It’s Time To Finally Hold Utilities Accountable
Thursday, Apr 15, 2021 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Bribery, corruption, and formula rates have decimated public trust in utility regulation. Instead of passing another rate hike, let’s pass a comprehensive clean energy bill. Illinois’ legislature has an opportunity to finally hold utilities accountable, while addressing the climate crisis, creating thousands of equitable clean energy jobs, and lowering electric bills all at the same time. The Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) is the only energy bill that installs an independent monitor in the headquarters of ComEd and Ameren. CEJA also refunds customers for ComEd’s violations and creates a new Accountability Division at the Illinois Commerce Commission to protect residents against future offenses. You can read the full list of CEJA’s accountability measures here. As we get closer to May 31st, profit-hungry utilities are getting more aggressive. Missouri-based Ameren spent more than $35,000 on Facebook ads alone in just the last few weeks as they try to pass a bill that would drastically increase electric formula rates and expand them to gas customers. We have just six weeks left to pass the Clean Energy Jobs Act. Let’s get it done.