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Corngate continues!

Wednesday, Sep 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We talked about “Corngate” yesterday

The results are in and Gary Rabine, candidate for Governor, was the clear winner of the Illinois State Fair Straw Poll.

The Illinois Republican Party tent conducted a straw poll during the State Fair. Fair goers had the option of putting corn in the jar of their favorite candidate and Gary Rabine was the undisputed straw poll winner.

The ILGOP jumped in to note that the party didn’t actually conduct a straw poll

The “Corn Poll” was not monitored, no one counted the corn at the end of each day and it started over new the next day as a fun thing for folks to do when inside the tent.

* Sen. Darren Bailey objected to Rabine’s victory claim by, um, posting photos showing that “other/undecided” were ahead at one point…

* The post brought out the weird and the funny…

* And then today, Rabine refused to give up the crown of corn…

The gift that keeps on giving.


  1. - Shytown - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:10 pm:

    Did someone report this stolen poll to the authorities yet?

  2. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:10 pm:

    Small and Petty… not a good start for any of them, I mean even the state party can’t quell the ridiculousness.


    Pritzker is running TV ads seemingly every hour.

  3. - Roadrager - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:12 pm:

    Ladies and gentlemen, the best and brightest Illinois’ GOP has to offer. The primary debates should prove to be a boon to our state’s dispensaries.

  4. - Blue Dog - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:15 pm:

    The GOP will surely get an earful on this ropic.

  5. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:17 pm:

    When you think losing to “Other/Undecided” is a good thing…

  6. - uialum - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:18 pm:

    Don’t the pictures show that Undecided/Other was the real winner?

  7. - Shield - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:21 pm:

    Not one kernel of sanity to be found.

  8. - Norseman - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:22 pm:

    I recommend that someone pop the undecideds so we can enjoy this circus.

  9. - Back to the Future - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:23 pm:

    Have to wonder why Pritzker is running any Ads with the kind of opposition Bailey and Rabine offer.
    Surely the R’s can come up with better candidates.

  10. - Asteroid of Caution - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:24 pm:

    When the corn is as high as an elephant’s eye
    And it looks like the corn poll was the latest big lie …

  11. - Nick - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:29 pm:

    This is why I stick with soybeans

  12. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:30 pm:

    – Have to wonder why Pritzker is running any Ads –

    Because he isn’t the only one on the ballot, and getting those who support him to the polls is important for other races.

  13. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:36 pm:

    They should organize before someone destroys the evidence by grinding the kernels. May I suggest the slogan Stop the Meal?

  14. - Nagidam - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:40 pm:

    Sen. Schimpf: “I helped prosecute one of the worst war criminals and now I have to deal with this Corn Poll Gate issue. Why am I here?”

  15. - Wow - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:40 pm:

    Just proof of why Repubs are the SUPER minority party in

  16. - Snarkie from Schaumburg - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:40 pm:

    Hang on, I am thinking of something corny to add.

  17. - Lt Guv - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:40 pm:

    “Small and Petty.” OW, congratulations. I think you just came up with the perfect QOP ticket for Governor & Lieutenant Governor.

  18. - Crash - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:43 pm:

    I honestly can’t tell if Bailey is serious.
    While I hope he sees the humor in this, nothing about him or his campaign seems to have the slightest sense of humor.

  19. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:43 pm:

    ==Have to wonder why Pritzker is running any Ads with the kind of opposition Bailey and Rabine offer.==

    “Make the rubble bounce.”

  20. - OldSmoky2 - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:45 pm:

    Illinois GOP well on the way again to being creamed corn.

  21. - Well Hello - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:54 pm:

    The corn is from China, the jars are from Russia, and George Soros funded the whole thing.

  22. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 1:54 pm:

    ===nothing about him or his campaign seems to have the slightest sense of humor. ===

    Senator Bailey is the joke.

  23. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:01 pm:

    “Have to wonder why Pritzker is running any Ads”

    Fair Tax flop and getting out-messaged, maybe? Democrats should study that campaign and try to learn from those mistakes. The Obama campaign was messaging in the middle of the GOP primary fight, which Axelrod or someone said was necessary to blunt Romney’s money that would come when he’s the nominee. Of course JB doesn’t have a money problem, but campaigning now might be a smart thing to do.

  24. - Asteroid of Caution - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:04 pm:

    I’ll bet it was some kind of GMO hybrid corn.
    Senator Bailey demands purity in his seed.

  25. - Louis G Atsaves - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:05 pm:

    The loose corn on the table and not in any jar represents the undecideds?

  26. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:07 pm:

    === Have to wonder why Pritzker is running any Ads with the kind of opposition Bailey and Rabine offer.===

    Simple answer?

    Because… he can.

    The GOP is scraping the bottom of the corn barrel.

    (Tips cap to - Lt Guv -)

  27. - Dysfunction Junction - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:09 pm:

    Awww shucks. Yet another stalker.

  28. - View from the Cheap Seats - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:13 pm:

    This saga reminds me of two bald men fighting over a comb.

  29. - Red ghetto in a blue state - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:32 pm:

    Can we get orville redenbacher to moderate the first gop debate?

  30. - Nobody Sent - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:32 pm:

    Ya know, my cousin told me his friend heard from his dog that he saw on the internet that there were squirrels stealing corn off the table, and everyone knows those Democrats are squirrelly.

  31. - Frank talks - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:37 pm:

    I heard My Pillow’s are made from a corn based supplement in the fabric, any word from Mike Lindell?

  32. - Down South Dem - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:41 pm:

    Bailey needs to calm down. He knows the government will step in and make sure his corn is well subsidized in the end.

  33. - wildcat12 - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:43 pm:

    Other/Undecided AKA Please God Anyone Else

  34. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:43 pm:

    New GOP rule, the candidate that guesses closest to the number of kernels in each jar wins the primary. Where is Bob Barker when you need him?

  35. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 2:57 pm:

    “This is why I stick with soybeans” One vote for Pat Quinn.

  36. - phocion - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 3:01 pm:

    “Fraud at Polenta” - Mister Jayem is still at the top of his game.

  37. - Kayak - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 3:53 pm:

    It appears the IL GOP primary has officially split into the Rabine’s New Cornbilly Party vs Bailey’s Conservative Branch, formerly led by Sam MCann loyalists.

  38. - Bruce( no not him) - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 4:08 pm:

    If they take all that corn and ferment it… Then we might have something worthwhile.

  39. - Inverted Pyramid - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 4:39 pm:

    Amazing that with how terrible the GOP tent was that we are even talking about it at all :-)

  40. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 5:03 pm:

    I had to revise -Kayak-: It appears the IL GOP primary has officially split into the Rabine’s New Cornbilly Party vs Bailey’s Cornservative Branch, formerly led by Sam MCorn loyalists.

    I would add that many are corncerned with the maizeleading headlines on this issue and are wondering if Schimpf will bring some cornmon sense to the race. Roper has indicated that the poll was uncornstitutional, and Max Solomon has offered some kernals of wisdom which included a suggestion to split the ear in half.

  41. - Tynie - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 6:06 pm:

    Pot calling kettle, that was beautiful.

  42. - Blue Dog - Wednesday, Sep 8, 21 @ 7:13 pm:

    Pot. Very good.

  43. - Useless information - Thursday, Sep 9, 21 @ 12:01 am:

    “Art Turner, he won second,” Daley said

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