* Sun-Times…
Illinois House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch picked a new election czar Tuesday, tapping a former House Democratic staff member — and former ComEd lobbyist — to ensure the party keeps and builds its supermajority in the chamber.
Lizbeth Ramirez, 36, will oversee full and part time staff in the state’s lower legislative chamber, fundraising for the caucus’ campaign fund — Democrats for the Illinois House, as well as the coffers of individual House Democrats. She was chosen executive director of the House Democrats’ campaign fund by a committee of members of the House Democratic Caucus and staff.
Ramirez will also take on recruiting Democratic candidates to run for House seats.
In an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times on her first day on the job, Ramirez said Tuesday that she was nervous, but, “more than anything, excited to be here.”
As subscribers know, I also interviewed Ramirez yesterday. This is a significant development in more ways than one.
* Tribune…
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board President Kari Steele announced her campaign against incumbent Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi on Monday, pitching herself as a grassroots candidate who would tidy up an office she said was replete with disorganization.
Steele, Kaegi’s first challenger in next June’s Democratic primary, is the first Black woman to lead the agency tasked with managing wastewater and stormwater in Cook County. The debut of her campaign comes a month after Kaegi announced he will seek a second term in 2022.
…Adding… Sigh…
* The rest of this post is about the secretary of state race. Press release…
Today, Anna Valencia, candidate for Illinois Secretary of State, announced the support from Fire Fighters from across Illinois. Both the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois and Chicago Fire Fighters Union - Local 2 will be assisting the campaign through the primary election on June 28th, 2022.
“As Fire Fighters, we know the importance of having strong leadership in all elected offices. Valencia is the leader we need and will be a terrific Secretary of State.” said Chuck Sullivan, President of AFFI.
Both Unions announced that they will provide robust support for Valencia’s bid and are looking forward to supporting the campaign financially and on the ground.
“We are the people that will knock on your door, look you in the eye and tell you the truth. That’s exactly the reason we are supporting Anna Valencia so enthusiastically. Her honesty, transparency and commitment to good government are what we need and align with our values.” said Rodney Shelton, City of Chicago Fire Fighter.
“I am so proud to have earned the endorsement of these great men and women,” said Anna Valencia. “These are our real, everyday superheroes, so to have their support is one of the great honors of my career. With their support, I am even more confident that we can continue to uphold Jesse White’s legacy as Secretary of State.”
Combined, the two Fire Fighter Unions include 15,000 members in Illinois.
“Our volunteers are able to connect with Democrats and Republicans, Chicagoans and Downstaters,” said Joe Sernorski, Chicago Fire Fighters Union - Local 2. “That is why our members are so excited to endorse in this race.”
Valencia grew up in Granite City, IL, a small town in Southern Illinois. Her father is a union painter, and her mother worked for a non-profit. After becoming the first in her family to graduate from college, Valencia dedicated her career to public service. She became City Clerk of Chicago in January 2017 and has worked tirelessly to build a Clerk’s office that benefits all Chicagoans.
Valencia is vice president of the Firemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago.
* Press release…
As part of his agenda to further modernize the Illinois Secretary of State’s office, Democrat Alexi Giannoulias wants the State to move toward developing digital driver’s licenses.
Giannoulias, the former State Treasurer, contends people have come to rely more on their phones to prove their identity and provide information. More than a dozen states have already implemented mobile driver’s license pilot programs or are currently testing technology.
In addition, Apple announced earlier this month that eight states will be among the first, allowing residents to add their driver license or state identification card directly to their iPhone or Apple Watch within its Wallet app.
“A mobile driver’s license will make it easier, faster and more convenient for people who don’t have the time to wait at driver’s license facilities or for the mail to arrive,” Giannoulias said. “With more people using mobile wallets and boarding passes for flight travel on their phone, a digital license is a logical next step when it comes to providing proof that you’re qualified to drive and also using it at bars, grocery stores, banks and doctor’s offices.”
A mobile driver’s license or state identification allows individuals to update their information remotely without having to physically visit a driver’s license facility or wait for a new card to arrive in the mail. Allowing for the adoption of contactless identification is especially critical as the nation emerges from the pandemic, Giannoulias said.
Like most states, Illinois already allows drivers to use an electronic copy of their insurance card during a traffic stop.
Giannoulias supports legislation that was introduced in the Illinois General Assembly earlier this year by State Rep. Kam Buckner and co-sponsored by State Reps. Barbara Hernandez and Carol Ammons. Although the bill was not called for a vote, Giannoulias pledged to work with the state lawmakers to pass legislation in the future.
A digital driver’s license would come in the form of a phone app protected by biometrics or a PIN. Instead of handing over a physical license to a police officer or store clerk, an individual could display the relevant information or send it electronically. Nevertheless, Giannoulias wants the technology thoroughly tested to ensure that privacy is protected, and personal information is not compromised in any way.
Unlike plastic cards that can easily be counterfeited or tampered with, mobile licenses are less susceptible to fraud and easier to confirm someone’s identity or authenticity.
Giannoulias said digital driver’s licenses would not totally replace plastic ones. Instead, they would serve as a supplement and that physical driver’s licenses and state identification cards would remain an option for anyone who chooses not to obtain a digital license.
The trouble with linking anything to biometrics is that you can’t just quickly change your eyes or your fingerprints if your identity is stolen. It’s why Illinois has such a strong law on that topic.
*** UPDATE *** From Ald. Pat Dowell’s SoS campaign…
Today, September 22, Alexi Giannoulias proposed a policy that Pat Dowell has presented more than a month ago. It is a good idea, as it was when Dowell talked about it in much great detail and with policy proposals on August 16.
We applaud Apple’s innovation and we do not want Illinois to lag behind other states. Under Pat Dowell’s leadership, the Illinois Secretary of State’s office will be an innovation leader and build on the programs put forth by Secretary Jesse White.
On August 16, 2021, Pat Dowell released an innovative policy proposal to create a digital driver’s license that would be available on your phone. Dowell’s policies are designed to innovate the Secretary of State’s office and make things more convenient for residents. https://www.illinoisfordowell.com/post/illinois-secretary-of-state-candidate-pat-dowell-calls-for-digital-drivers-license
Dowell continues to lead in proposing innovative solutions for the Secretary of State’s office, like digital driver’s licenses, an online personal dashboard for each Illinois resident, and doubling the supplier diversity spending at the Secretary of State’s office.
* Politico…
There’s one “more” candidate in the Illinois secretary of state race.
Sidney Moore is undaunted that he’s never run for an elected position before, acknowledging he’s “worked in those circles” behind the scene of the campaigns of aldermen, judges, state reps and even Barack Obama and Dorothy Brown, the former county clerk of the courts.
“This isn’t something that anyone put me up to. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time,” he told Playbook. It must just be coincidence that there are now two “Moores” in the race.
Chicago Ald. David Moore is also running for secretary of state along with Ald. Pat Dowell, former state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, and Chicago Clerk Anna Valencia.
David Moore’s camp doesn’t believe it’s a coincidence that another Moore joined the race. “Given that secretary of state candidate David Moore’s logo is ‘Moore for Illinois,’ what better way to create confusion, siphon off potential votes and waste money challenging signatures than to put a candidate in the race with the same last name,” said Moore’s veteran campaign spokeswoman, Delmarie Cobb. “This conjures up memories of Jesse Jackson Jr. and Jesse Jackson — a candidate with the same name who was used as a pawn for one purpose only. The more things change, the more they stay the same.”
Cobb was referring to the 2002 election, when a mysterious out-of-nowhere candidate named Jesse Jackson emerged to run against the then-four-term congressman.
If Ald. Moore actually had a shot at winning that office, then maybe I’d be more inclined to be upset at this.
- Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 11:11 am:
I guess nothing is disqualifying if the appointment is historic and helps with the women and hispanic constituencies in the Democratic party.
A Com Ed lobbyist certainly knows how to do whatever it takes to get the job done
- hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 11:13 am:
Whatever her talents and background that recommends her for the position, not sure hiring a ComEd lobbyist is the best look with ComEd trials on the horizon and a energy bailout just passed.
Do not want a digital drivers license to be a thing. Illinois has not really shown the best track record in not getting hacked.
Haven’t been following the assessor race closely. Is he being opposed because he is doing a bad job as assessor or because he is doing a good job as assessor?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 11:20 am:
No GOPer announcing for SoS yet?
It’s arguably the best chance for a statewide pickup…
Anna Valencia, if she can gin up more support like she has with the firefighters, get a crew that understands how to beat a guy like Alexi… and get about $10 million… I’m curious to her campaign so far.
- Nobody Sent - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 11:33 am:
A ComEd lobbyist working for the Speaker - that’s new…
But seriously, how did that hire pass the straight face test? I’m not saying she’s a bad person, but it just looks bad. Is there no interest in trying to improve IL’s image as a corrupt pay to play state?
- Nobody Sent - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 11:37 am:
Maybe the Gov will also like the idea of hiring former ComEd employees - he could appoint Anne Pramaggiore to the vacant ICC slot - she might be looking for a job.
- politifact - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 11:38 am:
== I’m not saying she’s a bad person, but it just looks bad. Is there no interest in trying to improve IL’s image as a corrupt pay to play state? ==
With all due respect, are you saying that any person who ever worked for ComEd should be disqualified from political jobs going forward even if they had nothing to do with the ALLEGED bribery scandal? Because ComEd is like McDonald’s, everyone’s worked there at some point. They particularly hired women and minorities, so you’d be disqualified a who ton of people.
That’s a bit short sided.
- Hannibal Lecter - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 11:49 am:
I don’t have an issue with her being a former ComEd lobbyist. There has been no mention or allegation of her doing anything wrong. Accordingly I do not think she should be frozen out of an opportunity because of what others may have done.
With this said, this is a big job, and I wonder if she is going to be up to the task. Time will tell.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 11:51 am:
===I do not think she should be frozen out of an opportunity because of what others may have done===
Agreed. Voters may not do nuance, but that doesn’t mean we can’t.
===I wonder if she is going to be up to the task===
Her background indicates that she will be fine.
- Friendly Bob Adams - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 12:07 pm:
SoS has spent the last 15 years making the physical drivers licenses more difficult to counterfeit, and now Giannoulias says that’s not quite true??
Not sure how the digital license on your phone is different from the information digitally encoded on the back of the physical drivers license.
Also- will the digital license get you on an airplane?
- Leslie K - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 12:13 pm:
Perhaps Alderman Moore recruited the new Moore to make it look like the alderman had a chance of winning? (Sadly I’m only sorta kidding…) (No dis to Ald. Moore specifically, just to Illinois politics generally)
- the Edge - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 12:26 pm:
Most of Kaegi’s reforms have been stunted by a strong lobbying effort by business as well as the Board of Review. He took over a big mess, and appears to be trying to bring the Assessor’s Office to the standards other states enjoy. I’m not certain Steele would do any better, and might regress to the way the office was previously run.
- Amalia - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 1:19 pm:
why is there surprise at the c for the social media of Kari Steele? she is a chemist, after all, highly touted as the reason she interned and was elected to Water Reclamation, portraying it as her life’s work, so she’s just putting the c in assessor.
- Nitemayor - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 1:49 pm:
More Moore’s is the age old Illinois ploy when you have an open seat . Announce your candidacy, sit back, wait for “the boys” to call and say “What’s it gonna take for you to drop out?” Then watch for the job offers.
- South Side Sam - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 1:53 pm:
We all know that in Cook County you need access to the right people to get anything done. Only today did I realize there’s actually an elected office for arranging access to those individuals. Cook County Accessor. Wow ! What a country !
- Lake county - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 2:52 pm:
Digital drivers license is awesome as long as it doesn’t replace physical in the slightest, both are good.
- Chito - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 3:34 pm:
For years Mazzone, Steele’s husband, had contributer [sic] on his website and Facebook pages. When I see such lack of attention on my very first exposure to you, I’m gonna be dubious of your ability to do the job.
- Heat Wave - Wednesday, Sep 22, 21 @ 4:36 pm:
Lizbeth is an amazingly hard worker and I am excited to see her be the Executive Director for the House Dems political organization. I think reducing her to merely a ComEd lobbyist, considering her extensive campaign and government experience, is vastly underestimating her abilities. Another great hire by Welch.
- Now I’m down in it. - Thursday, Sep 23, 21 @ 7:49 am:
Does anyone else find it odd that the firefighters have elected officials on their fund’s board? Nothing against the officials, it just seems like an odd conflict of interest.
- 51st Ward - Thursday, Sep 23, 21 @ 8:45 am:
=Instead of handing over a physical license to a police officer or store clerk, an individual could display the relevant information or send it electronically=
This does not work unless electronic submissions are guaranteed. Otherwise, does he really think I am going to voluntarily unlock my phone and hand that unlocked device to a cop? You can call me a cynic but that just seems tone deaf.