Fitch stays with negative Illinois outlook
Wednesday, Mar 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
Democratic Gov. JB Pritzker hailed the expected final passage today of President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus package as a major fiscal win for the state’s cash-strapped coffers and for Illinoisans awaiting $1,400 stimulus checks.
The governor and Democratic U.S. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, whose House subcommittee helped shape how much state and local governments would receive, dissected one of the largest spending packages ever assembled in Congress during a joint appearance on WBEZ’s morning newscast. […]
Pritzker has made clear one of his first spending priorities once that money reaches Illinois will be the repayment of $2.875 billion in loans the state took out last year from the Federal Reserve’s Municipal Liquidity Facility to help offset the fiscal impact of COVID-19.
That commitment caught the eye of some of the bond-rating agencies, which for years have consistently rated Illinois’ state government as a notch above junk-bond status because of its long-running budgetary ills.
“If the state focuses use of the significant one-time infusion to reduce liabilities and on other one-time needs, it could support stabilization of the state’s fiscal resilience and rating outlook,” according to a statement released Tuesday by Fitch Ratings.
* Toplines from Fitch…
Factors that could, individually or collectively, lead to positive rating action/upgrade:
– Enactment of the ARP, followed by a clear dedication of the state to using new federal aid to unwind one-time budgetary measures taken over the past year and restore fiscal resilience, would support stabilization of the Outlook and potentially upward rating movement toward its pre-pandemic level.
– A quick and sustained recovery in Illinois’ economic activity and revenue collections could support stabilization of the Outlook by allowing the state to preserve financial resilience and minimize exacerbating its structural budget challenges. Such a recovery is more likely now than even a few months ago given the rollout of multiple vaccines nationally and globally as well the high likelihood of substantial new federal economic stimulus. Similarly, structural changes that lead to materially higher revenues or reduced spending could also support stabilization of the Outlook.
Factors that could, individually or collectively, lead to negative rating action/downgrade:
– A downgrade could be triggered by the lack of a credible path to reversing the state’s current pandemic-driven use of non-structural budget measures or by a reliance on short-term measures that materially compound the state’s long-term challenges such as its pension liability burden. Specifically, Fitch will assess any additional federal aid that could mitigate the state’s fiscal challenges and the long-term structural implications of the state’s fiscal 2022 budget currently under legislative consideration. Actions that materially exacerbate structural budget challenges, such as substantial use of one-time federal aid for recurring expenditures, could trigger negative rating action.
–More severe economic weakness than envisioned in Fitch’s coronavirus baseline scenario that triggers greater than anticipated, sustained and deep revenue declines and materially erodes the state’s gap-closing capacity could lead to negative rating action. Fitch’s assessment of the state’s long-term economic growth prospects could also be fundamentally weakened from an already modest level. This would pressure all aspects of the state’s credit profile.
Go read the rest. The legislature absolutely, without a doubt has to avoid putting that federal aid into the spending base. Period.
* Bond Buyer…
On Tuesday, the legislature’s Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability revised its revenue estimates for the current fiscal year upward from last fall.
Warnings of a $4 billion gap last November due to the failure of the graduated income tax amendment on the November ballot and decision against tapping the full legislative authority to borrow $5 billion from the MLF overshadowed the positive news that $2.3 billion more in tax revenue was expected.
Base revenues were revised upward Tuesday again by another $596 million for the current fiscal year. That estimate tracks closely with the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget’s $485 million revision, said Jim Muschinske, COGFA revenue manager.
The state now expects $40.4 billion of general fund revenue for fiscal 2022, down from $41.6 billion this year, which was inflated by the windfall of income tax that flowed to coffers at the start of fiscal 2021 due to the extension of the tax filing deadline. Otherwise collections will continue to grow with personal income taxes rising by 3% and sales by 2.8%, slightly better than the administration’s forecast. Those figures don’t account for the impact of Pritzker’s proposals.
* Press release…
Illinois State Comptroller Susana Mendoza issued this statement Wednesday after the U.S. House of Representatives passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan:
“Thank you, members of the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Senate, for responding to the needs of America to survive COVID-19. This financial relief is needed in Illinois to pay back billions of dollars we borrowed from the federal reserve that allowed us to cover the state’s health care bills as we fight our way through this pandemic.
“As I said in my guest column in Crain’s Chicago Business today:
• Yes, Illinois and all states need the stimulus package.
• No, it’s not a ‘bailout’ of blue states by red states. People in blue, red, and purple states are hurting and need help. From 2015 to 2019, Illinois taxpayers sent $16.4 billion more to the federal government than they got back in federal spending. Illinois has dutifully served as a top donor state, helping some of those same dependent states whose senators now mislabel this stimulus as a “bailout.”
• Before we spend money on anything else, any stimulus money that comes to Illinois is earmarked to pay back money we borrowed from the Federal Reserve for the state’s COVID-19 and other medical expenses during this pandemic.
• Restaurants and hotels were closed and not paying sales taxes. Employees were laid off. Not only were they not earning a paycheck and not paying personal income taxes to the state, people who’d never sought unemployment benefits had to file for the first time and avail themselves of other state services. The state had less money coming in and more demand for services. It was a double whammy to the people and to the state budget, and it will take years to recover.
• No, we are not going to spend a penny of the stimulus on old pension debt that predated the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Yes, 76% of Americans support the stimulus, including 60% of Republicans.”
…Adding… Speaker Welch on the passage of the American Rescue Plan…
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on our state. Although we will never forget the lives we have lost and the hardships we have faced, we now know that help is on the way. Today, President Biden and the United States Congress officially approved a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill. The state of Illinois will receive $7.5 billion in assistance and local governments will receive another $6 billion. This is funding that will go towards schools, vaccine distribution, improved administration and operations for critical agencies like the Illinois Department of Employment Security, small business support and financial aid. This act will give direct payments of $1,400 to millions of Illinoisans. It will also extend and enhance unemployment benefits and expand the child tax credit, which will put more money directly in the pockets of our most low-income families. I am grateful to Senators Durbin, Duckworth, and our congressional delegation for making sure Congress took bold, swift action. Once guidelines are issued by federal authorities, I look forward to working with the Pritzker administration and our budget leaders on how to best appropriate these funds so they meet the needs of our most vulnerable communities. While I know the road to recovery will not be easy, this bill gives us the funds necessary to simultaneously address this health and economic crisis.
* Related…
* Taxes on unemployment benefits helped improve Illinois’ revenue estimate
Question of the day
Wednesday, Mar 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* HB724…
Conservators of the peace. After receiving a certificate attesting to the successful completion of a training course administered by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board as required under Section 10.5 of the Illinois Police Training Act, all members of the General Assembly shall be conservators of the peace.
Those persons shall have power (i) to arrest or cause to be arrested, with or without process, all persons who break the peace or are found violating any municipal ordinance or any criminal law of the State, (ii) to commit arrested persons for examination, (iii) if necessary, to detain arrested persons in custody over night or Sunday in any safe place or until they can be brought before the proper court, and (iv) to exercise all other powers as conservators of the peace prescribed by State and corporate authorities.
* Illinois Policy Institute…
State Rep. Dan Caulkins, R-Decatur, has raised concerns about the proposed bill.
“Who’s going to carry the liability insurance? Who’s going to wear body cameras and when is that going to be required?” Caulkins said to WAND-TV. “Do you want political people with the power to arrest someone that they may not agree with politically? I mean, I think there’s a lot to be thought about.” […]
[Chicago] Alderman have been considered “conservators of the peace” under Illinois law since 1872, granting them the power to make arrests and carry a concealed handgun in the case they or someone else is under immediate threat of bodily harm. They also have badges. […]
The bill was assigned to the House Executive Committee on March 2.
* The Question: Should state legislators be given these police powers? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…
It’s just a bill
Wednesday, Mar 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Looks like the House Democrats have this newbie on the program…
House Bill 2428 would stop state lawmakers from joining the [pension] system. State Rep. Dave Vella, D-Rockford, introduced the bill as one of his first after winning a close race against former state Rep. John Cabello.
Vella also refused to enroll in the retirement system.
“We need to make sure we are not wasting resources to fund unnecessary perks for politicians,” Vella said. “As our state continues to face financial problems, we should not be adding new financial burdens by promising to pay for the retirements of career politicians.”
* Rep. Moylan was a solid “No” on cannabis legalization and was also totally on the opposite side of Rep. Cassidy’s battles to oust Speaker Madigan, so no surprise here…
State Rep. Marty Moylan (D-Des Plaines) has now introduced legislation that would strengthen conflict of interest provisions in the legalization law that aim to prevent lawmakers, regulators and their families from profiting off the industry.
“For far too long in Illinois we have seen public officials abuse the public trust for their own benefit. It is time we enact much stronger ethics laws, especially concerning the growing cannabis industry where a lot of money is now flowing,” Moylan, a staunch critic of the legalization effort, said in a statement announcing the bill last month. […]
Moylan’s bill appears to target Candace Gingrich, the spouse of state Rep. Kelly Cassidy, a Chicago Democrat who led the effort to legalize recreational marijuana.
Just a month after Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed that law, Gingrich was announced as the vice president of business development for Revolution Florida, a “sister company” to the Streeterville-based pot firm Revolution Global. Because Revolution already earned a license to grow recreational pot in Illinois, Moylan believes Gingrich should be barred from working for its Florida subsidiary.
Interesting that his bill only applies specifically to the cannabis industry.
* Ben Szalinski with the State Journal-Register…
State Rep. La Shawn Ford, D-Chicago, proposed legislation to make it easier for someone who has charges against them dropped or is acquitted in court to have the charges erased from their record immediately. Under House bill 434, a person can immediately petition the judge to expunge their record of the charges that did not result in a conviction, but the prosecution can also object to the possible expungement. […]
“As a society, what we have to start doing is looking at the unintended consequences of not (expunging records). We have so many unintended consequences of not doing the right thing,” Ford said, adding this legislation is about addressing mistakes the criminal justice system has made and not the mistakes of individuals. […]
Ford also brought forward legislation in House bill 350 to make it easier for a convicted defendant to pay fines assessed in the conviction. The bill would allow judges to make determinations on a defendant’s ability to pay the fines and fees before the judge assesses them.
Opponents of the payday lending industry say they’re worried about a series of bills circulating in the General Assembly right now that they say would gut some of the protections that are in the bill awaiting the governor’s signature.
Sponsors of two such bills in the House and Senate declined to be interviewed for this story.
The two camera-shy sponsors are Democratic Rep. Jonathan Carroll and Republican Sen. Sue Rezin.
* Press release…
A coalition of consumer, environmental, and community advocates along with legislative champions announced legislation today to end a gas utility surcharge contributing to higher heating bills across the state.
The coalition pointed to numerous examples of rapidly rising bills from one end of the state to the other: Peoples Gas customers are paying more than 10 times the amount legislators were told the surcharge would cost, and a staggering 29 percent are behind on their bills. The surcharge, similar to the rubber-stamped “formula” rate hikes ComEd won through a corrupt scheme, has significantly contributed to a recent $76 million Ameren Illinois gas increase and a record-breaking $293 million Nicor Gas rate-hike request.
The legislation (HB3941, state Rep. Joyce Mason, SB570, state Sen. Ram Villivalam) would phase out the surcharge, called the “Qualified Infrastructure Plant” (QIP) charge, at the end of 2021 instead of at the end of 2023 and restore traditional regulatory oversight over gas utility spending. Gov. J.B. Pritzker endorsed the policy in his August energy principles, and Mayor Lightfoot and the Chicago City Council called for similar action last spring.
“This year has made clear that we need to restore utility oversight in Illinois,” Rep. Mason said. “As families are tightening their belts, we can no longer allow unaccountable utility spending to raise heating bills unchecked.”
In announcing the legislation, the coalition also released new data from reports the utilities file with state regulators showing that Peoples Gas customers were collectively about $147 million behind on their gas bills as of January 2021. That is $26 million more than ComEd customers, even though ComEd has about 3 million more residential customers. A staggering 29 percent of Peoples Gas customers–nearly a third of the utility’s customer base–were behind on their bills as of January.
“I think it’s important to remove this charge. The utilities know we need these services and it’s not fair that they keep hiking up bills, knowing that we can barely pay it as it is,” said Donna Carpenter, a West Englewood resident and parent leader with COFI POWER-PAC IL. “It would be a big help, not just to me but to others in the community as well. We’re in a situation where we can’t go in person to get help and a lot of people don’t know how to apply for help on the computer, and all of these bills adding up–it’s affecting us.”
The surcharge has not only contributed to higher utility bills, it has also limited state oversight. Despite well documented mismanagement and affordability problems with the Peoples Gas pipe replacement program, the Illinois Commerce Commission concluded in 2018 that it could not regulate the program, saying that the surcharge law “tied its hands.” Critics have argued that the pipe-replacement program fails to prioritize addressing safety risks in the Peoples Gas system.
Last week almost 1,300 Peoples Gas customers in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood lost service for at least one day. Peoples Gas has yet to explain the cause of the outage. Logan Square ranks 10th out of all neighborhoods for the number of gas main breaks or cracks from 1981 through 2018. The neighborhood is also 19th in the city for its average pipe segment risk ranking, under the company’s pipe segment risk index. Despite these indications of relatively high risk, Peoples Gas is not planning to conduct its pipe-replacement program in the neighborhood until 2032-2036.
The coalition supporting the legislation is led by AARP Illinois, COFI - POWER PAC, CUB Illinois, the Environmental Law and Policy Center, and Illinois PIRG. More than 30 organizations have endorsed the legislation.
* Related…
* House lawmakers pass bill placing restrictions on Illinois pet owners
* I dunno about this…
With burdensome student loan debt often cited as the reason young adults postpone buying homes, an Illinois agency has begun paying off student loans for people who want to become homeowners. […]
Aspiring home buyers who meet certain income limits can get up to $40,000 in student loan debt wiped out, changing their debt-to-income ratio to something that makes obtaining a mortgage easier. The buyers have to meet certain income standards—in Cook County, the individual income limit is about $109,000—and agree to live in the property they buy for three years to get the student loan debt forgiven. […]
The $25 million program, called SmartBuy, has a goal of helping 500 to 1,000 young adults buy homes, said Javier Gumulcio, IHDA’s director of homeownership
I mean, I suppose I’ll be happy for the folks who qualify, but imagine the amount of people who qualify for that aid in this state who will have to rely on dumb luck to “win” this money.
* Press release…
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 1,682 new confirmed and probable cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 30 additional deaths.
- Christian County: 1 female 90s
- Coles County: 1 female 50s
- Cook County: 2 males 50s, 1 female 60s, 1 female 70s, 1 male 70s, 2 males 80s, 1 female 90s
- Edgard County: 1 male 50s
- Fayette County: 1 male 70s
- Jefferson County: 1 male 60s
- Kane County: 1 male 30s, 1 female 70s
- Kendall County: 1 female 70s
- Lake County: 1 female 80s, 1 female 90s
- Ogle County: 1 female 80s
- Perry County: 1 male 50s
- Rock Island County: 1 female 60s
- St. Clair County: 1 male 50s, 1 male 60s, 2 females 70s, 1 female 80s, 1 female 90s
- Stephenson County: 1 male 70s
- Will County: 1 female 80s
- Winnebago County: 1 female 80s
Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 1,202,709 cases, including 20,810 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 71,488 specimens for a total of 18,804,759. As of last night, 1,157 individuals in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 242 patients were in the ICU and 111 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.
The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from March 3-9, 2021 is 2.3%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from March 3-9, 2021 is 2.6%.
A total of doses of 4,323,145 vaccine have been delivered to providers in Illinois, including Chicago. In addition, approximately 414,900 doses total have been allocated to the federal government’s Pharmacy Partnership Program for long-term care facilities. This brings the total Illinois doses to 4,738,045. A total of 3,567,927 vaccines have been administered in Illinois as of last midnight, including 349,983 for long-term care facilities. The seven-day rolling average of vaccines administered daily is 95,369 doses. Yesterday, 104,777 doses were administered in Illinois.
*All data are provisional and will change. In order to rapidly report COVID-19 information to the public, data are being reported in real-time. Information is constantly being entered into an electronic system and the number of cases and deaths can change as additional information is gathered. Information for a death previously reported has changed, therefore, today’s numbers have been adjusted. For health questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email
* By the way, DuPage, Kane and McHenry counties saw a major two-day spike in their positivity rates at the beginning of the month, but those have since dissipated. The spikes were attributed to a lag in reporting some positive results. Even so, rates are creeping back up in all three counties.
Stacey Smith needs our help
Wednesday, Mar 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* GoFundMe for a well-known and beloved campaign fundraiser and political consultant…
Stacey Smith is a kind, adventurous, fun-loving, passionate, hard-working young woman who so many of us love and adore with all our hearts.
She is a world traveler and a seeker. She is a fiercely loyal, dedicated, intelligent, vibrant human and is the kind of person that just makes you feel good to be around. She is a bright light––and right now, she needs our help.
In July 2019, while on one of her many adventures, Stacey had a water-skiing accident that led to a traumatic brain injury (TBI). This injury has wreaked havoc on everything in her life that she loves … she can’t work, drive, read, listen to music, cook, or travel. Basic daily tasks cause immense, debilitating pain and other symptoms that make life very difficult.
Stacey has been doing everything possible to recover and return to the things she loves, but has recently hit some serious road blocks. In February, she had to be hospitalized for several weeks to treat complications associated with her TBI. This has been a heartbreaking development, but it has brought Stacey’s family, friends, and colleagues together to do whatever it takes to get her back on her feet.
Stacey cannot work right now, and based on her recovery so far, she will likely not be able to work for the foreseeable future.
We are raising money to help cover medical bills from her most recent hospital stay and follow-up treatments. We are also raising funds to help cover the cost of exploring the newest innovative treatments for TBIs, which are not yet covered by insurance. We have learned so much about how difficult it is to treat TBIs, and we are exploring every option available so Stacey can finally have relief from the painful and debilitating effects of her injury. We need help paying for those experimental treatments.
If Stacey has touched your life the way she has touched ours, please consider a donation. Together, we can raise the resources we need to get Stacey back in the driver’s seat of her life and on to bigger and better things.
Thank you for your consideration.
Please, click Stacey’s pic to donate…
The map is only part of the reason
Wednesday, Mar 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Question asked of Senate President Don Harmon…
I do want to ask you about redistricting. Senator Durbin, Senator Duckworth, Governor Pritzker all got about 55 percent of the vote in Illinois when they ran statewide. President Biden did a little better than that. But in the Illinois Senate, Democrats hold 69 percent of the seats. Is that healthy for a representative democracy as we look at drawing new district boundaries?
It’s an interesting point, but it’s a question that doesn’t consider the context of what’s happening in Illinois down-ballot races. Yes, the map obviously favors Democrats. But it’s also done so in ways that no Democrat likely could’ve predicted 10 years ago when the maps were originally drawn.
* Take a look at the 25th Illinois Senate District as just the most recent example. That district was represented for years by Republican Jim Oberweis. In 2012, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney won the 25th by 8 points and Oberweis won it by 15.
In 2014, Bruce Rauner won the district by 30 points and Mark Kirk won it by 13. The only statewide Democrat to win the district that year was Jesse White.
But things started to change in 2016 when Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump in the district by 3 points. Even so, Republican candidates for US Senate and comptroller both won (by 4 and 16 points, respectively). Sen. Oberweis won reelection that year by almost 10 points.
The 2018 midterms allowed Democrats to move ever closer to the Republicans. JB Pritzker lost the district by 3 points, but that was still a 33-point swing from Rauner’s 2014 result. Comptroller Susana Mendoza won it by 6 points.
Last year, the Senate Democrats won the Oberweis seat by about 2 percentage points. Why? One reason was that Oberweis chose to run for Congress, so it was an open contest. Latinx candidates (like Mendoza) have proved to be popular there and the SDems’ successful candidate was Karina Villa. And Joe Biden won the district by 10 points, a big 18-point swing from Barack Obama’s showing in 2012. Sen. Durbin won it by almost 7 points, an 11-point swing from his 2014 showing.
And this district is not unique to either chamber or to congressional seats. 2018 was just horrific for suburban Republicans. Districts that were drawn to be pretty solidly GOP ten years ago are now in Democratic hands. Seriously, if I told you in 2011 that Oberweis’ seat would flip to the Democrats in 2020 you probably would’ve thought I was daft. But gigantic national trends and, to some extent significant local demographic changes (in this case, the district is more Latinx than it was) have combined to pad the Democrats’ majorities.
The Republicans didn’t have a great candidate in an open seat, the Democrats did have a good candidate, the Republicans were outspent and the top of the ticket was a disaster for them. The map wasn’t a real issue.
Caption contest!
Wednesday, Mar 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I’d have a “count the masks on indoor faces” contest, but that would be too easy…
A tale of two proposed Will County bridges
Wednesday, Mar 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
Congressman Bobby Rush is demanding that Governor Pritzker take action that could bring ten-thousand jobs to the Joliet area. Rush called on the governor to sign a bill in order for construction of a Compass Global Logistics Hub otherwise known as NorthPoint to proceed in Joliet.
The two-billion-dollar hub would serve as a relay point for goods arriving by rail. The project was approved by the Joliet City Council in December. But groups such as Stop NorthPoint have filed lawsuits against the City of Joliet to stop NorthPoint. The group is also encouraging Governor J.B. Pritzker to protect Abraham Lincoln National cemetery from the truck noise, pollution. Plus they want the Governor to keep the proposed bridge in local control.
Meanwhile, Warehouse Workers for Justice held protest in Joliet Friday, to rally residents and encourage Governor J.B. Pritzker to hold his ground and not intervene in the Elwood bridge situation.This protest follows growing unrest around large warehouse and logistics centers in the southland and more plaintiffs joining lawsuits against Northpoint and Joliet. WWJ was joined by local residents, current and former warehouse workers and members of the group Just Say No To Northpoint to demand local officials honor the wishes of Elwood.
* Also WJOL…
Contracts have been signed for the Houbolt Road 200-million dollar extension. The 1.5 mile roadway project will extend from the existing Houbolt Road/Route 6 intersection south to the Schweitzer/Vetter Road intersection. The project will create a new access point to facilitate the efficient flow of traffic and safety. The route provides a more direct path for trucks to access I-80, taking traffic off local road likes Route 53. The Houbolt Road Extension Joint Venture will use an open road all-electronic toll system integrated with I-Pass.
The City of Joliet is expected to get $1-million a year from tolls and Will County expected to make $500,000 a year in collected tolls.
The Houbolt Road Extension is a business partnership between CenterPoint Properties and United Bridge Partners.
In Will County up to one-third of the country’s freight movement is generated by, attracted to, or passes through our region.
Artist rendering of the Houbolt bridge…
Insert Senate/Rodney Dangerfield joke here
Wednesday, Mar 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
Three session dates for the Illinois House have been canceled.
House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch canceled the session dates scheduled for March 16, 17, and 19. […]
The Illinois House will reconvene at noon on Thursday, March 18.
* Politico…
House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch has called his chamber back to Springfield for one day next week to tackle at least two bills that need floor action. […]
State senators are already back in the state Capitol tending to legislation. There are fewer members in the Senate, making it easier to manage amid the pandemic.
Welch is monitoring virtual committee action and talking to chairs and ranking members about bill status, according to Sean Anderson, the speaker’s spokesman.
Except for a half-day meeting last month to vote on House Rules, this will be the first meeting in the state Capitol in more than a year. Representatives spent the abbreviated spring and veto sessions in the Bank of Springfield Center a mile away to allow for more social distancing, especially during the height of the pandemic in Illinois.
News flash: Michael J. Madigan is no longer in the House. The Senate is again a co-equal legislative branch. And they’re back in session, unlike the House.
A Fair Map Prioritizes Voting Rights And Public Input
Wednesday, Mar 10, 2021 - Posted by Advertising Department
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
Representative democracy works best when people actively engage in policy discussions and elections, ensuring that communities of color, long disenfranchised, are prioritized. Historically, Illinois’ redistricting process favors incumbents and is dominated by partisan, rather than community, objectives.
In 2021, we can create a fair map for Illinoisans that puts their interests first with a process that:
● Invites broad, meaningful public input through at least 35 public hearings for community members
● Requires fairness standards that prioritize people of color through the Federal Voting Rights Act, the Illinois Voting Rights Act, and communities of interest
● Allows for the public to weigh in on a map proposal through a public hearing and responses to suggestions before a final vote
● Is transparent, with a centralized website including all remap records and discussions and a compliance report detailing how the map meets these standards
Learn more at
Comments Off
* Sen. Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago) writing in Crain’s…
Governor J.B. Pritzker deserves high marks for his management of the pandemic, considering the abysmal lack of leadership and inadequate support from Washington.
But now we are at the one-year mark. Vaccinations for all adults are promised by May. In any case, the light at the end of the tunnel is visible, making it critical to unveil a plan to bring back conventions now.
Conventions and other events like weddings require at least a six-month planning ramp. Choose Chicago has estimated that Chicago has lost more than 60 conventions, with just 29 remaining on the books for 2021. Radio silence on a plan from decision makers has resulted in three conventions pulling the plug just last month.
Comparable states like Michigan, Colorado, Nevada and Ohio have unveiled forward-thinking plans allowing convention centers to increase their numbers of visitors, albeit incrementally. These mitigation plans act like a thermostat dial, rather than an on/off switch.
Illinois must hastily adopt a similar strategy or more events will be in peril and perhaps even lost forever to other states.
* I asked for a response from the Pritzker administration. Here’s Jordan Abudayyeh…
At every step of this pandemic the Governor has worked with public health officials to balance the health and safety of our residents with economic concerns. The Governor has been on the frontlines of this pandemic response making the tough decisions between bad and terrible choices in order to save lives and it has pained him to see our hospitality industry suffer as we have kept our distance and canceled the events that bring us joy throughout the past year. As we look forward to the end of this phase of the pandemic response with mass vaccination on the horizon, the Governor is once again turning to the medical experts on how best to move forward in a measured way to ensure continued progress in our fight against coronavirus. The administration has always welcomed input from industry and members of the General Assembly and hopes vaccine allocation and uptake will increase in the weeks ahead as we inch closer to a new normal.
* The Southern…
State Sen. Elgie Sims Jr., D-Chicago, is trying to dispel myths about the newly signed criminal justice reform bill. […]
“This is a pro-safety, pro-reform, pro-community piece of legislation that is now law,” Sims said during a live-streamed event Monday hosted by the Carbondale Public Library. […]
“It does not defund the police. It does not remove qualified immunity for law enforcement officers. It does not change or take away collective bargaining rights,” Sims said of the law’s impact on law enforcement. “It does not mean that individuals will not be held accountable for their actions as a result of the Safe-T Act.” […]
He said part of the continued push for criminal justice reform is aimed at changing police culture. He said reformers are hoping to shift the focus from the warrior mindset to the guardian mindset. Above all he said supporting law enforcement to do this kind of work is essential.
“Law enforcement officers want to be problem solvers and we want to give them the tools,” Sims said.
Sen. Sims also pointed the audience to this explainer website.
In DuPage, [State’s Attorney Bob Berlin] and [Sheriff James Mendrick] believe the elimination of cash bail will mean more missed court dates and more repeat offenders committing crimes while awaiting trial.
Hull, the Kane County chief judge, is not expecting that impact in his jurisdiction. Hull said Kane County started using pre-trial risk assessments and reminding defendants about court dates about five years ago, and it led to a big drop in missed court dates. He’s expecting that trend to continue.
Smart administration instead of punitive administration is apparently the key here.
* From the same story…
With the end of cash bail, Berlin is expecting a lot more cases to go to trial because fewer defendants will feel pressured to plead guilty to get out of jail.
“That means there’s a burden on victims, witnesses, police and prosecutors,” Berlin said. “Does that result in a more fair system? You know, I’m not convinced that that’s the case … I believe that most people who plead guilty plead guilty because they are guilty. I know that some believe that in certain cases, people will plead guilty just to get out of jail. I think that’s a very small percentage of people.”
I asked Sharone Mitchell of the Illinois Justice Project for a response to Berlin via DM…
I would disagree that given our system’s history of mass incarceration and wrongful conviction that this is a feature we should be proud of or believe is an effective approach to administering justice.
I’d question whether a prosecutor, given the structure of our justice system cannot talk to the vast majority of accused people, is in the best position to guess why people plead guilty and at what percentage.
But, he said, “I respect the hell out of Berlin.”
* House GOP Leader Jim Durkin writing in the Tribune…
There are other examples of newly imposed duties upon law enforcement that serve no purpose other than to trip up an officer. This law also allows for an officer’s dismissal based on anonymous complaints, without that officer being confronted by his or her accuser.
This bill is not about fairness but is outright vilification of law enforcement in Illinois.
At one of the most lawless times in our state’s history, punishing the men and women who wear the badge will not make our streets and communities safer. If you want to reform policing and the criminal justice system in an effective manner, repeal this horrible law and start over.
This is not fearmongering. This is reality.
Police regularly solicit anonymous tips about others. Just sayin…
Also, one of the most lawless times in our state’s history? C’mon.
* Related…
* Illinois Prison Guard Expected To Plead Guilty In Prison Beating Death Case: The officers are charged with civil rights violations and obstruction for trying to cover up the incident and lying to investigators.
* With methadone lawsuit concluded, DuPage County Jail looks to expand opioid addiction treatment
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
The Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board recently urged legislators to finally pass the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA, HB804, SB1718). Here are a few excerpts:
“It’s time for the Legislature to get charged up about passing a comprehensive energy bill that would help the environment, assist ratepayers, benefit communities that need jobs and help workers displaced by the shift from fossil fuels.”
“Here’s just one reason: Illinois has not only gone over the so-called “solar cliff,” but it has also crashed on the ground like Wile E. Coyote. Because CEJA was not enacted in time, payments will be yanked away for solar installations that have already been started around the state. Others won’t begin. Fossil fuels will be burned unnecessarily.”
“Here’s another reason: Illinois has missed the window to protect ratepayers from unnecessarily paying higher power bills to support fossil fuel companies. The Trump administration is the culprit, but it will take years to unwind that on the federal level. CEJA would throw ratepayers a lifeline more quickly.”
We must pass the Clean Energy Jobs Act to create equitable jobs, lower electric bills, and hold utilities accountable. Read the full editorial here and learn more at
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* Here you go…
* Tribune…
There was little doubt that Duckworth, 52, the state’s junior senator, would seek a second term. Shortly after securing his own reelection in November, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, the state’s senior senator and No. 2 Democrat in the chamber, began issuing fundraising emails and social media notices on her behalf.
So far, no major Republican candidate has surfaced to take on Duckworth next year. […]
She was the first woman with a disability elected to Congress and in 2018 became the first senator to give birth while in office.
Duckworth is planning a more formal announcement on March 30 in a virtual fundraiser headlined by all of the state, city and county’s major Democratic officeholders.
A link to that announcement/fundraiser is here.
* Sun-Times…
Duckworth’s main political account had a Dec. 31 cash on hand balance of $2,673,948.87.
Open thread
Wednesday, Mar 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Polite and Illinois-centric convos only, please. Thanks.
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