Question of the day
Friday, Jun 25, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* House Speaker Chris Welch held a press conference last week after session ended. Greg Bishop at the Center Square was the first to ask a question…
Bishop: Speaker, you said it was a new day. Republicans are pointing to last-minute bill drops, very little oversight leading to errors in the budget. How is it a new day if we’re seeing the same types of tactics?
Welch: Greg, I know that you like to write the Republican narrative in your publication, but it’s a new day in Springfield. [Cross talk] I’m talking right now. You asked your question. I know that you love to write the Republican narrative, but [crosstalk] this has been a very successful session. And I’m not gonna let you dim that.
We worked hard. It’s a new day. I can show you the thank you notes from Republicans because of the work that we did together to get some things done this session. We got a lot of great things done in a bipartisan way. Ethics reform, Medicaid expansion, cannabis trailer. We have a whole lot of great things to be proud of. FOID got done today in a bipartisan way. Elected school board got done today in a bipartisan way. So why don’t we focus on all of these great success stories that took place in 2021 under a new speaker and the most diverse leadership team ever in the history of the House, rather than the Republican talking points? Any other questions?
* The Question: How would you rate Speaker Welch’s response? Explain.
- TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 12:50 pm:
The Democratic party needs more people like Chris Welch. Bipartisanship only works when all sides are working in good faith. That is not the case in todays political climate, and speaker Welch is wise to recognize that.
It’s time for those in the Democratic party to take the gloves off. You can’t work with people who want to overthrow your system of government, without becoming an unwilling participant.
It may be upsetting, but I really do see this dynamic of democrats playing get along to go along no differently than those who stand idly by while their congregation covers up child abuse. There is no such thing as not being involved. If you aren’t involved and pushing back, you are on the side of assisting the abusers. And more people are going to start seeing you that way.
- OneMan - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 12:51 pm:
Meh, the second paragraph is better. Not sure if calling out Center Square really accomplishes anything besides making you feel good.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 12:53 pm:
It’s a solid B
It’s important to first call out Center Square as often as possible.
It’s like a theme day today, no?
The negative wants and narratives are critical, the Trump/Rauner folks believe, to give the angry, white, rural folks a reason to not only stay engaged but have anger justified.
So… Welch’s response first puts Center Square in its place while trying to place a negative type spinning, and Welch ticked off accomplishments and wondered aloud… as I did too… why Republicans publicly show a thanking AND then pretend that the show business “anger” must get coverage to keep the base engaged.
It was good. Not an A, better than a C
- Al - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 12:57 pm:
Poor; due to his inability to name a team Red member who helped on any issue.
- Phenomynous - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 12:59 pm:
Getting a thank you note doesn’t mean a new day. I’m sure Madigan got thank you notes as well. It’s a common courtesy and a way to show appreciation for something.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 12:59 pm:
=== due to his inability to name a team Red member who helped on any issue.===
The question Bishop had was to a new day, not an idea of “who did what”
- don the legend - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 1:00 pm:
==Poor; due to his inability to name a team Red member who helped on any issue.==
Was the Speaker incorrect when he touted the “bipartisan way”?
If not,then why do you need a name?
- Captain Obvious - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 1:02 pm:
Sounded like knee jerk dissing of the question’s source.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 1:08 pm:
=== Getting a thank you note doesn’t mean a new day.===
If Durkin and Co are disingenuous, that’s good to know too
- The Doc - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 1:13 pm:
==Poor; due to his inability to name a team Red member who helped on any issue.==
Wouldn’t surprise me if he was explicitly asked not to disclose.
Not sure there’s a GOPer anxious to be publicly name-checked by the Speaker.
- The Doc - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 1:18 pm:
To the post, a solid B.
There’s an element of defensiveness that’s off putting IMO, but we all know Bishop and Center Square has an agenda and the question wasn’t asked in good faith.
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 1:19 pm:
“How is it a new day if we’re seeing the same types of tactics?”
This justifies Speaker Welch’s response, rated A. Glad the Speaker was quick on his feet with the obviously partisan question.
“We got a lot of great things done in a bipartisan way. Ethics reform, Medicaid expansion, cannabis trailer. We have a whole lot of great things to be proud of. FOID got done today in a bipartisan way. Elected school board got done today in a bipartisan way.”
Voting roll calls on these bills easily verify whether there was bipartisanship.
- Copious - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 1:20 pm:
C+ at best. I felt it devisive,hint of anger in its tone. Not productive.
- jimbo26 - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 1:21 pm:
I rate the Speaker’s response an A. They did get a lot done in a bi-partisan way. Bishop is good at asking the question “do you still beat your wife?” Of course, if you answer NO, then the question becomes So you admit you used to beat her?
- Responsa - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 1:31 pm:
His answer would have been better had there not actually been last minute bill drops and errors in the budget that had to be corrected (as reported here and elsewhere.) I agree that the last paragraph was a good effort at both answering criticism and standing his ground. Too bad he didn’t start there. As to the first part about “talking points”, talking points go both directions. He’ll get better at not letting his ego get in the way as time goes on. Grade C+.
- Anyone Remember - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 1:32 pm:
A+ - remember, the “questioner” is the same person who asked the Governor why the total state budget hadn’t gone down if agencies had been hollowed out. From his time at WMAY he knows about the Edgar Pension Ramp.
- Shield - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 1:49 pm:
- Al - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 12:57 pm:
Maybe watch the floor speech from the end of session when he named specific Republicans and congratulated them on specific measures.
- JS Mill - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 1:58 pm:
The response is an “A” given that there was a question (How is it a new day?) followed by a political statement/accusation and Welch answered exactly as he should have answered. He does not need to take the political baiting from a clearly biased political propagandaist.
=Poor; due to his inability to name a team Red member who helped on any issue.=
What EXACTLY is new from the red team? Other than supporting traitorous insurrection?
- Out of Illinois - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 2:01 pm:
Typical. Standard answer for an Illinois Democrat. What else would you have expected him to say? Give it a C.
- King Louis XVI - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 2:02 pm:
Clearly, a new day.
Welch knew Bishop’s name.
Madigan would have said: And you are who?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 2:07 pm:
=== Typical. Standard answer for an Illinois Democrat.===
Gotta be honest, your “partisan” take on the response (standard Democrat) is what Greg Bishop hopes his ridiculous questions attract.
It’s like FoxNews, OAN, Q, perfection.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 2:08 pm:
===Madigan would have said: And you are who? ===
MJM knew who he was. He’d give him grief all the time. It got so bad once that I told Madigan to just answer the question.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 2:12 pm:
Frankly, Greg isn’t alone in this. Almost the entire press corps constantly asks Welch and others to address GOP talking points. What that answer did was to preempt all those questions. So, singling out Greg, to me, wasn’t fair, but it produced what I believe was the intended result. So, I’d give it a B.
- Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 2:45 pm:
He needs to own up to a few of his own errors or miscues instead of blaming Republicans. Those implementation dates in the budgets that were screwed up? Appointing Ammons to a leadership position? The draconian gerrymandering? The back and forth with the electric utilities and their environmental impact? Not all the hiccups in Springfield were the fault of Republicans. Yes, Republicans were pleased to get a sit down or text him or get an occasional acknowledgement. But if he keeps talking like he did in the interview, he will be Madigan, Jr. in their eyes in no time.
Or as I have been told and have advised others other the years, fill your own shoes, don’t try to fill someone else’s.
- Sir Reel - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 2:52 pm:
Took control.
Made a counter argument.
Repeated himself some.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 3:04 pm:
===But if he keeps talking like he did in the interview, he will be Madigan, Jr.===
… and yet “the 19” gave Welch high marks, and the GOP seemingly can’t decide if they did congratulate (like Durkin with a bro-hug in the floor) or are alienated.
That’s why it’s a pushed narrative, not a spoken truth.
It’s show business when honesty to what is seen is later twisted to a wanted thought… like… “Madigan Jr”
- The Ford Lawyer - Friday, Jun 25, 21 @ 3:27 pm:
I dunno, but every time I hear Welch say “It’s a new day” I think of Jim Gordon in the Gotham series.