* US Rep. Bobby Rush…
The global pandemic and economic crisis have taken the heaviest toll on communities of color, especially Black Americans and Latinos on Chicago’s South Side and in the southern suburbs.
Together, the pandemic and economic downturn have widened the inequality gap in Illinois, one that Gov. J.B. Pritzker has vowed time and time again to close.
But the governor has a great opportunity to do something about that — and to keep those promises. He could get behind a stalled development project in Joliet that would create 10,000 permanent jobs, most of them in my congressional district, providing an average salary of $42,000. That would be a living wage, not just a minimum wage.
The project is ready to break ground and put Illinois folks to work within a matter of weeks. The governor just has to give the word.
* Last month…
Critics say the notion that Pritzker could snap his fingers and order IDOT to approve the bridge is a gross distortion and oversimplification of the issue. Three lawsuits are pending in Will County courts over Joliet’s annexation of land and support for the project.
Opponents include the villages of Elwood and Manhattan; local townships and school districts; Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion posts; Openlands, the Sierra Club and other environmentalists concerned about the project’s impact on Midewin; and numerous neighborhood groups in Joliet.
* From Jordan Abudayyeh at the governor’s office…
The North Point development is a complicated transaction that would require sign off from multiple municipalities, the people who live in these communities and their representatives in the General Assembly. Gov. Pritzker prioritizes economic development in every region of this state and is pleased to see many communities engaged on moving forward with this project. The administration would encourage the corporation to engage the other municipalities before asking the state to step in and take drastic measures to seize land for this effort.
…Adding… From Northpoint…
• NorthPoint is located in Joliet – there is no requirement or need for other municipalities to sign off.
• NorthPoint has engaged every local public official whose district is near the project. Sen. Dick Durbin, Sen. Tammy Duckworth, Cong. Rush, Cong. Kinzinger, Cong. Kelly support the project.
• The only officials who refuse to meet live in Elwood.
• No land would be seized. The City of Joliet and NorthPoint are asking that the State extend authority of an industrial, public roadway that it took over in 2015.
• This would keep truck traffic off local roads, reduce truck congestion on I-80 and I-55, and would create more than 10,000 permanent Illinois jobs and 1,600 PLA-protected union jobs – even after construction.
• In addition, NorthPoint is working to secure favorable MBE/WBE agreements and opportunities outside of what is required for the project and offering a variety of community benefits, including: a $5 million contribution to a Joliet community fund before construction begins; an on-site workforce training center; a second-chance program for released offenders; programs to combat food deserts in underserved areas; and ongoing traffic studies to prevent future traffic issues.
- NIU Grad - Tuesday, Apr 20, 21 @ 12:45 pm:
That district deserves a hands-on representative who will actually do the work to get projects like this moving, instead of just sending out press releases.
“Opponents include the villages of Elwood and Manhattan; local townships and school districts; Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion posts; Openlands, the Sierra Club and other environmentalists concerned about the project’s impact on Midewin; and numerous neighborhood groups in Joliet.”
That’s quite a list. This would be where an elected representative would get involved to try to bridge gaps and identify solutions, rather than demanding someone else step in and fix the problem.
- JS Mill - Tuesday, Apr 20, 21 @ 12:56 pm:
Bobby Rush has a piano that can only play one note.
- Tammy - Tuesday, Apr 20, 21 @ 1:10 pm:
@NIU Grad, you’re being far too hard on Congressman Rush.
The guy has been mailing it in for a couple of decades now, you can’t expect him to think achievement requires actual work. Just be happy he’s publicly acknowledging that Will County is part of his district. That’s a real breakthrough.
- Plano Pride - Tuesday, Apr 20, 21 @ 1:12 pm:
Care to comment, State Rep. Larry Walsh Jr? (D-Elwood)
- Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Apr 20, 21 @ 1:16 pm:
Someone hire those Com Ed lobbyists to get this deal done
- Publius - Tuesday, Apr 20, 21 @ 2:10 pm:
I think the governor should stay as far away from North Point as he can. That project has a lot of oppostion. Some of it is unfounded but it too late now. When driving along in that area there are plenty of signs opposing that developement and the governor.
- Pundent - Tuesday, Apr 20, 21 @ 3:22 pm:
If the people in government don’t understand how it works, why should we expect those outside of it to?
- JBC - Tuesday, Apr 20, 21 @ 4:55 pm:
NorthPoint is not being truthful. Building the bridge and their “closed loop” will required the taking over of some private land. Building the bridge and “closed loop” will bisect a 163 year old continuously operating historic farm. The only one benefitting from this “takeover” is Northpoint. NO Eminent Domain for Private Gain!
- Ecasey - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:21 pm:
How is bringing thousands more trucks to our area each day, with the ONLY way to get here being I-55 or I-80, going to reduce congestion???
- Dor2427 - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:43 pm:
“Say NO to Northpoint” Joliet, Elwood and Manhattan don’t want another warehouse along with the pollution, noise and low paying jobs. Let the community decide. If Rep. Rush believes that 10,000 warehouse jobs will pay $42K, I have some swamp land he would also be interested in buying.
- Nick - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 2:19 pm:
The bridge isn’t necessary except for NorthPoint. There are few trucks turning east of 53, mostly west into the intermodals. Also, warehouse jobs do not average $45,000.
- John E. Schmidt - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 5:03 pm:
Good afternoon,
Being a veteran, I can tell you that any action which will causes defacement of any gravesite, is a travesty….especially that of one who served our country.
- Local resident - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 9:07 pm:
Average salary of $42k? That has to be a short term average. Once the union/ construction jobs are complete, it falls back to warehouse jobs with low wages. No increase to my taxes? Maybe. My home value hitting rock bottom? Definitely! A disgrace to our veterans buried at the ALNC? Absolutely! Bobby Rush visiting our area and really listening to his constituents who live here? Nope! I’m curious to know if he has ever stepped foot in Manhattan.
- James Kasmer - Thursday, Apr 22, 21 @ 4:50 pm:
As a U.S. Army Veteran I ask that you , the Governor and all our elected officials say no to
North Point Project. As noted above most everybody opposes the project, as do I. The Veterans buried
there and those who visit deserve the respect in their internment. No amount of money should desecrate the area.