Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Bears move a real possibility or leverage?
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Bears move a real possibility or leverage?

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

However, [Scott Hagel, the team’s senior vice president for marketing and communications] gave no such denial when asked about the team’s potential longer-range interest in Arlington Park, which recently was put up for sale by its owner, Churchill Downs Inc., best known for staging the Kentucky Derby.

“I wouldn’t be able to tell you,” said Hagel, who gave an interview a day after I first called the team asking them to comment on the Arlington rumor.

When asked directly if the team has begun talks with Churchill Downs, Hagel replied, “our priority is about Soldier Field.”

When told that such a statement left the impression that other possibilities are on the table, Hagel said, “Our focus continues to be on Soldier Field. . . .I can’t say more.”

A city spokeswoman confirmed that talks with the Bears about resuming games at Soldier Field later this year are going well. The Bears “have been a really good partner,” she replied. And Arlington? “I don’t know anything about that.”

* But

I don’t think I’m being too naive when I say that most rumors of the Bears moving out of Soldier Field (and into the empty/for-sale Arlington International Racecourse in Arlington Heights) land a little light. As Luis put it previously, it’s simply difficult to imagine the Bears leaving Solider Field to spend their own money on a state-of-the-art complex in Arlington Heights, especially when their lease in Chicago doesn’t expire until the early 2030s. And, indeed, the only thing more difficult to envision is sourcing public money to build that stadium (especially right now).

However, the mere *existence* of those Arlington Heights rumors can serve a very useful purpose for the Bears (and the NFL). In fact, I believe that’s exactly what’s happening right now.

At this moment, the Bears are negotiating with the City of Chicago on the return of fans to the stadium when football kicks back off this fall. More specifically, the team/league is negotiating the percent of total stadium capacity that will be allowed (the Chicago Fire already has a deal in place with the city, allowing up to 25% capacity, but it’s very likely the Bears are seeking something much greater than that). […]

If the Bears can keep those rumors alive, they’ll maintain at least a little bit of additional leverage that could improve the deal from their perspective or even get something on the books sooner than expected. So perhaps there’s actual interest there or perhaps not. But so long as a “no comment” is perceived as a “yes,” in the headlines, the Bears benefit from the rumors.

*** UPDATE *** Crain’s

Asked at a news conference about yesterday’s Crain’s report that the team wasn’t denying an interest in possibly moving to the site now occupied by the Arlington track, which is for sale and likely to be demolished, Lightfoot said “a couple of data points” are of note.

One is that, as Crain’s reported, the Bears’ current Soldier Field lease with the Chicago Park District runs until 2033. “The NFL doesn’t let any teams break their leases,” she said.

However, Lightfoot went on to add that she had “a call with senior (team) leadership in the last two weeks.” I’m told that conversation involved as least one member of the team-owning McCaskey family.

“We have a good working relationship with the Bears . . . (but) there are things they’d like to see differently at Soldier Field, and we want to do whatever we can to accommodate it,” Lightfoot said.


  1. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 7:17 am:

    Does it really matter where Green Bay hands you your annual embarassment?

  2. - Bruce( no not him) - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 7:30 am:

    Can’t they find somewhere better than Arlington Heights to pretend to move to? What’s the biggest city without an NFL team, that the bears can pretend to move to?

  3. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 7:38 am:

    “that the bears can pretend to move to?”

    If they want to be sadistic, St. Louis.

  4. - Montrose - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 8:10 am:

    “Give us what we want, or we are going back to Decatur!”

  5. - H-W - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 8:13 am:

    I heard a rumor the other day that the Chicago Bears were preparing to win a game.

  6. - Gary Hart - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 8:36 am:

    The city and Bears swung and missed big time with that monstrosity on the lake. As someone who’s been going to games for many years, Soldier Field makes Guaranteed Rate Field look like Camden Yards. So if the Bears wanna move to Arlington Park, I’m all for it…

  7. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 8:40 am:

    What Gary Hart said-

    Used to go to Bears games in the ’80s.
    Don’t know what that garbage they call a “renovation” is, but it sure ain’t Soldier Field.

  8. - ChicagoBars - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 8:52 am:

    If there is really up to $150,000,000 or so of lost revenue at risk to the Bears for a 2021 season with no/few fans allowed at least make up a realistic rumor and threaten to play the 2021 season in St Louis.

    What brain trust floats a rumor about a possible stadium in 2-3 years to create leverage? Ah yes….

  9. - Fishingvest - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 8:52 am:

    Didn’t the Bears threaten to move to Arlington Heights decades ago?

  10. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 8:53 am:

    Since the Bears are determined to be a small market team- please go back to Decatur. If Chicago derives any benefits from their exurban fan base- it’s lost on us.

  11. - ChrisB - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:01 am:

    Because moving to the suburbs worked out oh so well for both the Chicago Fire and Bridgeport.

  12. - OneMan - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:02 am:

    I recall years ago when the Bears had an option on some land in Aurora where there is now a church and some warehouses.

  13. - Shield - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:04 am:

    At least the space at Arlington looks better than the space the Bears threatened to move to in Gary!

  14. - ChrisB - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:05 am:

    *Bridgeview, but it just my point even more.

  15. - DuPage Saint - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:10 am:

    Say they are moving to Addison, worked for Sox

  16. - DuPage Teacher - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:12 am:

    I love the lakefront location of Soldier Field but I have to imagine the Bears want total control and use of the stadium. Look no farther than Green Bay to see how a team who owns it’s own stadium can manage that use for year-round revenue. Besides the $1Billion cost to build, I’m sure the Bears would love the chance to own and operate their own stadium - even if its located in Arlington Heights. In fact, closer to airport and easier Interstate access.

  17. - @misterjayem - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:14 am:

    “However, the mere *existence* of those Arlington Heights rumors can serve a very useful purpose for the Bears”

    Is it really leverage when everyone thinks it’s a bluff?

    – MrJM

  18. - Skeptic - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:14 am:

    “Say they are moving to Addison, worked for Sox” Or Tampa/St. Pete

  19. - Huh? - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:20 am:

    “I heard a rumor the other day that the Chicago Bears were preparing to win a game.”


  20. - Cheryl44 - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:22 am:

    Will they be taking the mothership with them?

  21. - a drop in - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:24 am:

    What will come first, Bears get a new stadium or Bears get a decent QB?

  22. - Red Ranger - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:40 am:

    Leaking a really bad option for a move to a new stadium is the Bears negotiating strategy, wow, hope they do a better job tonight trying to move up for a better QB. Ill hang and listen to your response.

  23. - CLJ - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:43 am:

    I’d take GRF over Camden Yards any day of the week. Camden is way over-rated. As a former Sox season ticket holder, I personally believe the Sox have one of the best out-field seating and standing areas in all of baseball. I no live in Baltimore and am not impressed with CY. It’s also long over due for some renovations.

  24. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:44 am:

    If they moved to Arlington Heights would we get a Chicago Super Bowl?

  25. - Amalia - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:44 am:

    that’s an old Cubs rumor. Remember…don’t know who sang this parody song…..”take me way out to the ballgame, take me way out to the crowd. buy me some peanuts and turn out the lights, the Cubbies are playing in Arlington Heights.”

  26. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 9:48 am:

    To the post,

    Unless the McCaskey family decides to leverage its billions of dollars franchise to finance a building that can seat at least 85,000, minimum less standing room, retractable roof, and market it, themselves to host Super Bowls, Final Fours, and host a new and significant college bowl that then could host the NCAA college football championship…

    … I’m not going to pay much attention to the phony.

  27. - Annonin' - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:05 am:

    This too funny. Anyone one remember when the real Mayor Daley declared they could not use “chicago” if the moved out? How about they try the Chicago Fire Stadium until they quit playin’ like S(*^)^()

  28. - Jocko - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:06 am:

    This threat is the equivalent of a 3 year old holding their breath.

  29. - Regular democrat - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:06 am:

    I live in the city and would love to go to arlington heights for a game. Maybe its time for the Bears to make a bold move and build their own stadium. Be couple themselves from city bs park dist bs bad fields etc.

  30. - Suburbanon - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:07 am:

    The Cowboys have Jerry World in Arlington, Tx.
    What would the Bears have in Arlington Hts?

    Halas Heaven (or McCaskey Folly)

    Bear Downs


  31. - Skeptic - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:07 am:

    Seems there’s a whole lot of land near Peotone that could be put to good use.

  32. - Jibba - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:13 am:

    Fill the stadium up with fully vaccinated folks. Would light a fire under some of the hesitant.

  33. - ddp76 - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:13 am:

    Leverage I think. It’s always about leverage. Would they use AH to goose possible other options? Of course. As far as public funding? Not much of a chance of that I don’t think. And can the Bears, a charter member of the NFL threaten to leave if there isn’t public funding? Could, but also unlikely.

  34. - Levois J - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:24 am:

    Please don’t waste Arlington Racecourse on the Bears. Keep that place open so I can go up there and bet on the ponies. :)

  35. - Louis G Atsaves - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:27 am:

    Don’t count out a domed stadium with retractable roof in the region, something we do not have. Besides football games, major concerts, conventions, Wrestlemania, and other promotions would keep the place busy and make it work. I’ve attended pro football games in Indianapolis, Green Bay and Minnesota, and the Bears current home field pales by comparison. The Bears could make more money with parking, food and beverage sales, stores for shirts, etc. And they could partner with Churchill Downs.

    As a Lake Forest resident the Bears once worked out within walking distance at Lake Forest College in a cheap facility that clearly was outdated. I never thought they would spend their own money for a new facility but they did and moved to the edge of western Lake Forest and have since expanded it.

    If the Bears are going to make their move, now is the time for them to begin that process. It may take a few years to go through the process of planning and building and it won’t happen overnight, but it really makes sense for them.

    With the headaches of the Wrigley Field renovations and self-funding, the Bears could learn a lot about the strengths and pitfalls stadium ownership.

  36. - Phineas Gurley - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:33 am:

    What others said, long-term.

    More interesting is an alternative just for this fall. SF seats 61,500, so Chicago is offering them, at 25% capacity, 15,350 tickets a game.

    Arlington Park seats 35,000, with 12,000 club seats. So just 33% is a wash. Yeah, you’d have to put a field in, but could also add seats on the endzones and the other side, and get the Bears more revenue.

    What I would really like to see is competition for encouraging vaccines — like the Dodgers have done.

  37. - James the Intolerant - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:42 am:

    DuPage teacher, It would be nice to have total control, but that would also mean the McCaskeys paying for the new stadium.

  38. - Cool Papa Bell - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:43 am:

    Buy the rumor / sell the fact.

    If the Bears weren’t a small family owned franchise then there could be a lot more to this. The family doesn’t have the billion or so to build what needs to be built in Arlington. They and the city went cheap to build the smallest NFL stadium (in the 3rd largest market) when they rebuilt Solider Field all those years ago.

    I could seem them trying to build something only if they see the need to sell the team in a few years and want a stadium to sweeten the sell deal.

  39. - Jocko - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:49 am:

    ==The family doesn’t have the billion or so to build==

    Other than having the collateral of franchise worth 3.5 billion…which none of them earned.

  40. - Roman - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:50 am:

    The contract keeps the Bears playing at Soldier Field until 2033. Assuming that provision doesn’t have any escape hatches, I don’t see how much leverage the Bears have.They’d have to pay a ton of cash to the Park Dist and Sports Authority to break that lease. The McCaskey’s are notoriously cheap and risk averse. I don’t see them paying off the lease and spending hundreds of millions on a new stadium. It’s gotta be a bluff. I’d call it if I were the mayor.

  41. - Wally - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:54 am:

    I think it’s a bluff and shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

    Having said that, for those referencing Bridgeview, that’s a bad example. Arlington Park is literally about a block off two 53 expressway exits (NW Highway, and Euclid), and both exits are about a 3 minute drive from the intersection of 90 and 53 (i.e. where Woodfield is). Metra has a stop literally right there (goes out of Ogilvie, eventually running along 90), allowing people to walk from the train to the racecourse. In other words, for being in the burbs it’s really easy to get to. Heck–maybe easier for lots of the fan base than going downtown, even if you live in the city (but that’s just a guess). Think driving to O’Hare plus an additional 20 minutes, depending on traffic.

  42. - Henry Francis - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:58 am:

    I am guessing that once Virginia shuffles off this mortal coil, the grandkids will cash out and sell the team. Not sure they would have the appetite to move/build a new stadium, but maybe a new owner would.

  43. - BilboSwaggins - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 11:02 am:

    They’re not going to build a whole new stadium at Arlington. They might, however, build a black site for Nagy to psychologically torture the team.

  44. - Bruce( no not him) - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 11:07 am:

    —I’m sure the Bears would love the chance to own and operate their own stadium—
    Not if they have to pay for it themselves. It’s all about the subsidies.

  45. - Levois J - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 11:13 am:

    Anyone here remembers McDome? I was a bit young when that was announced it had to have been during Edgar’s term. A domed stadium near McCormick Place in the South Loop. :)

  46. - Pundent - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 11:15 am:

    This makes all the sense in the world. Which is why it will never happen.

  47. - Anyone Remember - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 11:18 am:


    If they move to Decatur … Staley Stinkyard ??

  48. - Roman - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 11:23 am:

    == It’s all about the subsidies. ==

    Yep. Lots of advantages to the certainty provided by government ownership of the stadium. Look at the White Sox. They’ve minimized their Covid-related losses with their stadium deal. Every other franchise in baseball is getting hammered by the lack of attendance, while the Sox operate rent free.

    Yes, the Bears could eventually jack up their profits by owning their stadium, but they’d have to take on close to a billion dollars of debt. A big-thinking entrepreneur like Jerry Jones of the Cowboys doesn’t bat an eye at that, but I think it might give the McCaskeys a big lump in the throat.

  49. - Rich Hill - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 11:39 am:

    Remember when the Cubs threatened to move to Rosemont eight years ago? Yeah, me too.

  50. - Paddyrollingstone - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 11:59 am:

    I may be in the minority, but I have always liked the renovated Soldier Field. I always have a lot of civic pride that all of Chicago’s professional teams play within a couple miles of the city’s center.

  51. - Cool Papa Bell - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 11:59 am:

    //==The family doesn’t have the billion or so to build==

    Other than having the collateral of franchise worth 3.5 billion…which none of them earned. //

    Financing and dollars to run the team are two different deals. Refresh yourself on the trouble the Raiders found themselves in when they couldn’t get the actual real dollars they needed in an escrow account to back payroll - its why the Bears were able to trade for Khalil Mack.

  52. - bogey golfer - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 12:03 pm:

    With 326 acres the stadium would only part of a multi-use development, similar to what the Rams and Chargers did in LA. But this would have to be done under different ownership.

    And if you remember it was Pat Philip that nixed the plan to move the Sox to Addison. There is no ONE politician that has the power Philip or Daley once had.

  53. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 12:04 pm:

    Probably just a coincidence, but the $20 billion development proposed just to the west of Soldier Field is being led by the same group that did the Lambeau Field renovation. Personally, I think that both the Bears and the city whiffed when the retractable domed multi-use stadium north of McCormick Place was set aside in favor of the saucer-in-a-coliseum on the lake.

  54. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 12:06 pm:

    ===Anyone here remembers McDome?===
    J. Levois, thanks, that was the name I was looking for.

  55. - JoanP - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 12:09 pm:

    I wish they’d go away and take their UFO and their traffic jams with them.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 12:21 pm:

    === Financing and dollars to run the team are two different deals. Refresh yourself on the trouble the Raiders found themselves in when they couldn’t get the actual real dollars they needed in an escrow account to back payroll===

    It’s a false narrative as the television contracts that have been signed in the past two signings covered every single dime of every franchises’ operating costs. Before the next snap, kick, pass, or block, every NFL franchise will be able to fully operate without any other dollar but it’s share of television monies.

    The crying poor, even “cash poor”, is folly and why the NFL is scared to have anti-trust talk around.

  57. - Cool Papa Bell - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 12:22 pm:

    Six - That is still perhaps the best outcome. New large dome in the McCormick Place area. Reconfigure Solider Field into something brand new and ditch the saucer. Chicago gets a Super Bowl and Final Four and even more convention space for McCormick Place when it becomes useful again.

  58. - BC - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 12:24 pm:

    == I have always liked the renovated Soldier Field ==

    The exterior is a bizarre, architectural mess. But there’s really not a bad seat once you’re inside.

    Daley tried to build a project that was all things to all people: preserve the historic colonnades, expand parkland around the stadium, tie it into the museum campus, maintain it as a war memorial, etc. That really ran the cost up and we ended up with something that everyone found something to complain about. A domed stadium on top of the IC tracks and McCormick Place truck parking lot south of I-55 and west of LSD would have cost about the same.

  59. - OneMan - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 12:48 pm:

    Yeah, the retractable roof would have been a good idea, lots of other stuff you can do with an enclosed stadium in the city with hotel rooms and McCormick place.

    That gets a lot harder to do with a Stadium in the suburbs.

  60. - Thomas Paine - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 12:48 pm:

    City to Bears:

    We’ll let you open at 100%, as long as everyone is fully vaccinated and masks are worn at all times indoors.

  61. - Cool Papa Bell - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 12:56 pm:

    OW - Cash poor to build a $3 billion stadium vs being able to fund your escrow account for guaranteed salaries are two different things.

    The Bears can easily do one half of that equation but can’t do both.

    I’m dubious of anything the Rickett’s do any more but it would seem they even ran out of “fun money” after rehabbing Wrigley and buying up rooftops.

  62. - Amalia - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 12:58 pm:

    make sure you also talk to the Fire and ask them what THEY want to fix Soldier Field. that sport is growing.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 1:02 pm:

    === Cash poor to build a $3 billion stadium vs being able to fund your escrow account for guaranteed salaries are two different things===

    Not when the NFL is the guarantor as with other loans to builds built.

    If you believe a bank or hedge fund or financier wouldn’t “work” with an NFL franchise that, if they wanted that type of NFL league interference, could go to the league to back the financing, than no one would want to own these teams.

    They are literal cash cows.

    The cash to “exist” already is guaranteed to function. The league itself admits it… because math.

    === I’m dubious of anything the Rickett’s do any more but it would seem they even ran out of “fun money” after rehabbing Wrigley and buying up rooftops.===

    No. Old man Ricketts wants larger profit margins, exactly why owning the “Marquee” channel was so critical to… profits… not making payroll.

  64. - Slugger O'Toole - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 1:24 pm:

    ===Seems there’s a whole lot of land near Peotone that could be put to good use===

    Seriously laughed out loud. Thanks.

  65. - 1st Ward - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 1:27 pm:

    “They are literal cash cows.”

    If the owner of the franchise also owns the stadium. The McCaskey’s would like some concessions or a renegotiation of terms from the Park District on Soldier Field to generate more revenue. The timing is interesting given there were no fans last year. I wouldn’t mind the Park District selling Soldier Field to the McCaskey’s. If that option is on the table.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 1:36 pm:

    === If the owner of the franchise also owns the stadium===

    Or the rent is $1 or non-existent, and the “landlord” must upkeep the facility on their dime.

    The argument is never about “staying afloat” or “trying to get by”… the argument is always how large of a margin the profits could be.

    You’re not wrong, owning the building, parking, et al, maybe with tax incentives or breaks… whew.

  67. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 1:39 pm:

    ===Seems there’s a whole lot of land near Peotone that could be put to good use===

    Then the old football cheer used by Peotone HS rivals could be recycled. “If you can’t whistle through your (banned word), Peotone!”

  68. - thisjustinagain - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 2:05 pm:

    I do not want a penny of taxpayer money involved in any hypothetical or actual stadium building. Independent analysis long ago proved public funding of stadiums is a disaster for the public, and a free gift for the rich owners. It’s reported to be on a plane with hosting an Olympics. If the Bears wanna move to Arlington Heights and pay for their own stadium, so be it. But not a penny of taxpayer money, especially for the inferior product they’ve been fielding.

  69. - Shield - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 2:51 pm:

    - Annonin’ - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 10:05 am:

    Here’s a Daley quote for ya:

    McCaskey kicked off the season with a threat to move the team elsewhere unless Chicago put its money where its team loyalty was.

    Mayor Richard Daley quickly followed with the challenge, “Let them move to Alaska.”

  70. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 2:55 pm:

    ==The Cowboys have Jerry World in Arlington, Tx.
    What would the Bears have in Arlington Hts?==

    Ditka World

  71. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 2:59 pm:

    Decatur is only about 32,000 fewer people than Green Bay–and they still got the Pack.

    If GB can, then certainly Decatur can support an NFL franchise again.

    Or how about in 2022 we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Bears’ Champaign season with all home games at U of I.

  72. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 3:03 pm:

    ==City to Bears:

    We’ll let you open at 100%, as long as everyone is fully vaccinated and masks are worn at all times indoors.==

    And you also need to make more than a serious commitment to Winning. Such as at least 3 Super Bowl victories in the next decade. Even if you have to bend the rules a little bit a la the Patriots.

  73. - Lurker - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 3:32 pm:

    Remember 1985?
    Yeah, no one else does either

  74. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 4:16 pm:

    I live in Arlington Heights, am a meatball Bears fan and I still don’t see them moving here.
    The only thing nice about it is I could ride a bike to a game, but it isn’t going to happen.

  75. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 5:36 pm:

    ===Or how about in 2022 we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Bears’ Champaign season with all home games at U of I===

    Been there, done that. Does everyone remember the Henry Burris era?

  76. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 5:36 pm:

    5:36 was mine.

  77. - Suburbanon - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 6:06 pm:


    Ditka Dome

  78. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 8:42 pm:

    ==there are things they’d like to see differently at Soldier Field==

    Hopefully one of these things is known as Winning.

  79. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Apr 29, 21 @ 8:47 pm:

    ==Does it really matter where Green Bay hands you your annual embarassment?==

    Which will probably continue even though Aaron Rodgers announced today he doesn’t want to return to the Packers:

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