Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Campaign roundup: Alexi’s $3 million; Duckworth’s $5 million; ILGOP complains about tightening controls on utilities; Davis challenger stretches truth; Casten hit on CRT
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Campaign roundup: Alexi’s $3 million; Duckworth’s $5 million; ILGOP complains about tightening controls on utilities; Davis challenger stretches truth; Casten hit on CRT

Friday, Jul 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscribers about this earlier today. Alexi Giannoulias will report having $3 million in his campaign account at the end of the second quarter. Fundraising email…

Dear Friends,

During the past six months, we’ve been working hard so we have the resources and support that our campaign needs to win the Illinois Secretary of State race in 2022.

We recently exceeded our quarterly fundraising goal, having received an overwhelming number of contributions to bring our campaign fund total to more than $3 million cash on hand by the June 30 deadline.

I can’t thank you enough for your help!

Your response shows that we have amassed a broad-based coalition that continues to grow momentum and gain support each day from all parts of the State.

In the end, Illinoisans want solutions-driven leadership that brings people together, restores trust in government and delivers results for hard-working families that I promise to deliver.

He also has a new campaign video

* Politico

Sen. Tammy Duckworth’s re-election campaign reports $5 million cash on hand after raising $2.37 million in the second quarter of 2021. “Almost all, 97 percent, of the more than 43,000 contributions received over the quarter were under $100,” the campaign said in a statement. The average individual contribution was under $40, according to Illinois Democrat’s camp.

* The ILGOP criticizes Democrats’ attempts to “tighten controls on utilities” in a fundraising email. Utilities don’t produce power…


Springfield Democrats are currently attempting to enact a number of SUBSTANDARD energy policies. Led by Governor Pritzker, IL Democrats want to tighten controls on utilities and close several major coal-fired power plants in the state.

This is unacceptable, and Illinois Republicans are fighting back.

Will you join us?
Protect Illinois Jobs

Democrats want to turn Illinois from an exporter of energy to an exporter of jobs. They would rather import dirtier power from less efficient plants in other states than fund the energy plants in their own districts.

Just two of the power plants suggested for total shutdown by Pritzker would cost Illinoisans over 2,000 jobs. As you know, Democrats control every level of Illinois state government, and they have all but shut out the GOP from having any part in this new energy legislation.

Our current power grid is among the most RELIABLE in the country and keeps us PROTECTED from brownouts and blackouts. To shut these down is to shut down the entire state of Illinois.

Pitch in now to stand up to Governor Pritzker and his awful energy proposals:

* US Rep. Danny Davis’ primary challenger Kina Collins…

Hey Rich, I wanted to reach out to give you an urgent update from the finance team.

If you didn’t see Kina’s message yesterday, here’s what’s going on: a new establishment super PAC has been formed just to protect Danny Davis from our campaign and the movement we’re building together.

But like Kina told me, “My opponent can depend on corporate money, we’re busy building people power.” That’s why I’m reaching out to our grassroots supporters and asking: can you chip in whatever you can to help our movement beat this PAC?

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that the super PAC wasn’t formed specifically to help out Davis, but whatevs.


Hey there,

Illinois Democrat Sean Casten is doubling down on his defense of critical race theory and arguing that it is “unpatriotic” to oppose an ideology that teaches young children that “whiteness” is the devil.

NRCC Comment: “Every vulnerable House Democrat should be as candid as Sean Casten when it comes to their views on critical race theory.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Berg

Hilarious. Click here to hear what he actually said.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 9, 21 @ 12:26 pm:

    The Alexi ad, while flashing, almost too quickly, almost, from one person to the next… it’s a generic rehabilitation of Alexi, someone who has been missing for years, who’s bank in the end was questionable to choices, has seedy figured in his past, and a record to answer for in Bright Start… who lost his last statewide race, was not picked by President Obama to come with him to Washington…

    … and is currently the only Dem candidate running statewide… like a statewide candidate… and building and building daily.

    The ad is a Gentleman’s C

    The rehabilitation continues.

  2. - Jocko - Friday, Jul 9, 21 @ 1:41 pm:

    Alexi is like a job applicant that has a ten year gap on his resume. How does he explain this?

  3. - The Captain - Friday, Jul 9, 21 @ 2:11 pm:

    Well Jocko, not everyone’s political career needs to be as a full-time, career politician. Some people can function in the real-world too and then re-enter public life when they see an opportunity to do some good.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 9, 21 @ 2:12 pm:


    Alexi is an opportunist, that’s true…

  5. - Senator Clay Davis - Friday, Jul 9, 21 @ 2:25 pm:

    Illinois Republicans, clearly taking their CAPITALIZATION cues from Dear Leader. Be Best, guys.

    I wonder how RELIABLE and PROTECTED those nuclear jobs would be without the SUBSTANDARD Pritzker proposal.

  6. - HonestAbeLives - Friday, Jul 9, 21 @ 2:40 pm:

    No amount of money will help Alexi rehabilitate himself enough to win elected office in Illinois again. Even if he somehow wins the Democratic primary, he will just hand over that office to the Republicans in the general election.

  7. - Jocko - Friday, Jul 9, 21 @ 2:56 pm:

    ==Some people can function in the real-world too==

    Fine. Then have a co-worker (or client) from BNY Mellon or Annoula Ventures say something…not a bunch of pols from the far south side.

  8. - low level - Friday, Jul 9, 21 @ 3:23 pm:

    Agree with OW about the lightening fast switch from person to person.

    It makes it feel as if the support these people are expressing is shallow. Whether it is or not I don’t know but that’s the feeling I get.

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