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Today’s quotable

Wednesday, Apr 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Former Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, who is now a Florida resident

“People ask would I do it again, and I say, yes, I would do it again,” he says. “I might run again some day—if I ever get my wife comfortable with it.”

Go read the rest of the interview if you have a couple of minutes.


  1. - illinoyed - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 8:41 am:

    Bruce who?

  2. - hot chocolate - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 8:45 am:

    I think Del Boca Vista has a board of trustees race coming up.

  3. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 8:45 am:

    He’s like a bad rash that keeps coming back.

  4. - Bruce( no not him) - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 8:49 am:

    I hope he means in Florida. They deserve him.

  5. - Shield - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 8:50 am:

    Haven’t we suffered enough?

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 8:51 am:

    Narrator: His wife votes in Illinois.

  7. - Levois J - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 8:52 am:

    Sounds like he’ll never do it again. And if he does he might do it in his new home state. Though I wouldn’t mind Rauner vs. Pritzker part 2 :P

  8. - Linus - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 8:54 am:

    *breaks open cyanide capsule*

  9. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 8:55 am:

    === Politics is “brutally hard—it’s nasty, it’s dirty and ugly,” he tells me in our first discussion, at the end of December. “There’s a big sacrifice. I lost 22 pounds and most of my hair in the four years. The stress level—worrying about the well-being of twelve-and-a-half-million people all day every day while the press is kicking the stuffing out of me every day and my enemies are trying to kill me every day—oh my goodness, it was hard. But I loved most of it—I mean, 80 to 90 percent of it I loved.”===

    The man refused to sign THREE budgets, Illinois had no budget for an ENTIRE General Assembly…

    … but please, tell me about losing *your* hair, losing *your* weight, and starving Diana Rauner’s Ounce of Prevention and the Pritzker family and charities bailing out Diana.

    Truly an awful man.

  10. - Levois J - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 8:56 am:

    Also I like this qoute “If good people don’t get involved in the process,” [RAUNER] says, “bad people run it with bad outcomes.”

  11. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 8:57 am:

    “and assume they can do a better job than the current feckless office holders”

    Yeah, Rauner just knocked it out of the park.

    He assumed everyone would simply bow to his will because that was his world.
    What he got was his rear end handed to him.

  12. - Outside the loop - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 8:59 am:

    Why would we want him back?

    Since his departure:
    1. We’ve taken on more debt
    2. Our financial position is even more precarious
    3. The high tax payers and job creators are fleeing the state.
    4. The killings in Chicago go on unabated.
    5. We’ve lost a congressional seat.
    6. And the crimes against Jussie Smollet’s remain unresolved.

    Rauner’s type of leadership is not welcomed in this state.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:02 am:

    Here is Rauner using his alumni magazine to rewrite history and push a real myth to have a phony legacy.

    ===The courts provided one of his biggest victories. He initiated a lawsuit against AFSCME, the large public-sector union, challenging the union’s right to collect dues from non-members. In Janus v. AFSCME (2018), the U.S. Supreme Court came down on his side.===

    The court said Rauner had ZERO standing, but Rauner stood on the steps of the US Supreme Court, camera angles shooting pictures from a lower angle, showing strength and victory… but the reality is Rauner was nothing, he had as much standing as a fungo bat.

    Like I’ve said many a time, Diana Rauner ran the social agenda, an uber left, costal, limousine liberal agenda, and her own standing in the phony cocktail party circuit couldn’t be tarnished. So, Bruce signed HB40. What that phoniness is above is Bruce’s side of the bargain; rewriting his own legacy, but lacking any real standing to claim it… unless there’s a rehabilitation… like from an alumni magazine.

    Both are pathetic, Diana just has signed legislation to save face.

  14. - Sonny - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:07 am:

    Remember they wouldn’t let him talk at the MAGA rally after riding his motorcycle there?

  15. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:07 am:

    All that time in office he blamed Madigan for all the state’s problems when really it was the media’s fault all along? OK pal.

  16. - Teddy Salad - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:08 am:

    Is Wine Club looking for a new president?

  17. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:09 am:

    So the Dartmouth Alumni magazine does a puff piece on a major donor. I am shocked.

    The GQP certainly whines a lot when they lose, I notice that Rauner did not accept any personal responsibility for his many failures.

    =Since his departure:
    1. We’ve taken on more debt
    2. Our financial position is even more precarious
    3. The high tax payers and job creators are fleeing the state.
    4. The killings in Chicago go on unabated.
    5. We’ve lost a congressional seat.
    6. And the crimes against Jussie Smollet’s remain unresolved.=

    Yeah, and people are “fleeing” like refugees. Please- it is very early for cocktails.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:09 am:

    There’s so much more, I’d love to go point to point, but when you donate a dorm, a library, and endowment, your alma mater will gloss over and rehabilitate a wealthy alum who opens the checkbook.

    It’s an embarrassing moment for Dartmouth.

    But, let’s remember Bruce with this snippet. The man is so committed to Illinois … “but”…

    ===He also poured a fortune into his political career. “As I said every day,” he tells me, “home is worth fighting for.”===

    … he left.

  19. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:11 am:

    With arguably the worst gubernatorial record in state history plus the lack of loyalty to allies, throwing his party under the bus when he knew he couldn’t win re-election, Rauner wants to run again. Please proceed.

    The delusion and victimhood of Rauner’s statements in the article: he got sick caring for the state and fighting enemies. If what Rauner did was caring, I shudder to think what not caring is. Rauner created the enemies he fought when he waged war on them, like he did with AFSCME. He helped kick his own behind.

  20. - Jibba - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:14 am:

    Outside the Loop- I’m pretty sure all of that would have happened had he been re-elected.

    What a waste of 4 years it was.

  21. - Tommydanger - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:17 am:

    “People ask would I do it again”

    Pffft. What people? Stop listening to the voices in your head Bruce unless its to take your mind of the latest Kars for Kids spot.

  22. - Club J - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:18 am:

    One thing for sure he won’t run for Treasure. He can’t produce a balanced budget. Then again maybe his shuffleboard league is OK with that. Along with his wife.

  23. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:20 am:

    Bruce Rauner is one of the greatest accidental comedians I have ever seen.

  24. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:24 am:

    “our financial position is even more precarious”

    That’s why those bonds are still on the shelf, gathering dust.

  25. - Pundent - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:26 am:

    Bruce Rauner has always showed contempt for the people of this state. His so called “customers.” The quote that stood out to me was this one:

    “In business, you have a clear goal,” Rauner explains. “You’re trying to maximize shareholder value by providing great value to customers, filling their need or their want.”

    But Rauner has never run a business, created jobs, or worked to ensure customers wants and needs are being fulfilled. He made his money in venture capital where the goal is to take on debt, cut expenses and flip the hollowed out business to someone else. Which is basically what he accomplished in his four years as governor. And at the end of that his “customers” had seen enough to send him packing.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:28 am:

    ===We’ve taken on more debt===

    Rauner’s accumulated debt without a budget was staggering.

    ===Our financial position is even more precarious===

    According to Moody’s the outlook was more positive.

    === The high tax payers and job creators are fleeing the state==

    According to the Census, it was 18K, not 250+K… and you need a cite better than mouth breathing.

    ===The killings in Chicago go on unabated.===

    Are you talking about police killings?

    ===We’ve lost a congressional seat.===

    So did… California, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania…7 states lost a seat.

    === And the crimes against Jussie Smollet’s remain unresolved.===

    Ask the Cook County State’s Attorney. Google their contact info.

  27. - Outside the loop - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:29 am:

    Flyin’ Elvis,
    Why are Pritzker and Lightfoot at odds over COLA for the firefighters then?

  28. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:32 am:

    === Why are Pritzker and Lightfoot at odds over COLA for the firefighters then?===

    Because Lightfoot is grossly inept at understanding legislation, how to maneuver Springfield, and her staff and crew are equally inept at guiding Lightfoot as well.

    Dunno how Rauner’s phony rehabilitation piece helps in any of that…

  29. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:32 am:

    Outside the loop-

    Couldn’t say. I do know that if your best bud Rauner was still in office, and knowing his love for any organized labor, whatever point you’re trying to make wouldn’t be an issue.

  30. - Commisar Gritty - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:34 am:

    Rauner must neither remember what it was like to make a concession call 7 minutes after the polls closed, nor what it felt like to barely beat an unhinged transphobe in a primary. I’d say we could remind him cause he might be the easiest ticket for JB to beat, but I’d really rather he stay away.

  31. - DuPage Saint - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:42 am:

    I thought he was going to Italy. Wouldn’t they let him in?

  32. - truthteller - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:43 am:

    he never be elected in Illinois so he must be talking Florida. Be a race for who is the most despicable candidate for sure in Florida if he runs

  33. - Anyone Remember - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:49 am:

    Maybe Pat Quinn will let him use the Super 8 card? /s

  34. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:50 am:

    But Italy lets everyone in. You can even buy a house for one Euro.

  35. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:50 am:

    Bruce Rauner might be the only Governor in the history of our nation that can make himself look bad in a fluff piece for his alma mater.

    ===Rauner doesn’t think his administration was a failure, citing in particular accomplishments in education reform—long a passion for him and his wife. Among other things, he pushed through a more equitable system for funding schools and directed more money toward early childhood education. His criminal justice reforms reduced the prison population and increased job training opportunities. The courts provided one of his biggest victories. He initiated a lawsuit against AFSCME, the large public-sector union, challenging the union’s right to collect dues from non-members. In Janus v. AFSCME (2018), the U.S. Supreme Court came down on his side.===

    I think it is fascinating what he is taking credit for since I believe it would be accurate to describe these events taking place in spite of his involvement. If he sincerely believes he should wear this hat around, someone should walk behind him and remind him that he didn’t have standing to sue AFSCME so his actual effort was unsuccessful until they found some poor little scrub of a human being that they could use as a pawn.

    ===If I was just there to administer the status quo, which is what most governors had done for the prior 40 years, I wouldn’t have made anything better.”===

    This is a great excuse for making things worse, right?

    ===I ask if their conflicting political views made for some difficult dinner-table conversations. Rauner acknowledges that their talks were sometimes “entertaining.” ===

    This would be my last straw. He said this to someone that was writing an interview for publication. Diana, if you’re out there, you deserve better.

    ===“How do I say this? I agree with most—certainly not all—but most of his policy goals,”===

    This is now officially bad journalism. Rauner wasn’t forced to explain which policy goals specifically. This is a nonsense statement and at this point in America we can’t pretend like this is a reasonable defense. What policy exactly? “Make American Great?”

    ===The two reforms, he thinks, would ease the path for centrist politicians to regain power from the extremes. “I am an optimist,” he says. “I think we will re-establish leaders for the middle.”===

    This guy really thinks he’s a centrist, huh?

  36. - Facts Matter - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:53 am:

    He changed his residence to Florida, so he can’t run for Governor here again in the foreseeable future. Article V, Section 3 of the IL constitution states tha to run for governor you have to be a resident of the state for the three years preceding election.

  37. - OneMan - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 9:55 am:

    == But as a rich Republican, Rauner couldn’t separate his image from Trump’s. Rauner thinks that’s what drove him out of office. On the night in 2016, when Trump lost Illinois by a wide margin but won the election, Rauner’s aides turned to him and said, “ ‘Uh-oh, we got trouble. In Illinois, Republicans are now toast.’ ” For Rauner, that turned out to be true. During his re-election campaign in 2018, the Democrats “ran ads that I was Trump or just like Trump,” he says. Pritzker beat him by more than 15 percentage points. ==

    As someone of defended Bruce much longer than most, Trump’s election didn’t help him but trying to blame him for losing borders on the delusional. You really didn’t make much of an effort to distance yourself from Trump, you needed to decide that you were on his side or not and been obvious and direct about it. You waffled and were soft on the subject so in the process managed to tick off the “Trump Wing” and failed to inspire the “I can’t believe this guy is president” wing. It would have been harder to portray you as “just like Trump” if you had made real efforts to distance yourself. You didn’t, so you made it easy. At the same time, you gave ammo to the ‘not Trump enough’ wing and helped establish those folks, and didn’t push back nearly hard enough.

    It was obvious your heart wasn’t in running for re-election.

  38. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:01 am:

    From the article- Diana Rauner, liberal Democrat

    They forgot to mention she supported all of her husband’s actions.

  39. - Cool Papa Bell - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:07 am:

    “I think we will re-establish leaders for the middle.”

    He’s convinced himself he’s in the middle?

    Too bad the portrait at the top didn’t his state fair or Harley riding costume.

  40. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:11 am:

    From what he says in the article, he apparently has not learned a darn thing from his experience. But then I rarely believe what he says.

  41. - Andrea Durbin - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:13 am:

    Please stop giving this man any attention, unless you are going to call him to account for the dramatic rise in the number of abused and neglected children in IL — a trend that started with the budget impasse and which has not yet reversed itself, because the services that keep struggling families safe and together were destroyed under his “leadership”. These children and families are experiencing life-long trauma, with 40% more children in foster care than just 5 years ago. The cost in human suffering is unimaginable.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:14 am:

    === From the article- Diana Rauner, liberal Democrat

    They forgot to mention she supported all of her husband’s actions.===

    All true.

    The deal was … Bruce could play “ruinous governor” even hurting her own social service…

    … as long as Diana could be “seen” in the most phony of lights as dragging Bruce to an uber-left, costal, limousine liberal social agenda so Diana can save face and be acceptable by “acceptable people”

    As far as deals go, Diana got the better end, and got to stay in Illinois too.

  43. - Cool Papa Bell - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:15 am:

    Let’s circle back to what Rauner thought of Rivian Automotive and who would basically be dumb enough to buy the empty auto plant in Normal….

  44. - PekinKid - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:19 am:

    Cool Papa –

    I remember when the founder of this site basically snorted in laughter at the sell even though everyone with a basic understanding of mechanical engineering saw the potential.

  45. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:25 am:

    Another “Florida man” story.

  46. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:30 am:

    ===basically snorted in laughter===

    Um, no.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:32 am:

    === 3.) Rauner===

    The man refused to have a state budget for a whole General Assembly, hurting millions purposely… and that’s better than Pritzker citing only that?

    My goodness. This is an embarrassing assessment.

    Signs one budget, only “Quinn” is better.


  48. - Don't Bloc Me In - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:32 am:

    For certain, this article generates the lolz for anyone who lived through the Rauner administration.

  49. - James - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:33 am:

    The incumbencies of Rauner and Trump both hurt the immediate prospects of the party in Illinois, as did Ives being 2018 gubernatorial alternative.

  50. - Jocko - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:37 am:

    ==Rauner thinks that’s what drove him out of office.==

    Nah. It was the phoniness, the lying, and it becoming crystal clear that he spent $100 million to have a governor patch on his motorcycle jacket.

  51. - Jibba - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 10:48 am:

    So the bill backlog has gone from $16B to $3.5B. Sounds like a much improved financial position, Outside the Loop. If your list is as good as you can do, JB is a tremendous improvement.

  52. - Still Waiting - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 11:20 am:

    I’m really disappointed the article didn’t revisit the moment when Rauner learned, live during a press conference, how many votes it actually takes override a veto. What an utter failure.

  53. - Nick Name - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 11:23 am:

    ===I lost 22 pounds and most of my hair in the four years.===

    Yes, four years of willfully bringing the state to the brink of financial riun, and of trying to crush the poor and marginalized, we well as the people whose jobs are literally to make you look good by carrying out your polices, must haver really hurt.

    Rauner is human detritus.

  54. - Excitable Boy - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 11:32 am:

    I didn’t notice any dropped Gs, almost like that was all just a very obvious and silly schtick?

    Amoebas have more self awareness than Bruce Rainer. What a tool.

  55. - Proud Sucker - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 11:33 am:

    “People ask would I do it again”

    The person writing the fluff piece…maybe?

  56. - Cool Papa Bell - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 11:37 am:

    Wonder how the van looks parked in the driveway in his multi million dollar enclave?

    What a pretender.

  57. - Huh? - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 11:43 am:

    “In business, you have a clear goal,”

    In government, you have a clear goal, to provide needed services to the people of the State.

    Can’t run government like a business.

    Something that ruiner never understood.

  58. - SOIL M - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 12:02 pm:

    Rauner has proven that he is good for one thing.
    Uniting the State, when we are so divided.
    If there is one thing we can all agree on, its that nobody likes him or wants him back.

    And really, who cares what he has to say as long as he says it somewhere else.

  59. - Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 12:12 pm:

    Rauner seems most concerned about himself…typically.

  60. - The Way I See It - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 1:05 pm:

    Better him than Darren Bailey.

  61. - Gohawks123 - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 3:31 pm:

    Thinking about dusting off the Carhart, eh Bruce? Let’s not and said we did.

  62. - Blue Dog - Wednesday, Apr 28, 21 @ 7:14 pm:

    In 2017 the Rauners Paris $2.2 million in state taxes. The Pritzker, $812,000. Gonna miss that $2.2 million.

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