Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - “A purely honorary role” *** Spinning ahead of today’s FEC hearing
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*** UPDATED x2 - “A purely honorary role” *** Spinning ahead of today’s FEC hearing

Thursday, Jul 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. Here’s Rachel Hinton

The newly minted chair of the Democratic Party of Illinois won’t be able to personally raise money for state races or have a hand in picking members of a committee tasked with doing so, if members of the Federal Election Commission uphold language in a draft opinion they’re expected to discuss Thursday. […]

Carol Ronen, a former state legislator and member of the Democratic state central committee who supported Kelly in her bid to lead the party, viewed the draft opinion as a win for the congresswoman and said party members should be “pleased.”

Democrats knew when they selected Kelly there’d be “some parameters about her not being able to raise state money” and they proposed a solution that the election commission looks poised to accept, said Ronen, who represents the North Side and north suburban 9th Congressional District for the party.

But Cook County Clerk Karen Yarbrough, who supported a rival candidate for chair in her party role representing the city and west suburban 7th Congressional District, said the draft opinion is “what I anticipated.” […]

“I guess we’ve got some decisions to make,” said Yarbrough, who supported Ald. Michelle Harris (8th) over Kelly in the party leadership battle. […]

Kelly supporter Bill Houlihan, who represents the party in the 18th Congressional District in central Illinois, said under Madigan the party’s coffers were largely used to ensure a Democratic majority in the Illinois House. Now, the funds will be used for much more.

Um, Bill. Madigan raised all the money that was used to fund House campaigns. It’s not like DPI is gonna suddenly have all this cash laying around that wouldn’t have been collected by the party without MJM. C’mon. You know this, man.

*** UPDATE 1 *** DPI press release…

In an overwhelming 5 – 1 vote, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) today confirmed Democratic Party of Illinois (DPI) Chairwoman Robin Kelly’s proposed leadership structure for the state party. At a meeting today, the FEC approved Kelly’s intent to establish a special committee to administer its state fundraising account. The FEC’s decision was in response to Kelly proactively requesting for its input to ensure compliance with state and federal campaign finance laws as DPI works to include more leadership and voices in the state party. See the FEC draft advisory opinion adopted here.

In an April letter requesting the FEC opinion, DPI presented the option of a special committee to administer DPI’s state fundraising account as a new governance structure under Kelly’s leadership.

“Today’s FEC advisory opinion affirms my vision for a new Democratic Party of Illinois that encourages more voices to be involved in all aspects of the party,” Kelly said. “As the first woman and first woman of color elected to chair DPI, I believe that a broader coalition of perspectives can only strengthen our party and help us elect more Democrats up and down the ballot.”

Based on the FEC’s decision, DPI will now establish a governance structure, the Building Leadership, Unity, and Equity (BLUE) Illinois Fundraising Committee, to ensure compliance with all state and federal campaign finance laws. The special committee will have complete responsibility for the state account’s operations and activities, including the state account’s fundraising and spending.

“DPI’s new fundraising structure is the way forward as we grow and expand the Democratic Party throughout Illinois,” Tim Drea, president of the Illinois AFL-CIO, said. “I’m looking forward to engaging more people across the state as we continue to prioritize and support our working families.”

“It’s a new day for the Democratic Party of Illinois and this new structure meets the moment,” House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch said. “Our political apparatus needs to be far more inclusive. I’m excited to get to work with a broader coalition of Democrats.”

Kelly is not the first federal office holder to chair a state party. The Democratic Party of Georgia is currently chaired by Congresswoman Nikema Williams and until recently the Republican Party of Colorado was chaired by Congressman Ken Buck. However, the FEC has not previously issued guidance on how a federal office holder can lead a state or local political party and ensure compliance with federal campaign finance laws and regulations.

“I see this new structure greatly benefiting candidates who may not have been the focus of fundraising efforts before,” Senate President Don Harmon said. “I applaud Chairwoman Kelly for establishing a structure that invites more voices, more diversity and ultimately even more successes.”

Consistent with its existing DPI bylaws, the special committee will be included in a reform package shared with the State Central Committee in the coming days for consideration.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Tribune

Federal Elections Commissioner James “Trey” Trainor, a Republican from Texas, voted in favor of the ruling but also contended federal campaign finance law has a chilling effect on allowing federal officeholders to serve in state partisan roles.

“Essentially, what we’re doing in this advisory opinion is turning the party chairmanship in Illinois, into a purely honorary role, without the power to direct a very large portion of the activities that the Democratic Party of Illinois engages in,” Trainor said.

He ain’t wrong.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 6:20 am:

    === The newly minted chair of the Democratic Party of Illinois ===

    Robin Kelly is not the DPI chair. Not yet at least.

    That’s the whole point of this exercise.

    It’s embarrassing, sad, and was avoidable… but… Durbin wanted the party.

    If this works, Kelly becomes the LTJG Sam Weinberg, USN of *all* state party chairs… she’ll have no responsibilities there, whatsoever.

    Who would want to be embarrassingly inept… by a wanted choice to be so?

    Kelly shoulda cut her losses… but… here she sits… like Sam Weinberg… and hoping that being inept, and unable to fulfill the duties… Kelly gets a title.

    That’s fun.

  2. - Wow - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 8:06 am:

    Chaos.. ineffective..

  3. - Harriet - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 8:16 am:

    It’s great to see the Illinois Democratic party so strong and united. The Democratic party will certainly succeed no matter what a few naysayers (who can’t move past the last election) agitate about. I hope the few holdouts will get behind Chairman Kelly as she creates a very diverse leadership team.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 8:24 am:

    ===Chairman Kelly===

    1) Kelly is not the Chair. If Kelly was, there would be no need for these rulings

    2) The Durbin-Pritzker thingy isn’t about unity or no unity, it’s about power, or Kelly abdicating all power for a paper tiger title. Dems are united by these circumstances of Trump, not by rallying around Kelly

    3) Kelly is abdicating power, not creating any sort of team… how do I know… as part of this compromise, to keep a title… it’s the path Kelly sees to try to have a title.

  5. - don the legend - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 8:35 am:

    Carol Ronen is the leader in the clubhouse in the Contortionist of the Year contest.

  6. - Joe Bidenopolous - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 8:42 am:

    It’s kind of hilarious to me that Durbin needed Kelly as DPI chair as a power play, considering the entire lack of power the party will have in state races moving forward. And what, DPI is going to be a powerhouse Federal funds repository now? HA

  7. - Shield - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 8:56 am:

    ==Um, Bill. Madigan raised all the money that was used to fund House campaigns. It’s not like DPI is gonna suddenly have all this cash laying around that wouldn’t have been collected by the party without MJM. C’mon. You know this, man.==

    He also knows the average political reporter doesn’t.

  8. - SpiDem - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 8:59 am:

    Willy, I understand what you are trying to do, but lets at least be factual. Kelly is the duly elected Chair of DPI, for good or ill. In my opinion, its been a disastrous decision, and the party is currently handicapped as a direct result of her serving as the Chair. Right or wrong, effective or not effective, that’s just a fact.

    She will continue to be the Chair until she resigns, is removed, or reaches the end of her term.

  9. - thisjustinagain - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 9:04 am:

    That the DPI continues to insist on Kelly despite the obvious issues with such a setup is just odd. Why create the drama when it’s not needed? Not like the Dems are gonna lose their grip on Illinois anytime soon, so pick an unencumbered chair and be done with. It’s not a slap against Kelly, it’s avoiding the headaches they’ll find themselves in if the FEC allows it.

  10. - Svengali - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 9:29 am:

    Reporters are like mushrooms. Kelly is doing a great job feeding them cr-p while they choose to remain in the dark.

  11. - FIREDup!! - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 9:29 am:

    I’m a HouliFAN, but this never ending war with the Governor is not only unproductive, it’s a waste of time. Just stop. Find a party chair who can carry out all the duties of the position, especially the most important one. This is a no-brainer.

  12. - Moe Berg - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 9:39 am:

    This post has caused me to take a moment to thank the blog’s proprietor.

    CapFax is an invaluable resource.

    It would be sad if we were forced to rely exclusively on major media outlets for Illinois political news and analysis because it is generally so superficial, lacking insight and easily manipulated.

    Rich Miller is the only one who takes the time, daily, to debunk the spin and provide essential context on stories.

  13. - Frumpy White Guy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 9:57 am:

    Maybe pick a new party chair that can do the job? Whatcha think?

  14. - High Socks - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 10:05 am:

    Why on earth would labor, trial lawyers, or any other interest put their five and six-figure donations into this chaotic structure?

  15. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 10:15 am:

    ===I understand what you are trying to do, but lets at least be fact===

    Is Kelly listed on any FEC paperwork as Chair?

    C’mon. Be honest.

    === Right or wrong, effective or not effective, that’s just a fact.===

    Then they should list Kelly, today, without ANY hearing as Chair.

    Why won’t they? Be honest.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 10:17 am:

    By any measure of honesty to the FEC, Kelly is not Chair of DPI.

    If Kelly was, there would be no need for any hearing

  17. - facts matter - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 10:29 am:

    The FEC opinion means DPI will create a special committee to administer the non-federal account. The members of this special committee will have complete and total control of how to raise and spend any state-related funds. They will dictate if the money goes to the legislative caucuses, county chairs, judicial races, etc. How Kelly structures the membership of this committee will be incredibly important and telling about the purpose of this new and improved DPI.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 10:32 am:

    === The FEC opinion===

    Ya started out.. with a non-fact, lol

  19. - Frank talks - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 10:36 am:

    So while there may be no formal paperwork in terms of filings with Kelly as Chair, the DPI website has her listed as Chair under party leadership.
    No designations of separate finance committee or designation of no soft contributions etc just that she’s Chair.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 10:37 am:

    Ok, ok… let’s break this down;

    === The FEC opinion===

    It’s not an opinion, it’s a plan I’m hopes this will be approved by the FEC

    ===DPI will create a special committee to administer the non-federal account. The members of this special committee will have complete and total control of how to raise and spend any state-related funds.===

    Factually, Kelly is cutting herself out, no power, no part of process, I mean, might as well pick a random person off the street to be chair kind of firewall. Kelly is irrelevant.

    ===They will dictate if the money goes to the legislative caucuses, county chairs, judicial races, etc.===

    Kelly, again, very specifically here… irrelevant, non-consequential, and no more important than a random person off the street with the title.

    This is Kelly being a Chair

    In facts mattering, an actual chair *you sit in* has as much authority as Kelly.

  21. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 10:37 am:

    ===DPI website has her listed as Chair===

    Because she’s the duly elected chair. But she will have much less power now.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 10:39 am:

    === So while there may be no formal paperwork in terms of filings with Kelly as Chair, the DPI website has her listed as Chair under party leadership.===

    No different than Phillip Green at the Tangiers?

  23. - facts matter - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 10:45 am:

    = === The FEC opinion===

    Ya started out.. with a non-fact, lol ==

    Willy, they approved the opinion this morning. Keep up, man.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 11:30 am:

    So I see it passed… 5-1

    To the updates…

    === “Today’s FEC advisory opinion affirms my vision for a new Democratic Party of Illinois…===

    … as an irrelevant chair, not unlike a barstool, booster seat, or patio rocker… and I’m crowing about it”

    How does one take a victory lap after losing any and all sense of relevance to what *was* the job, to what they will actually be?

    I’m embarrassed for Kelly… DPI after Madigan is more embarrassing by the odd way they think this is better.

    Welp. Have at it.

  25. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 11:30 am:

    Madigan had all of the power and didn’t want to use it, except for state house races. Kelly wants to use the power of the party more broadly but can’t by law.

    Can’t anybody play this game? Self-inflicted injuries continue with no end in sight. This is pathetic.

  26. - Amalia - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 11:46 am:

    wow. so much angst over a shared power structure. after having one guy rule for so long, which ignored essential elements of the party’s outreach to preserve and enhance power via growth, especially at the local level, you’d think people would recognize that this multi layered structure could actually be much better. I don’t care if she calls herself prom queen, her leadership and style is quite welcome as she is fantastic. good on Durbin (who has helped for YEARS where Madigan did not…see County organization especially) and Ronen and especially Robin Kelly.

  27. - Southern Skeptic - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 11:47 am:

    For the pro-Kelly forces to spin this as a win is pure silliness. It’s not. It’s exactly what the Pritzker team warned was going to happen. You have a chair in name only who is completely incapable of doing the job of a Chair. How is this better than the Madigan-run DPI? It’s still not a state party doing what a state party needs to do.

    This whole thing is utterly stupid. Whether because of Kelly’s ego or the anti-JB shenanigans, it doesn’t really matter. Bottom line is we need a real party and won’t have one under Faux-chair Kelly. It’s a shame.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 11:51 am:

    === you’d think people would recognize that this multi layered structure could actually be much better. ===

    The issue is… the Chair now… has as much power in many instances as an actual sitting chair you’d find around a table.

    It’s embarrassing too… I think I recall Kelly was touted as being able to lead “no problem”

    If being stripped of power and being irrelevant in areas as “no problem”…

  29. - Shield - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 11:54 am:

    Re: Ken Buck and Colorado

    This is highly misleading by Kelly and her team because Colorado state campaign finance law has much lower limits and is much stricter than federal campaign finance law. Thus, there is/was little issue (other than certain business entities) about donations to the state party.

  30. - So_Ill - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 11:55 am:

    ==It’s embarrassing too… I think I recall Kelly was touted as being able to lead “no problem”==

    Aren’t you a republican? I can’t imagine many voters care what Oswego Willy from CapFax thinks about the DPI chair.

  31. - DuPage Dem - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 11:56 am:

    Kelly has put in place a structure that means anything and everything she says and does will be analyzed to see if she is trying to direct resources and decisions she is not supposed to have any part in. And everyone associated with it including candidates will also be under similar scrutiny. This will usher in law suits and press coverage that go against everything the Party is supposed to be - an organization that helps elect Democrats by allowing coordination across state and federal races.

    Suggesting that a “multi layered structure” is “better” is naive. This is about winning races for Democrats in the most efficient and least harmful way possible and this fails on every possible level.

  32. - Leap Day William - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 12:01 pm:

    I’ve been reading about this on CapFax for a while now and I still don’t fully understand what is going on. Usually I can follow the weirdness of Illinois politics, but I’m at a loss with this particular issue.

    Can someone explain it to me like I’m a ten-year-old?

  33. - OnThisQuestion - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 12:04 pm:

    ==== Why on earth would labor, trial lawyers, or any other interest put their five and six-figure donations into this chaotic structure? ====

    Can you say this louder for the people in the back?

  34. - Hyperbolic Chamber - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 12:05 pm:

    == Why on earth would labor, trial lawyers, or any other interest put their five and six-figure donations into this chaotic structure? ==

    Because there will be a structure and the decisions will be directed by people who will be aware of where the money is needed.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 12:07 pm:

    ==== Why on earth would labor, trial lawyers, or any other interest put their five and six-figure donations into this chaotic structure? ====

    Seems like the chamber leaders makes most sense, have Welch and Harmon use the mail indicia… and “that’s that”

    They could consult Kelly…


  36. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 12:11 pm:

    - So_Ill -

    If all that’s true, and I’m not sayin’ it isn’t… why should it bother you, LOL

    Still… it’s overwhelmingly embarrassing… Kelly was touted as being able to lead “no problem”… now merely a smidge better than any poor soul you find on the street, and that poor soul would have more alleged power… the power Kelly relinquished.

    I’m embarrassed for *her*

    As a Republican, not a Trumpkin or Raunerite… it’s fun to see Durbin mess this up so badly.

  37. - Hyperbolic Chamber - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 12:16 pm:

    Here’s a different question: how much of a restriction does the FEC put on Kelly’s ability to spend federal (”hard”) money? Is she prohibited from transferring hard money to the state (”soft”) money account? MJM transferred $1m in hard money to the state account before he left. Can Kelly do the same under these restrictions? If so, she can direct all individual contributions to the hard money account. It won’t be Madigan money, but it won’t be insignificant.

  38. - Hyperbolic Chamber - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 12:27 pm:

    And one thing that we here on the CF Blog seem to readily lose sight of is the fact there is more to politics than state politics. Political parties typically play more of a role than electing people to (one chamber of) the state legislature which is, basically, all DPI has done for the past 20 years. Party building activities like ongoing voter registration, and general GOTV efforts run by the state party are commonplace elsewhere. Kelly will be able to focus on that.

    Whatever happens over the next year at DPI, there is going to be a hell of a lot more attention paid than ever before to the State Central Committee elections…

  39. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 12:33 pm:

    - Hyperbolic Chamber -

    With respect…

    === Federal Elections Commissioner James “Trey” Trainor, a Republican from Texas, voted in favor of the ruling but also contended federal campaign finance law has a chilling effect on allowing federal officeholders to serve in state partisan roles.

    “Essentially, what we’re doing in this advisory opinion is turning the party chairmanship in Illinois, into a purely honorary role, without the power to direct a very large portion of the activities that the Democratic Party of Illinois engages in,” Trainor said.===

    The DPI made their Chair… no better than honorary.

    How is that helpful… post Madigan?

  40. - Marine Life - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 12:37 pm:

    Ronen’s spin is as convincing as a 5 year old who falls on the playground, feels embarrassed and yells, I meant to do that!”

  41. - Immigrants Welcome - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 1:02 pm:

    === Party building activities like ongoing voter registration, and general GOTV efforts run by the state party are commonplace elsewhere. Kelly will be able to focus on that. ===

    How on earth will she be able to focus on those activities, which are extremely expensive and paid for with state dollars? She can’t raise or direct the use of that money, and if she starts participating in registration and GOTV activities that use state dollars, here come the quite justified lawsuits.

    Even as a figurehead, she wouldn’t even be able to speak at rallies or events that the Party funds or hosts or that are staffed by those paid from state funds. It seems pretty clear that even what we think of as traditional “figurehead” activity is stunningly problematic.

  42. - Hyperbolic Chamber - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 1:57 pm:

    Willy - I appreciate the prefatory respect, but my point is there are other things that the party can do besides helping elect House Democrats. As you point out, Commissioner Trainor said Kelly will be, indisputably, a figurehead over a “very large portion of (DPI’s) activities”. However, “very large” does not equal “all”, would you agree? “Very large” MAY not even be a majority of its **potential** activities.

    My point is, DPI has been nearly singularly focused on doing one thing for 20+ years: electing Dems to the IL House. Is the FEC decision ideal for DPI? Certainly not. Is the role of chair diminished as it relates to state politics with Kelly holding the post? Absolutely. The degree to how good or bad for the party it is, ultimately, remains to be seen.

  43. - Hyperbolic Chamber - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 2:15 pm:

    Immigrants Welcome - 1) How many DPI rallies did Mike Madigan speak at? I suspect the next one will be the first one in some time. 2) Federal law allows for state and federal poliltical activities to occur in the same forum if the cost is apportioned appropriately among hard and soft money.

  44. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 2:19 pm:

    ===However, “very large” does not equal “all”, would you agree?===

    Lemme guess. You’re a lawyer?

  45. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 2:22 pm:

    === However, “very large” does not equal “all”, would you agree?===

    How about “vast majority”?

    You’re advocating for a chair that can’t do vast majority of the needed work?

    I dunno if that’s a winning argument, lol

  46. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 2:27 pm:

    === 1) How many DPI rallies did Mike Madigan speak at?===

    Like Tom Cross learned golfing on Election Day, if you’re about the rah-rah cheerleading instead of the work, what exactly is it that you do there?

    ===2) Federal law allows for state and federal poliltical activities to occur in the same forum if the cost is apportioned appropriately among hard and soft money.===

    My hope is someone calls DPI on an event you describe that can be seen in violation. The comedy alone to defending it, even winning…

    “Kelly is a mere figurehead, she has no role”

    … I mean, how many times does Kelly need to be reminded… you got played?

    === Is the FEC decision ideal for DPI? Certainly not. Is the role of chair diminished as it relates to state politics with Kelly holding the post? Absolutely. The degree to how good or bad for the party it is, ultimately, remains to be seen.===

    Again… you see this as a “net positive”?

    It’s positively not great… that’s for sure.

  47. - Immigrants Welcome - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 2:37 pm:

    Hyperbolic - the whole point is that every example of a party-building activity can run afoul of campaign finance. And I thought she wanted to be a different kind of chair than the speaker

  48. - The Real Downstate - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 4:10 pm:

    I too don’t think this will be considered a huge setback in the minds of Kelly or those on the central committee who voted for her. They wanted to replace MJM with someone who would have less unilateral control and that’s what they got. It could very well be that they’ve got more than they’ve bargained for, but this ruling will force DPI to beef up fundraising staff and make sure that central committee members are actively soliciting contributions, not just acting as MJM yes men. I think it’s decently easy to spin this as a positive. Cry all you want about Kelly not being a real chair. That might matter to those on this blog but not to many others. And I don’t see fundraising taking a significant dip as a direct result of this ruling. As a result of MJM being gone? Sure. As a result of this ruling? No.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 4:44 pm:

    === And I don’t see fundraising taking a significant dip as a direct result of this ruling.===

    We’ll see.

    It’s is also a big setback when the “agreed to” premise… in the end… is an honorary role.

    It was not sold… as such.

    It’s embarrassing… let’s see those fundraising dollars… unions, what say you?

  50. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 4:51 pm:

    To this alone…

    ===That might matter to those on this blog but not to many others===

    This a hope that folks will gut get how embarrassing it has been, and how real little power Kelly has.

    No one is crying, unless you count crying/laughing.

  51. - The Real Downstate - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 4:56 pm:

    Idk, as a Kelly supporter myself I don’t see it as a set back or an embarrassment. Reform-minded members of the central committee and the Dem Party of IL in general wanted to move away from someone like MJM and towards something new. This is certainly new. It spreads out fundraising and operations amount several staffers and committee members. It makes it so that the Chair isn’t all-powerful. I think this structure, after years of MJM, is worth trying out. At the very least, as someone downstate, I’m just happy that the candidate of Cullerton, MJM, and JB wasn’t elected Chair.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 5:01 pm:

    === as a Kelly supporter myself I don’t see it as a set back or an embarrassment. Reform-minded members of the central committee and the Dem Party of IL in general wanted to move away from someone like MJM and towards something new.===

    lol, oh, it’s new. So new, the chair is honorary for all practical purposes abd a fear of being caught up in some ridiculous money mistake is all to real. Good times.

    === I’m just happy that the candidate of Cullerton, MJM, and JB wasn’t elected Chair.===

    This is the “cut off your nose to spite your face” defense?

    Welp. It’s entertaining. That’s not usually good.

  53. - Amalia - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 5:18 pm:

    as an upstater, I must say that The Real Downstate has it spot on.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 5:24 pm:

    === has it spot on.===

    How so?

    It only works if…

    === I’m just happy that the candidate of Cullerton, MJM, and JB wasn’t elected Chair.===

    The rest? You now have an honorary chair, no better in office than a folding, director, or lawn type of chair… not as it was sold when the vote was taken… and the embarrassing part is asking the FEC to agree to it.

  55. - The Real Downstate - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 5:33 pm:

    OW, your whole argument here is that honorably chair = bad. I’m saying that even if Kelly is a figurehead, it’s not necessarily true that it’ll be bad for the party. You can disagree, but we won’t know for sure for a while.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 5:41 pm:

    === if Kelly is a figurehead===

    It’s not an if.

    In politics….

    Who looks at a job they are going to take and then learn that to take this job they need to relinquish a good portion, a majority of the power to be a figurehead, and not be anything as the role is designed?

    If you think anything after that is a positive, that’s not remotely honest to how this went down, and why it’s embarrassing for Kelly and especially for Durbin.

    Cutting your nose off to save your face to feel better about how bad this is… that’s not looking on a bright side.

    It’s fun seeing the other party have blinded folks to reality for a change.

  57. - The Real Downstate - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 6:10 pm:

    I like the people who will be in charge of decision making. Ergo, I’m fine with the figurehead.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 6:12 pm:

    === I like the people who will be in charge of decision making. Ergo, I’m fine with the figurehead.===

    Then… why have Kelly in there at all… you’re actually embarrassing her more by saying that… dismissing her.


  59. - The Real Downstate - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 6:20 pm:

    I think a Chair Kelly with full authorization to do anything she’d like would be an outstanding leader for the party. I also think that despite the limitations imposed on her, she’ll do a great job as chair. Part of my reason for thinking this is because of the people she has surrounded herself with and made allies of. How is that dismissing her? Rather, I’m accepting the reality of the situation instead of just complaining about it.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 6:29 pm:

    === How is that dismissing her?===


    === I like the people who will be in charge of decision making. Ergo, I’m fine with the figurehead.===

    That’s dismissing her. You care about the other, ergo, you dismiss her in the position.

    === Rather, I’m accepting the reality of the situation instead of just complaining about it.===

    Being sold a bill of goods, like Kelly, then eating it because you didn’t want JB or others choice in “ charge” while Kelly is *not* in charge isn’t a rallying cry.

    Keep in mind…

    ===I think a Chair Kelly with full authorization to do anything she’d like would be an outstanding leader for the party.===

    This ain’t real.

    It’ll be fun to watch. Labor would be wise to give to Welch and Harmon direct, just in case. Pritzker will leave the state party to its own devices, why prop it up, just run another organization like four years ago, he has the money to do it.

    This will teach somebody something I’m sure.

  61. - The Real Downstate - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 7:05 pm:

    Accepting the reality of an FEC ruling and being optimistic about the future of the party regardless of said ruling because of the views of the Chair’s allies and staff is… dismissing her. Yeah ok. Like I said, I’m not going to sit and complain about the ruling or the reality of the situation. I like Carbonargi. I like Castro. I like Witt. If you believe thinking these things is dismissing Kelly…idk what to tell you. Wake up to the reality of the situation. Kelly either needs to resign, or give more authority to her fellow committeemembers and staff. Sounds like she has chosen the later and I’m looking forward to what the party will do under their leadership. Like we’ve both said, time will tell. I’ve chosen to be optimistic.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 15, 21 @ 7:14 pm:

    === Wake up to the reality of the situation.===

    When others tell you to wake up, they are sleeping on the truth they won’t accept.

    Being optimistic is about all that’s left.

    Where this started, where it is now is far away from what was suppose to be… and worse… exactly what was warned could be.

    It’s blind faith, and politics isn’t religion.

    If this is the best Durbin could do the wrest power… yikes.

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