Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » The vast majority who had no vax side effects should let their friends know about it
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The vast majority who had no vax side effects should let their friends know about it

Monday, Apr 26, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The percentage of people who have vaccine side effects is relatively small and is always short-lived, but most of the online notice is going to the people who complain the loudest on social media…

* Also, if you do have side effects, try not to be too melodramatic on your social media account because you’re only enabling goofs like this

As soon as the United States authorized the use of the first COVID-19 vaccine in mid-December, a small but vocal group of skeptics and conspiracy theorists, baselessly convinced that the jabs were lethal, started hunting for dead people. At first their efforts were relatively small-bore and haphazard—although far from innocuous. But as the scale and sophistication of America’s vaccine rollout have exponentially ramped up over the last three months, so have efforts to hunt down alleged vaccine fatalities.

Starting in mid-January, several social media channels and websites emerged as hubs for stories, generated by admins and users pulling together snippets from across the internet and crafting them into cohesive narratives and brief posts, linking reported deaths to COVID vaccinations. Several of these platforms have grown notably, and become more formalized, in recent weeks. Unsurprisingly, given the robust safety profile of the vaccines in use in the United States, they rarely detail how a vaccination supposedly caused a given death.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not found a causal connection between COVID vaccines and virtually any post-vaccination deaths—although the agency recently announced it is investigating three deaths linked to a rare blood-clotting disorder a few individuals developed after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Medical authorities shelved that vaccine temporarily because sensitive monitoring systems picked up on this issue quickly. However, anti-vaxxers often take this less as a sign that safety systems are working and more as a sign that they were right all along and many more dangers must remain hidden.

But even if the narratives these hubs string together are weak and not supported by extant research on vaccine risks, some evidence suggests seeing these sorts of stories repeated ad nauseam may turn otherwise open people away from vaccines. This is a problem, as experts warn that skeptics, especially in far-right strongholds, are holding us back from herd immunity.

And death-hunting hubs are overflowing with dubious stories about vaccine death.

* From the Washington Post: “These are the pro-vaccine messages people want to hear”

Of the many strategies Brewer and his colleagues explored in a 2017 study on the psychology of vaccine uptake, one of the most effective was simply requiring it.

For some people, being allowed to travel to see the grandkids, to take a cruise or to return to the office or school is enough of an incentive to persuade them to get vaccinated. According to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll conducted in late March, 7 percent of respondents said that they would get a vaccine “only if required.”

However, that step cannot occur before people believe vaccinations are safe.

“If there’s not some community-wide level of confidence in the vaccine,” Brewer said, “policymakers cannot implement all of these super-effective approaches without receiving a great deal of blowback from the general public.”

* Meanwhile

(T)he Illinois Community College Board and the Illinois Board of Higher Education won’t mandate vaccines for students.

“That’s going to be a local college decision,” said Matt Berry, Illinois Community College Board spokesman.

Melissa Hahn, spokeswoman for the Illinois Board of Higher Education, said the board is not issuing guidance mandating vaccines “but encourages continued use of face coverings, frequent hand-washing, and maintaining social distance.”

Community colleges in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake and McHenry counties are not requiring students to be vaccinated but will continue COVID screening and other safety measures. In Chicago, DePaul University and Columbia College are mandating students be vaccinated for fall, bucking the trend.


  1. - Cat on lap - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 9:40 am:

    I got it and felt a little sick (fever, fatigue) from the time I woke up til about 1:00 PM and I felt back to 100%. Super light.

    My girlfriend got her second dose Saturday and had zero side effects yesterday

    With the caveat that this is by no means official medical advice what worked for us is: drank a ton of water before, drank a ton (I mean a TON) of Gatorade after. Stretched the arm so that it wasn’t so sore, and then Tylenol and rest.

  2. - Steve Rogers - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 9:43 am:

    I had some joint pain for about a day after the second shot, but the benefit of being fully immunized against a worldwide deadly pandemic far outweighs a day of joint pain. Mrs. Rogers, by the way, had no symptoms after the second shot.

  3. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 9:47 am:

    I had what felt like a slight hangover, but it beats potentially dying. Anyone using side effects as a reason for not getting vaccinated already decided for other nonsensical reasons and is just looking for an excuse. Throw the “it’s not FDA approved!” jokers in with them.

  4. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 9:49 am:

    Other than the small soreness in the part of the arm where my vaccines were injected, I did not have any side effects at all.

    To be safe, I did take the entire day off work the day of my second dose, since my appointment was in the morning.

  5. - Northsider - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 9:50 am:

    No side effects from Pfizer #2 this past weekend.

  6. - ;) - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 9:50 am:

    Pfizer rocked me for two days after my second shot. It was absolutely awful. Worth it though if that is a fraction of what having the virus is like. Still, I wouldn’t be encouraging people to be afraid of describing their side effects and virtue shaming them by labeling their descriptions as melodramatic. If it weren’t for the people who had described how awful the side effects actually are for thos that have it, I would’ve thought I needed to go to the hospital, that how bad they impacted me. It was the same for my significant other. In fact, the pattern I have noticed among my close family and friends is everyone under 40 who received Pfizer has some sort of side effect, and very few were minimal, such as just being lethargic; most were out for two days, slept a lot, terrible headaches and aches, etc. knowledge is power; better to know that it is common rather than take up the time and resources of medical staff somewhere because someone thought you were being melodramatic.

  7. - Fav Human - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 9:52 am:

    I had no effects from my 1st shot of moderna. I did move my arm in a circle for a minute or two after the shot, and every couple of hours afterwards. Arm didn’t hurt the next day.

    My second one is this Friday. I’ll let you know :)

  8. - anonamoose - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 9:53 am:

    My arm hurt like after a tetanus shot almost immediately and I had some tiredness and chills for about 12 hours on the second day, then 100% fine.

    My wife had tiredness, intense headaches and some heart palpitations for about 12 hours, then 100% fine.

    Her 78 year-old father had zero side effects after shot #2.

  9. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 9:55 am:

    My wife and I each had a low fever and felt tired and achy the day after the 2nd shot. We treated it with Tylenol and slept. The relief was the best side effect.

    An interesting story from This American Life: (Frank Luntz tries to find something—a set of words, some facts, a story—to convince Trump Republicans to get themselves vaccinated. (26 minutes))

  10. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 9:55 am:

    “the pattern I have noticed among my close family and friends is everyone under 40 who received Pfizer has some sort of side effect, and very few were minimal”

    I’m older than “under 40″ and had zero side effect from either Pfizer dose other than some shoulder soreness for about a day. I don’t think you’ve found any “pattern,” you’ve heard some anecdotes and drawn some baseless conclusions, as humans tend to do.

  11. - Independent - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 9:56 am:

    Received Pfizer #2 around 7am Saturday. Felt well enough when I went to bed to joke with a friend who had a rough 24 hours a couple weeks ago. Sure enough I woke up around 1am Sunday with arm pain. Didn’t sleep all that well after as is usual when I have the flu. Yesterday I felt fatigued most the day but forced myself to exercise. Got some extra rest last night and today I feel normal. It was a minor convenience for better peace of mind for my own health and knowing I’m less likely to spread it to others.

  12. - PublicServant - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 9:58 am:

    Pfizer here. No symptoms after either shot. My wife and son both got Moderna, with no symptoms after shot 1, but then night of the second shot had them both up at night with slight fever and chills. Next day, they felt fine.

    Get vaccinated. I can say that I’d be more likely to only frequent businesses that require masks and/or proof of vaccination. I hope businesses start doing soon.

  13. - Amalia - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:00 am:

    felt no different than after effects from a flu shot. except that I was filled with joy and glee that I got protection from a life threatening illness. vaccine high.

  14. - Union County Shoeless - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:04 am:

    There are many people who wont get the shot because they are simple afraid of needles. This isn’t talked much about, but I know it is true.

  15. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:05 am:

    Only side effect of note from was a moderately sore arm. No one I know had any serious side effects.

  16. - SSL - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:06 am:

    I had minimal side effects after the second Pfizer shot. The side effects from the second shingles shot were worse but still only lasted a day and were totally worth it in my view.

    I know people who won’t get the vaccine. They’ve bought into the theory that we don’t know the potential long term effects. They respect my decision and I respect theirs.

  17. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:08 am:

    My second Moderna shot was a killer. My head swelled up causing a great deal of ear and mouth pain. Horrible, horrible dreams. Muscle aches. Felt like I had a bad fever but my temp was normal. Three horrible days. And I would do it all over again, no questions asked.

  18. - Benjamin - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:10 am:

    Anecdotally, it seemed that most of my friends and family, regardless of vaccine, had about the same reactions–mild headaches, stiffness, and fatigue for a day or so. It wasn’t bad, really–I just took the day off and alternated napping on the couch with watching TV. That’s basically a staycation.

  19. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:11 am:

    === they are simple afraid of needles===

    I hate needles. Hate them. But these needles are so small I barely felt the stick.

  20. - Chambanalyst - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:11 am:

    Pretty good muscle soreness and tightness in my arm after the 1st Pfizer shot. The second shot caused the lymph nodes in my armpit to swell up on the side where I received the injection. They were pretty sore and tender for about a week and a half to two weeks after I got the shot but everything seems fine now.

  21. - Crafty Girl - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:12 am:

    Honestly felt worse from the 2nd shingles shot than I did either Pfizer shot. Had a headache and some fatigue with the first Pfizer shot, but it’s spring in Illinois so hard to say if that was from the shot or seasonal allergies/allergy meds.

  22. - zatoichi - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:13 am:

    After second Moderna had slight arm soreness some a couple of hours but much less than tetanus. Would do it again with no hesitation. Vaccine is far better than covid in any form.

  23. - Pundent - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:13 am:

    Of the people that I’ve talked to that are reluctant to get a vaccine side effects are usually not the reason given. Typically they rattle off things like doubting case and death rates, the emergency authorization process, the biological matter used in creating the vaccine, surrendering of personal information, or general distrust of the government. It’s usually prefaced by a tell of “they don’t know.” Convincing them otherwise on any of these issues is pointless.

  24. - Bourbon Street - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:17 am:

    The biggest “side effects” that I experienced after being vaccinated was an enormous sense of relief and a temptation to party. My only physical symptom was a very sore arm (lasted about 2 days) after my first shot (Pfizer). No problems after the second shot.

  25. - M. Python - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:18 am:

    Have had both of my shots—Moderna. No effects other than a very slight discomfort at the injection site for a few hours. I wish / hope everyone would get vaccinated. The anti-vaxxers are just going to drag the pandemic on and on

  26. - fs - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:20 am:

    == “the pattern I have noticed among my close family and friends is everyone under 40 who received Pfizer has some sort of side effect, and very few were minimal”

    I’m older than “under 40″ and had zero side effect from either Pfizer dose other than some shoulder soreness for about a day. I don’t think you’ve found any “pattern,” you’ve heard some anecdotes and drawn some baseless conclusions, as humans tend to do.==

    What ;) described, side effects being worse for younger people, is not a random anecdotal conclusion, it’s what the science is actually telling us. Younger, ie in their 20’s and 30’s, people tend to have worse side effects than those who are older. Dr. Awardy has even spoken to that. I believe she said that the difference likely comes from younger people having a stronger immune system than those who are older, so their body tends to have a stronger reaction.

  27. - @misterjayem - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:22 am:

    I can not wait for tomorrow’s second shot, possible side effects be damned.

    – MrJM

  28. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:26 am:

    ===I believe she said===

    It’s still a minority.

  29. - OldSmoky2 - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:28 am:

    I had a bit of soreness in my arm for a day after both doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which was not a problem at all. I don’t know anyone who’s had serious problems from being vaccinated.

  30. - Langhorne - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:31 am:

    Moderna 2,
    ZERO effects, other than great sense of relief.

  31. - DuPage Saint - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:31 am:

    I thought it is against Federal law to require a vaccine as long as it is still labeled experimental.
    Had both shots was Pfizer. No reaction worth mentioning. The potential consequences of getting shot as opposed to getting sick are not even close. Get the shot and be done with it

  32. - From an old pal - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:31 am:

    After Moderna second shot, had a headache and felt sluggish for an afternoon and evening. Believe me nothing like the virus which was three weeks feeling really bad. Get your shots!

  33. - AC - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:32 am:

    Sore arm both times, and tired the next day after the second shot of Pfizer. To put it differently, a whole lot of nothing. It really was no big deal.

  34. - Skeptic - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:45 am:

    J&J. No side effects whatsoever.

  35. - JoanP - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:48 am:

    I had a sore arm after the first shot (Moderna), but that’s typical for me after a vaccination.

    After the second, I got really tired several hours later, and slept most of the next day. Slight chills and low-grade fever, like a very, very mild case of flu. Certainly nothing to complain about, and I was fine by the following morning.

  36. - Hack in the Back - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:49 am:

    70plus. Moderna. Not even a sore arm from second Moderna jab.

  37. - Teacher Lady - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:53 am:

    In my family, we’ve had both Pfizer shots and Moderna shots. Out of six adult family members, the only side effects have been the sore arm one expects from shots. (I agree with those who said that the second shingles shot was worse.) One daughter had headache and felt fatigued, but she’s a mom of two young kids who also works full-time, so I think that was no small part of it. She napped for the afternoon, and was fine.
    We are all so grateful and relieved to be able to be vaccinated against this deadly disease.

  38. - Lt Guv - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:57 am:

    Sore arm just like after a flu shot after each Pfizer dose. It’s a nothing. Clearly worth it to protect yourself and others. Without it, we don’t end this thing.

  39. - walker - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 10:57 am:

    Wife and I both had no side effects from two shots, Moderna and Pfizer.

  40. - Beecher - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:01 am:

    Arm was very sore and upper arm/injection site red for about seven to ten days after first Moderna shot. Zero problem after the second shot.

  41. - Levois J - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:03 am:

    I think I agree, as much as the goal should be to bring this pandemic to a close we might need to know honest about the side effects of any vaccine. Sadly what’s blown up are the side effects of these vaccines and they’re made to seem worse than they may actually be. I’m also glad that they’re resuming the one shot nature of the J & J vaccine. Hopefully the issues of blood clots were because of it.

  42. - Cool Papa Bell - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:03 am:

    I guess I know about 30 people in the flesh that have had the jab (pfizer/moderna/J&J)- and NOT one of them complained the way I see people on the Twitter go on and on about it.

    It’s almost like social media isn’t real life…

  43. - Levois J - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:04 am:

    Or I should say, weren’t because of it. Not were because of it.

  44. - park - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:05 am:

    I hate needles too, but I didn’t even feel the first Pfizer shot…don’t remember that ever happening before. Felt the second a little. No side effects. My wife had the Moderna, and had minor side effects after the second shot. We both were THRILLED to get them.

    The country needs to come up with a vaccine passport system, like now, and businesses should start requiring proof of vaccination. The lesson has to be “no, you don’t have to be vaccinated, but you can’t come in here (or travel, or fly, or play golf here, or eat/drink here, or exercise here etc.) unless you are”. Their choice.

    We’re lucky as heck to have the vaccination availability we have in the USA, we’re the envy of the world. I’m a life-long R, and am embarrassed that so many republicans are self-identifying as anti-vax.

  45. - Demoralized - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:06 am:

    I had some crappy side effects after my second Pfizer dose - headache, fatigue, body aches, nausea. But it only lasted a day and a half. I had a sibling that was in the hospital for 2 months with Covid. I think my day and a half paled in comparison. Get the shot.

  46. - Shua Evans - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:07 am:

    I posted day of and just did in response to this thread. No one likes feeling like the flu, but its better than the alternative.

  47. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:07 am:

    ===It’s almost like social media isn’t real life===


  48. - BilboSwaggins - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:11 am:

    First dose of Pfizer made my arm feel like I got 40 birthday punches right in a row. Second shot my arm was less sore, and the next day I was a little groggy. It was fine.

  49. - bogey golfer - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:19 am:

    Had a little soreness in my upper arm from the first vaccine. No effect from the second. Pfizer both.

    As one who has also donated numerous pints of blood, I do wonder if there is a relationship between needles and side effects.

  50. - Simple Simon - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:21 am:

    My first Pfizer shot gave me a sore arm plus some bodyaches for a day or so. Second shot had nothing at all, not even a sore arm. The second shingles shot was much, much worse.

  51. - The Dude Abides - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:25 am:

    I did have some side effects from my 2nd Moderna vaccine. Body chills and aches and following day fatigue. Nothing real severe or long lasting. Well worth it though.

  52. - frayedcat - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:30 am:

    I had no symptoms for either shot. My husband needed a nap but he had worse for the Shingles Shots

  53. - Montrose - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:40 am:

    I had minor chills, a sore arm, and general tiredness the day after my second Pfizer shot. That’s it. Basically, I had a good excuse for napping.

  54. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:41 am:

    My arm was sore and I had the shivers after my first Pfizer shot. I look forward to my second shot.

    Slightly off topic, both Staples and Home Depot will laminate your shot history card. It’s not a bad idea to take a picture of it as well.

  55. - Electric Mayhem - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 11:49 am:

    I’m about 4 weeks out from my second dose of Pfizer. No side effects with the first shot. I did feel a little under the weather during the first day after the second shot (greatly improved after some chicken soup and rest). By the day after that, I was 100% fine.

  56. - Rayne of terror - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 12:17 pm:

    We’ve had both pfizer and moderna at our house with very light side effects. Sore arm, extra sleep was about the extent of it. Glad the adults are fully vaxxed and glad the 16 yr old is half way there.

  57. - JZ - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 12:19 pm:

    Pfizer double dosed and the only true side effect I had was I was tired and had a headache. I’m also a college student that goes out 4-5 times a week so I can’t even fully credit it to the vaccine. My first dose I felt like I had a slight hangover, second dose I felt quite literally nothing. I had COVID October of last year so that may have been the reason for this, but either way I can honestly say my Pfizer shots didn’t give me any sort of really bad side effects, only the slight normal ones.

  58. - Proud Sucker - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 12:22 pm:

    “Honestly felt worse from the 2nd shingles shot” plus others commenting on it… My wife got her 2nd shingles Saturday morning and was in bed from 6 p.m. Saturday until this morning. She had little or no reaction to either of her Pfizer shots. I had a little fatigue and joint pain form my Moderna shots, but cleared within two days each time.

  59. - cermak_rd - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 12:31 pm:

    I didn’t even feel my first Pfizer shot. I was a little tired the next day however. The 2nd one I felt, had some soreness in the arm for the rest of the day, then the same tiredness the next day. Now I’m awaiting my immune date (I’m going 2nd shot +2 weeks) with almost glee! Making plans, nothing particularly dangerous just stuff like: going to the grocers, the Binnys and my horn repairman; buying a bicycle, walking more with dog.

  60. - Lurker - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 12:45 pm:

    The important thing to know about the side effects is they last about 24 hours and rarely past 48 with rest and fluids mitigating the severity.

    And I will say again to the non-vaxxers, please move along then so we can get these to people who want them in our country and to the poor countries.

  61. - ChrisB - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 1:42 pm:

    Wife had a fever that made sleeping difficult about 15 hours after the second. Mine was no worse than a slight hangover. Both Moderna. Both back to 100% after 36 hours or less.

    The Pharm told me to drink lots of water, which probably helped mitigate anything.

  62. - James - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 1:42 pm:

    Two shots of Moderna last month. No noticeable side effects either time.

  63. - cover - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 1:54 pm:

    = Other than the small soreness in the part of the arm where my vaccines were injected, I did not have any side effects at all. =

    Same experience here, got the Pfizer vaccine and those were probably the least painful injections I have ever experienced.

  64. - Captain Who - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 2:00 pm:

    I had a bit of a sore arm after the first Pfizer shot but nothing record breaking. Still awaiting for second dose. The second Pfizer knocked my wife down a bit for about 24 hours with a slight lingering headache for a day or so.

  65. - going nuclear - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 2:00 pm:

    Felt a little fatigued for a few hours after the second Moderna shot.

  66. - Unionman - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 2:07 pm:

    Very mild side effects. Some arm pain for a few days. But for those concerned that no side effects=the vaccine did not work, I can confirm that my antibody test (a benefit of giving blood which is desperately needed) taken between shots 1 and 2 showed antibodies consistent with the vaccine.

  67. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 2:15 pm:

    Nada. I felt great after both of Pfizer shots. Spouse only had very minor issues for a day.

  68. - thoughts matter - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 2:41 pm:

    Moderna. Headache for a couple of days and a sore arm after the first one. Easily handled with sinus meds and Tylenol. Sore arm and the red rash after the second. Harmless in the long run. Had two people I cared a lot about die of Covid in the last few months. Probably others than I just don’t know that’s what they died of since we were all isolating.

    Have a spouse that refuses to get vaccinated because he believes the nonsense that they aren’t safe. He’s got pre-existing conditions that will make Covid worse if he gets the virus. Any thoughts on how I change his mind?

    I’m on a couple forums of relatives of Alzheimer’s patients ( it’s not my spouse). Couple of posters there quoting Alex Jones theories about how the vaccine is deadly to dementia patients. It’s very hard to scroll past and ignore rather than confront this misinformation.

  69. - Snarkie From Schaumburg - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 3:35 pm:

    No real side effects, except I now believe that no one has ever lied while in Springfield.

  70. - My New Handle - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 5:07 pm:

    I’m in my eighth decade. I had no side effects from either Pfizer shot other than a sore upper arm after the first shot.
    I’m surprised that community colleges aren’t requiring vaccination for students. It would make the “community” in their names more meaningful. Why don’t the comcols and universities require the vaccination?

  71. - JESSEWHITE.TUMBLR.COM - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 5:07 pm:

    mid-30s here, got my 2nd Pfizer this past Friday. Only side effect was an immediate and overwhelming urge to go to Wrigleyville and black out at a bar.

  72. - Real - Monday, Apr 26, 21 @ 8:54 pm:

    From the looks of comments here it is very little short term side effects but what about long term side effects? Either way I don’t plan on taking the vaccine due to religious objections.

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