Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » If you’ve been wanting herd immunity, there’s a vax for that
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If you’ve been wanting herd immunity, there’s a vax for that

Wednesday, Apr 21, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jim Meadows interview with Rep. Darren Bailey last October

JM: Speaking as a legislator yourself, if this emergency comes before the General Assembly, how do you want the state to address the COVID-19 outbreak?

DB: Well, I’ve been arguing that since day one. Many states never closed. Just about every state around us seems to be open right now. It seems to me that as we keep closing, as we keep restricting people, in every case: this is a virus. It’s not going to disappear. So it’s much like the flu. So we have flu season, every fall, we know this comes around. This is probably something that, from the information that I’m hearing from the doctors that I talked to that, this may rear its head from time to time. So to destroy the local economy over this, the financial pandemic, that’s the true pandemic that’s taking place. The mental health pandemic that’s taking place. Our school children, in many cases are being kept home. The nursing homes are being locked down. So as a representative, I hear this all day long from people across the state. That’s what I’m standing up (and) fighting against.

JM: Is there also a danger that if that approach is taken, that the level of outbreak may go higher than it is already right now?

BAILEY: Obviously. The numbers are spiking again. But so far, when we see the numbers spike, they come back down. But if we continue to pull back in and rein ourselves in, we are preventing what probably is going to have to happen with the virus. Are we waiting on a vaccination or some medications take care of this? I don’t know when that’s going to come. When’s the next strain of another virus going to come? We are not getting the answers from the Illinois Department of Public Health that we are asking for. The data and the information that they tell us they have, they don’t present it. And constantly, their mitigation situations have changed many times. So it’s certainly a situation where, we’re free Americans, and my argument is that we should live like that. Because what’s at stake with the shutdowns is our economy and our mental health situation.

JM: When you said, “what probably has to happen with the virus,” are you talking about herd immunity?

DB: Possibly, yes. If you need to wear a mask, you wear a mask. If you’re concerned, you stay home. But to continue to destroy the economy as is being done, we’re going to see some long-lasting effects that I don’t believe that we’re fully aware of right now.

(“Herd immunity” occurs when enough people become immune to a disease to make its spread unlikely. That can happen when enough people receive a vaccine or survive being infected with the disease. Most health experts say herd immunity to the coronavirus by infection is a dangerous strategy that would likely lead to more deaths. Rep. Bailey’s opinion on herd immunity follows ideas expressed in the Oct. 4 Great Barrington Declaration, written by medical professors Sunetra Gupta, Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff, and sponsored by the libertarian American Institute for Economic Research.)

That interview was done just before the virus surged wildly out of control. And opening up nursing homes back then would’ve been an unmitigated disaster.

* Natalia Dagenhart interview with Sen. Darren Bailey last week

Q. As Illinois governor, would you mandate a coronavirus vaccine?

A. Absolutely not. The government’s role is to educate and advise. When the government starts mandating and forcing people and telling them what to do - we have problems.

Q. Do you think that it would be fair for Illinois employers to request their employees to get vaccinated in order to keep their job? What about schools? Should they mandate a coronavirus vaccine?

A. Absolutely not. I am adamantly opposed to that.

Q. Many states are opening up. Would you open Illinois? Should we open concert halls, opera houses, and other cultural institutions?

A. Yes, I would never have closed them. If the government advises and lets people choose, people have their own choice of where to go and what to do.

The state can’t mandate an experimental vaccine and the shot hasn’t yet been approved for children, but does it sound to you like he was for herd immunity before he was against it?

* Meanwhile

A number of hospitals in northwest and central Illinois are filling up — and at least one ran out of intensive care unit beds — amid the latest COVID-19 surge.

Recent spikes in cases have been seen across the state, including in the Chicago area where ICU bed availability is also down, though not as severely. Even as some coronavirus metrics in Illinois have improved slightly this week, certain hospitals are continuing to feel squeezed.

About a half dozen Illinois hospitals operated by OSF HealthCare had at least 90% of their beds filled Tuesday, said Dr. Michael Cruz, chief operating officer.

OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria was at 97% occupancy as of Tuesday morning. OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center in Rockford was at 96%, and OSF St. Joseph Medical Center in Bloomington had no available intensive care unit beds, Cruz said.


  1. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 12:31 pm:

    It sounds to me like Pritzker couldn’t possibly get this lucky.

  2. - SWIL_Voter - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 12:36 pm:

    Conservative ideology makes no sense. This is the same approach as with climate change. They insist it’s up to individuals to make good choices, but then they also use their platforms to encourage individuals to make anti-social choices that make the problems worse. Then when it’s clear they can’t wish away the problem they just pretend it doesn’t exist. No rhyme or reason except protecting the rich at all costd

  3. - Nuke The Whales - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 12:37 pm:

    OSF employee Ryan Spain remains unconcerned.

  4. - Publius - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 12:45 pm:

    Will Sen. Bailey be volunteering at these hospitals to help out? Also, if he would like places to be open and the employee has a valid medical reason to not work in person is he saying that he would pick up their salary?

  5. - Steve Rogers - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 12:45 pm:

    “If the government advises and lets people choose, people have their own choice.”

    Except in the case of abortion of course.

  6. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 12:48 pm:

    Science. We don’t need no science. Darren, stop talking, stop arguing, and stop fighting. Pay attention to medical experts.

  7. - Unconventionalwisdom - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 12:53 pm:

    =As Illinois governor, would you mandate a coronavirus vaccine?

    A. Absolutely not.=

    Bailey may be right on Constitutional grounds.

    =Q. Do you think that it would be fair for Illinois employers to request their employees to get vaccinated in order to keep their job? What about schools? Should they mandate a coronavirus vaccine?

    A. Absolutely not. I am adamantly opposed to that.=

    Why would it not be fair to ‘request’ such vaccination? He has no real answer for that and that is where is position becomes untenable.

    WY can not people just get their shots? And we all should realize this may have to be done annually

  8. - DuPage Dad - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 12:57 pm:

    If the GOP approach to 2022 is to admit that JB is basically unbeatable and to not waste any good candidates opposing him (not that the bench is that deep), then Darren Bailey is a terrific option.

  9. - HangingOn - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 12:57 pm:

    So glad I didn’t wait a month to end up in the ICU. At least in March they had room for me at OSF. If I’d had the ketoacidosis a month later I shudder to think if there would have been not only a bed for me but enough nurses. I got my J&J shot, I still mask up, and I encourage everyone to do so whenever I can. Maybe Rep Bailey should arrange a little chat with Sweaty Teddy, who also thought it wasn’t a big deal. Until of course he caught it.

  10. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:11 pm:

    Remember when Republicans were the pro-life party of personal responsibility? Yeah, me neither.

  11. - thisjustinagain - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:12 pm:

    To Unconventional Wisdom’s comment about constitutionality Actually, Bailey would lose the Constitutionality fight over mandatory vaccination. Under Jacobson v. Mass, (1905), SCOTUS not only held mandatory vaccination was constitutional, but that no Constitutional right was absolute. The State has the power to mandate. The case has been cited as grounds to uphold EOs as well.

  12. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:12 pm:

    ===Q. Do you think that it would be fair for Illinois employers to request their employees to get vaccinated in order to keep their job? What about schools? Should they mandate a coronavirus vaccine?

    A. Absolutely not. I am adamantly opposed to that.====

    Why doesn’t he have a bill to eliminate all vaccines requirements for school-age children?

  13. - Sir Reel - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:14 pm:

    So “the government’s role is to educate and advise.”

    Tell that to the State Trooper when your stopped for driving 100 mph in a 55 mph zone.

  14. - TheYoungerManners - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:15 pm:

    Standing ovation for Steve Rogers @ 12:45 pm

  15. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:22 pm:

    I bet Darrin thinks he sounds reasonable.

  16. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:22 pm:

    Well after Bailey’s Superspreader events, attendees won’t have the breath to waste on him at least.

  17. - DuPage Dem - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:23 pm:

    Was Senator Bailey asked if he got the vaccine? Given the vaccine hesitancy we hear is happening in some parts of the state - one of the real questions for maybe-Governor Bailey is “Did you get vaccinated and will you do everything you can to encourage other people to get it?” I hate to admit this but given his Facebook following - him advocating for it actually matters.

  18. - SuburbanRepublican - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:27 pm:

    How many more Illinoisans would be dead today if we followed Senator Bailey’s no-restriction approach to COVID? He’s only pro-life for 9 months and then you’re on your own.

  19. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:28 pm:

    If you ascribe to Bailey’s logic, why have laws at all? Just educate/advise the public and trust they will act responsibly.

  20. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:34 pm:

    Bailey will be shocked to find out how many vaccines schools do mandate currently, so what’s one more?

  21. - AC - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:38 pm:

    So, he’s for big government prohibitions against vaccine requirements for private businesses, but he’s against regulation of those private businesses? It’s all so confusing.

  22. - very old soil - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:40 pm:

    Some colleges are already requiring students to be vaccinated.

  23. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:45 pm:

    ===Some colleges are===

    Those appear to be private schools.

  24. - West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:48 pm:

    Over the course of the pandemic Bailey seems to have confused Herd Immunity and Thinning the Herd.

  25. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:50 pm:

    ===The mental health pandemic that’s taking place. Our school children, in many cases are being kept home.===

    You know what’s worse for mental health than having school children staying at home? Reopening the schools and then sending them home again because they’ve now been exposed to an outbreak. Which is happening across Illinois districts right now.

  26. - AC - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:52 pm:

    Rutgers is the only public university I’m aware of with a Covid vaccine requirement. Once there’s full approval for the vaccines, I suspect that the number of public universities requiring Covid vaccinations will increase.

  27. - Pundent - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:55 pm:

    In the midst of a deadly pandemic that has claimed the lives of 500K+ people Darren Bailey is advocating for the government to do nothing. He is not a serious person. Why would he want to be governor?

  28. - Cool Papa Bell - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:55 pm:

    Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey - will be requiring a vaccine to attend in the fall.

  29. - Cool Papa Bell - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 1:59 pm:

    Should he be asked if fewer restrictions would have saved lives? I mean even FL/TX/MS others imposed some form of a lockdown…

    Present him the per capita death rates in South Dakota and have him explain.

  30. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 2:00 pm:

    “Do you think that it would be fair for Illinois employers to request their employees to get vaccinated in order to keep their job? What about schools? Should they mandate a coronavirus vaccine?”

    “Absolutely not. I am adamantly opposed to that.”

    Well then he would have no problem if his staff just decide having clothes on at work is an undue burden and condition of employment and show up naked.

  31. - Stu - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 2:03 pm:

    ===Those appear to be private schools===

    2 of the 6 schools mentioned in the story are public (Rutgers University & Fort Lewis College)

  32. - Jocko - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 2:09 pm:

    ==from the information that I’m hearing from the doctors that I talked to==

    Really? Name one.

  33. - SWIL_Voter - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 2:20 pm:

    == You know what’s worse for mental health than having school children staying at home? Reopening the schools and then sending them home again because they’ve now been exposed to an outbreak. Which is happening across Illinois districts right now.==

    Raised hand - that’s me, on day 3 of a 14 day quarantine with my kids who were exposed to COVID at school by a teacher already had COVID last year. And I used all my FMLA time when I had COVID in January

  34. - Simple Simon - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 2:21 pm:

    I’d like to say that Darwin can take all the anti-vaxxers, but sadly I am aware that having so many unvaccinated folks will likely lead to more variants that may worsen the problem for all of us. I also pity the people who cannot be vaccinated due to allergy or illness. Wise up and remember you are in a society where we need to help each other.

  35. - Ryan - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 2:43 pm:

    And this is reason 4,721 why he should not, and will not, be governor.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 2:48 pm:

    Anti-vaxx, in general, is a small minority position.

    Not grasping herd immunity, then flipping on the position without grasping the position and it’s meaning is very Bailey.

    At some point, even his allies in the GA from the Eastern Bloc, it will become apparent Bailey can’t win, simply because he can’t find a majority constituency.

  37. - Masker - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 3:31 pm:

    Say what you want and hopefully at the end of the day when this is over we can look back and analysis but until then there’s arguements both ways for shutting down or not. Folks say it saves lives and prevents massive soread but if you flip it around show me one state, restrictive or not, that’s stands out as really good or really poor. That’s where the arguement is. If you look at the cases per figure no state stands out as a leader or loser. Every state seems to had their own surge or two at various times. There really is no right answer. U fortunately we may have to adapt and live with it as is because they current playbook isn’t slowing it down much. You can scream red or blue etc etc but if you do I ask you to look at every other county is struggling with it as well…

  38. - Pundent - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 4:23 pm:

    =Every state seems to had their own surge or two at various times. There really is no right answer.=

    There are plenty of countries that have showed how to handle this. We just aren’t one of them.

  39. - Loop Lady - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 5:00 pm:

    I have a second home in SW MI…the state is one of if not the worst for new COVID cases…non Vaxxers don’t realize there delaying the rate of a diving herd immunity, while exposing themselves and other non Vaxxers to mutating forms of the virus…let’s put it this way, IMO, SW MI will not bounce back this summer financially if service employees are unvaccinated serving an unvaccinated public…

  40. - Cool Papa Bell - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 6:05 pm:

    @Loop - Not good news. The family has fallen in love with that area and we wanted to get back there before Labor Day. A life goal is to own a house somewhere near Lake Michigan.

  41. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Apr 21, 21 @ 7:04 pm:

    @ thisjustinagain beat me to it. There is no constitutional prohibition against requiring vaccinations and Illinois already does for schools. The 10th Amendment gives states the constitutional authority to require vaccinations and many other things. I doubt Bailley has read anything past the 2nd Amendment and he skipped the 1st Amendment.

    Bailley is certainly for big government farm subsidies but he probably does not realize that he is advocating for anarchy. I am quite sure that is the least of what he doesn’t understand.

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