Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Duckworth raises $1.8 million in Q3 *** News from the campaign trail
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*** UPDATED x1 - Duckworth raises $1.8 million in Q3 *** News from the campaign trail

Wednesday, Oct 13, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This was a weird rumor

A campaign official for Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin said this week there is “no way” the mayor will join the race for governor.

Dennis Cook, a campaign spokesman who has served as Irvin’s campaign manager in his races for mayor, said this week an online video interview that named Irvin as a potential candidate in the Republican primary was likely “just wishful thinking.”

“No, he’s not running for governor,” Cook told The Beacon-News. “Richard just got re-elected in April. We have a job to do.” […]

Irvin himself did not address the rumors, and referred questions about it to Cook.

* Today’s quotable from Sen. Darren Bailey

He ran for the House and was elected. He then ran for the Senate and is serving there, even when he’s being asked to leave because he refuses to wear a mask. Now, he’s running for governor.

“God’s opening these doors and we’re being obedient in walking through these doors, that’s all we’re doing,” Bailey said. “A message of hope, standing up for the people, that’s something different and unique to Illinois.”

He’s not fond of career politicians, saying, “As soon as people get elected, they try to figure out to get re-elected and when they do that, then you’ve got to start pleasing everyone. It’s that simple. George Washington served to terms and stepped aside, that was the example.”

So, instead of trying to get re-elected he just keeps running for another office. Got it.

* We’ll see if he can raise any money

Jonathan Logemann is a soldier, a high school teacher, a family man and a Rockford alderman.

He would like to add congressman to the list.

Logemann, a Democrat, announced on Wednesday that he is running to represent the 17th Congressional District. It is the seat U.S. Rep. Cheri Bustos of Moline has announced she is retiring from in January 2023 following her fifth term. […]

Re-elected to a seventh term in an uncontested race in April, Alderwoman Linda McNeely, D-13, has also said she plans to run for the seat.

Illinois Sen. Steve Stadelman, D-Rockford, also said he is considering a run for the seat, but is waiting to see final district boundaries before announcing his candidacy.

His promise to not be one of the fighters in DC may not go over too well in a primary, however. And defeating Stadelman on his own turf could be pretty tough. But, hey, we have zero idea yet what the district will look like.

* Politico

The Illinois House Legislative Black Caucus has formed a political action committee that will be chaired by Reps. Nick Smith and Lakesia Collins.

“It’s something we’ve been talking about for a few years, and it took some time to put it together,” Smith told Playbook of the Illinois House Legislative Black Caucus PAC.

Black legislators have for years relied on the Black Caucus Foundation to help boost civic and philanthropic efforts in members’ communities. “We felt we needed something to support the caucus politically, too,” Smith said.

The goal, said Legislative Black Caucus Chairman Kam Buckner, “is to raise funds, mobilize volunteers, and have an effective apparatus to elect and re-elect members of the Black Caucus.”

Creating the PAC comes as the Democratic Party shifts its operations under new leadership. Party members can no longer rely on former House Speaker Michael Madigan to open the purse strings for campaigns. New party Chair Robin Kelly has created a separate fundraising arm for state and local campaigns, while she focuses on fundraising for federal positions.

“Speaker Welch is doing a great job but he’s focused on his entire caucus. And it’s too early to tell how the party’s local [fundraising] committee will do,” Smith said. “There’s a vacuum with Michael Madigan gone, and we see an opportunity to fundraise to help fill that hole.”

Smith is right. Also, If Rep. Buckner really does want to run for mayor, he’ll need some significant fundraising experience.

* Press release…

Today, Congressman Sean Casten announced he has raised over $473,000 in the third quarter of 2021. The campaign’s impressive fundraising haul brings its total cash on hand to $1.05 million.

Campaign Spokesman Jacob Vurpillat released the following statement:

    “These impressive fundraising numbers reflect a wide surge of support for Rep. Casten and everything he has accomplished so far this Congress, like passing critical legislation to safeguard our economy from the devastating effects of the climate crisis. People in the 6th District have sent a loud and clear message—Rep. Sean Casten is the best person to represent their values and interests in Congress.”

* And here’s a press release I didn’t post earlier…

Nikki Budzinski, a labor activist, Chief of Staff at President Biden’s Office of Management and Budget and former senior advisor to Governor JB Pritzker, announced her campaign has raised 455k since entering the race on August 24th.

Budzinski made the following statement: “I’m humbled and grateful for the support that my friends, family, and supporters in Illinois have shown me since we announced this campaign. I’m eager to continue working to build a broad coalition of support to win the 13th Congressional district for working families.”

This total raised in just over 5 weeks places Budzinski in a strong position as one of the highest-raising Congressional candidates in the country this quarter.

Pretty darned good haul.

*** UPDATE *** Speaking of good hauls…

U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth’s (D-IL) reelection campaign announced today that it raised more than $1.8 million in the third quarter of 2021, with more than 43,000 individual contributions averaging under $35 each. Of those contributions, 98% were $100 or less. The campaign, which ended the quarter with nearly $5.8 million cash on hand, issued the following statement regarding this announcement:

“These impressive numbers reiterate how eager Illinoisans are to keep Tammy’s unique and powerful voice in the United States Senate. We’re energized by having this many early supporters and are well into our efforts to build a robust campaign that can reach Illinoisans in every corner of our state and help ensure Tammy can continue executing her mission of advocating for working families, new parents, small businesses, servicemembers and Veterans as our Senator for years to come.”


  1. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:13 pm:

    From House to Senate to Former…

    Proft has made a load of dough losing a race for Governor.

  2. - Bruce( no not him) - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:14 pm:

    == So, instead of trying to get re-elected he just keeps running for another office. Got it==
    So to follow that out, Governor Bailey, then Senator Bailey, then?
    Scary to contemplate.

  3. - RKFD guy - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:16 pm:

    Logemann won’t have trouble raising money. Well-connected family and friends. If the Mayor had run for congress, Logemann would have been a shoo-in for the Mayor’s office. I’d be surprised if Stadleman actually runs — he’s a great senator, but “ambitious” is never a word I would use to talk about him. McNeely is a no. The real ? is Litesa Wallace (and Maurice West — though I think he won’t.). I hope we can coalesce around one RKFD dem so that we can get one, instead of a Peoria or QC person.

  4. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:20 pm:

    =“God’s opening these doors and we’re being obedient in walking through these doors=

    So “god” is helping HIM? I guess the other christians running should just give up then.


  5. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:29 pm:

    If Budzinski is set on running in the 13th does that mean the new 13th is going to include Peoria, which is where she is claiming roots in Central Illinois?

    Wish they would just release the maps already so I can find out which GOP vote sink I am condemned to the next ten years.

  6. - Socially DIstant Watcher - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:30 pm:

    ==George Washington served to terms==

    Any reason two think he’d be better as governor than than he is as proofreader?

  7. - JoanP - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:31 pm:

    = God’s opening these doors and we’re being obedient in walking through these doors, =

    I spoke to God just this morning, and She told me Bailey needs to stop shoving in where he’s not wanted.

  8. - OneMan - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:32 pm:

    Richard has proven himself to be rather good at fundraising.

    Jeff Berkowitz appears to have mentioned this during his Public Affairs show this week that reliable sources said he would be getting into the race in 2 to 6 weeks.

    Don’t think it is going to happen, but it is an interesting idea.

  9. - West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:37 pm:

    Bailey’s not fond of career politicians. I’m not fond of - and usually scared by - people who announce that God personally told them to run or is opening doors for them. God’s in his heaven and probably doesn’t give a Holy Hoot whether Bailey runs or not. Unless maybe you’re someone who thinks God also cared about who won yesterday’s Sox game. Basing your life on your faith is one thing, trying to get people to believe you’re doing things because God is calling or texting or emailing you all the time is quite another.

  10. - John Lopez - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:40 pm:

    Rich, did you see James Marter has filed paperwork with the FEC abandoning his primary challenge with Adam Kinzinger in IL-16 and now running in IL-14 against Congresswoman Lauren Underwood?

  11. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:44 pm:

    I know he’s one of the more well liked office holders here from the republican side of the isle here, however I still think Harry Benton should run against Mark Batinick again. Especially with the proposed new maps.

    It’s unfortunate that Batinick is friends with most of the press around here which seems to keep any of the negative aspects of his tenure out of the public view.

    While Batinick was focusing on pointing fingers at others for corruption, his campaign treasurer was arrested by the feds for embezzlement and fraud. His legislative director was in DC fomenting an insurrection in January, and according to the comptrollers records he is still paying her a consulting fee. Again, nobody seems to be covering that locally.

    I don’t agree with everything Benton says, but he does understand the concept of loyal opposition in a way Batinick never will. Not to be all negative on him - Batinick has a great talent at telling people what they want to hear and getting coverage for himself, then doing the opposite when nobody is looking. It’s unfortunate that side of him is only seen locally though.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:46 pm:

    To Duckworth,

    It’s a fool’s errand right now thinking she’s vulnerable, given the candidates “lined up” to do so.

    That haul would and should be discouraging to those looking to take Duckworth on.


    Secretary of State.

    Those are the races Republicans can make a difference and could have a chance to win.

    If Republicans won both, how big could that be?

    Yet… Governor is the want.


  13. - Back to the Future - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 2:48 pm:

    JoanP should get the post of the day award.

  14. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 3:44 pm:

    Those doors being opened for Bailey because nobody else wants those spots or does he just like the attention?

  15. - John Lopez - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 4:33 pm:

    === That haul would and should be discouraging to those looking to take Duckworth on. ===

    Duckworth raised $1.8 million, and had total of $5.8 million in the bank? She had just under $5 million in the bank on June 30, so she banked less than half of what she raised in Q3.

    Quite a burn rate for an incumbent.

    Won’t keep Adam Kinzinger out of U.S. Senate race if his IL-16 eliminated, as all expect it to be. She needs twice more in bank to keep him out, though her current Republican opponents should drop.

    Kinzinger had just over $3 million in the bank on June 30. We’ll know his numbers by Friday.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 4:37 pm:

    === Won’t keep Adam Kinzinger out of U.S. Senate race if his IL-16 eliminated===

    What upside is there to Kinzinger taking on Duckworth?

    Statewide, Kinzinger won’t even have the Trumpkin Base with him.

    This makes no sense.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 4:43 pm:

    - John Lopez -

    You also stated if it were Davis and Kinzinger leading the Pat Brady ticket the base would stay home.

    How is Kinzinger running as the nominee to take on Duckworth smart in any GOP geometry, according to your own assessment?

  18. - Steve Polite - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 4:45 pm:

    ““God’s opening these doors and we’re being obedient in walking through these doors, that’s all we’re doing,” Bailey said.”

    The bible also says to obey those in authority Mr. Bailey. Have you been obedient to God in that way? Have you followed Governor Pritzker’s executive orders related to COVID and public health, or have you disobeyed God in that regard? It seems you choose to “obey” God when it’s convenient. Or maybe that is just a platitude used to woo Christians.

    “Obey the rulers who have authority over you. Only God can give authority to anyone, and he puts these rulers in their places of power.” Romans 13:1 CEV

  19. - Bad Goya Vitch - Wednesday, Oct 13, 21 @ 8:19 pm:

    ==If Budzinski is set on running in the 13th does that mean the new 13th is going to include Peoria==

    You know, I have a suspection that the map drawers will do this. Else, why would anyone care about Bustos’ endorsement?

  20. - Galway Bay - Thursday, Oct 14, 21 @ 6:18 am:

    If 13 does end up including Peoria I doubt NB can beat Darin. Dillard is the only Republican who can beat JB IMO

  21. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Oct 14, 21 @ 8:59 am:

    ====If Budzinski is set on running in the 13th does that mean the new 13th is going to include Peoria==

    You know, I have a suspection that the map drawers will do this. Else, why would anyone care about Bustos’ endorsement?==

    If that happens it also looks like a thin 12th along the Mississippi from Cairo to the Quad Cities (or perhaps even Galena), here we come. With spurs over to Galesburg, Macomb and Beardstown if they still need more people even after the Metro East and the Quads.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 14, 21 @ 9:03 am:

    Sometimes… endorsements are just that. Endorsements.

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