Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » AFSCME can be part of the solution, but it’s now part of the problem
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AFSCME can be part of the solution, but it’s now part of the problem

Monday, Aug 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

When Gov. J.B. Pritzker recently announced that state employees who work in congregate facilities would have to be vaccinated by Oct. 4, the largest state employee union, AFSCME, released a statement chiding the governor.

“We strongly oppose any effort to define them as part of the problem,” the powerful union claimed on behalf of those workers.

But Pritzker also said that about 80% of new COVID-19 cases in those congregate facilities “have been due to infection among employees.”

“Our most vulnerable residents, such as veterans who can’t live on their own, and adults living with developmental disabilities have no choice but to live amongst these workers,” Pritzker said. “It’s a breach of safety, it’s fundamentally wrong and, in Illinois, it’s going to stop.”

Aside from the danger posed to residents or inmates, outbreaks can also result in potentially exposed unvaccinated workers getting very sick or worse; or being sent home for several days to make sure they haven’t contracted the virus. Most every state facility is under-staffed, so outbreaks have the potential to crush the system, particularly with the highly virulent delta variant spreading like wildfire.

By far, the least vaccinated state agency is the Illinois Department of Corrections, which is infamous for being chronically under-staffed for decades.

Of IDOC’s 34 facilities, only seven had a staff vaccination rate above 50% by late July, which is still too low.

Two IDOC facilities had staff vaccination rates in the single digits: an abysmal 7% at Lawrence Correctional Center and 9% at Vienna Correctional Center. Vandalia CC was not much better at a mere 10%. Pontiac CC was at 14%, Robinson CC was at 18% and Graham CC and its reception and classification center were at 21%, as was Shawnee CC. Six prisons had staff vax percentage rates in the 20s, ten were in the 30s, five were in the 40s, three were in the 50s and just four were in the 60s.

Taken as a whole, 44% of IDOC staff were fully vaccinated at that point in time. Just 45% of the state’s Development Center staff at the Department of Human Services are vaccinated. At the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, 64% of veterans’ home employees are vaccinated, but just 50% at the Anna Home are vaxed and 58% are vaxed at the Manteno facility.

By comparison, as of Aug. 5, 61% of all Illinois adults were fully vaccinated.

“The government has resorted to ‘vaccine shaming’ its public safety employees rather than convincing them that getting an immunization is the best course of action,” said Terry Trueblood, president of the Fraternal Order of Police Illinois Secretary of State Lodge 95, after Secretary of State Jesse White announced that employees must either be vaccinated or tested every two weeks.

But, according to the state, about 70% of prison inmates who are in or who have moved through the system have been fully vaccinated. Eight-two percent of all patients and residents in Department of Human Services facilities are vaccinated. Between 96 and 100 percent of Department of Veterans’ Affairs home residents are vaccinated, depending on the facility. And 62% of young people currently in the Department of Juvenile Justice system have been vaccinated.

It’s time the state stopped waiting on front-line workers to come to their senses while drawing a government paycheck. Too many of AFSCME’s members are not part of the solution, they’re “part of the problem.”

And the FOP can complain about “vaccine shaming” all it wants, but logic and reasoning haven’t worked nearly enough. Not even money has worked. The state rolled out a special cash-and-prizes lottery program just for workers in those four agencies to try to increase vaccination rates. On-site clinics were set up to make it more convenient for employees to get their shots. The union also admirably tried to help convince its members to vax up. The carrots didn’t work. The stick is what’s left.

Pritzker gave the workers two months to comply, likely because he wants to talk details with union leaders at the bargaining table. But AFSCME would do well to remember what the late AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said just last month when explaining why the AFL-CIO supports vaccine mandates: “You have to know what’s around you.”

AFSCME and other unions face a choice between preserving the life and health of their members or standing up for the imagined “rights” of those who would knowingly spread a fatal or debilitating disease to those around them. Something has got to change.

* Meanwhile…

* Related…

* United will require its U.S. employees to be vaccinated, a first for country’s major airlines


  1. - very old soil - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 9:24 am:

  2. - Blake - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 9:26 am:

    Enough of people’s contact with government is involuntary that if bureaucrats can’t be accountable to their constituents on vaccines, when can they?

  3. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 9:29 am:

    AFSCME is not a serious union organization.

    You can’t be when workplace safety and the health and well-being of your members is seemingly no where near where it should be for an actual functioning union.

    In actuality, AFSCME now should be mocked… “unacceptable working conditions”? Well, y’all can’t grasp mandatory vaccines are part of that too. “Better health benefited”? Yet, y’all see no benefit in mandatory vaccines for your members’ health. I can go on and on, It’d be like The Onion at this point, AFSCME is a caricature of what it says they should be.


    Before it begins I’m union bashing or whatever angst is decided upon me because AFSCME here is embarrassingly off what the mission of a union is, my hope is that ignorance towards me is re-thought and reconciled with what *exactly* I’m saying to this subject… and my history in supporting labor.

    Also, good on the AFT Prez… that’s what it looks like when union leadership fully understands what it means to take the health, safety, and well-being of members as a priority and being true to why organized labor exists

  4. - Bruce( no not him) - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 9:30 am:

    I just don’t know what to say anymore about this issue. When the health of your self and your family becomes a political issue, something has to change.

  5. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 9:34 am:

    Support a mandate of some sort, such as either getting vaccinated or testing frequently. There is no reason something like this can’t get get bargained. There is no need for a union to coddle its anti-vax elements. Until we clamp down on COVID, we will keep going through new variants, spikes, masking, etc.

  6. - Non-AFSCME State Employee - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 9:35 am:

    I’m in a different state employee union than AFSCME, but I received a vague email from mine late Friday afternoon sounding like they are not happy with the vaccine mandate at SOS either. And asking for negotiations with management.

    If they object–or worse, even threaten to go on strike–over the vaccine mandate, I will not go along with them. Will give serious consideration to going fair share too.

    AFSCME may have a point on the elimination of COVID time starting today–provided that it continues to be offered ONLY for vaccinated employees. Definitely I would like to see it eliminated for employees refusing to be vaccinated.

  7. - Jocko - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 9:36 am:

    Unions help set the standards for education, working conditions, and quality of life for workers. Standing against mandatory vaccinations runs counter to their own mission statement.

    Don’t even get me started on anti-vax parents putting their children at risk.

  8. - Non-AFSCME State Employee - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 9:42 am:

    For the record, I am in favor of mandatory vaccinations for all state employees. But go further. Be vaccinated by say, Labor Day, or get automatically discharged.

  9. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 9:43 am:

    I bet if there was some sort of financial incentive AFSCME would be cool with a mandate.

  10. - Southern Guy - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 9:56 am:

    Perhaps the Gov should have went to the bargaining table first instead of after demanding a mandate.

    As mentioned above, allow vaccinated employees to have the COVID time off if necessary. Even if DOC had 100% of their employees vaccinated, the offenders still get visits from unvaccinated, offenders go on court writs and medical furloughs as well - so unless all of the offenders are required to be vaccinated I don’t see how a deal gets done.

  11. - Non-AFSCME State Employee - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 9:59 am:

    I also wonder if some of the complaints about the vaccination mandate are coming from people that have still been working from home since Day One of the pandemic and stay-at-home orders? Working from home almost a year and a half now. Fearing that a vaccination mandate would result in them being forced back to the office every day.

  12. - Sayitaintso - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:00 am:

    One Man - oh, yeah. They made quite a deal about not taking the ‘Covid Day” away…..$ incentives….. Doing their best to reinforce the stereotyped State Worker. Outstanding comments from OW.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:00 am:

    === Perhaps the Gov should have went to the bargaining table first instead of after demanding a mandate.===

    Friend, it’s a loser in court. Mandates are winning, and those Covidiots willing to go on strike, do everyone a favor and quit. After Houston Baptist Hospital showed the way to mandatory, the rest is ignorance and not very bright to what the charge of an actual functioning union is; to be the advocate for the health, safety, and well-being of members and to collectively fight for those rights.

    You’re advocating for less than the health, safety, and well-being? That’s not… why they exist.

    ===so unless===

    Yeah. Go with that.

  14. - Norseman - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:11 am:

    Great column. AFSCME needs to seriously re-think the message they want to send.

  15. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:12 am:

    “I don’t see how this deal gets done.”

    AFSCME has long relied on support from the general public when bargainning with elected officials.

    You think they will have the general public’s support fighting a vax mandate?

  16. - Southern Guy - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:13 am:

    === you’re advocating for less than healthy, safety, and well-being?

    Nope. What I’m saying is if there needs to be mandatory vaccinations in DOC, then everyone that steps foot in these facilities needs to be vaccinated - employees, offenders, offender visitors, outside contractors, vendors.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:15 am:

    Pick a name or be ignored.

    To the post,

    Great column, Rich. It puts in sharp perspective the real lacking by AFSCME and the dangers of the unvaccinated workers in facilities.

  18. - Seats - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:16 am:

    I remain hopeful that AFSCME is simply saying what they are saying as a negotiation to get “covid time” back again for paid leave not requiring the use of sick time. They are admittedly making themselves look bad to do so, but i’m hopeful thats the stance.

    It could be the fear of losing union membership dollars from its antimask members and they will sink down in the ship. I hope that isn’t the case.

    One sentence that says it shouldnt be mandatory “without negotiations” however has me leaning towards this is all theater to get covid time back, and as long as they can get that done very quickly I think its a good compromise. Takes some of the arrows and lost union membership fees from the antimaskers to exchange to do the right thing and help the employees gain back something that arguably shouldnt have been taken away as of today.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:18 am:

    === if===

    Nope. Sorry. No.

    They are free to get new jobs, seek new careers, that’s a choice too. Mandatory vaccines, if imposed, are winning in court… and they don’t have any “ifs”

  20. - Skeptic - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:18 am:

    As an AFSCME member … ugh. Don’t blame me, I got vaxxed the second I could and support mandates for everyone, union or not.

  21. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:25 am:

    == Nope. What I’m saying is if there needs to be mandatory vaccinations in DOC, then everyone that steps foot in these facilities needs to be vaccinated - employees, offenders, offender visitors, outside contractors, vendors. ==

    Well, if someone is coming more than once or twice, that makes total sense. If your argument is the risk is the same for someone who spends an hour at the facility once a month or once vs someone who is in the facility for 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week, that would seem not to be completely logical.

    I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest that if you did that, the odds that tAFSCME would go, ok we are fine with mandatory vaccinations without any compensation are slim to none.

  22. - 618er - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:26 am:

    I get that there could be legitimate medical reasons for some to not get vaccinated, and I’m sure some think they have their own reasons based on some personal beliefs, but the silliness of this all is getting tiring on the public sector front. I like the idea of non-vaccinated employees having to get tested before, and paying for, every shift they show up for..

  23. - sal-says - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:28 am:

    Kudos for your analysis & reminders. Tho at this point it’s beyond perplexing that ‘reminders’ are still needed.

  24. - MountainDog - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:33 am:

    Union rank and file members had no say in AFSCME’s ridiculous and embarrassing statement. I can assure you the vast majority of union workers where I work support vaccine mandates, and are incredibly angry at those refusing to get a shot.

  25. - Corn Dog Days - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:34 am:

    -You think they will have the general public’s support fighting a vax mandate?-

    Anywhere downstate, absolutely. And if you support mandatory vax without requiring it for inmates, you’re more concerned about being a bully than caring about someone’s health.

  26. - DuPage Saint - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:35 am:

    Just mandate it now with some limited medical and very limited religious exemptions. Lawsuits will follow so start now
    Also I am not a Trumper but I bet most of those Union guys sure are not. Katy we stop trying to make it partisan and make it healthy vs unhealthy. I do not understand Union opposition. Thought union meant United

  27. - Give Us Barabbas - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:35 am:

    The only thing that makes sense to me about the union recalcitrance here is that they fear giving in an inch now on a mandate may give a future Rauner type governor a precedent for getting away with something nasty and unreasonable at some future point. When you hardball every negotiation for decades just to survive, it’s a hard reflex to overcome, maybe.

    Or, the union is afraid too many of the members are soft supporters and might quit membership if you push against the ones that are vaxophobes.

    I’d opine this is a moment where the union has to show voters it can be altruistic and not just defensive and reactionary.

  28. - AD - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:44 am:

    If I’m Governor Pritzker and AFSCME wants to open up negotiations, I’m looking at those 3.95% COLAs they’re getting and opening those back up for discussion.

    Not everything has to be a negotiation AFSCME, the vaccine has been around for long enough. Just do it and quit wasting time and resources. Serving the people of Illinois is a privilege not a right.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:49 am:

    === And if you support mandatory vax without requiring it for inmates, you’re more concerned about being a bully===

    Friend… a job is not a right.

    The inmates aren’t leaving, they must be getting from the outside or when found infected aren’t isolated by the prisons.

    It’s not being a bully… if a union and a member isn’t about the safety or well being of membership, any ask after is truly an embarrassment on both that “union” and that “union” member.

    “… concerned about being a bully… “, mandates are being issued, and court appeals to them are losing. Are the judges bullies too?

  30. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:52 am:

    “Anywhere downstate, absolutely”

    Problem with that “analysis” is that AFSCME needs Statewide public support.

  31. - Really? - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 10:53 am:

    Are DOC facility workers still getting an extra 12% for working during COVID?

  32. - Homebody - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:10 am:

    AFCSME’s problem is that a lot of their members in certain bargaining units, ESPECIALLY in IDOC, are staunch modern downstate conservatives. AFSCME already struggled to keep chunks of its membership happy when it battles with people like Rauner over basic concepts like “should unions exist,” despite those members benefiting from their existence.

    It is no surprise to me that they have had trouble navigating this issue. The hardest thing for unions is when some of their members wildly disagree with others.

  33. - Alice - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:34 am:

    This could be devastating for AFSCME and other unions. If they agree to mandatory vaccinations- they will anger at least 25 percent of their members or possibly higher. How many of those will feel the Union didn’t fight for them and OPT out of dues? I think it’s going to be a high number.

    On the flip side- if they don’t agree they might anger those who want the mandate and also lose members. I think they would lose more of the unvaccinated members but this is still not going to be good for any Union.

    And yes, this shouldn’t be such a divisive issue, but it is and here we are.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:37 am:

    === If they agree to mandatory vaccinations===

    If you approach this as “optional”, mandatory vaccines, you’re doing this whole thing wrong from jump street

    Yet to find an instance where mandatory Covid vaccines has failed in court.

  35. - Seats - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:37 am:

    Alice - agree. I assume they likely want the Governor to mandate it, they just arent willing to take any of the arrows from its members. If fair share was still a requirement I can’t help but wonder if they would should more spine on this issue.

  36. - Amalia - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:38 am:

    Spot on column. Union weak.

  37. - bkhartbnjo - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:40 am:

    Perhaps AFSCME should do a quick vote of paid members of the union on the mandate? I pay my Union dues and I’m in favor of a vac or test mandate.

  38. - Seats - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:40 am:

    Oswego - you are right, it is coming regardless of their stance. However they do have the ‘option’ of burying their head in the sand to not disrupt their membership money. It is a cowardly stance, but as you have said, AFSCMEs approval isnt really needed to make the mandate happen.

  39. - cermak_rd - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:40 am:


    Yes you are right they are in a squeeze internally. But externals also matter. The fact is if their opposition to vax mandate stands they will lose this liberal. I have supported unions throughout my life, went to the polls and voted against changing the IL constitution. I am already rethinking that position at least in regards to AFSCME.

  40. - Cool Papa Bell - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:43 am:

    Until everyone is vaccinated in a union spot in the state - the union should have to pay for daily shield testing for employees.

    Pass that expense on the union as a whole and see how fast everyone vaxs up.

  41. - Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:47 am:

    =The only thing that makes sense to me about the union recalcitrance here…=

    Good points, but I think the most salient one is that union leadership wants to remain in union leadership and if they support a mandate, they likely won’t be in leadership for long. Craven.

    It’s a heckuva message from AFSCME. No mandate, oh, and we want COVID time off if any of our unvaccinated members get sick. Oh, and yeah, everyone’s insurance costs are going to go up whenever the unvaccinated get sick and hospitalized. Oh and they want the hazard pay too? Rich.

    Reminder: as long as the state’s kowtows to unvaccinated employees, every time one of them gets sick and hospitalized, the State’s insurance costs will increase, *forever*, leaving all of on the hook for the care the unvaccinated get.

    This now-former AFSCME supporter personally thinks that every state employee, regardless of agency, should be mandated to get the vaccine. Then again, maybe Bruce was right when he gave the union his nickname.

    PS - AFSCME, you can bring me back into the fold as a supporter. All you have to do is the right thing.

  42. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:49 am:

    ===the most salient one is that union leadership wants to remain in union leadership===

    They’re definitely in a trick box. Gonna be interesting watching them try to get out of it.

  43. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:51 am:

    Afscme will equivocate until more members follow the suggestion from cermak_rd. They can either back conservative prison guards (and presumably some liberal AA members), or they can back everyone else. A few dozen opt-outs over this might change their minds.

  44. - Candy Dogood - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 11:57 am:

    ===are staunch modern downstate conservatives===

    It’s fun to be branding what you’re describing as conservatism. You should find a more accurate word.

    ===How many of those will feel the Union didn’t fight for them and OPT out of dues?===

    Then those narrow minded selfish people deserve the consequences for their short sighted selfish pettiness. It’s foolish to pretend like quitting the union over the fact that the Governor has the legal authority to mandate vaccines on public employees as a condition of employment is a mature or an adult reaction.

    The legal precedent behind Governor Pritzker’s mandate is sound. The federal government has also rubber stamped it with agency approvals. The United States armed forces is also being mandated.

    The individuals that advance this argument that they’ll quit their union because management has the legal authority to mandate a vaccination should be told exactly how stupid and short sighted and their stupid, selfish, prideful shortsightedness is paving the way to the union they deserve — which is none.

    It’s childish, impulsive, and dumb.

    AFSCME does not have to agree to a vaccine mandate. The Governor can just do it, the corrections employees at facilities refusing to get vaccinated for whatever stupid reason they have are forcing him to impose a mandate.

    If they want to blame their union for what the Governor has to do because of them someone should tell them how dumb that is.

  45. - Ashland Adam - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 12:13 pm:

    Glad AFT clarified their position. Let’s stick w science. People should be vaccinated - including school staff.

  46. - Alice - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 12:16 pm:

    -candy dogood-
    These are the same ppl who are selfish enough not to get vaccinated. They have proven this is the hill they are willing to die on ( literally die on). A good majority will opt out regardless if it’s a mandate from JB because under JB AFSCME has gotten whatever they wanted. They will undoubtedly loose at least 15 percent of those who oppose vaccines- probably much higher.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 12:19 pm:

    === They will undoubtedly loose at least 15 percent of those who oppose vaccines- probably much higher.===

    Narrator: If the won’t get vaccinated and “loose” their job, it won’t matter if they are in any union or not.

  48. - Seats - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 12:28 pm:

    ===They’re definitely in a trick box. Gonna be interesting watching them try to get out of it.===

    Rich - Don’t they get out of it by trying to play both sides until JB steps in and makes it mandatory without their approval?

    Don’t get me wrong I want a vax mandate, but if all signs point to it happening anyways, with or without them, wouldn’t making the unpopular decision on behalf of the Governor be what is called on here ‘an unforced error’?

  49. - Alice - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 12:40 pm:

    I don’t think many will ultimately refuse vaccine when forced with termination. Many of these are well paying jobs. But if forced to get vaccine- their ire will turn to Union lack of fight in their eyes. And only way to make them hurt is with money.

  50. - DuPage - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 12:54 pm:

    The unions complain about about asbestos and mold in workplaces, along with lack of adequate ventilation and fresh air. These concerns are usually ignored by the employer, and have been for decades. In exchange for mandatory vaccination, the unions could get some of these other health hazards acted upon. Increasing fresh air ventilation would also help reduce the spread of Covid-19 variants. Of course vaccines should be the first defense, but these other employer caused health problems should also be addressed.

  51. - Unconventional wisdom - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 1:02 pm:

    I just don’t get it. Why would anyone not want this vaccine unless their personal doctor advised them against it?
    Unfortunately there seems to be a large number of people, presumably with different political and social views who are opposed to taking it.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 1:13 pm:

    === In exchange for mandatory vaccination===

    It’s like… not grasping any concept… that there’s no bargaining… and claiming there’s a bargaining opportunity.

    There isn’t.

  53. - ChicagoVinny - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 1:22 pm:

    == You think they will have the general public’s support fighting a vax mandate? ==

    This 100%. I think they underestimate the anger the vaccinated majority have at the voluntarily unvaccinated minority right now.

  54. - Almost retired - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 1:48 pm:

    Early in career was union steward in State facility. Always supportive of unions. Currently, a union member at an Illinois Higher Education institution. If current union does not support mandatory vaccination, I will cancel my membership. I am tired of the loud bullying antimaskers and anti/vaccination folks that r a clear minority. It is time to stand up to them. If you don’t then you don’t get my money.

  55. - Skeptic - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 2:48 pm:

    “There isn’t.” When DoIT was first formed there was (rightly) some skepticism about how it would work out, and the phrase used early and often was “You can either get on the boat or get dragged by the boat.” I think that should apply to vaccines.

  56. - cermak_rd - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 3:15 pm:

    to be honest, I would not mind the let’s fix the black mold problem because that is also a work danger. But I would not phrase it as a quid pro quo for vaccines otherwise certain bad actors will try to negotiate for other stuff. Fix the issues that are currently known (or to be reported) that are a safety danger. I mean, hecks necks, it should never have been ignored in the first place. Covid is not the only thing in the world that can sicken and kill.

  57. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 3:19 pm:

    How about the Governor issues an ultimatum to AFSCME. Full vaccination of all employees and all agencies (except if legitimate medical concerns with proof from doctor), or issue an Executive Order cancelling all unions’ pay raises that start in January. Even if this is similar to what Quinn did at some agencies at this exact time 10 years ago.

  58. - Lt Guv - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 3:21 pm:

    Totally tone deaf on AFSCME’s part.

  59. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 3:22 pm:

    === How about the Governor issues an ultimatum to AFSCME===

    Why? Ugh.

    There’s no need to any ultimatum and no leverage to any compromise.

    There comes a point of… if you can’t grasp that this can be done… then you’re not going to grasp how bad AFSCME has this or what they think could happen.

  60. - Skeptic - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 3:40 pm:

    “Executive Order cancelling all unions’ pay raises that start in January.” And how is that fair to the thousands of members who are vaccinated?

  61. - Peanut - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 3:41 pm:

    Yes AFSCME poll us dues paying members to see if we want vaccines mandated. I am and I do. It isn’t fair to expose me to non-vaccinated coworkers when my agency makes me come into the office.

  62. - cermak_rd - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 3:45 pm:


    Exactly. The people who have proactively protected their lives and lives of their patients/inmates etc. should not be punished because some of their co-workers are not. Simply make policies that remove the deniers from their jobs, so that the employee himself is in charge of his own destiny. If that leaves a prison or two shorthanded, train up as many as you can. If you can’t get locals to work, bus them in from places where people would like a good paying job and offer rental assistance to them.

  63. - Bourbon Street - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 3:49 pm:

    No doubt that AFSCME’s leadership is in somewhat of a bind, but I believe that it is underestimating the anger of vaccinated people directed against those who could be vaccinated, but refuse to get the shot. ASFCME might want to consider that some of those angry people are union members.

    Also, with the Pentagon mandating vaccines for military personnel and the FDA considering full approval for Pfizer’s vaccine, the tides appear to be turning towards mandatory vaccines if employees want to keep their jobs. Time for ASFCME to take a stand that’s beneficial for its workers and the public who those workers serve.

  64. - Chicagonk - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 3:56 pm:

    And yet AFSCME pushed for the law that said COVID cases were to be presumed to have come from work when it comes to workers comp claims.

    These unions are as greedy as any corporation in this state.

  65. - Old Lobster - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 4:07 pm:

    You can thank Jim Thompson for the legalization and proliferation of public employee unions. He created a monster. He was so enamored of Louie Pike (Teamsters) and Bob Gibson (AFL- CIO), he wanted to be one of the boys. He pushed really hard for the legalization of public employee unions. Now look where we are.

  66. - Hector - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 4:54 pm:

    Does anyone really believe Weingarten’s statement that 90% of her members have been vaccinated? That would be a statistic that no other group, including those over 65, have achieved. C’mon man.

  67. - Hector - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 4:57 pm:

    …statistical achievement.

  68. - John - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 5:08 pm:

    I’ve been an AFSCME member and strong supporter for decades. AFSCME is testing that support. I want a mandate for all state employees. I don’t want to go back to work in the office and have to work next to unvaccinated employess. AFSCME needs to agree to the mandate immediately to create a safe work place they say they want for all employees.

  69. - Mason born - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 5:11 pm:

    Just my 2c.

    I’m for the mandate first off & think we should add teachers to protect kids who’re too young, but I think AFSCME is playing the only card they can. Gripe and moan about mandated vaccines until it goes through, someone will sue and lose. Most people won’t remember AFSCME’s position. I doubt members that are vaccinated will even pay attention to the whining.

    Just my 2c.

  70. - MyTwoCents - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 5:40 pm:

    AFSCME is totally in the wrong here and at this point why on earth is there still COVID time off & workers comp for COVID? If you’re unvaccinated and need to get time off, sorry, use your own time. I have no sympathy for those people anymore.

  71. - Alice - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 5:40 pm:

    Why poll just paying members? The virus doesn’t care who pays or doesn’t pay. There is 0 correlation with paying members and vaccination rate.

    In fact the vaccination rates in South Suburbs where many State workers live was extremely low a few weeks ago. I know many of these ppl and they are full paying members. I also know workers who don’t pay who were the first in line for vaccine.

  72. - BigDaddy63 - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 9:08 pm:

    I am IDOC. There should not be any negotiations. Get the vaccine. Offenders are not the ones going out parting on the weekends. It’s the young kids partying and bringing the virus back to work with them, exposing everyone. I am thinking very seriously of going fair share. The union is embarrassment.

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