Does anyone have any insight on why the Gov vetoed HB 684 (Managed Care Reform) that had passed unanimously and was overrode almost instantly by both Chambers (also unanimously)?
- @Morris Day and the Time - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 8:04 am:
Legislature did “The Walk, The Walk” without any energy bill
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 8:04 am:
Hope Giolito is okay, and wish the Sox health for the rest of the season and almost certain playoff appearance (don’t see how they blow a 10 game lead). It’s been a rough year for injuries but the team is that good, to do so well in spite of them.
Not Illinois-centric, but the Supreme Court allowing Texas’s Salem witch trial abortion law to stand less than a week after stepping in with the shadow docket to make sure renters can kicked out of their homes shows how lost the Dems are with the Court for a generation.
New mask signs at the grocery store and hardware store this week. The library has been requiring masks for three weeks. Had a chat with my doctor about a booster shot.
The optimism of early summer is gone. Tired of waiting for other people to wise up.
Looks like Tom DeVore has decided to take on school districts and health departments as his next group of prey. Seems parents have chosen football over their child’s health. DeVore has made a home for himself on the Bishop show on WMAY where he can go on and on about his legal games without question.
Springfield District 186 has about 1300 students either quarantined or in “exclusion” due to COVID. Southeast and Springfield High schools are the hardest hit so far.
DeVore. When the history of our current era is written, I hope he will be remembered as the politician / lawyer who intentionally fought risk the health and lives of citizens in order to falsely claim that citizens have no obligation to the state or their fellow citizens.
Saw a study yesterday that Illinois is the 43rd hardest working state in the union. We’re no Alaska, but c’mon people we can surely do better than 43rd…
How much time the governor’s chief of staff always spends on social media during the work day. Does she clock out during this personal time, or are we all paying for it?
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 9:55 am:
“Saw a study yesterday that Illinois is the 43rd hardest working state in the union”
Illinois ranks in the top 20 states, income-wise, so it’s a good thing we’re not working too hard. Let the lower income states work harder for less pay.
Jane, the Gov vetoed the bill that would take ambulances out of managed care because, quite frankly, it’s a bad way to run the program to carve out services when providers complain without actually backing up any of their complaints. They whined and whined and whined, and for some reason the GA caved instead of actually listening to the people running the program.
My friend’s mother is at Alden Memory Care in Naperville. She is one of five there who have been tested positive for COVID, even though she was previously vaccinated.
‘Saw a study yesterday..’. These days ‘studies’ are used to support a persons prejudices rather than trying to understand another point of view. When your reading selections are confined within the steel doors of the far right or far left, there no longer exists a ‘loyal opposition’. Particularly with the ‘Vax’ arena, I see our biggest enemy as a country is the debilitation of TRUST. When you finding yourself trusting almost no one, then kiss it goodbye folks.
Covid claimed another event; the committee cancelled my 50th (+1) high school class reunion. Too many people were asking for refunds due to the latest rules.
SMH … what are they afraid of? We’re the age group that should be fully vaccinated, and there are venues that can spread out the tables, etc. I just held an event for about 40 people in a venue that normally holds 200+. 6 people to a table. Plenty of social distancing room.
RNUG…”what are they afraid of?”
The fact is large gatherings should be off the table at this point. Because too many are being held with unvaccinated people NOT social distancing. How’d you like to be a server at those events, come down with Covid, lose a couple of weeks pay when you have to quarantine, even if you had your shots??
- Tired Under the Dome - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 12:12 pm:
The blatant ethics violation committed by Darren Bailey yesterday when he posted a video of himself on his gubernatorial campaign Facebook page asking for donations to the campaign… with it being obvious that the video was shot on the Capitol grounds on a session day.
Parts of Chatham and the southwest side of Springfield received at least 3-5 inches of rain between about 7-11PM last night. Causing flash flooding even on streets in Chatham that never flood.
= Covid claimed another event; the committee cancelled my 50th (+1) high school class reunion. =
My 50th college reunion has been cancelled twice. It was supposed to happen in June of last year. So the college said that since it was a major reunion, it would be held with the other reunions this year. And reunion was cancelled again. Maybe next year? Who knows.
- Morris Day and the Time - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 6:04 am:
Did the GA deal with all vetoed bills yesterday? If so, what will we do in October?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 6:22 am:
Wondering how long it will be before someone challenges Harmon to be President.
- Jane - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 6:42 am:
Does anyone have any insight on why the Gov vetoed HB 684 (Managed Care Reform) that had passed unanimously and was overrode almost instantly by both Chambers (also unanimously)?
- Blue Dog - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 7:08 am:
Opening day of dove season
- Ok - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 7:09 am:
I think it is September
- Dog Lover - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 7:09 am:
It’s going to be a beautiful day.
- theCardinal - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 7:30 am:
What Blue Dog said…hope the dove season is better than last years.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 8:00 am:
==If so, what will we do in October?==
Perhaps at the very least, come up with a new congressional map?
- crow930 - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 8:02 am:
This article might explain what the Governors office was thinking before vetoing the bill
- Jerry Mander - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 8:03 am:
Them maps. Them maps is what’s on MY mind 🏆
- @Morris Day and the Time - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 8:04 am:
Legislature did “The Walk, The Walk” without any energy bill
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 8:04 am:
Hope Giolito is okay, and wish the Sox health for the rest of the season and almost certain playoff appearance (don’t see how they blow a 10 game lead). It’s been a rough year for injuries but the team is that good, to do so well in spite of them.
- Chicago Blue - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 8:19 am:
Not Illinois-centric, but the Supreme Court allowing Texas’s Salem witch trial abortion law to stand less than a week after stepping in with the shadow docket to make sure renters can kicked out of their homes shows how lost the Dems are with the Court for a generation.
- Friendly Bob Adams - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 8:39 am:
New mask signs at the grocery store and hardware store this week. The library has been requiring masks for three weeks. Had a chat with my doctor about a booster shot.
The optimism of early summer is gone. Tired of waiting for other people to wise up.
- Simply Sayin' - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 8:42 am:
Climate change and a clean energy bill are critically important, but only if the stakeholders can agree.
- Club J - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 8:53 am:
Looks like Tom DeVore has decided to take on school districts and health departments as his next group of prey. Seems parents have chosen football over their child’s health. DeVore has made a home for himself on the Bishop show on WMAY where he can go on and on about his legal games without question.
- Central Illinois Centrist - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 9:05 am:
interested in congressional maps
- Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 9:11 am:
“ Seems parents have chosen football over their child’s health.”
From the reaction to the Carlyle ruling, it would appear they chose ‘no’ to both.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 9:22 am:
Springfield District 186 has about 1300 students either quarantined or in “exclusion” due to COVID. Southeast and Springfield High schools are the hardest hit so far.
- Amalia - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 9:27 am:
Texas and women. And thankful I live in Illinois.
- H-W - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 9:28 am:
DeVore. When the history of our current era is written, I hope he will be remembered as the politician / lawyer who intentionally fought risk the health and lives of citizens in order to falsely claim that citizens have no obligation to the state or their fellow citizens.
- Captain Obvious - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 9:34 am:
Saw a study yesterday that Illinois is the 43rd hardest working state in the union. We’re no Alaska, but c’mon people we can surely do better than 43rd…
- DownSouth - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 9:38 am:
Not just dove season - but early goose season too. Busy day in the outdoor world in Southern Illinois
- ;) - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 9:54 am:
How much time the governor’s chief of staff always spends on social media during the work day. Does she clock out during this personal time, or are we all paying for it?
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 9:55 am:
“Saw a study yesterday that Illinois is the 43rd hardest working state in the union”
Illinois ranks in the top 20 states, income-wise, so it’s a good thing we’re not working too hard. Let the lower income states work harder for less pay.
- Perrid - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 9:59 am:
Jane, the Gov vetoed the bill that would take ambulances out of managed care because, quite frankly, it’s a bad way to run the program to carve out services when providers complain without actually backing up any of their complaints. They whined and whined and whined, and for some reason the GA caved instead of actually listening to the people running the program.
- JoanP - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 10:04 am:
= Saw a study yesterday that Illinois is the 43rd hardest working state in the union. =
I’m very curious as to how they figure out who’s working hard.
- Magic Dragon - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 10:11 am:
Our unmasked Governor at the Decatur Farm Progress Show in a group of people. You can’t make this stuff up.
- Warren - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 10:28 am:
The Illinois General Assembly never fails to fail.
- Donnie Elgin - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 10:33 am:
The supermajority Dem controlled Illinois General Assembly never fails to fail.
- Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 10:36 am:
“The Illinois General Assembly never fails to fail.”
It was the easiest thing to do.
- Bruce( no not him) - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 10:39 am:
===Saw a study yesterday that Illinois is the 43rd hardest working state in the union===
==Illinois ranks in the top 20 states, income-wise,==
Work smarter, not harder.
- Back to the Future - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 10:42 am:
The Condo association posted a sign today saying people without masks in common areas and elevators will be subject to $500 fines.
- bogey golfer - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 10:52 am:
My friend’s mother is at Alden Memory Care in Naperville. She is one of five there who have been tested positive for COVID, even though she was previously vaccinated.
- H-W - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 11:09 am:
There is an inverse relationship between energy exerted and income. My father-in-law grinded steel, while I teach. I make more while he works harder.
People who sweat work harder than people who do not sweat. I cannot imaging the rich sweating, but I am sure minimum wage workers sweat a lot.
I wonder if Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey sweat…
- Sayitaintso - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 11:14 am:
‘Saw a study yesterday..’. These days ‘studies’ are used to support a persons prejudices rather than trying to understand another point of view. When your reading selections are confined within the steel doors of the far right or far left, there no longer exists a ‘loyal opposition’. Particularly with the ‘Vax’ arena, I see our biggest enemy as a country is the debilitation of TRUST. When you finding yourself trusting almost no one, then kiss it goodbye folks.
- RNUG - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 11:24 am:
Covid claimed another event; the committee cancelled my 50th (+1) high school class reunion. Too many people were asking for refunds due to the latest rules.
SMH … what are they afraid of? We’re the age group that should be fully vaccinated, and there are venues that can spread out the tables, etc. I just held an event for about 40 people in a venue that normally holds 200+. 6 people to a table. Plenty of social distancing room.
- thisjustinagain - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 12:03 pm:
RNUG…”what are they afraid of?”
The fact is large gatherings should be off the table at this point. Because too many are being held with unvaccinated people NOT social distancing. How’d you like to be a server at those events, come down with Covid, lose a couple of weeks pay when you have to quarantine, even if you had your shots??
- Tired Under the Dome - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 12:12 pm:
The blatant ethics violation committed by Darren Bailey yesterday when he posted a video of himself on his gubernatorial campaign Facebook page asking for donations to the campaign… with it being obvious that the video was shot on the Capitol grounds on a session day.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 1:19 pm:
Parts of Chatham and the southwest side of Springfield received at least 3-5 inches of rain between about 7-11PM last night. Causing flash flooding even on streets in Chatham that never flood.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 1:21 pm:
Delta, now meet the Mu variant:
- JoanP - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 3:44 pm:
= Covid claimed another event; the committee cancelled my 50th (+1) high school class reunion. =
My 50th college reunion has been cancelled twice. It was supposed to happen in June of last year. So the college said that since it was a major reunion, it would be held with the other reunions this year. And reunion was cancelled again. Maybe next year? Who knows.
- Jibba - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 4:15 pm:
I finally got my FOID card renewal today 14 months after I applied. I guess it was a marathon, not a sprint.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 1, 21 @ 4:18 pm:
===I guess it was a marathon, not a sprint. ===
More like aeonic.