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Leader spokespersons rate the COVID protocols

Monday, Jun 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

Last week, I asked the spokespersons for all four state legislative caucus leaders if they considered the spring session’s COVID protocols in their respective chambers to be a success. I didn’t think I’d get much in the way of a newsworthy response, but I actually did.

Jaclyn Driscoll was a Missouri Statehouse reporter before she was hired as House Speaker Chris Welch’s spokesperson this spring. Driscoll also covered the Illinois Statehouse before moving to Missouri.

Driscoll said there was no mask mandate in the Republican-controlled Missouri legislature during the pandemic and she was infected.

“Not only did I contract COVID, but a lawmaker ended up on a ventilator,” Driscoll said. “Some lawmakers even actively and publicly shamed others for wearing masks.”

By contrast, Driscoll said, “it was nice to be surrounded by people who led with science and common sense,” in Illinois. “We did see some people contract the virus, but I think with testing protocols we were able to catch it early and stop any substantial spread. Long story short, I was just grateful to feel safe while doing my job again.”

The goal with the House’s protocols, which relied on a mask mandate, remote hearings, some limited access and strong encouragement to get vaccinated, “was to keep everyone safe while we got important work done for the state,” she said. “We were also able to give journalists access while keeping them safe also, which is crucial to hold our elected officials accountable.”
No outbreaks, but limited public information

The Senate was a different story. The chamber had a strictly enforced saliva testing requirement on top of its mask mandate, it allowed remote floor and committee voting and it shut off access to a large part of the Statehouse to anyone who didn’t have an appointment. Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford knew immediately that she had COVID because of the tests, which were conducted in the Stratton Office Building near the Statehouse. No exceptions were made, no matter who you were.

Senate President Don Harmon’s spokesperson John Patterson labeled the session “a resounding success.” He noted that they started the session in January with an inauguration ceremony “in essentially an empty chamber,” and spent the first few weeks cancelling session days.

“That we were able to return to some semblance of normal shows how successful the protocols were,” Patterson said. The University of Illinois’ Shield saliva test, which produced results in hours, detected the virus before it could be spread. “We had no outbreaks or cancellations thanks to the protocols.” And that, he said, created a work environment where people could be assured that everyone around them had tested negative. “It allowed people to get back to normal and focus on the work.”

Patterson is known for his snark, so the rest of his response was no surprise. He said there is a “potentially lingering side effect” to the session. “There’s anecdotal evidence that the sight of the Stratton Building continues to cause increased saliva production. I’m hoping it will fade with time.”

The Republicans weren’t quite as charitable with their reviews. Here’s House Republican Leader Jim Durkin’s spokesperson Eleni Demertzis: “Prior to Phase 5, health and safety protocols were probably helpful in keeping everyone under the dome safe from COVID-19. Without knowing whether the House Chamber had any active cases or spread, the assessment of the success rate for these safety measures is currently under review.”

Indeed, the public was never given any regular updates on who or how many people might have been infected during the session, although we were told when Speaker Welch’s Chief of Staff Jessica Basham tested positive. But there’s no evidence yet to suggest that anyone became severely ill from working at the Statehouse or that any widespread outbreaks occurred in the House.

Senate Republican Leader Dan McConchie’s spokesperson Whitney Barnes: “We are thankful that there were no outbreaks during spring session. However, we firmly believe that the people of Illinois could have been given a more open and transparent legislative process had we simply followed CDC guidelines — especially in the final month of session.”

It’s a good point. For whatever reason, neither chamber made any attempt to allow more freedom or access for people who did the responsible thing by being fully vaccinated. The universalized restrictions were a constant source of irritation during the last seven weeks of session for those of us who had gotten our shots.

But, what’s done is done, I suppose. Hopefully, we’ll never have to do this ever again.

Your thoughts?


  1. - SWIL_Votet - Monday, Jun 28, 21 @ 9:25 am:

    I always remember Day 1 of lockdown in illinois when, I believe it was one of the epidemiologists who spoke at Pritzker’s press conference said, to the effect, “if we do this right it’ll look like a big overreaction, and that’s fine.” Seems to apply to a lot of stuff we want to second guess in hindsight

  2. - Norseman - Monday, Jun 28, 21 @ 9:36 am:

    I’ve read Driscoll’s coverage of MO. She hit the nail on the head. It was disgusting to watch how they politicized and ignored sound pandemic response measures. IL was refreshing in comparison.

    === … had we simply followed CDC guidelines — especially in the final month of session.” ===

    Maybe if McConchie’s own caucus believed in those guidelines the Senate leadership may have been more amenable to a less restrictive approach.

  3. - don the legend - Monday, Jun 28, 21 @ 9:40 am:

    ==“Some lawmakers even actively and publicly shamed others for wearing masks.”==

    I know this type of behavior from covidiots should not be shocking to read about but it still is.

  4. - Candy Dogood - Monday, Jun 28, 21 @ 10:26 am:

    If the goal is to keep everyone as safe as possible, especially people who have to be there for work, I think it makes sense that the protocols were not relaxed.

    Under no circumstances do I think legislative staff, other building and support staff, or even legislators themselves, should be exposed to a deadly pandemic because some of their colleagues deliberately and intentionally refuse to follow any of the recommendations.

  5. - cermak_rd - Monday, Jun 28, 21 @ 2:48 pm:

    It just seems to me it would have been more of a pain to relax the restrictions (and then only for the vaccinated) in those last few weeks than just to ride it out with the rules everyone had been using since start of session.

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