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Get your shots, please

Monday, Aug 9, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Legit health concerns are apparently overcoming some resistance…

* Not horrible, but not nearly good enough

Nearly half of the Illinois children who are currently eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine (meaning those aged 12-17) have already received at least one dose, according to new state data.

Meanwhile, more than a third – 37.6 percent – were fully vaccinated as of Wednesday, the Illinois Department of Public Health reported.

The numbers for kids ages 12 to 17 were encouraging, said Dr. Anita Chandra-Puri, a Chicago pediatrician and a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics. “That’s fantastic news if that’s the case. I would love that,” she said in an interview. […]

While comparable data wasn’t immediately available for other states, Illinois ranks high nationally in terms of percentage of all children who have been vaccinated.

Nearly a fifth (19.3 percent) of all Illinois children (aged 0-17, including those not currently eligible for the vaccine) have received at least one dose of the vaccine. At that rate, Illinois is in a three-way tie for ninth place among states, according to data published by the Mayo Clinic. Vermont, which had the highest share of kids with at least one dose, had a rate of 25 percent.

Illinois fares a little worse among states when it comes to the percentage of all kids (newborn to age 18) with full vaccinations. Again, Vermont led the pack, with a rate of 21.4 percent. Illinois trailed behind with a rate of 12.4 percent, putting it in a tie for 15th overall.

* Press release

Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago will require that all employees, students, contractors, badged vendors, and volunteers be vaccinated against COVID-19 by October 18, 2021. The requirement applies to Lurie Children’s workforce of more than 7,500 to stop the spread of the virus and keep all patients and their families, staff, colleagues, and the community safe.

Lurie Children’s will require proof of COVID-19 vaccination, as it does other vaccines, and health precautions (Flu Shot, TDAP, etc.), as a condition of employment noting that exemptions may be made for approved medical or religious reasons.

“Vaccination continues to be the most effective safeguard against coronavirus. As the nation and Illinois experiences a resurgence of cases, we feel that the best way to keep our patients, families, and workforce safe is to continue to follow the proven mitigation protocols and safety precautions including masks, social distancing, hand hygiene and our daily self-screening by employees,” said Thomas Shanley, MD, President & CEO, Lurie Children’s. “The safety of our patients, many of whom are too young to receive the vaccination, and our workforce is our top priority. This vaccination requirement stresses our commitment to the community to help slow and stop the spread of COVID-19.”

The vaccination requirement comes on the heels of rising hospitalizations and COVID-19 cases – particularly of the highly transmissible Delta variant.

Early research is showing that current COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective against disease and hospitalization for the Delta variant, and in general, can prevent serious illness or death. Lurie Children’s is a clinical trial site for the Moderna vaccine.

For several years, Lurie Children’s has required vaccination for seasonal flu vaccination and other contagious diseases. “As healthcare professionals caring for children and adolescents, this COVID vaccine requirement is the responsible thing to do and will provide reassurance to the patients and families we serve. We must do everything we can to end this pandemic and save lives,” said Shanley.

* Inside Higher Ed

A poll of the public by Quinnipiac University has found that 48 percent of those responding favor mandatory vaccines for college students, while 48 percent are opposed. The poll found support for mandatory vaccinations by only 18 percent of Republicans, and 86 percent of Democrats. The poll also found that women and those with a four-year college degree are more likely to support mandatory vaccinations than are men and those who did not earn a four-year degree.

* More…

* Pentagon to require COVID vaccine for all troops by Sept. 15

* Covid vaccine mandates sweep across corporate America as delta variant spurs action

* Vaccinations, Unions and the Law


  1. - Cool Papa Bell - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 1:33 pm:

    The only reason my in-laws are vaccinated is because my wife said if you don’t you aren’t going to see your grandkids.

    Do what it takes to protect the people you love.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 2:00 pm:

    Military installations are having a tough time in “convincing” uniformed personnel to be vaccinated.

    Welp, convincing time is over.

  3. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 2:31 pm:

    Way before this,Lurie stopped letting visitors under 18 in the hospital. They were worried about the number of children whose parents hadn’t had them vaxxed for normal stuff coming to visit/infect the patients.

  4. - illdoc - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 2:37 pm:

    There are studies being done with the vaccines on children less then 12. When those are completed the young age groups will be approved

  5. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 3:50 pm:

    It’s great that those shot numbers are better, but they still suck. 5,000 a day in a City of three million? Not gonna make a dent for a while.

  6. - Amalia - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 3:56 pm:

    Comment boards are filled with legit people who say it is a personal choice or it’s not approved yet or the chips are in it and Rizzo can’t get it cause he had cancer. there is so much misinformation out there. maddening. get vaccinated.

  7. - Sal - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 4:29 pm:

    I’m actually shocked that ALL Military personnel have not been vaccinated by now.

  8. - thisjustinagain - Monday, Aug 9, 21 @ 7:10 pm:

    To the people who say the Covid vaccines aren’t “approved” yet. Do you realize the vast number of people who have been given the vaccines and suffered zero complications are far, far, far greater than the number of people used in the years-long regular approval process?? And that some of the side effects or complications are far, far, far fewer than suffered from already-approved medications?? If you’re waiting for FDA approval, you’re wasting time, and increasing the chances of getting Covid.

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