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Unclear on the concept

Wednesday, Sep 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* WICS on the new climate/energy bill

The bill sets a goal of adding 1 million electric cars to Illinois’ roadways by the end of the decade. To do that, the state will offer $4,000 rebates to residents who purchase electric cars.

The problem is the rebate only applies to Chicago and its suburban counties: Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, Will, the townships of Aux Sable and Goose Lake in Grundy County, and the township of Oswego in Kendall County.

Sen. Steve McClure, R-Springfield, says it makes no sense to push for vehicle electrification statewide and not even include the incentives for the county where state government is located.

“Unfortunately, people are not viewing this as one state. They’re viewing it as Chicago vs. everybody else,” McClure said. “Sangamon County is going to be paying for these nuclear power plants that are in that area of the state that we get no benefit from.”

Illinois Senate Democrats argue that the eligible counties and townships pay into a state account that funds the rebate, which is why their residents are eligible for the rebate.

But McClure says downstate counties shouldn’t have to pay into the fund since every Illinoisan will pay into the $694 million bailout of aging nuclear power plants that only provide power to northern Illinois communities.

1) The governor’s office says a scrivener’s error excluded Downstate counties from the rebate program and it will be added back in during the veto session, even though their counties and townships don’t pay into the rebate fund.

2) Sangamon County electricity users will not be funding the Exelon bailout. Only ComEd customers will be on the hook for that.


  1. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 4:24 am:

    Purposefully unclear on the concept.

  2. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 8:21 am:

    There’s also the issue of infrastructure downstate. How many charging stations are there compared to Chicago?

  3. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 8:45 am:

    =How many charging stations are there compared to Chicago?=

    Obviously there won’t be as many due to need, but there are a surprising number in and around central Illinois in particular. most Hy Vee’s have them (at least he newer ones do).

  4. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 9:13 am:

    “How many charging stations”

    Because the evolution of gas stations to full-service convenient stores will end with EV’s.

  5. - Roman - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 9:20 am:

    Lots of controversial stuff in that bill…McClure and others shouldn’t have to make crap up to justify their “no” votes.

  6. - Phenomynous - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 9:23 am:

    Scrivener’s error? Lol ok. Whatever the Governor’s Office says, I guess.

  7. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 9:25 am:

    “Because the evolution of gas stations to full-service convenient stores will end with EV’s.” That’s my point, they aren’t there yet. It’s the chicken-and-egg thing, why should I buy an electric car when I have to worry where I drive it, but why install charging stations when there aren’t any cars to use them?

  8. - Sangamon County Cornbilly - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 9:29 am:

    - How many charging stations are there compared to Chicago -

    We have plenty given the lack of demand, and get this, we got those inter webs and indoor plummin too.

  9. - Homebody - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 9:42 am:

    I’m totally on board with redistributive policy in general. I accept (and even encourage) that those more well off will disproportionately carry the burden of paying for government services (and can argue that those people gain disproportionate benefit).

    But the idea of explicitly putting the burden for a statewide program on only specific counties is pretty distasteful.

  10. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 9:53 am:

    “They aren’t there yet.’

    Probably because the demand isn’t either.

    So, no, it’s not a chicken and egg thing. Most convenience stores are owned by conglomerates. They know their market. As EV’s become more prevalent in rural areas, they will adapt.

    So, relax. There will some other societal change that will allow you overreact soon.

  11. - Jocko - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 10:12 am:

    ==downstate counties shouldn’t have to pay into the fund==

    Takers gonna take….while boasting about their rugged independence.

  12. - Give Us Barabbas - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 10:35 am:

    The concern for lack of public charging stations is unwarranted; any electric car or truck available today can easily go farther than a hundred miles on an overnight charge done while you sleep. I think the numbers bandied these days top out at 200 to 300. If your daily commute is really fifty to a hundred miles each way, daily, you don’t have a charger problem; you have a real estate or job location problem.

  13. - Give Us Barabbas - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 10:38 am:

    Range anxiety over electric cars isn’t rational anymore. With a 209 Mike or better range from overnight charge, your commute both ways is a non issue.

  14. - Lurker - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 10:43 am:

    But living in Springfield, I would like to drive to Champaign or at Louis and be able charge if needed. The two spots at Hyvee are not enough to think an electric car is a prudent choice.

  15. - JM - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 11:13 am:

    Electric hybrids on the rise for folks with range anxiety, but want to do right.

    BTW, a drive from Springfield to St. Louis and back is totally doable on a single charge with most new EVs.

  16. - AquaMan - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 11:18 am:

    Didn’t Senator Hastings argue on the floor Monday that legislation would be needed to include the rest of the counties in the rebate?

  17. - Nani - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 11:28 am:

    Well Mcclure is just straight lying about nuclear funds but Dem bill sponsors don’t seem clear on where the rebates are for either

  18. - Thomas Paine - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 12:07 pm:

    “Scrivenor’s errors” are typos, this is no typo.

    I wouldn’t be so sure about the fix, either. Having one group of people pay a fee and a different group of people receive the benefits becomes problematic.

    Are downstate Republicans even going to vote for legislation that is pro-electric vehicle? And if downstate Republicans won’t vote for a bill they are demanding to solely benefit their constituents, how do you convince Chicago Democrats to vote Yes on subsidizing Chapin Rose?

  19. - Jed - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 12:29 pm:

    Steve McClure from Springfield sounds more like his brother Troy every day.

  20. - fs - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 12:33 pm:

    “Scrivener’s error”

    It’s odd that some would spend the last few days defending the verbiage, only to find out from the Governor’s office that it was just “scriveners error”

    Hastings even defended the language on the floor, I believe. Are the tire tracks from the bus he was just thrown under due to drivers error?

  21. - MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 12:36 pm:

    “Only ComEd customers will be on the hook for that.”


    – MrJM

  22. - MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 12:47 pm:

    “‘Scrivenor’s errors’ are typos, this is no typo.”

    Black’s Law Dictionary defines “scrivener’s error” as a synonym for “clerical error.” A “clerical error” is one “resulting from a minor mistake or inadvertence, esp. in writing or copying something on the record, and not from judicial reasoning or determination.” Black’s Law Dictionary 563 (7th ed. 1999).

    Intention is the issue.

    In this era of electronic word-processing — e.g. cutting and pasting — courts have found that the accidental omission of entire provisions from contracts can be recognized as mere scrivener’s errors.

    – MrJM

  23. - Snarkie from Schaumburg - Wednesday, Sep 15, 21 @ 4:18 pm:

    Scrivener’s Error - will be the name of my memoir.

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