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Meanwhile, in Effingham

Wednesday, Apr 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

The most recent available average test positivity rate for Effingham County is 7.5 percent

I guess she doesn't realize that we have a new surge going on in Effingham? Or the importance of masks and social…

Posted by Jack Schultz on Tuesday, April 13, 2021


* In other news

The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution, which states that the people’s right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, has been the subject of discussion at the federal and state levels. Efforts by some to limit the scope of the amendment are worrying some citizens.

As a result, the Legislative and Personnel Committee of the Effingham County Board Monday voted to send an ordinance to the full county board for a vote at next week’s meeting. The measure, the Second Amendment Preservation Act of 2021, states that any action deemed to infringe upon the people’s right to keep and bear arms shall be deemed invalid in Effingham County and having no effect in the county.

The measure prohibits any tax on firearms that isn’t a tax on any other goods or services, but also grants the county sheriff the discretion and authority to deputize US citizens in the county to prevent the enforcement of “any illegal directive infringing on the right to keep and bear arms.”

The proposed ordinance would also subject anyone attempting to enforce the actions deemed illegal in the county to arrest by the Effingham County Sheriff’s Department and that a violator of the ordinance would be subject to a $250 fine for each violation.

The committee voted 8-1 in favor of sending the proposed ordinance to the full board. Once State’s Attorney Bryan Kibler explained that the intent of the proposed ordinance is mainly symbolic, board member Joe Thoele voted No on the measure, as he has on other similar symbolic measures.

Kibler said the measure “tells me and the sheriff what we can do” and said, “It’s another way to tell the State to cut it out” as far as 2nd Amendment issues. County Board member John Perry said if enough counties take similar action, maybe it will stop efforts that could infringe on peoples’ 2nd Amendment rights.

* Elsewhere in the Eastern Bloc

The opening of a bar earlier this year in rural Illinois was connected to a COVID-19 outbreak that infected 46 people and prompted the temporary closure of a school, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported Monday.

On Feb. 17, the Illinois Department of Public Health was informed of a possible outbreak in people who attended the event about two weeks earlier after a cluster of coronavirus cases was found, the CDC said in its report. The name and location of the bar weren’t included in the report, which said the event was held indoors “with no outside air flow.”

Among those infected were three staff members and 26 patrons, including a person who was diagnosed with COVID-19 a day earlier but wasn’t symptomatic and four others who had symptoms and later tested positive. There were also 17 “secondary cases” among individuals who didn’t attend the event, including five school-age children, two student athletes and two residents of a long-term care facility — one of whom was briefly hospitalized.

The outbreak ultimately resulted in a school closure that affected 650 children, the CDC said. The shutdown started Feb. 18 and stretched for two weeks because 13 school staffers were “in isolation, in quarantine, or absent because their own child was quarantined.”


On a bitterly cold February night, residents lined up for the opening of the bar, one of the few establishments in town for locals to gather for some fun after a year of COVID-19 lockdowns.

Owner Ryan Garrett said of the “30 to 40” that attended the grand opening, “most were just close friends or acquaintances.”

No one was turned away if they refused to wear a mask or social distance.

“You can’t make them wear masks,” Garrett told the Sun-Times on Tuesday. “You can’t throw customers out for not wearing a mask.”

You can throw them out for not wearing shoes. Just sayin’…


  1. - Rabid - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 6:39 am:

    A raffle for two boxes of face mask one sanitizer unopened

  2. - tea_and_honey - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 6:57 am:

    And southern Illinois wonders why it continues to see population declines.

  3. - vole - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 7:10 am:

    Karma on ‘Guns, Germs, and Steel’ or how the might of conquerors (not their superior “intelligence”) comes back to smite them

  4. - Independent - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 7:34 am:

    “Patriots” is a word very loosely tossed around by those on the extreme right wing. It essentially means us, or anyone who agrees with us. It is empty macho posturing that has nothing to do with self-sacrifice for one’s country.

  5. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 7:59 am:

    I wish this nonsensery was contained to only the eastern bloc.

    It exists in the suburbs too with our public officials.

    Maybe now that my township supervisor here in the burbs has been federally charged and arrested, my township will stop passing these same meaningless 2A resolution, like when they joined in on the spurt of passing meaningless ‘gun sanctuary’ resolutions.

  6. - dan l - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:14 am:

    “You can’t throw customers out for not wearing a mask.”

    I guarantee this dude would throw me out for wearing a BLM shirt.

  7. - Todd - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:20 am:

    Maybe the karen’s like mr Schultz just need to understand everyone is not wringing their hands and willing to hide in their basement for the foreseeable future.

    That they prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery

  8. - West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:23 am:

    Let me try to get this right. Is it “Herd Immunity” we’re working on, or is it ” Thinning the Herd”?

  9. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:23 am:

    === peaceful slavery===

    - Todd -

    Are you comparing slavery to wearing a mask during a pandemic… that even 100 years ago was also required during that pandemic?

    Hope you’re well

  10. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:27 am:

    To the post,

    What these folks claiming “freedom” and “our rights” seem to forget… you wear a mask to protect *others* from being infected by *you*

    It’s arguably the most selfish thing imaginable that you can’t see looking out for others is important, and that this call for “freedom” isn’t really about their freedom at all, but their freedom to infect *my family*… *my friends*… *me*.

    It’s not that anyone is afraid to be infected, it’s fearing the selfish ignorance that continues the spread the virus.

    Oh… I’m sure all in that picture are vaccinated too… amirite?

  11. - Todd - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:29 am:

    OW — the totality of the masks, the capacity limits, the EOs forced closings all of it. It’s been a year and people have had enough of the ever moving goal posts

    I’ve had friends get it and survive, lost a friend to it people can make up their minds about the risks they are will8 g to take and accept. Wear a mask if you want , don’t hang out with people that don’t or don’t go to places that don’t require them

    We can all make our own decisions

  12. - don the legend - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:32 am:

    Just when I hoped the number of Covidiots was dwindling, Todd jumps in and sets me straight.

  13. - We've never had one before - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:33 am:

    IL does not have state preemption on all firearms laws, just those regarding handguns, as part of the CCL act that Todd helped pass.

  14. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:33 am:

    Todd- you’re rampant stupidity of what the government’s role in combatting a health crisis like a global pandemic is duly noted.

    You don’t get to pick and choose what you do when it comes to the general overall public health.
    You want to argue? Try lighting up in Target.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:36 am:

    === the totality of the masks, the capacity limits, the EOs forced closings all of it. It’s been a year and people have had enough of the ever moving goal posts===

    How is that comparable to slavery, requiring masks.

    People who are tired are front line workers like doctors and nurses dealing with rising cases because someone has a bar open, no masks, or a “freedom” party.

    Since Saturday… I’ve had three family members infected *because of* freedom… one is very high risk as I worry about all three.

    === I’ve had friends get it and survive, lost a friend to it people can make up their minds about the risks they are will8 g to take and accept.===

    I’m sorry for your loss, with 500+K deaths, nearly one in 5 in the world, being a third world country as America has become in health and safety during this pandemic is predicated on the selfish infecting others who may not survive.

    === Wear a mask if you want , don’t hang out with people that don’t or don’t go to places that don’t require them===

    Here’s the rub…

    Where do those folks go *after* hanging out?

    Home? Work? Kids?

    It’s not like this virus only stays where risky behavior exists.

    As always with respect towards you, and hoping good things for ya.


  16. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:37 am:

    Todd, your posts may be the stupidest things I’ve ever read on the internet.

    Which, automatically qualify them for the stupidest things ever written.

  17. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:46 am:

    Where’s my freedom not to get sick from other’s stupidity?

  18. - BTO2 - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:49 am:

    Watched my dad die of Covid thanks to lax county wide lack of enforcement early on. I’ll wear a mask, doesn’t infringe on my rights or freedom. Guess my family is lucky, we’ve not encountered the dreaded mask fatigue.

  19. - Todd - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:51 am:

    OW. I get it I hope your family members get well soon, but it has gone on for a year and it’s not just about people wanting to sit at a bar but those bus8ness need to survive. We’ve killed off tens of thousands of small business. Even the cruise industry is taken on 7 billion in debt to try to keep going but will move away from the US market because CDC won’t ok their protocals This is where you and I dissagree and we just. Did the world differently I don’t think that these people have a lack of empathy, I think they are simply going back to normal living

    With all the contradictory information and the moving goal posts people have lost faith in the state’s ability to manage this and the information they are being fed

    I’m not infected, I’ve been exposed twice, I’m not hiding in my basement, I’ve been out and about since November, been tested and still nothing, I don’t wear a mask unless required and I’m going on about my life

  20. - Sir Reel - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:52 am:

    Glad to see Effingham County is focusingon the important issues. At least its residents can carry their firearms while they wait in the unemployment line.

  21. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:54 am:

    “I don’t wear a mask unless required”

    One thing I still can’t figure out is why people brag about poor personal hygiene as if its a badge of honor.

    Do you also brag you don’t wipe yourself or wash your hands after going to the bathroom, unless its required.

    It’s certainly your right, as there is no law forcing you to do it.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:57 am:

    === but it has gone on for a year and it’s not just about people wanting to sit at a bar but those bus8ness need to survive.===

    A failed business… is not one’s grandparent, parent, sibling or friend’s death.

    We do disagree, but as usual we are not disagreeable to each other which is one thing I’ve always enjoyed, when we agree or the times we have not.

    I guess I’d leave it here;

    Masks are proven to work.

    Masks are not slavery.

    Saving lives also can mean saving businesses if precautions are not only followed but embraced by patrons and owners alike.

    Selfish behavior is hurting the innocent others, the freedom “enjoyed” by one could be an infection or worse for countless others.

    My best as always

  23. - SWIL_Voter - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 8:58 am:

    One of the enduring legacies of this disaster from my perspective will be how utterly depraved and selfish the American people are. With all the resources in the world at our disposal, when asked to perform simple, life saving tasks, people like Todd chose to spread a deadly disease instead of just working with their neighbors to beat this thing. It’s been going on for a year because people like you refuse to do right by your neighbors. If “freedom” means killing 577,000 people including my family, then I don’t want it. We no longer share any sense of common humanity or decency if your freedom means death for my loved ones.

  24. - Red Ketcher - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:08 am:

    ” Dangerous Freedom ”
    Is one thing if the Danger to Yourself
    Ouite another thing if the Danger is to Others
    A Major Difference with Different Impact
    That Demands Different Thought and Action

  25. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:09 am:

    Note the selfishness and utter lack of concern for life, from the pro-life crowd who refuses to follow mitigation measures. They couldn’t care less if they infect their fellow people, let alone themselves. They hate certain rules as well, because law and order is meant for the people they don’t like.

  26. - OneMan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:13 am:

    == That they prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery ==

    Todd, I am totally cool if these adults want to go throw firecrackers at each other in a field someplace. In large part because the risk to others is low.

    If they want to go around licking each others doorknobs (literally) more power to them.

    You get it is the risk to others, right?

  27. - Anon1 - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:14 am:

    People wear masks not only to protect themselves but others. Comparing wearing a mask to being enslaved is ridiculous. I am vaccinated, but I could still contract covid and pass it to someone else. I wear a mask to prevent that from happening.

  28. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:20 am:

    We will never get back to “normal” unless we all cooperate in taking the precautions needed to end this pandemic. It’s foolish to pretend otherwise.

  29. - Rush Street - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:20 am:

    “At least its residents can carry their firearms while they wait in the unemployment line.”

    Uhm, Effingham has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the state. But, whatever you want to believe.

    We’ll merely note that your enmity is showing.

  30. - SWIL_Voter - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:22 am:

    It’s incredible how many people never progress beyond the “freedom means I can do whatever I want” phase most of us grow out of when we’re like 12

  31. - Rush Street - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:23 am:

    Sir Reel,
    You noted, ” At least its residents can carry their firearms while they wait in the unemployment line.”

    Effingham has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the state.

    Your enmity is showing.

  32. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:24 am:

    === We will never get back to “normal” unless we all cooperate in taking the precautions needed to end this pandemic. It’s foolish to pretend otherwise. ===

    And it’s people with Todd’s attitude that are prolonging the pandemic, and therefore, hurting the very businesses they complain are suffering.

  33. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:36 am:

    ===also grants the county sheriff the discretion and authority to deputize US citizens in the county to prevent the enforcement of “any illegal directive infringing on the right to keep and bear arms.”===

    I live among these “citizens in the county” and can confidently say deputizing them would not end well.

  34. - Todd - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:37 am:

    Invisible — nice straw man argument.

    I don’t wear a mask for a number of reasons, pain in the arse with my beard, I’m outside most of the time, hard to drink jack daniels through, hard to eat tacos through I could go on but maybe this will explain it better

  35. - don the legend - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:40 am:

    I’m assuming Todd wears a shirt, pants and shoes into a restaurant.
    I assume Todd obeys Scott’s law.
    I assume Scott keeps his gun (if he owns one) locked safely away from children.
    I assume Todd stays home when he has the flu.
    I assume Todd stops at railroad crossings when the lights are flashing.
    I assume Todd obeys stop signs.

    But protecting yourself and other vulnerable populations by wearing a mask indoors is just too much to ask.

  36. - Bothanspied - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:43 am:

    Well-regulated militia. Why do all these 2nd amendment advocates leave out that part? The right to bear arms is conditioned and “infringed” right in the amendment istelf.
    Also, what kind of circular logic is it that the sheriff can deputize a citizen, essentially creating a militia, to enforce the non-existant unfettered right for an individual to bear arms?

  37. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:46 am:

    Todd - Reading comprehension is important.

    I understand why you disregard hygiene. That’s very clear to anyone.

    What I don’t understand is why you brag about that lack of personal hygiene.

  38. - Jibba - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 9:52 am:

    The second amendment means what the Supreme Court says it means, not whatever Effingham County says.

  39. - JoanP - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 10:03 am:

    This is what happens when people aren’t masked:

  40. - LakeCo - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 10:07 am:

    “Totality of masks”? What does that even mean?
    And, see, here’s the thing. No one is asking you to hide in basements. If everyone were to get vaccinated and wear a mask when they’re out in public places, the pandemic would come to an end.
    Public servant is right - refusing to wear a mask (or get vaccinated) is prolonging the pandemic. You complain of constantly moving goalposts? If everyone followed public health guidelines and put the wellbeing of their fellow man above their own self-interest, the goal posts wouldn’t need to move.

  41. - Todd - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 10:08 am:


    Evidently you failed to read the heller decision I know the anti gun crew love to toss out the well regulated quote but maybe you should read what the court said and how they defined that


    (a) The Amendment’s prefatory clause announces a purpose, but does not limit or expand the scope of the second part, the operative clause. The operative clause’s text and history demonstrate that it connotes an individual right to keep and bear arms. Pp. 2–22.

  42. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 10:16 am:

    “people can make up their minds about the risks they are will8 g to take and accept”

    Not when selfish dullards put them at risk by not wearing a mask.

    – MrJM

  43. - RNUG - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 10:17 am:

    I’m wondering how many in the photo have already been vaccinated? A lot of the senior citizens have been.

    Yes, that doesn’t mean you can’t get it. But it does mean the risk is a lot lower, and almost zero for a fatal outcome. Everything you do in life has some risk.

    Personally, we avoid overly crowded locations. But we have ran, and continue to run, a risk every day when the grandkids are at our house. They are back in school full time. Their dad works in a restaurant kitchen every day, and gas throughout the entire pandemic. So we just accept it and minimize risks where we can.

  44. - WestBurbs - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 10:38 am:

    The pandemic has taught us that there are those among us who are decent human beings who understand that society only survives when we balance selfishness against the common good. And there are those who care only about themselves and can’t be trusted to exercise even a modicum of care for their fellow humans. I guess I’m grateful for people such as Todd to remind me that some people are truly awful human beings who should not be granted the benefits of belonging to society. Sorry for the harshness but guys like Todd are going to ruin it for everybody - in part because of the irony that they don’t realize that their “freedom” is contributing to keeping us in various stages of restriction. Idiots.

  45. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 11:04 am:

    ==We will never get back to “normal”==

    I have fully accepted, and am fine with, the notion that we will never return to “normal” ever again after this pandemic is over. If masking and social distancing become permanent, so be it. We will just have a “new normal.” I am fine with it, and sometimes it is better than the old normal (such as less demands on the schedule for extra activities, not going to restaurants).

  46. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 11:06 am:

    Paging Charles Darwin…wow.

  47. - GWTG - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 11:14 am:

    “I am fine with it,”

    I can assure you that most of us aren’t, that’s the point of a vaccine.

  48. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 11:29 am:

    Now that I have received my 2nd vax I have 1 week then I guess I get to immunity. I have no interest in going to restaurants though. The mask has been ripped off by the lawsuits etc. It just appears that the owners are into $$ but not so much their customers well-being.

    The exception appears to be McDonalds (of all places) whose lobby is still closed in my area and a couple local places that have taken the pandemic very seriously.

  49. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 11:35 am:

    ==“I am fine with it,”

    I can assure you that most of us aren’t, that’s the point of a vaccine.==

    I have been fully vaccinated already.

  50. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 11:36 am:

    It’s gone on for a year and we could make it two years because of people like you, Todd.

  51. - Jocko - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 11:43 am:

    ==I don’t wear a mask for a number of reasons==

    Here’s a thought. How about wearing one to honor the friend you lost? Or does ‘freedom’ trump ’sympathy’.

  52. - Back to the Future - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 11:43 am:

    Best wishes for your family members.
    This virus has caused so much illness and death in our state.
    I hope we are getting to the end of this.
    I have gotten both shots and finished the recommended waiting period, but I still wear a mask when I go out. Not wearing a mask just doesn’t make sense to me.

  53. - RNUG - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 11:51 am:

    == It just appears that the owners are into $$ but not so much their customers well-being. ==

    It depends on the restaurant owner. We are back to dining out some, but selective as to the restaurants and going on off times.

    As I’ve previously mentioned, we know a number of local owners. They are doing a good job of mask wearing, distancing, sanitation, ventilation, etc. One close friend, who has both a drive-up window and dine in setup, told me: “I’m perfectly fine with a mostly empty dining room as long as I can break even, or close to it.”

    As we slowly return to semi-normal, we still wear masks unless with friends we know are also vaccinated. And do leave places that aren’t following the rules. It’s all about being responsible but not living in fear.

  54. - Morty - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 11:55 am:

    Honestly, if I had picked up a science fiction novel a year and a half ago where people were living in a pandemic that killed 100’s of thousands of Americans, but it kept going because people wouldn’t wear masks because of “freedom”, I would have put it down for being unrealistic.

    Turns out, all those zombie movies showing people doing stupid things and getting themselves and others killed was actually spot on.

    I’m sad to say I had too high of an estimation of my fellow Americans.

    We are living in a dystopian society.

  55. - GWTG - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 12:09 pm:

    “ Or does ‘freedom’ trump ’sympathy’

    All day every day. People all over the world die for freedom every day,

  56. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 12:22 pm:

    === All day every day. People all over the world die for freedom every day,===


    You mean like terrorists, ISIS, Afghan rebels, communists…

    You’re equating your “freedom” with terrorists inflicting hurt on others for freedom with not wearing a mask?

    That’s on brand.

    Put that way, even the insurrection makes sense, amirite?

  57. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 12:28 pm:

    If you’re an anti-vaxxer no amount of approval will be enough.

    It’s who they are.

  58. - Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 12:54 pm:

    === I’m wondering how many in the photo have already been vaccinated? ===

    Given the location and speaker, I’d say far fewer than should be. No excuse for these folks. No excuse for the GQP.

  59. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 12:56 pm:

    == I would have put it down for being unrealistic. ==

    For years, and I mean many, I’ve always been curious what the underlying aspect of society was which was causing a proliferation of popularity in zombie tv shows. As in what is it about our society that makes zombies something that can be identified with by so many people to make them wildly popular.

    Suffice it to say, I no longer have any questions about it.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 1:20 pm:

    - Back to the Future -, - Todd -…

    Thank you for your thoughts for my family members.

    I am no different than so many before and now who find family infected and concerned for longer and worse effects.

    Masks work. My angst/worry/concern for these three runs parallel to things like seeing that picture in Effingham and wondering aloud how can people be safe when others negate the reality that society isn’t 330,000,000 bubbles, and all our actions effect those we may never know.

  61. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 1:25 pm:

    OW is a d1ckh3ad

  62. - Jibba - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 1:33 pm:

    Demoralized, you say so much about yourself with that comment.

  63. - thoughts matter - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 2:07 pm:

    To put this bluntly: Your freedom ends where it always has… at the end of the nose of the person next to you( as the saying goes). So your freedom to not wear a mask ends when you could be infecting the person next to you. So it you don’t want to wear a mask… then it’s your responsibility to stay out of the restaurant, the store, the business, the school etc. Not mine. I’m doing what I am supposed to do to protect my fellow citizens ( and non citizens), masking up and socially distancing.

  64. - Lurker - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 2:15 pm:

    Wow demoralized, that has been up for an hour? Impressive. Rich either really likes you or really pities you … or he’s busy.

  65. - Amalia - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 2:20 pm:

    yep, gonna keep chiding people who do not wear a mask, do not socially distance and probably…per the stats….are not going to get a vaccine. keep away from everyone else unless you act as if you are part of the effort to eradicate the problem.

  66. - RIJ - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 2:39 pm:

    Why not name the bar? Embarras in Villa Grove.

  67. - LINK - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 4:09 pm:

    I think this summarizes it well, “Selfish behavior is hurting the innocent others, the freedom “enjoyed” by one could be an infection or worse for countless others.”

    Thank you OW for succinctly laying it out there.

    Now if people would truly reflect on that…

  68. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 4:17 pm:

    (Tips cap to - LINK -)

  69. - Westender - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 4:54 pm:

    Honestly, I would have thought Jack Shultz was an anti-masker/vaxxer, so I am pleasantly surprised to see this post from him.

  70. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 6:39 pm:

    Someone has hijacked my nickname. That most certainly was not me.

  71. - Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 6:49 pm:

    I saw the “Demoralized” post and was going to write that it looked like a stolen nickname issue. I’ve had differences of opinion with the real Demoralized, but D was always respectful. I now see the real D has confirmed my suspicion.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 14, 21 @ 7:48 pm:

    - Demoralized -

    I knew it wasn’t you, friend.

    I just hope they felt better afterwards.

    Be well.

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