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Friday, Sep 24, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* What’s on your mind today?


  1. - Juvenal - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 9:46 am:

    I was thinking about McQueary’s six-year “Illinois Exodus” stunt as I mulled over the fact that Alabama saw more deaths than births in 2020.

    There is more than one way to leave a state, I will take a U-Haul over a casket.

    Keep us alive, JB, keep us alive.

    Whatever it takes, keep The Willing alive.

  2. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 9:47 am:

    I wore a camouflage T-shirt to an airshow once when I was 6 or 7, so I am pretty much a veteran. /s

  3. - Al - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 9:47 am:

    Have the Cannabis Producer and Venders license holder’s been made public? Has anyone put in a FOIA?

    What reports is the Liquor and Cannabis Commission suppose to produce? How many acres are in cultivation? What is the yield per acre? Revenue numbers? Which counties have licensed crops?

  4. - Blue Dog - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 9:48 am:

    Southern Illinois in the fall is one of the most relaxing places on Earth.

  5. - Demoralized - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 9:51 am:

    Apparently one-way streets in Springfield are too hard for Springfield residents to figure out.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 9:59 am:

    Do civilians who directly work, not contractors, in the DoD, they get paychecks from the Department of Defense?

    I mean, any civilian getting monies outside that direct pay from DoD, doesn’t that make them a contractor, and wouldn’t use HR from the DoD, correct?

    Sorry, it’s my bad, I know. Seems some things are clear as Illinois mud flowing through the veins.

  7. - Langhorne - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 10:00 am:

    Ryder cup. All day. On the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan.

    Little or no chance that I will hear the words ivermectin, hydrogen peroxide, vaccine, freedom, patriot, constitutional rights, ICU, CDC, and so on.

  8. - Pink Spruce - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 10:02 am:

    Rachel Ventura running for John Connor’s (formerly Pat McGuire’s) state senate seat. That could shape up to be an interesting election.

  9. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 10:05 am:

    ==Apparently one-way streets in Springfield are too hard for Springfield residents to figure out.==

    As have red lights for years.

    And the one way situation is further complicated this weekend with mass downtown street closures due to the Route 66 car show. I still don’t think it’s a good idea to have these mass events again yet due to Delta. (Same with Octoberfest that’s going on in Chatham park too). No events like that for me yet, maybe never again.

  10. - DuPage Dave - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 10:08 am:

    It’s a beautiful day out there…

  11. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 10:09 am:

    ==Apparently one-way streets in Springfield are too hard for Springfield residents to figure out.==

    But didn’t the City announce plans in the next few years to eliminate some of those one-ways? Or was it just the umpteenth “study” on that subject?

    I don’t see the need for one ways on South 4th and South 7th at least from about Cook/Lawrence to South Grand. And Monroe’s one way should be trimmed back to start at College (or even 2nd) rather than at Lewis near Springfield High.

  12. - Give Me A Break - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 10:11 am:

    Our church is on 4th Street in Springfield. Can’t wait for the first Sunday 4th is two way traffic, the congregation won’t know where, how or if they should park. Ha

  13. - Demoralized - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 10:13 am:

    ==maybe never again==

    *shakes head*
    *rolls eyes*

  14. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 10:19 am:

    “Apparently one-way streets”

    Wanna see some fun? Put a roundabout in southern Illinois.

  15. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 10:25 am:

    ===Put a roundabout in southern Illinois===

    I’ve seen one.

  16. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 10:32 am:

    “I’ve seen one”

    Yep, we’ve got ‘em. Watching some drivers navigate them is amusing, and sometimes unnerving.

  17. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 10:45 am:

    I hate that any time I see DeLeo’s name in print my brain inserts the old John Kass D-How you doin? bit.

  18. - Skeptic - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 10:56 am:

    ” too hard for Springfield residents to figure out” you’re assuming that it’s the Springfield residents and not the people from small towns who think Springfield is the Big City.

  19. - cermak_rd - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 11:24 am:

    I seem to remember a weird circle either on or just off Veterans Drive in one of IL’s fine cities. It flustered me. There is a roundabout on the way to Niles on Harlem Ave. It scares me. I will take side streets to avoid it. It is an abomination.

  20. - illini - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 11:28 am:

    And the Cardinals keep up their winning streak.

    That should make this series with the Cubs doubly interesting.

  21. - cermak_rd - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 11:43 am:

    Car shows as long as they are outside and people don’t pack up like sardines to look at any given car should be pretty safe even in the face of Delta.

    In fact I am somewhat disappointed that our culture hasn’t completely changed to favor outside activities as much as possible. No need to spend 1000s of dollars on ventilation, Nature does a good job with that.

  22. - Dotnonymous - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 11:47 am:

  23. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 11:48 am:

    Saw one roundabout in Normal, IL and thought, what kind of Euro-socialist junk is this, forced on us red blooded Americans? What’s next, siestas and sitting at the cafe half the day?

    Kidding aside, learned to navigate it pretty well when I knew where the off streets were.

  24. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 12:13 pm:

    ===No need to spend 1000s of dollars on ventilation, Nature does a good job with that===

    Doesn’t really work when it’s below zero outside. lol

  25. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 12:14 pm:

    I wonder how the people who can’t figure out how to drive through roundabouts react to the old-fashioned Public Squares that exist in some downtown areas. Galesburg, Monmouth, and Macomb among many others that have them.

  26. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 12:17 pm:

    ===I mean, any civilian getting monies outside that direct pay from DoD, doesn’t that make them a contractor, and wouldn’t use HR from the DoD, correct?===

    I can get pretty complicated without having a specific example because the Department of Defense, Department of Army, Department of Navy, et al; all have direct payroll for civilian employees. People working in the same facility in the same office as part the same administrative unit can also have different payors on their paychecks depending on where the spending authorization for their position comes from.

    It is also possible for a non-employee civilian to receive a direct payment from the Department of Defense, Department of Army, Department of Navy, et al, and be classified as a non-employee. There are many hundreds of thousands of civilian employees directly and indirectly involved in supporting our military. Depending on the specifics of the contract, someone doing Human Terrain Team work may have had direct payments from the Department of Defense.

    US Military civilian employees also deploy with our troops to forward positions, and it’s my understanding that a GS 15 civilian employee will receive some of the same treatment that a general officer will, such as being piped aboard a naval ship.

    Since this question is probably prompted by Mr. Sullivan, I think it would be interesting to have him explain the recruitment process he went through when the security contractor (A company like BAE Systems) contacted him with a headhunter and walked him through the process of applying, coached him on the application they needed to get DoD approval, and promised him generous pay and all expenses paid at Fort Leavenworth while training with zero commitment to go to Afghanistan after the training was done. We could probably just ask him if the payment came from the private company that got credit for his application, or if he was paid directly by the DoD.

    Regardless, he was not a GS employee of government and I think most good bureaucrats would bristle at the idea of him describing himself as a civilian employee of the DoD if he was not on the GS scale and paying into the pension fund.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 12:27 pm:

    ===We could probably just ask him if the payment came from the private company that got credit for his application, or if he was paid directly by the DoD.===

    Maybe somebody will.

    It’s early.

  28. - Amalia - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 12:52 pm:

    OMG, WGN news noon hour right now has a woman on making a horseshoe and corn soufflé. Wow.

  29. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 12:54 pm:

    ==horseshoe and corn soufflé==

    I’m surprised someone in Springfield hasn’t figured out a recipe for a corn souffle horseshoe yet.

  30. - cermak_rd - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 12:56 pm:


    I misread that originally and thought she was making a horseshoe (with hammer, anvil, fire, iron, etc.) and was wondering how she could do both that and the corn souffle. I had already designed some sort of baffle for the fire with a conductive top to cook, when the other meaning of horseshoe hit me.

    Still, perhaps I should complete the idea and get that patent in for all those combo blacksmith/chefs out there.

  31. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 1:05 pm:

    ==Still, perhaps I should complete the idea and get that patent in for all those combo blacksmith/chefs out there.==

    Then I will have to ask the intriguging question around here: “How would a horseshoe have looked and tasted like if it existed during Lincoln’s day?”

  32. - bkhartbnjo - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 1:09 pm:

    –How would a horseshoe have looked and tasted like if it existed during Lincoln’s day?–

    Probably of hominy and lard. Maybe salt if the cook was feeling spicy.

  33. - Rabble - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 1:37 pm:

    –How would a horseshoe have looked and tasted like if it existed during Lincoln’s day?–

    Well they did have horseshoes back then, kinda U shaped and they nailed them on the hooves of horses. Kinda metallic tasting when new and maybe we should bypass the used taste test.

  34. - thisjustinagain - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 2:39 pm:

    Traffic circles: Already saw one where someone drove over it in a south suburb of Chicago. What traffic laws?

    WGN News Hour: That’s not news, that’s entertainment when you have a cooking segment. Used to get local news/weather/sports in 30 minutes; now it takes much longer to get less. Other stations fare no better.

  35. - Amalia - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 3:46 pm:

    cermak_rd needs a road trip and perhaps by then we will all be able to enjoy - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham’s creation of the corn soufflé horseshoe. make my portion a pony shoe.

  36. - illini - Friday, Sep 24, 21 @ 4:08 pm:

    Thirteen is maybe an unlucky number for some, but that was definitely not the case for the Cards today. Their magic number is 5.

    Who would have ever thought this could happen to a team that in the middle of the season was trying to prove themselves worthy only of the bottom tier of teams.

    I love this time of the year and my Cardinals.

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