Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - Common Cause to boycott hearing *** House, Senate reveal newly revised legislative district maps
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*** UPDATED x2 - Common Cause to boycott hearing *** House, Senate reveal newly revised legislative district maps

Monday, Aug 30, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here for the House, click here for the Senate.

…Adding… Keep in mind that the chambers changed their maps after posting their initial proposals on their respective websites. We could possibly see that happen again.

…Adding… You can find the earlier versions of the House maps here and the Senate maps here.

*** UPDATE 1 *** House press release…

The Illinois House Redistricting Committee has released an updated map of legislative boundaries and encourages the public to provide feedback before the General Assembly is scheduled to vote on the proposal this week.

The updated map reflects information from the 2020 U.S. Census that was recently released, as well as suggestions gathered during public hearings. The proposed changes can be viewed at

The map is designed to comply with federal and state law and ensure the broad racial and geographic diversity of Illinois is reflected in the General Assembly. Among the proposed adjustments is an effort to keep more communities whole, a frequent request from local officials throughout Illinois. The map also reflects testimony received at the public hearings, such as keeping more of the orthodox Jewish community together in one Senate and House district, as well as keeping the airports in Bloomington and Peoria in the district with the bulk of the respective city’s population.

“The changes proposed for the legislative boundaries better reflect the data we recently received from the U.S. Census and ensure communities are represented by the people of their choice, said Rep. Elizabeth Hernandez, D-Cicero, Chairperson of the House Redistricting Committee. “These changes reflect input gathered at public hearings across the state and I’m incredibly grateful to every person who participated to make sure their voices were heard.”

Additional public hearings will take place and will include a virtual component to ensure stakeholders from across Illinois can safely participate during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

    · Monday, August 30 at 6 p.m. – Joint Senate and House Hearing (Virtual)
    · Tuesday, August 31 at 10 a.m. – House Hearing (Hybrid)

Members of the public may request to provide testimony, submit electronic testimony or submit electronic witness slips in advance of the hearings via the General Assembly website or via email at

*** UPDATE 2 *** Press release…

Common Cause Illinois announced today that it is boycotting the hastily scheduled Joint Redistricting Committee hearing, scheduled for this Monday evening, in protest of yet another example of how mishandled and undemocratic the redistricting process has been in Illinois.

The organization, which has repeatedly testified at previous hearings and has mobilized its over 30,000 supporters to participate in the process, will not be engaging its network as lawmakers rush to revise maps in the shadows. The General Assembly is set to vote on revised maps on Tuesday, August 31st.

“Since the beginning, we’ve pleaded with lawmakers to keep the redistricting process open, transparent, and accessible to no avail,” said Jay Young, Executive Director of Common Cause Illinois. “This latest, last-minute hearing provides almost no notice to the public. The new maps have been released less than a day before lawmakers vote on them. It’s shameful, and our organization refuses to add any legitimacy to such an undemocratic process.”

“At each opportunity in this redistricting process, it’s as if lawmakers went out of their way to ensure the creation of these maps had as little public input as possible. Rejecting an independent bipartisan redistricting commission, politicians chose to draw maps themselves. They did so behind closed doors, with a series of hearings attempting to add a veneer of public access. Yet, these hearings were consistently hastily scheduled, poorly noticed to the general public, and sparsely attended. As a result, the maps to be voted on tomorrow will not be crafted of public input, but of pure politics.”

Common Cause Illinois will be continuing its work on the creation of an independent redistricting commission in Illinois to give residents a voice in future mapmaking.


  1. - Norseman - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 1:45 pm:

    The game is afoot.

  2. - Chambananon - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 1:57 pm:

    Any chance you’d be willing to link to the old maps for ease-of-comparative-reference?

  3. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 2:04 pm:

    What strikes me is that there are only 11 large, rural senate districts. As good an illustration of the depopulation of rural Illinois as any.

  4. - Nick - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 2:09 pm:

    Some of that’s gerrymandering but even in Southern and Central Illinois, and parts of Northern Illinois, a lot of people are concentrated into urban areas.

  5. - H-W - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 2:16 pm:

    Under the House Map, the 94th and 71st is a mess. Looks more like district packing, than community-representation. Indeed, the township of Good Hope is literally split in half: half with Moline, and half with Nauvoo.

    I hope there are some subtle adjustments coming.

  6. - H-W - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 2:18 pm:

    Same thing with the Senate Map. Anyone ever heard of “Forgotonnia, IL?”

  7. - Saluki with a Job - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 2:23 pm:

    As someone who recently moved to Charleston, I must say I like the Senate map that moves Xenia to another senate district. The House map would appear to provide Charleston/Mattoon with arguably a little stronger and common-sense voice than what we currently have as well.

  8. - Chambananon - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 2:23 pm:

    Thanks for the links in the update; much appreciated[emphatic punctuation]

  9. - Blake - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 2:47 pm:

    I’m curious why Senate districts 37 & 47 are shaped the way they are, especially 37. There doesn’t seem to be a partisan or other value in having that southward arm in Senate district 37. 37 could just end further north & trade off the northeastern part of 47.

  10. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 2:54 pm:

    Not surprised that basically the rest of Chatham gets put into the new 48th Senate (as opposed to the weird split in the May maps).

    Unless Google Maps is off it’s hilarious what the mapmakers did in Polo, IL (split between 37th Senate/74th House and 45th Senate/89th House). Google shows the new boundary going through at least two buildings in downtown Polo. One of them is the Zenas Aplington Home/Polo Historical Society building, and the other right through a church (Crossroads Community Church).

  11. - Been There - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 2:58 pm:

    Looks like they are going after Haas. She now goes up into the south suburbs

  12. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 3:00 pm:

    ==I’m curious why Senate districts 37 & 47 are shaped the way they are, especially 37. There doesn’t seem to be a partisan or other value in having that southward arm in Senate district 37. 37 could just end further north & trade off the northeastern part of 47.==

    It would have made more sense to have had the 74th and 76th Houses be one Senate district, and the 73rd and 93rd Houses together as another Senate district (as both are in the northern and western parts of the Peoria area).

    94th (Hammond?) and 99th (Freese/Davidsmeyer) would have made more sense being together; as would 100th (Elik?) and 108th (Bourne).

  13. - Chuck Button - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 3:32 pm:

    Did Tim Butler and Mike Murphy get drawn into the same district? (New 95th)

  14. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 3:44 pm:

    Unless it’s only for subscribers, any chance we might see at least a first draft of the new Congressional map this week?

  15. - The Real Downstate - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 3:45 pm:

    I think Miller and Niemerg are drawn into the same district as well, no?

  16. - The Real Downstate - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 3:46 pm:

    Butler is in the 95th, Murphy joins Bourne in the 108th.

  17. - The Real Downstate - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 3:48 pm:

    Swapping Taylorville for Chatham and more of the West and North sides of greater Springfield is a good trade for Turner. Those areas are slowly trending left while Taylorville is definitely going the other way.

  18. - Saluki with a Job - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 3:54 pm:

    ==I think Miller and Niemerg are drawn into the same district as well, no?==

    Looks like Niemberg and Miller have different districts. That’s too bad.

  19. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 3:57 pm:

    It would mess up the new versions of the surrounding districts, but the 95th could easily shed even more of rural Christian County. And instead add a thin finger further northwest, picking up the Latino vote in Beardstown (due to Cargill).

    Or the new 71st House could have dropped the likes of Bushnell, Roseville, Alpha, Orion, etc., got thinner and instead went for Beardstown instead.

    Likewise with the new 91st and Canton, which is still D-leaning while the rest of Fulton County is trending further right. Some of the excess parts of Woodford County in the 91st could have been scrapped to the 105th, and a narrow strip from Bartonville to Canton could have been added. (Or perhaps even the 71st or even the 95th after leaving Beardstown could have been thinly extended to Canton too).

  20. - Tweed - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 3:58 pm:

    so does Bourne run for Senate?

  21. - Annonin' - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 3:58 pm:

    ?and parts of Northern Illinois, a lot of people are concentrated into urban areas.”
    they are called urban areas because they contain lots of people

  22. - IllinoisCitizen - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:00 pm:

    Democrat here. Understand the power in re-districting, and not opposed to using the power, especially to offset the GQP states that abuse the power as well.

    That said, some of those Chicago districts are ugly and make no sense in any BUT the political. The 29, 33, and 34 districts make no geographical sense.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:08 pm:

    - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham -

    Do you think these maps as drawn are going to be modified?

  24. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:10 pm:

    ==Do you think these maps as drawn are going to be modified?==

    I think we will see some changes but probably just minor.

    They could at least start by not putting a district boundary through a building. Like they did twice in Polo.

  25. - City Zen - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:12 pm:

    ==Looks like they are going after Haas. She now goes up into the south suburbs==

    West Pullman, this is Manteno. Manteno, West Pullman.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:13 pm:

    === Do you think these maps as drawn are going to be modified?===

    Thing is… what’s out there are the maps.

    That’s the point of ramming it through. With respect.

  27. - The Real Downstate - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:14 pm:

    == Looks like Niemberg and Miller have different districts. That’s too bad.==

    Using the addresses both of them filed with in 2020, they are both in the new 102nd. Niemerg lives in Dieterich and Miller lives in Oakland.

  28. - The Real Downstate - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:17 pm:

    == so does Bourne run for Senate?==

    The easiest option is for leadership to kindly ask Murphy to retire. I’m more sure that Murphy would listen than the younger McClure. But if Bourne has her heart set on Senate, I think she would beat McClure in a primary. The way it’s drawn, the district knows Bourne more than McClure.

  29. - The Real Downstate - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:18 pm:

    ==Looks like they are going after Haas. She now goes up into the south suburbs==

    Even Kwame won this seat. Unless Dems have a terrible year or a particularly bad nominee, Haas is a gonner.

  30. - Saluki with a Job - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:21 pm:

    Thanks for the clarification, The Real Downstate.

  31. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:22 pm:

    ==Same thing with the Senate Map. Anyone ever heard of “Forgotonnia, IL?”==

    Actually, during the “Republic of Forgottonia” movement in the 70s, the little village of Fandon (southwest of Macomb) was designated as the “capitol” of Forgottonia:

  32. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:22 pm:

    ==The easiest option is for leadership to kindly ask Murphy to retire==

    Or ask him to run for Mayor of Springfield against Langfelder (if he runs for a third term).

  33. - Norseman - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:29 pm:

    === Common Cause Illinois announced today that it is boycotting the hastily scheduled Joint Redistricting Committee hearing … ===

    And the Dems care why?

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:35 pm:

    === Common Cause Illinois will be continuing its work on the creation of an independent redistricting commission in Illinois to give residents a voice in future mapmaking.===

    “… in future mapmaking.”

    They surrendered.

  35. - Just Me 2 - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:43 pm:

    This redistricting process is the definition of corruption. It actually makes me sick to my stomach I live in a state where this process is tolerated.

  36. - The Real Downstate - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:44 pm:

    Hadn’t thought about Murphy for Mayor. That could be interesting…

  37. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 4:47 pm:

    === This redistricting process is the definition of corruption. It actually makes me sick to my stomach I live in a state where this process is tolerated.===

    A) You can always leave, free country and all

    2) Where would ya move, what’s your model

    and D) It’s a national problem, needing a national response and uniformity. Anything less is still states doing states things.

  38. - Charlotte - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 5:04 pm:

    I don’t understand what so undemocratic about trying to ensure that everyone’s vote is more equal? If Trump hadn’t delayed the Census numbers, we would be done by now.

  39. - low level - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 5:15 pm:

    == This redistricting process is the definition of corruption. It actually makes me sick to my stomach I live in a state where this process is tolerated.==

    So maybe you could move to Pennsylvania, Texas or Florida. Um wait a second. Its actuallly worse there. Oops

  40. - Mad Hatter - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 5:17 pm:

    Just Me 2 Called it on the days first post.

  41. - FinanceCity - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 5:21 pm:

    ===Or ask him to run for Mayor of Springfield against Langfelder (if he runs for a third term).==

    Murphy doesn’t live in Springfield

  42. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 5:22 pm:

    === Called it===

    That I live rent free in their head?

    Dunno if that’s calling anything, lol

    To the post,

    Until the John Lewis Voting Rights Act is passed and signed and a national map making process is instituted, what exactly are we talking about?

  43. - Just Me 2 - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 5:51 pm:

    Oswego Willy - your comment that if I can’t stomach the corruption in my home state I am free to leave is offensive. I honestly can’t believe you thought that was an appropriate comment to make. Shame on you.

  44. - JS Mill - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 5:57 pm:

    =It actually makes me sick to my stomach I live in a state where this process is tolerated.=

    OW said it, this is what happens in literally every state. GOP or Dem.

    Toughen up butter cup. The tough guy GOP is full of delicate daisies. John Wayne would be sad.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 5:59 pm:

    ===your comment that if I can’t stomach the corruption in my home state I am free to leave is offensive.===

    Why, lol, you’re only a victim to it if you stay.

    ===I honestly can’t believe you thought that was an appropriate comment to make. Shame on you===

    Sure, Jan.

    Did you forget…

    “ 2) Where would ya move, what’s your model

    and D) It’s a national problem, needing a national response and uniformity. Anything less is still states doing states things.”

    … or were you too busy feeling like a victim to respond?

  46. - Lt Guv - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 6:10 pm:

    I’d suggest an antacid for Just Me 2. This is the process and it’s similar to the process in most states. Elections have consequences, both good and bad - most often in the eye of the beholder.

  47. - The Real Downstate - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 6:32 pm:

    ==Murphy doesn’t live in Springfield==

    Pretty sure he does. Ward 1 goes all the way down there.

  48. - Non-AFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 6:40 pm:

    ====Murphy doesn’t live in Springfield==

    Pretty sure he does. Ward 1 goes all the way down there.==

    I’m sure Murphy lives within Springfield city limits (although he used to live in Divernon–as was Bourne when she was a child–and was on the school board down there before the Auburn consolidation).

    When he’s been on Madonia’s show on 1450 a couple times since the May maps were released, Sam has tried to get Murphy to say on air if he might “consider” running for Mayor in 2023 if he’s officially mapped with Bourne or Butler. Although Mike has hinted that he still loves public service but would never consider primarying either of the two.

  49. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 7:33 pm:

    I wasn’t in 54 before, always had Rep. Carroll and Nekritz. Now I am in 54.

  50. - Just Me 2 - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 8:36 pm:

    ===Why, lol, you’re only a victim to it if you stay.===

    ===Elections have consequences.===

    My point exactly. I am a victim of a corrupt government process. We should be able to stand up to this corruption, but unfortunately the election is pre-determiend using sophisticated computer software that Rich wrote about last week.

    It in inherently corrupt for a candidate of office to chose their voters, and the secret nature this process is going through is proof the people writing this map don’t want to show their work.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 8:40 pm:

    ===We should be able to stand up to this corruption, but unfortunately the election is pre-determiend using sophisticated computer software that Rich wrote about last week.

    Dems we’re 4-1 in the 90s against the map.

    You forgot about that.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 8:47 pm:

    === It in inherently corrupt for a candidate of office to chose their voters, and the secret nature this process is going through is proof the people writing this map don’t want to show their work.===

    Since this a national thing, you think we should stop this nationally, correct?

  53. - Aesop - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 9:41 pm:

    Saying it’s a national problem is a cop out OW. Does not mean it should be tolerated here. Does not make it right,

  54. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 9:44 pm:

    === Saying it’s a national problem is a cop out===

    It’s not a national problem?

  55. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 9:56 pm:

    == the election is pre-determined ===

    The only thing dooming the GOP to failure is their 1950’s attitudes.

    Illinois is pro-choice, pro-civil rights, pro-worker rights, pro-environment, and pro-gun control.

    The Illinois Republican Party stands against all of those things. It not only stands against all of those things, but has systematically driven out any Republican leaders with differing views.

    The Illinois GOP could compete when they still allowed pro-union candidates, pro-choice candidates. Even when the GOP was in the minority, they could leverage those interest blocs to reach across the aisle to block tax hikes, regulations, etc…

    If the GOP ever wants to compete in Illinois, they are going 5o have to evolve, just as Democrats evolved when they lost the remap in 1992.

    Mike Madigan didnt sit in the ward office whining about the map. That makes about as much sense as complaining that the rim is too high in basketball, or the bases too far apart on the ball diamond.

    Anyone telling you “we cannot win on this map” should quit and be replaced with someone who believes the GOP can win on this map.

    Criminy, even George Ryan realized the GOP needed to evolve on abortion rights, gay rights, and civil rights, and that guy was a stegasaurus when he was elected in 1998. The ILlinois GOP now is more conservative than it was 20 years ago when it was led by a guy born in Iowa in 1934 who served in Korea.

  56. - G'Kar - Monday, Aug 30, 21 @ 10:51 pm:

    Hmmm, I’ve been moved from the 73rd to the 105th. Swell, now Dan Brady instead of Ryan Spain will ignore my little town. Likewise Barickman instead of Weaver will ignore us.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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