Harmon on carbon since June 1
Tuesday, Aug 3, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* June 1…
Senate President Don Harmon issued the following statement regarding positive steps in ongoing energy policy negotiations.
“I’m informed that an agreement has been reached between the governor and Exelon on a proposal that would save jobs, which has been our goal all along. That’s why we support the governor in these talks.
We also stand with the governor on de-carbonization targets that need to be in a final deal.
The Senate remained in session with the hope of voting on an agreement today. We stand ready to return to the Capitol when the governor’s plan is ready for action.”
* June 8…
The Illinois Senate will return to session on Tuesday, June 15 for the purpose of voting on clean energy legislation that Gov. JB Pritzker negotiated to set Illinois on a path to a nation-leading renewable energy plan.
“This is a landmark clean energy plan that both protects thousands of jobs and moves Illinois responsibly toward the future,” said Illinois Senate President Don Harmon.
It is expected that the Senate session will be one day only.
* Senate President Harmon after the energy bill wasn’t called for a vote on June 15…
We have a much much better chance of passing a major bill when we have three ingredients: When we have the support of environmental activists; when we have the support of organized labor; and when we have the support of Democrats and Republicans.
We are this close to reaching that agreement, and I am confident that we will get that done.
There are still some points of contention between two critical constituencies, between labor and the environmental activists. I believe they’re going to be continuing to meet as early as this evening to try to work out those differences and the Senate stands ready, willing and able to return as soon as an agreement is reached. […]
The caucus made it very clear to all of us that we don’t want to vote for something that puts us in the middle of a fight between friends, between key constituencies, between organized labor and the environmental community. There is a deal to be reached, and we just need to get them back at the table and push a little bit harder. I’m confident we’re going to be able to do tha. […]
I am confident that the bill as proposed would not have passed today.
* Harmon yesterday…
We were disappointed to learn the parties involved could not come back to the General Assembly and governor with an agreed path forward on a clean energy future for Illinois.
The Illinois Senate remains committed to enacting an aggressive, nation-leading energy plan that is renewable, reliable and affordable for the people of our state.
We are encouraged by recent news out of DC that federal leaders may reach a bipartisan agreement on providing billions worth of federal assistance to clean energy resources, which would be a major win for Illinois. We look forward to the outcome of those discussions.
Moving forward here, the Senate intends to keep discussions going with stakeholders in an effort to produce legislation that can get at least 36 votes in the Senate and 71 in the House in order to take effect in the immediate future. Our goal is to protect jobs and promote a clean energy future, because we can and should do both.
* Harmon’s Senate President Pro Tempore…
State Sen. Bill Cunningham, who’s been working behind the scenes on the legislation, said the stalled talks were “disappointing, but we certainly don’t think this is the end of things.”
In an interview with Playbook, he said: “We’ll work to put together a comprehensive energy bill and are confident that we can have legislation that environmentalists and organized labor will be pleased with. Neither side will be 100 percent pleased but rarely is any party 100 percent pleased with any legislation.” […]
“There will be a decarbonization goal one way or another,” Cunningham said. “The question is how aggressive will that goal be.”
- Ok - Tuesday, Aug 3, 21 @ 10:04 am:
Shorter Harmon: we need to address climate change, so long as we don’t actually do any of the things that address climate change.
- Ok - Tuesday, Aug 3, 21 @ 10:19 am:
Also, Harmon Carbon sounds like a fancy line of bookshelf speakers.
- Wow - Tuesday, Aug 3, 21 @ 10:22 am:
- Shield - Tuesday, Aug 3, 21 @ 10:34 am:
This is the Jerome Bettis fumble by Don Harmon, but the QB ain’t running down the field to save the day.
- confused - Tuesday, Aug 3, 21 @ 10:36 am:
Not sure I follow the point of this post.
- Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Aug 3, 21 @ 11:50 am:
The Democratic caucus of the Senate should strongly consider replacing Senator Harmon as the Senate President.
===“The question is how aggressive will that goal be.”===
We’re talking about the possible extinction of our species and at this point I think Gaia has made her position of [redacted] around and find out pretty clear.
- Shytown - Tuesday, Aug 3, 21 @ 3:47 pm:
Wow. That’s some spin from the president’s team. I hope they realize that no one is buying it.
Maybe they should be reading more stories like this one from the Washington Post: “Scientists expected thawing wetlands in Siberia’s permafrost. What they found is ‘much more dangerous.’”