illinois with an executive who can manage through a crisis like the one we’ve been through. Has he been perfect, no. But has he been the best governor we’ve had in a looooooooong time. Yes. A from me.

  19. - silicon prairie - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:32 pm:

    I gave him a D. Has not handled the IDES very well-it is still messed up . Missed it on Covid–but been better lately. Has not done anything to fix the state’s finance issues except delay it another year. Has not proposed a single pro business item in 2 years. The people who think has done great job are typically union or state/city pension people

  20. - Youhavenoclue - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:32 pm:

    A- Top notch staff. Some of the hardest working people in state government. Literally saved the lives of millions of Illinois citizens by the Governor’s leadership and his staff’s hard work 24/7 during the pandemic. While everyone else is tucked away in bed, these folks are still hard at work.

  21. - SWIL_Voter - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:33 pm:

    Listing “pension debt” as a mark against the current governor is hilarious

  22. - Give Us Barabbas - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:33 pm:


    Voted for a governor, got a mensch in the bargain. Couldn’t give an A because of underperforming in IDES and Veterans Affairs. Also, dropping the ball on Fair Tax was huge.

    That said, and considering the circumstances, he’s doing remarkably well, though the previous bar was set about a foot below floor level.

  23. - Responsa - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:35 pm:

    C. Likability, intentions and results are very different aspects with respect to a politician. JB may do much of the thinking but when he assigns the underlings and relies on his people to do the actual implementation work unfortunately we see that agency after agency is not getting the job done for the people of Illinois.

    I wish more observers in his circle and some connected insiders who comment here were more honest about where he needs better advisors and especially doers. To ignore all those issues or paper over them does not help him get better at governing.

  24. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:35 pm:

    B-ish: accomplished quite a bit legislatively but IDES, IDVA and the Fair Tax bring his grade down.

  25. - Jibba - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:36 pm:

    ==The people who think has done great job are typically union or state/city pension people===

    Put down your magic 8 ball.

    Gave him a B. Excellent response to covid and budget, some major missteps with the vet homes, fair tax. Excellent intentions, decent instincts, average communications and day-to-day governance.

  26. - Lincoln Lad - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:36 pm:

    B for the covid response. Can’t support the way the agencies have been managed - IDES, Veteran’s Affairs, etc. The high priced Dep Governors have not delivered and something needs to be done.

  27. - 1st Ward - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:37 pm:

    C - I rate his Covid response “B” put ding him one notch for IDES/IDVA issues and no leadership on the budget.

  28. - OldSmoky2 - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:39 pm:

    Gave him an A - I was going with a B because of the Fair Tax failure, but that was a really tough thing to try and he got it further than anyone else has. Mostly, he gets an A for managing Covid better than almost any other governor.

  29. - bogey golfer - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:42 pm:

    IDES and the Fair Tax brought him down to a C.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:43 pm:

    I guess I look at this like a college syllabus type breakdown to come up with a final grade shining thru.

    Governing, Legislation - “A”

    Between that first session and the successes, the justice pillars, it’s a list of accomplishments, agree with them or not on policy or thought, they are accomplishments, signed and delivered

    Governing, Agency - “C-“

    With IDES, IDVA, some changes in leadership, and looking at how just two of the agencies facing at least what can be seen as real issues, and real agency missteps. They will be highlighted in all of 2022, the legislative wins will be needed to offset some real agency issues.

    Governing, COVID - “B+”

    In the face of Covid deniers and truly facing the angry unhelpful folks in the GA, the local authorities, even “media darlings” on morning radio, a real credit is the keeping of hospitalizations and using off site beds, credit to the Governor abc his crew. The proof in the pudding to vaccines will be seen come June, so that’s an “incomplete”

    Political - “C-“

    A very generous C-, as Pritzker can self fund and isolate himself from things that could normally be hurtful… like choosing sides in a Senate Prez race, and losing, and the Fair Tax Flop.

    Too much making waves, too much backing losers.

    The state party chair thing comes to mind as well.

    I said the Guv should “let them figure it out” and if he does, that’s less worrying about a state rep here or a senate seat there, while running on signed things Dem are approving.

    Overall - “B”

    More than enough room to get an A, still time to slide to a C.

    Ignore the truly disingenuous Ds and Fs, but those with real criticism that make an actual case, I’d listen to that, while sitting at 41-41…

    It’s a B… but…

  31. - Fav Human - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:44 pm:

    C Big failure in IDES, and worse, it’s not getting better.

    Didn’t fix the Veteran’s home.

    Hard to give him much credit legislatively, he is very aligned with the majorities on his big items.

    Failed big time in trying to get his people into slots.

    The Fair Tax he simply ignored once he had his team in place, and there was no oversight on how well that was being handled.

    Not much credit given due to the REALLY low bar set by his recent predecessors.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:46 pm:

    === The people who think has done great job are typically union or state/city pension people===

    Even grading, some can’t help but be victims, lol

  33. - Interested observer - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:48 pm:

    I voted for Pritzker, but wasn’t super excited about the idea of another wealthy person running the state. But Pritzker has far exceeded my expectations. Not saying he’s perfect–but I’d vote for him again based on his what he’s done so far.

  34. - Montrose - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:50 pm:

    I would say B. He has done a solid job responding to the pandemic and has passed/supported some pretty monumental legislation. Had he gotten the graduated tax across the finish line, he would have gotten an A.

    “The people who think has done great job are typically union or state/city pension people.”

    In you mind, only people that get a personal financial gain could like Pritzker. That says a lot about how you view the world.

  35. - Frumpy White Guy - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:52 pm:

    He is a Democrat so I’ll vote for him but I think he needs to go after Durbin and show him who is boss.

  36. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:54 pm:

    The graduated income tax failure knocks his rating down—among other problems, such as the cannabis license rollout.

    Pritzker enacted a $15/hr minimum wage hike, with which the Democratic-led federal government has had initial difficulty (not having the votes even if it was allowed in the stimulus bill). He legalized marijuana, got a capital bill and other huge accomplishments.

    Pritzker saved many lives and prevented much suffering due to his COVID handling. He can point to Illinois’ case counts being low for much of last summer, when Florida’s and Texas’ numbers exploded after they lifted restrictions.

  37. - Yessir - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:55 pm:

    A all day. First session was a knockout and follow up COVID work has been very well implemented.

  38. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 3:57 pm:

    I gave him a B.

    Not perfect, but he saved thousands of lives with his aggressive actions regarding the pandemic.

  39. - Southsider - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:01 pm:

    C-I hope that it is just the pandemic that has made him stumble on his agenda. Leadership seems to becoming from anywhere but the governor on legislative initiatives. The Black Caucus has really moved the needle…taking the Governor along for the ride.

  40. - Anon E Moose - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:14 pm:

    A. He legalized it.

  41. - Citizen Kim - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:17 pm:

    I gave a C; he’s arrogant, quick to blame others and always has to jab the other party-that doesn’t help anything, doesn’t take any accountability with things botch up and holds grudges. I wish he would listen to his press conferences to hear how petty he sounds when he starts in on the blame game. On the other hand, he has moved the state forward with COVID and helped get more vax into the state and isn’t afraid to give an unpopular message.

  42. - Pundent - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:18 pm:

    I gave him a B which I think is deserved. Working in his favor has been the response to Covid, passage of a much needed capital plan, and calling out a need for a change in leadership within his party. The negatives include very poor agency responses (IDES, DCFS, Veterans) and being unable to advance his political objectives such as the fair tax despite having the financial resources to succeed.

  43. - Nobody Sent - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:23 pm:

    B - I appreciate his aggressive response to Covid but, like most pols, he used politics and clout to pick appointees (I always hope for better…)

  44. - thornwood - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:25 pm:

    A- - Illinois per capita COVID ranking has fallen to #22 while the Dakota’s are at #1 and #2. Pritzker correctly put priority on life. I think that will be remembered more than the VA and IDES troubles. The Fair Tax was botched hence my A minus.

  45. - Rachel - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:25 pm:

    An A from me. As I sit here fully vaccinated, I think he did a great job handling the Covid crisis and I appreciate his effort on the progressive income tax. The only real issue for me is IDES - I don’t understand why it isn’t running better.

  46. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:35 pm:

    === Has not proposed a single pro business item in 2 years.===
    Marijuana dispensaries aren’t businesses?

  47. - Phineas Gurley - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:41 pm:


    Strong results on COVID (A) especially compared to our neighbors, who quite literally make it harder to be successful. Political chops on COVID aRe a bit mixed, but this is the one area where results matter most.

    Agenda and political failures should be a flashing red light, but there are offsetting successes in those areas as well, so a B- … the stinkers get the media attention.

    He was dealt a weird legislative hand with supermajorities and two leader transitions, but that doesn’t totally excuse a few own-goals in that arena. B- on leg affairs.

    Solid B overall.

  48. - zatoichi - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:49 pm:

    Went with B. Covid done very well dispite nonhelpful GA. VA and IDES are issues. Overall state services are OK in tight financial spot. Far better than last several Govs.

  49. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:57 pm:

    ====Marijuana dispensaries aren’t businesses? ====

    Shhhh, with questions like that you’ll spoil the GOP’s racket.

  50. - Bruce( no not him) - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:57 pm:

    I gave him a C. Average. Not bad, but not great.

  51. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 4:59 pm:


    There is always room for improvement, but considering his entry point he has done a pretty decent job.

    What I notice specifically, is the problems he does have are not willfully created. As in refusing to pass a budget to prove an ideological point, but at the same time refusing to accept blame for the outcome of that choice.

    JB certainly has some problems in the administration which should be addressed, veterans home, IDES, etc. However, none of those problems are caused by a willful desire to destroy the peoples government. Missteps sure, but not caused deliberately and with malice.

  52. - Omay - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 5:00 pm:

    A- Kept most promises. Propose a way to lessen fiscal troubles, but no buy-in. Other issues like IDES and Vet Homes, but overall A- when all else is considered, like the pandemic.

  53. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 5:08 pm:

    C -

    Failure to restore faith in government, listen to the concerns of the business leaders in Illinois and advocate for policies to relieve state mandates that contribute to the crushing property tax burden in Illinois that is the #1 reason for population loss and hinders small businesses job creation

    The most progressive Governor in America is not proposing solutions that will encourage job retention and lower unemployment in the private sector

  54. - TheUpperRoom - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 5:08 pm:

    Gave him a B. Even with his losses mentioned on the blog here, he still has done a decent job. Managed to keep his nose clean by doing his best to remain neutral during the Madigan ComEd fallout. Did a good job managing the state during the COVID. There are problems, I’d be surprised if there is a single state without similar issues. My main complaint is the failure of the graduated income tax. A classic example of more people voting against something they are actually for (maybe since “fair tax” didn’t work, next time they should use better marketing, like “The billionaire tax”.)

    Simply being competent without being perfect is such a gift these days it’s hard to fault the governor too much.

  55. - cermak_rd - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 5:11 pm:

    The Black Caucus has had these types of needs for a long time. And as representatives, it makes sense for them to be taking the lead on legislative initiatives. I actually graded Pritzker up for the equity moves since he signed them.

  56. - Excitable Boy - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 5:20 pm:

    A. He’s pushed an unabashed progressive agenda, lost some battles but also won some big ones. He’s managed the pandemic as well as one can in a state like Illinois. Through it all he remains a pretty happy warrior and seems to genuinely enjoy the job.

  57. - silicon prairie - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 5:25 pm:

    “In you mind, only people that get a personal financial gain could like Pritzker. That says a lot about how you view the world.”

    I think you need to learn how to read. I am just stating a fact

  58. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 5:29 pm:

    === I think you need to learn how to read. I am just stating a fact===


    Your in-law uncle opinion is not a fact, it’s your anger towards state workers and/or union workers.

    ===typically union or state/city pension people===

    Typically is doing a lot of work, like all the work of you thinking you’re thoughtful to any fact.

    Fact, lol… “ok”

  59. - RWP - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 5:35 pm:

    B. Could’ve been an A because of his handling of Covid and other legislative issues, except for the three big failures; IDES, IDVA and the Tax Amendment. Especially the Tax Amendment.

  60. - Last Bull Moose - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 5:54 pm:

    B. Covid response brought him up from a C. The Fair Tax amendment was not well designed. Some adjustments could have made it much smaller target.

    No indication he can actually manage any agency. IDES, VA, and DCFS are big failures.

  61. - cermak_rd - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 5:56 pm:

    Silicon Prarie,

    I am only one datapoint, but I am an engineer who works for a non-union manufacturer and I am a pretty big fan of the gov.

    So neither state worker nor union member.

  62. - Bored Chairman - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 5:59 pm:

    Shock Poll Results: Pritzker bubble gives Gov. a solid “B.”

  63. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 6:08 pm:

    - Bored Chairman -

    Did you forget to give a grade or was it more important to be a victim of a place you choose to visit?

    Burst the bubble.

  64. - Zack Morris - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 6:08 pm:

    I voted B. I think the Governor had an excellent first year in Office as there was good will all around that his predecessor was gone and he passed a lot of his agenda. Ever since then it has been a mixed bag.

    Fair Tax loss was a debacle and they got thoroughly beat. That campaign was poorly run.

    I think the COVID response on the whole has been REALLY good. Tough situation and I think this is where his leadership has shined the most.

    Fiscally it is important to note where our bill backlog was and where it is now. That’s a big win!

    Lately however, the Governor’s lack of ability to negotiate and work with the General Assembly and all stakeholders has been a big weak spot. Arrogance does come to mind Rich as I am not sure why the Governor thinks he can go at everything alone.

    Also, as I’ve thought more about it, the Governor subsidizing the pay of his top employees with his own cash has been a big mistake. The disparity between the top employees and the rest is significant.

  65. - silicon prairie - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 6:23 pm:


    Thanks. When I state typically it does not mean 100% or absolute which some of the other folks on this post seem to think

  66. - Levois J - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 6:25 pm:

    I think Pritzker has been far more effective than at least the last three governors. I don’t agree with him on everything but at least this time we don’t have many personality clashes with top Democrat leadership as we had with other Democrat Governors.

  67. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 6:29 pm:

    === When I state typically…===

    “… it means I think my opinion is a fact” (it’s not)

    Stop while you’re ahead.

  68. - Nick - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 6:38 pm:

    Sans the graduated income tax I feel like most of his recent ‘big’ setbacks have been stuff that only politicos care about, like who chairs the state party, etc.

  69. - Juvenal - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 6:44 pm:

    I give Pritzker’s administration an A for effort and a D for implementation, a B- overall.

    Name one thing his administration has run really well?

  70. - Watcher of the Skies - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 6:46 pm:

    Voted A.

    I worried about Pritzker. He wasn’t my first choice in the primary. Oftentimes non-politicians fail to understand and harness the bureaucracy. To be sure, he has room for improvement there - IDES and Vets. But he has surrounded himself with good, experienced people who have helped successfully guide the state through a nightmare.

    Contrast to Lightfoot, who I had such high hopes for. Her record on transparency alone - after Rahm! - earns her a poor grade. Add to that the constant mixed messages, and it leaves her very little room to salvage things before 2023 in my opinion.

  71. - SouthSide Markie - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 6:47 pm:

    B- The monumental legislative victories mentioned above, his handling of the pandemic and the benefit of his overall demeanor have offset by 1. the fair tax loss; 2. the ongoing IDES disaster which seems to be no better today than a year ago; 3. Veteran’s Affairs; 4. the failure to find a mechanism to fairly enforce pandemic restrictions, which allowed some restaurants to skirt them at the expense of others who complied.

    Putting all this into perspective, most of the grades he has gotten have been good, especially relative to past Governors. They only seem disappointing because of the early successes raised expectations.

  72. - silicon prairie - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 6:51 pm:

    However you are reading it as 100% with your comments. You should stop . Where do come up with this idea I have anger toward state workers. Illogic . Stop it.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 6:55 pm:

    ===Where do come up with this idea I have anger toward state workers. Illogic .===

    You wrote…

    ===The people who think has done great job are typically union or state/city pension people===

    That’s not disparaging?

    You’re not even honest about your slights, lol

    You give a D, then you slight Union city/state workers?

    Just own it, lol

  74. - JIbba - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 8:05 pm:

    ===I am just stating a fact===

    The number of state workers who like JB is somewhere between 0 and 100%. Your guess is as good as mine, but don’t call it fact.

  75. - Cosgrove - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 8:57 pm:

    A+ for standing up to the right-wingers on issue after issue. Illinois is so lucky to have him.

  76. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 9:06 pm:

    Voted B. I grade on a curve.

  77. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 10:17 pm:

    B. But he is at a turning point. If he starts to rack up some wins again(which he seems to be starting to do) then it could grow.

    Covid response strong, decent to all people, seems to care about the whole state (huge improvement). Illinois is a leader in total vaccinations, a far more important data point than per capita numbers (the Dakotas #1 and #2 is just a joke, they have the combined population of downers Grove).

    Missed on fair tax, vets home, IDES. Ides was an inherited problem and herder to unwind all of the failure, but the other two weren’t good.

    =Where do come up with this idea I have anger toward state workers.=

    yeah, because you meant it as a compliment.

    =I am just stating a fact=

    You need a dictionary. Unless you have empirical proof in the form of verifiable data (spoiler alert: you do not) it is an opinion.

  78. - Advocate - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 10:56 pm:

    I went with A. Close call between that and B and since I got here I’ve reconsidered to B. Moved or at least didn’t stand in the way of momentous legislation from the GA. There was no playbook for the pandemic. He didn’t get everything right but who would have, and he kept us as safe as possible. Fair tax failing and IDES mismanagement drag down an A grade.

  79. - Yooper in Diaspora - Tuesday, Mar 23, 21 @ 11:16 pm:

    B It’s easy to list some things that look like failures (IDES, Fair Tax), but he cares about government serving the common good and has taken his responsibilities seriously. On higher ed, I think he and some he’s appointed listen too much to policy groups like Advance Illinois (with their focus on early college and credentialing) rather than to those actually working in higher ed institutions. But overall the state seems on a better track, despite the pandemic, under his leadership.

  80. - A Guy - Wednesday, Mar 24, 21 @ 9:00 am:

    Anyone offering an A or an F truly can’t be taken seiously. It’s as if the question didn’t take one single lap around your brain.

  81. - Abby Normal - Thursday, Mar 25, 21 @ 11:10 am:

    == Has not proposed a single pro business item in 2 years.
    Marijuana dispensaries aren’t businesses?==

    Not to mention increased profit margins for Doritos manufacturers.

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