Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » 21 school districts placed on probation over lack of mask mandates
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21 school districts placed on probation over lack of mask mandates

Wednesday, Aug 18, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Marni Pyke

Since last week, Illinois State Board of Education has put 21 school districts on probation for flouting a universal mask mandate for students ordered by Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Aug. 4 to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“These districts confirmed that they were not complying with the universal indoor masking requirement,” ISBE spokeswoman Jaklyn Matthews said. “These districts now have the opportunity to meet with ISBE and to submit a corrective action plan to address the deficiencies that are presenting a danger to students and staff.

“School districts that do not submit an approvable plan will lose recognition status, meaning total loss of access to state funding and the inability to participate in IHSA and IESA sports.”

The districts are in Adams, Clay, Clinton, Edwards, Effingham, Franklin, Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, Jefferson, Knox, Livingston, Macon, Marion, Peoria, Randolph, Wayne and Winnebago counties. Disciplinary actions occurred between Aug. 12 and Monday. All are public school districts. […]

One other private district in Williamson County had its recognition status pulled last week but agreed on Monday to comply with mask requirements and the state is waiting for verification documents, Matthews said.

* An example from Hancock County

The Warsaw school district has been placed on probation by the Illinois State Board of Education over not complying with mask mandates.

The School Board in June adopted a resolution making masks optional to start the 2021-22 year, and despite Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s executive order last week mandating masks indoors in the state’s pre-K-12 schools, board members have not reversed course.

School Board members “will be coming up with a plan for how to respond,” Superintendent Bob Gound said.

The district’s recognition status was lowered to “on probation,” effective Thursday, for exhibiting “deficiencies that present a health hazard or a danger to students or staff,” State Superintendent Carmen Ayala said in an emailed letter to the district, and if not corrected, “the state Board of Education may act to change the status of the district … to ‘nonrecognized.’”


  1. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:10 am:

    Now this is more like it - I’ve been critical of JB’s disinterest in enforcing COVID regulations in favor of persuasion and maybe constituent pressure. Money talks.

  2. - JoanP - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:12 am:

    = School Board members “will be coming up with a plan for how to respond,” =

    There is only one proper response: “We’ll enforce the mask mandate.”

  3. - Frank talks - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:16 am:

    So if I recall downstate school districts were the ones who needed the new funding formula the most due to lack of property taxes compared to suburban Chicago folks. So how much of their actual school budget comes from the state? If it’s 5-10% they may fight it, if it’s upwards of that your talking layoffs, cancellation of programs and larger class sizes.
    All because of a piece of cloth that goes over your mouth and nose?

  4. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:21 am:

    Consequences and vaccine mandates are the only way out at this point. Otherwise, it’s just more death

  5. - historic66 - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:25 am:

    At the most recent board meeting in my district, a board member was encouraging the rest of the board to band together with other boards against the governor. He feels there is strength in numbers.

  6. - Anon - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:26 am:

    OK, but where is this really going? ISBE/Governor certainly not going to close the schools and it’s unlikely that the health data is going to compel a change by the school board. Litigation? Withholding funding? That only penalizes the kids and risks making the local officials martyrs.

    Maybe they should see if there’s a compromise?

  7. - illdoc - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:28 am:

    Kids are getting sick. ICUs are filling up. This is not a political issue. This is a public health issue. Kids under 12 cannot get vaccinated. masks are needed and necessary

  8. - Techie - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:39 am:

    What you said, illdoc.

    Thankfully kids are very unlikely to die, but based on various studies, they experience long COVID between 10% and 50% of the time. Even on the lower end of that, 10% - 10% of kids who got COVID having medium- to long-term health consequences is a serious issue, and we need to protect them from those consequences.

    Until there is a safe vaccine for kids to get to protect them, masks, good ventilation, and distancing are the best means of protection.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:41 am:

    === ISBE/Governor certainly not going to close the schools and it’s unlikely that the health data is going to compel a change by the school board.===

    Lose accreditation seems to do the trick nicely.

    Ask Timothy Christian

  10. - DuPage Saint - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:47 am:

    If you lose accreditation does that mean colleges would not accept pupils grades and graduation?

  11. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:47 am:

    -Lose accreditation seems to do the trick nicely.-

    Think they have angry parents at school board meetings now? Check how many they get when their fall sports are shut down.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:51 am:

    I’m all about the losing the accreditation-thingy… lose money, no sports, lose recognition that your school delivers on education… all because of a mask?

    I mean, it didn’t take Timothy Christian 40 days and 40 nights of wandering or wondering, heck, it was barely 24 hours.

  13. - Steve Polite - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:52 am:

    “ISBE/Governor certainly not going to close the schools and it’s unlikely that the health data is going to compel a change by the school board.”

    “and the inability to participate in IHSA and IESA sports.”

    Considering all the objections over school sports being cancelled or postponed last year, I’d say that is another big enforcement stick.

  14. - Central IL Parent - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:55 am:

    I was suprised to not see my school, CUSD#77 on the list. They are playing semanitics games “highly recommended students and staff follow the CDC guidance. Some teachers and majority of students are not wearing masks. The majority of parents are willing to lose accredidation and funding. They claim that we can dig deep in our pockets and keep the school running. My biggest unknown is if my school loses accredidation, where do I send my kids to school. Do I have the rights as a parent to pick the next closest accreditited school and not pay out of school tuition fees?

  15. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:56 am:

    ISBE meeting is today-

    From one recent area school board meeting, sounds like superintendents are going to be attending and weighing on the mask mandate.

    See soundbite 3. Note- this school board meeting was held inside the high school and, from the looks of folks, hardly anyone was masked. Share the Spread I guess, especially since this county’s numbers are on the rise once again. SMH (banned punctuation)

  16. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:57 am:

    ===The majority of parents are willing to lose accredidation and funding. They claim that we can dig deep in our pockets and keep the school running.===

    Cool, cool… now tell them they will play no sports.

  17. - Seats - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 11:59 am:

    ‘All for losing the accreditation-thingy’

    With a private school? Absolutely. With a public school? Should never realistically be on the option. You can’t do that to students that don’t have any other school options and arent responsible for decision.

    Hold up their funding and ban them from sports.

  18. - natty lite - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:02 pm:

    Good first step. Now please institute a vaccine mandate for all school employees, all students 12 and over, and all immediate family members of students and employees.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:02 pm:

    === With a public school? Should never realistically be on the option. You can’t do that to students that don’t have any other school options and arent responsible for decision.===

    Freedom, amirite?

    Comply, no worries about accreditation.

  20. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:03 pm:

    Anti-maskers: The governor calls your bet and then raises all in.

  21. - SWIL_Voter - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:04 pm:

    == Should never realistically be on the option. You can’t do that to students that don’t have any other school options and arent responsible for decision.==

    The existing regime punishes students who follow the rules with potential life long health complications. Something has to give. If the school boards are going to continue to use their power to spread a deadly contagious virus, the state has few tools in the toolbox, but they absolutely have to use what limited tools they do have.

  22. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:07 pm:

    You can listen live to the ISBE meeting here. It will be recorded as well.

  23. - Steve Polite - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:11 pm:

    “You can’t do that to students”

    It’s the parents and school boards making the choices that will impact students.

    To wear a mask or not to wear a mask, that is the choice: Whether it’s better to tolerate a mask or suffer the consequences.

  24. - Pundent - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:13 pm:

    =They claim that we can dig deep in our pockets and keep the school running.=

    Are they willing to cover the potential liability the school may face if a suit is filed over endangering the lives of students in the name of “liberty.” No counsel in their right mind would recommend ignoring the health requirements of the state and guidance of the CDC. And notice I said “right mind” which by definition excludes the Thomas Devore’s of the world.

  25. - Grateful Gail - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:15 pm:

    I hope the Governor doesn’t back down on this, and I hope he also doesn’t back down on making state employees get the vaccine. Enough is enough. People are dying.

  26. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:25 pm:

    Listening to the ISBE meeting.

    Never thought I would see the day when supposed adults were the ones complaining about a dress code.

  27. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:26 pm:

    = There is only one proper response: “We’ll enforce the mask mandate.”=

    My guess, from what I have heard from a couple of well informed superintendents is that they plan to hold out until the real consequences happen.

    =So if I recall downstate school districts were the ones who needed the new funding formula the most=

    Umm, no. You recall incorrectly. U46 led the charge.

    @ Seats- personal choice, parents wanted the control to make choices, school boards wanted local control, liberty, freedoms et al. THEY did this.

    =now tell them they will play no sports.=

    Something that has not been mentioned but is ABSOLUTELY impacted is Driver’s Education. Kids cannot get their license from a school that isn’t recognized. My guess from three decades in education is that mommy’s and daddy’s might be a bit ouchie on that one too.

  28. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:29 pm:

    I’m not surprised to see Effingham County on that list. Maybe they’ll want to secede from Illinois now.

  29. - Narc - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:36 pm:

    This can’t be true. I have it on good authority from my “Illinois School Board Parents United” Telegram group that they don’t have the authority to do this.*

    Also, that this means children are being sacrificed and turned infertile by the masks.**

    * I wish I was making this up.

    ** Seriously, I wish.

  30. - Seats - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:42 pm:

    Of course the school should comply, But that’s not the students’s choice. If you are taking accreditation away you have to provide those students the opportunity to transfer to a public school who will comply.

    It makes sense with a private school but again it isn’t a realistic punishment that should be on the board for public schools

  31. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:44 pm:

    ===If you are taking accreditation away you have to provide those students the opportunity to transfer to a public school who will comply.===

    No, no one “has to” accommodate anyone.

    The parents applying the pressure now could just as easy apply the pressure to comply.

    No one is a victim here, these are choices, and choices that can be reversed

  32. - Don't Bloc Me In - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:51 pm:

    ==I’m not surprised to see Effingham County on that list. Maybe they’ll want to secede from Illinois now.==

    At least one school district in the county consulted everyone’s favorite loser, Tom Devore, who is apparently seeking districts to join in another lawsuit. The district will not require masks. My tax dollars at work.

  33. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:56 pm:

    =“You can’t do that to students”=

    You can’t? Someone needs to tell DeSantis and Ducey. DeSantis has threated to defund any school that institutes a mandate and Ducey is eliminating CARES Act funding for any school that implements a mandate.

    When you goofy GQPers condemn them for that, we’ll listen. Until then it’s time for you to sit down

  34. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 12:58 pm:

    I can’t believe this is the hill people have decided to die on. Just put on the mask and move on. It’s not a big deal.

    I’ve been nothing but embarrassed by how some Americans have responded during this crisis. It’s all about them. No concern for others. Everyone should be free to do whatever it is they want to do. It’s a pandemic. Rules are required to respond to that pandemic. Follow them and shut up.

  35. - Don't Bloc Me In - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 1:01 pm:

    Also, from the Effingham County board, the home of do-nothing resolutions protecting our freedoms, there’s this (from

    “Effingham County Board members Monday tabled action for a month on a non-binding measure first called the My Body, My Choice resolution.

    The measure was authored by Board Vice-Chairman Dave Campbell. Campbell said the resolution encourages residents to “use common sense” when dealing with illness. He said that includes staying home if you’re sick, wearing your mask if you’re concerned about transmitting illness to others, but not to require people to get vaccinations.”

  36. - Grimlock - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 1:03 pm:

    A Chatham school board member says he intends to send his kid without a mask, despite the Board’s vote to mandate them, to see what will happen. Why put your frontline employees in such a situation? They didn’t make the mandate. Even worse that it is a Board member doing it.

  37. - H-W - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 1:03 pm:


    No school is accredited until compliance;

    Each day without an approved plan in place equals 1/180 of a reduction in state funding;

    No participation in interscholastic activities with other state public schools until compliance occurs.

    Pretty simple. Withholding dollars from schools in rural counties like mine would be crippling.

    This is really just about showing off - it is about fools standing up and saying “we have an indemostrable right to do with our children as we see fit.” The demonstrable force of “parentis locus” (sp?) says otherwise.

    Just because they will not say so, does not mean that this boils down to parents saying “we think we have a right to kill other people’s children if they inconvenience us, and a right to kill our own children, without state intervention.”

    Parents do not have any such right to physically harm their children and other children (or other citizens for that matter).

    If these parents do not want to teach active citizenship, to raise productive and contributing members of society, then they are violating their obligations as parents and citizens.

  38. - Lynn S. - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 1:27 pm:

    @Frank talks:

    At work and don’t have much time to respond.

    I will say I haven’t seen a list actually naming these 21 school districts, but I’m pretty sure I know which Effingham County school district is on this list.

    I’m willing to bet that the districts behaving this way are getting 50-60% of their budgets from state and federal $$$$.

    The adults want to behave like idiots, but they expect that government money to keep flowing.

  39. - Blues Fan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 1:28 pm:

    In addition to the accreditation piece and the no IHSA/IESA piece, IMRF and TRS participants that are in those districts could lose their “year of service credit” if a district was non-compliant. So no funding for the schools (if the state doesn’t recognize you as a district, you do not have the authority to levy), no federal or state grants, no state funding. No IHSA or IESA activities, no recognized accreditation from the state = no diploma, and the district is open to all kinds of liability lawsuit problems. Regardless of the view on wearing a mask or not (I do), there a lot of other reasons to comply.

  40. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 1:33 pm:

    =If you are taking accreditation away you have to provide those students the opportunity to transfer to a public school who will comply.=

    Nope. This is a conscious parent/school board choice. They are the ones taking it away.

    And, there is no way to transfer to a recognized school and not pay tuition unless the new school has a policy to allow the transfer without tuition. Or the parents move.

    Also, something these parents should think about- Drivers Ed. The teacher has to have access to the IWAS system from a recognized school to input the completion information. No recognition equals no drivers education credit equals no drivers licenses. That will make some kids and parents unhappy.

    Plus, what @H-W wrote. 100%

  41. - Blue Dog - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 1:48 pm:

    Maybe this will grant Blue Dog his wishes. Eliminate drivers Ed from the public school system and Eliminate grade/high school sports.

  42. - Jocko - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 1:53 pm:

    ==to see what will happen.==

    I suspect his son will be offered and instructed to put on a mask by the bus driver, then teacher, and lastly administrator. The parent will then be instructed to pick up their child due to his receiving a suspension.

  43. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 2:11 pm:

    ===Why put your frontline employees in such a situation?===

    Or your own child?

  44. - Rusty Shackleford - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 2:20 pm:

    There was a small anti-mask protest outside of ISBE today.

  45. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 2:21 pm:

    First First Football Friday Night Lights is a week from this Friday, if they don’t comply, park their teams on the sidelines starting them off with an 0-1 record.

  46. - Stormsw7706 - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 2:23 pm:

    ISBE needs to stick to their guns. Don’t be bullied or intimidated into half measures when it comes to student safety. I feel that for far too long individuals and organizations with science and decency on their side have relied on education, explanation, apologies and hope to try to appease people who just wanna watch things burn. I’m sorry for the kids but this childishness needs to stop.

  47. - Cool Papa Bell - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 2:28 pm:

    A senior mom pointed out to me that her daughter needs to graduate from an accredited high school to get on to college. That had never occurred to me. She’s nervous thinking her school district will walk away from the mask mandate this year.

    A bottom line benefit for masks (besides saving lives) is that if two kids are masked up and 3 feet apart in school and one comes up with COVID the other one doesn’t have to quarantine. That perhaps the most direct way to keep kids in school and learning in the best place for them. But sure go ahead and buck the mandate and then just get ready for rolling two week periods where no kids or teachers are able to go to school.

  48. - Zim - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 2:41 pm:

    ==But sure go ahead and buck the mandate and then just get ready for rolling two week periods where no kids or teachers are able to go to school==

    And then complain on Facebook that school is remote while refusing to take responsibility for the consequences of your anti-mask sentiment.

  49. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 2:43 pm:

    And even with Delta ISBE is hostile to schools going all-remote learning again this year. The agency needs to change their stance on this until at least kids can get vaccinated.

  50. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 2:48 pm:

    ===My Body, My Choice resolution.===

    I see what they did there. It’s not clever.

  51. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 2:51 pm:

    ==The agency needs to change their stance==

    Do you have school age kids? Because if you do you wouldn’t be suggesting such a thing. Remote learning was an absolute disaster. My kid needs to be in school. Remote learning was horrible for his education. He lost a whole year. I’m not willing to give up more time. Remote learning? Absolutely not.

  52. - Illdoc - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 2:54 pm:

    While waiting for vaccines for less then 12 it comes down to 2 choices: 1. Remote 2. Masks. None of the above is not an option.

  53. - Steve Polite - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 2:57 pm:

    “Remote learning was an absolute disaster.”

    Not for all students, I have a middle school aged relative who excelled last year while remote learning.

  54. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:08 pm:

    =ISBE is hostile=

    That is a gross mischaracterization of their stance. Being opposed is not the same as hostile.

    They don’t support it is more accurate.

    =Not for all students=

    True, but the common narrative I hear (obviously not hard data) is that it was not as good as in person. Going remote can make supervision of younger kids challenging for families where both/all parents work.

    A mask is really the big mitigation this year. Our kids were in school today and we had very few issues- only reminding them to pull their mask up.

    Kids are easy, adults are hard.

  55. - Occam - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:09 pm:

    ==The district’s recognition status was lowered to “on probation,” effective Thursday, for exhibiting “deficiencies that present a health hazard or a danger to students or staff,” State Superintendent Carmen Ayala said in an emailed letter to the district, and if not corrected, “the state Board of Education may act to change the status of the district … to ‘nonrecognized.’”==

    Under 105 ILCS 5/2-3.25b ISBE must provide the district an opportunity to appeal its change in recognition level.

  56. - Timmeh - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:11 pm:

    Full list here.

  57. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:23 pm:

    ==is that it was not as good as in person==

    My son had a mental breakdown over it. Kids need to be in school. And masks allow that. Put on the masks and stop whining about it.

  58. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:24 pm:

    Bet that many of the school board members and some parents are not on the invite list to join MENSA.

  59. - southofI64 - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:27 pm:

    Southern Illinois:
    Benton CCSD 47
    Red Bud CUSD 132
    Ewing Northern CCSD 115
    Wayne City CUSD 100
    North Wayne CUSD 200
    Field CCSD 3
    Woodlawn Unit School District 209
    Hamilton County CUSD 10

  60. - Sal - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:44 pm:

    I spoke to my 3 granddaughters last night - they returned to school today, happy to go back, and with their masks. My son is a hard working dad who raises his children on his own. Homeschooling is not an option for him.

  61. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:49 pm:

    =Under 105 ILCS 5/2-3.25b ISBE must provide the district an opportunity to appeal its change in recognition level.=

    Don’t worry, bud, they’ll get their opportunity to appeal. Then they’ll lose.

  62. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:51 pm:

    I love the protesters, they help outthemsleves as people not to pay attention to. These same people want absolute enforcement of other rules and do not get that ignoring some rules (that they don’t like) opens the door for ignoring other rules that they like. How do we enforce a student handbook if we don’t enforce the school code? I refuse to be a hypocrite.

  63. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:55 pm:

    From the Ch 20 article:

    =”He can write whatever he wants on a piece of paper,” DeVore said about the executive order. “The conversation is, does that executive order of his, does it have the lawful ability to supersede a local governing body’s authority, and the answer to me is overwhelmingly no.”=

    Fortunately, Mr DeVore continues his streak of being a loser 100%.

  64. - Fixer - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:55 pm:

    We had meet the teacher on Monday night. They’re cramming kids into these schools with zero intention of separating them out by the minimum 3ft. When asked, one teacher responded with “we’re going to teach them how to cough and sneeze” and another with “if they don’t feel safe from COVID we’ll separate them by themselves.” One parent in my fourth grader’s class has decided to pull her kid over it with others considering it.

    It’s past frustrating at this point. It’s negligent. And it’s unfortunately not going to get better it seems.

  65. - Fixer - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:56 pm:

    We had meet the teacher on Monday night. They’re cramming kids into these schools with zero intention of separating them out by the minimum 3ft. When asked, one teacher responded with “we’re going to teach them how to cough and sneeze” and another with “if they don’t feel safe we’ll separate them by themselves.” One parent in my fourth grader’s class has decided to pull her kid over it with others considering it.

    It’s past frustrating at this point. It’s negligent. And it’s unfortunately not going to get better it seems.

  66. - Fixer - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 3:56 pm:

    Sorry for the double post

  67. - Blue Dog - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 4:18 pm:

    JSMill. Has your district canceled football yet?

  68. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 4:21 pm:

    === Has your district canceled===

    What do you care, you stated above you want all sports canceled.

    Geez, Louise…

    My hope is once these districts realize the money, sports, and accreditation are important and losing them is a self own… even if it means the IHSA tells these schools their football has been canceled until they (IHSA) hears from the ISBE to their status.

  69. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 4:22 pm:

    Perhaps the dye from DeVore’s multiple tattoos traveled into the pre-frontal cortex and altered his ability to think clearly and to comprehend science.

    So many words, Tommy, yet so little sense.

  70. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 4:28 pm:

    Does IL have a virtual charter that the students in non-recognized districts could at least make accredited progress on? That would protect those students and put additional pressure on the district.

    Also, even if Driver’s ed is cancelled, I believe 18 year olds can still get drivers licenses so it’s not tragic if they don’t get one. They can ride bikes in the meantime (healthier) and get it in the summer between high school and college (or military, or apprentice or whatever they have planned).

  71. - Blue Dog - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 4:54 pm:

    Why do I care? Science.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 4:56 pm:


    You mean the quackery you peddled here.

    I fed you. “Good luck”

  73. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 4:57 pm:

    ==You mean the quackery you peddled here.==

    The quackery he peddles in general. Coherent he is not.

  74. - EssentialStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 5:27 pm:

    ==Do you have school age kids?==

    I don’t have any kids at all nor plan to have any of my own ever. I’m just saying that remote should at least be an option until the green light is given for kids 12 and under vaccines.

  75. - Blue Dog - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 6:01 pm:

    This isn’t necessarily related to this post,but it does have to do with vaccinations. It appears my vaccine info,administered through the county level, was forwarded onto IDPH. A third party,my insurance , has all my vaccine info. Did I unknowingly release this info when I signed up for the county shots?

  76. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 6:41 pm:

    =JSMill. Has your district canceled football yet?=

    No, we have not canceled any sports or activities.

    We are following the mitigation recommendations and the mask mandates. There is no requirement or recommendation to cancel sports, we are in person and were last year.

    We followed the mandates with fidelity. No school spread last year. We also require visitors and visiting schools to adhere to the mandates when at our school and will not play any school that does not follow them. So far everyone on our schedule is doing the right thing as they did last year.

    We also didn’t cancel Christmas or birthdays in case you are wondering.

  77. - Interim Retiree - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 6:49 pm:

    I wonder how universities are handling their student teachers at some of these non-recognized schools. Can they get their teacher license if they are in one of those districts? I would be calling ISBE if I were student teaching.

  78. - Blue Dog - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 7:00 pm:

    Js. I actually respect your opinions. No more ardent hs football player/fan in my day. To think a mask protect a kid from this defies science. You know it. I know it. And the nfl knows it. We can all hide behind cdc and idph rules and regs all we want. This is no longer about science.

  79. - Blue Dog - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 7:03 pm:

    A mask under a helmet….

  80. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 7:04 pm:

    ===To think a mask protect a kid from this defies science. You know it. I know it. And the nfl knows it.===

    Masks save lives, otherwise surgical teams would make masks optional

    The NFL is requiring vaccinations, or continued testing

    Keep up or stay on Facebook.

  81. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 7:07 pm:

    Wall Street Journal

    === The NFL says that around 92% of players are vaccinated or in the process of becoming fully vaccinated, up from just 74% in the middle of July. That’s well above the 71% of people in the U.S. aged 18 or older who have received at least one shot. But the outstanding issue is what will happen to the other roughly 8% who have continued to say no.===

    “The NFL’s Unofficial Vaccine Mandate”

    By Andrew Beaton
    Aug. 13, 2021

    Are schools, let alone football teams going to have students vaccinated at a 92% level

  82. - Blue Dog - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 7:16 pm:

    I can’t find on Facebook, but what is the IHSA stats on h.s. football players being vaccinated..70%? 60? 20%. So when your lying in a pile of 5 guys your going to assess 5 yd penalty when your mask slips below your nose?

  83. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 7:20 pm:

    - Blue Dog -

    Go on the IHSA Facebook page. You can rant and rave all you want there.

  84. - Wouldn't ya know it add Brown no 22 - Wednesday, Aug 18, 21 @ 10:20 pm:

    So if these schools end up unrecognized, we won’t have to pay them our potion of the property tax, right? Next year of course. If closed, they won’t like who their kids ate assigned to. It reduce pious to risk the finance of all these little rural schools.

    Shouldn’t this be considered child endangerment?

  85. - Southsider - Thursday, Aug 19, 21 @ 6:08 am:


  86. - Stormsw7706 - Thursday, Aug 19, 21 @ 8:25 am:

    97 percent of districts complying. Kudos to them for placing student and staff safety first. The You would like to think that the 3 percent might have the self awareness to realize they are out of step. ISBE should not give them the attention they so desperately are seeking. Quietly sanction them and then get on with grownup problems. BTW very impressed with how the ISBE head has been dealing with this

  87. - logic not emotion - Thursday, Aug 19, 21 @ 11:04 am:

    97% of districts complying? I question that. In the two counties for which I know, one has a 25% compliance rate and the other is 37.5% compliance rate. Several are looking at the 60 period as a free time in which they can complete a lot of sports programs and etc. before they are forced to comply. I think 60 days is about 50 days too long.

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