Path To 100 Act Saves Consumers $1.2 Billion
Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Lower Energy Costs for All Illinois Consumers • A study by former Illinois Power Agency (IPA) director shows that passing Path to 100 (HB 2640 / SB 1601) will lower energy costs for all ratepayers • Consumers save more than $1.2 Billion over ten years by fully funding Illinois’ renewable energy program to 40% by 2031 • Path to 100 would create 53,000 new construction jobs 1. Wind and solar generators have zero fuel costs, so they win wholesale energy auctions and displace more expensive power plants. These savings are passed on to all consumers. 2. Rooftop and community solar reduce peak demand, which reduces the amount of capacity that grid operators need to buy. These savings are passed on to all consumers. 3. Rooftop and community solar customers receive direct savings on their bills. Read the study and take action at