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FEC punts DPI issue to next meeting

Thursday, Jun 24, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. The Federal Elections Commission decided today to postpone making a decision on what restrictions US Rep. Robin Kelly must operate under as Illinois Democratic Party chair. Commissioner Trey Trainor asked for more time to try and “tweak” the two drafts in front of the commission and reach some sort of consensus.

The FEC’s next public meeting is July 15th.

This post may be updated, so stay tuned.

…Adding… Tribune…


  1. - Amalia - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 10:22 am:

    Precedent is party chair in Georgia is a member of Congress. How does it work there?

  2. - DuPage Dem - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 10:24 am:

    What a mess. It would be nice if someone involved in Kelly being chair asked themselves what is this serving other than their egos. It’s certainly not serving the state Democratic Party in a midterm year.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 10:25 am:

    === The dilemma underscores her symbolic role as state chair.===

    Kelly is the symbolic chair of DPI.

    You’d think “after Madigan” DPI would have a chair that couldn’t be viewed as merely symbolic, and still unable to *be* chair.

    So… until July… “Food and Beverage Chair” Kelly is…

  4. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 10:33 am:

    ===“Food and Beverage Chair” Kelly===

    Food and Beverage Chair was a ruse to get around the rules. Under either scenario, she’s actually only Food and Beverage Chair.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 10:39 am:


    That’s on me, seeing a ruse where the title is openly used and the responsibilities, on paper and in function, might not be possible, mocking the going around the rules seems more “clever” in the example.

  6. - Rabid - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 10:40 am:

    Kelly is able to serve, food and beverage

  7. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 10:47 am:

    She’s more like Kevin Pollack’s character in Casino, Phillip Green.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 10:57 am:

    === She’s more like … Phillip Green.===

    That’s pretty spot on to her dilemma

  9. - Shield - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 11:21 am:

    What if the FEC deadlocks on an actual opinion? Although it seems like they want to come up with a solution here, the commission has been broken for years.

  10. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 11:23 am:

    Great. More money wasted on lawyers and more time not fundraising for this vanity project/Durbin grudge to be satisfied.

  11. - snark encouraged - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 12:07 pm:

    Federal election law is pretty clear on this, so much so that the party has suspended raising any funds until they can get the FEC to agree to a new structure for the party. The proposed structure gives control to a special committee, rather than the chair. They haven’t raised a dime since January. Even the Republican state committee raised some funds. Robyn Kelly is a great person and wonderful spokesperson for DPI, but the party becomes meaningless if they do nothing but raise federal dollars.

    The same people who complained that Madigan didn’t do enough are now doing nothing.

  12. - Responsa - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 12:17 pm:

    This is starting to feel like somebody mistakenly thought they had a deal with the FEC or were close to having one. Months later no deal, no resolution, and continuing frustration over why this Robin Kelly mess was allowed to happen.

  13. - The Captain - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 12:48 pm:

    “They haven’t raised a dime since January.”

    Why does this topic generate so many factually incorrect comments?

    Here you go:

    Members of the Democratic Party of Illinois (DPI) gathered last night for their first big fundraiser under the leadership of new party chair, Congresswoman Robin Kelly.

  14. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 12:50 pm:

    ===so many factually incorrect comments==

    That was federal money.

  15. - The Captain - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 3:51 pm:

    Correct. Operational expenses of the state party are split between the federal account and the state account, per a formula. The split varies cycle to cycle, but is typically between 70% and 80% federal, with the rest permitted to come from the state account. Adding to the federal coffers is very important, despite the tunnel vision here for the state account.

  16. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 4:11 pm:

    ===Operational expenses of the state party are split between the federal account and the state account, per a formula===

    And where do you suppose the federal account gets that money? The state party sent $522,269 to the fed account in 2020 for administrative purposes.

  17. - The Captain - Thursday, Jun 24, 21 @ 4:47 pm:

    Yep, that was their state share. The federal account spent about $4.1 million in the 2020 cycle.

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