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COVID-19 roundup

Monday, Oct 18, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jake Griffin

Illinois has surpassed another grim COVID-19 milestone with the disease now claiming the lives of one in every 500 Illinois residents, according to Illinois Department of Public Health records.

IDPH officials reported 63 more COVID-19 deaths over the past three days, bringing the state’s death toll from the virus to 25,470.

State health officials also report another 2,798 deaths were likely caused by the disease.

* The selfishness of these people never ceases to amaze me

Keys and Kadence Koen, a math and business teacher at Southeast High School, are defying Springfield School District 186’s efforts to carry out Gov. JB Pritzker’s mandate that school personnel get vaccinated against COVID-19 or get tested weekly.

Keys and Koen cite “personal liberties” as the main reason for defying the order. […]

“I’m committed to standing up for my family, and, no, I will not comply with something that goes directly against my freedom to make independent medical decisions for my family and me,” Keys said. “The implications of eroding my personal freedom in my employment will then bleed into the freedoms of my children and my wife.”

Keys said Pritzker and the Illinois State Board of Education are “subverting the process” and forcing school personnel into “a life-altering medical procedure.”

Well, yeah, taking a vaccine is life-altering in that it can save your life and the lives of those around you. But, riddle me this, Batman, how is taking regular COVID tests as an alternative to a vaccine in any way “life-altering”?

Also, your “personal freedom” ends when it endangers the health and lives of others. You have the right to harmlessly swing your fist through the air. That right ends when you punch somebody.

* And for those of you who love trolling comment boards to ask why the vaccinated are so adamant about everyone possible getting their shots

Colin L. Powell, whose immune system was weakened by treatment for multiple myeloma, died of complications of Covid-19 despite being “fully vaccinated,” his family said in a statement.

Being vaccinated will help you, but it could also save the lives of people who are severely immunocompromised or who can’t be vaxed.

* Eric Schmid

Nearly every county in Illinois doesn’t have enough primary care, mental health and dental providers, according to a new report by the Rural Health Summit.

The issue is most acute in the state’s rural counties, including southern Illinois.

The report, produced by a consortium of health care professionals, finds the coronavirus pandemic exacerbated and illuminated the depth to Illinois’ rural health worker shortage.

“It showed a lot of people that there are a lot of issues that were under the surface for a long time and they came to the surface, and it kind of caused a crisis,” said Dr. Jim Daniels, a family and preventive medicine physician with Southern Illinois University’s medical school.

Speaking at a webinar Thursday about the report’s findings, Daniels said there’s a mismatch with the pipelines medical and government institutions have developed to get more doctors into rural areas.

“We’ve spent a lot of time on how we’re going to get someone to rural health, but maybe not a whole lot of time in the rural areas talking to folks saying, ‘What keeps folks there?’” he said. “If you say, ‘We’re going to pay your medical bills off,’ and then in about four or five years you haven’t bonded with the community, [so] you leave.”

One way to combat this, according to the report, is to provide opportunities and incentives for people from rural communities who want to enter the health care field.

* Oy

In May 2021, as the U.S. vaccination campaign started to lose momentum, several U.S. states and some cities arrived at the same conclusion: To boost uptake, they’d launch vaccine lotteries, giving locals who’d gotten their shot the chance to win a million or more dollars.

But a new study published in JAMA Health Forum on Friday suggests that, on their own, the lotteries launched for vaccinated residents in 19 states failed to achieve their goals of encouraging people to take the Covid vaccine. It found no significant difference in rates of vaccine uptake in states that launched lotteries compared to those that did not.

“Everyone was rooting for this to work, but you’ve got to check,” says Andrew I. Friedson, an associate professor of economics at the University of Colorado Denver and an author of the report. “The way the evidence has stacked up it seems that there are better ways to spend our money.” […]

Researchers used an approach that compared states only by whether and when they launched vaccination campaigns, attempting to weed out other potential influences across regions of varying affluence, population and political leanings. They also controlled for other day-to-day variables, including the number of new Covid cases, foot traffic behavior and whether states had other vaccination incentive programs ongoing. They found no association, either way.

* More…

* New CPD memo threatens investigation, termination for cops not compliant with vaccination reporting deadline; ‘Invalid,’ says FOP

* CPD restricts time off for officers as Catanzara fights Lightfoot on vaccination reporting mandate

* ‘Legitimacy’ of Chicago Police Department at Risk Amid Vaccine Mandate Fight: Lightfoot

* Chicago chief: Unvaccinated cops risk retirement benefits

* She never planned to get vaccinated. Seeing other pregnant women die from COVID changed her mind.

* Clock ticks down on vaccine mandate

* NBA should be working on an alternative to Irving’s COVID-19 vaccination message

* Should You Mix and Match Your Booster Shot?


  1. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 12:47 pm:

    Would like to know when those teachers decide the regs for teachers like number of hours needed in their subject matter for a teaching degree are something just don’t agree with and decide not to comply with. These people have no place in the classroom.

  2. - Roadrager - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 12:49 pm:

    We tried, and tried, and tried offering carrots. Now everyone who refused the carrots is furious about the sticks. We need more and larger sticks.

  3. - Dotnonymous - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 12:52 pm:

    Take my life…please?

    Suicide is their freedumb…Homocide is not.

    Stupid?…still can’t fix it.

  4. - Dotnonymous - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 12:53 pm:

    Homicide neither…oops.

  5. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 1:12 pm:

    They should be fired and their union refuse to do anything about it.

  6. - Donnie Elgin - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 1:13 pm:

    “We need more and larger sticks”

    That is one option. But before you go more draconian - perhaps take a breath and be a bit more patient. The National/State trends of lower and lower Covid cases may stick. Illinois reported 1,327 cases today, the lowest going back to July 26th. The 7-day trend is also way down. There could be another spike but only time will tell

  7. - Norseman - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 1:24 pm:

    Nobody is depriving you of the right to make medical decisions about your health. But your poor decisions don’t prevent you from suffering the consequences. Especially, if it adversely affects the health of others in the community.

    If my kids were still in Southeast, I would be demanding these teachers be fired. Then they can get a job in an environment that doesn’t pose a risk to the kids and community.

  8. - Grimlock - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 1:35 pm:

    Kadence Koen is also the teacher who threw an unofficial homecoming dance on her property that caused Auburn to have to switch from hybrid to fully remote for a couple weeks due to the outbreak her gathering induced in 2020.

  9. - Blue Dog - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 1:47 pm:

    To my Chicago area friends, how is tourism these days. Down south here, I have never seen such traffic on the wine trail(mostly outdoors).

  10. - Pundent - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 1:49 pm:

    I guess for these teachers their desire to proclaim “freedom” trumps any concern for the health and well-being of themselves, their students, or the community. We should simply discharge these individuals for refusing to meet the conditions of their employment and move on.

  11. - Jocko - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 1:49 pm:

    ==I will not comply with something that goes directly against my freedom to make independent medical decisions for my family and me==

    What should we do when your son/daughter breaks a bone or is bleeding profusely? Wait for a call back?

  12. - Just Me 2 - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:02 pm:

    While I understand (but don’t agree) with those who refuse to get vaccinated, what is totally confusing to me is the unwillingness to get tested regularly from a contagious and deadly disease. Can someone please explain that to me?

  13. - Huh? - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:09 pm:

    “The implications of eroding my personal freedom in my employment will then bleed into the freedoms of my children and my wife.”

    And then you get the lunacy like this private school in Miama ordering vaxed students to stay home for 30 days.

  14. - Norseman - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:09 pm:

    === What should we do when your son/daughter breaks a bone or is bleeding profusely? Wait for a call back? ===

    You’re trying to reason with folks who have chosen to ignore reason.

  15. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:10 pm:

    Pathetic rationalization for not getting a free shot that protects oneself and others will serve as a signpost on the road to this nation’s demise.

  16. - Manchester - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:18 pm:

    I sincerely hope the Koen’s lose their jobs and are ineligible for unemployment. That they think so little of the health of their students and fellow educators is reason enough for them to be fired. I have ZERO sympathy for them.

  17. - Riddle Me That - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:23 pm:

    - Wait for a call back? -

    What does a broken bone have to do with the covid vax, besides nothing? Why don’t you just come out and say you would like for all unvaxxed people to be denied medical treatment until they bend to your will?’

  18. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:28 pm:

    - Steve in Spfld -

    Your child first… your child.

    ===…all unvaxxed people to be denied medical treatment until they bend to your will?’===

    Because sympathy and empathy and caring for others is something you obviously lack, otherwise you’d know caring for your fellow man means when they do ridiculous things you care for them the same as your family

    Geez, Louise…

  19. - Pundent - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:32 pm:

    =Studies state that around five deaths per 100,000 of children that are infected die from COVID.=

    So we just let the teachers roll the dice on this because hey, the chance of dying is only 5/100,000. What about those kids that become carriers of the virus and infect others who’s odds aren’t as good? I guess that’s no big deal either.

    If the Koen’s don’t want to get a shot because it conflicts with their distorted view of freedom, then they should work in an environment where it’s not a condition of employment.

  20. - Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:34 pm:

    For all the folks whining about the vaccine…if ‘ya can get a tattoo, ‘ya can get a vaccine.

    So the Koens obviously skipped the chapters on science, logic, and disease prevention. Their stance defies common sense.

  21. - Annonin' - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:36 pm:

    Two questions for the personal freedom/liberty crowd
    1. Do you extend that across a personal medical decisions. Hmmmm
    2. Does exercisin’ your personal freedom/liberty mean you must get that juicy taxpayer funded check every 2 weeks?

  22. - thechampaignlife - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:49 pm:

    ===You do realize children are rarely hospitalized much less die from COVID.===

    And those that die were almost entirely easily preventable with a simple shot. It also protects those around them that are more at risk. Those asymptomatic kids pass it to grandma.

    ===be a bit more patient===

    Those of us who have been dutifully following the mandates, as well as the recommendations, for the past 18 months…we have no more patience to give. We want this over as much as anyone. We want so very much to gather in large groups, attend concerts, go out to eat and watch a movie, travel on vacation, and so much more. But we do our civic duty and refrain from risky activities even while vaccinated and masked, so that our parents and grandparents, other family and friends, and complete strangers can stay safer. I nearly lost a family member to a breakthrough case, so this touches close to home. But we are exhausted, and the anti-vax crowd’s #meOnly movement zaps all the remaining empathy I have to give.

    ===the lotteries launched for vaccinated residents in 19 states failed to achieve their goals===

    I am not surprised. Give everyone $100 for getting the shot and you will see a better response. Give a 1 in 10,000 shot at winning $1M, much less likely to move the needle. Same cost in both scenarios, but one is guaranteed cash and the other is a 0.01% chance to win an amount that most people would not know what to do with.

  23. - Almost Retired - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:51 pm:

    @Steve in Springfield
    I would appreciate if your would share the studies that you site for death rates among children. When you state than 1 in 88 died from suicide in 2019, you are wrong by a huge amount. NIMH reported 1in 100,000 children 10 to 14 died from suicide. The CDC for that year reported 2 per 100,000 for females and 3.1 for males 10 to 14. Did you make up the numbers? Your stats are inaccurate and invalid. Thus your conclusions and taunting are invalid. Besides for suicide your other numbers are hugely inaccurate and in valid. Please post the studies that you say exist that purport the death rates for youth that you report are real.

  24. - Jocko - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:56 pm:

    ==What does a broken bone have to do with the covid vax, besides nothing==

    Both are medical treatments. Speaking of treatments, should ventilators/transplants go first to younger unvaxxed or older vaxxed? Why or why not?

  25. - Stu - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 2:59 pm:

    @Steve in Spfld

    Cheery picking stats from here:

  26. - thoughts matter - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:07 pm:

    Maybe if the children who died from Covid were scrolled across the bottom of your computer, phone or the screen, it might show you that children do die from this virus.
    There’s a teacher out there somewhere who lost her healthy 10 year old to this virus in the last couple weeks. Meanwhile, we have these two teachers. One who held a super spreader event, but is considered off the hook because the students parents gave permission. The other who has 4 children and whose wife is carrying their fifth. Yet he is willing to risk their health,, and their financial security. Babies’ hospital costs aren’t cheap.
    Both teachers had to have the normal vaccines and TB tests before they could teach. But the hill they want to lose their jobs on is this vaccine. So be it. Either comply with your bosses’ edicts, or get fired. That’s how capitalism works.
    I would really like to know exactly how many supporters they really have. Anyone offered to pay your house payments yet? I’ll wait.

  27. - Norseman - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:08 pm:

    Steve proved he can read and regurgitate from the propaganda sites. What is indisputable is that kids are dying and seriously ill from COVID. The data has been changing and it’s affects on various cohorts as the pandemic continues and new variants arise. We have actions available to prevent needless deaths. Not requiring these actions because of the immaturity and perfidy of a segment of our society is inexcusable.

  28. - Pundent - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:10 pm:

    =Why don’t you just come out and say you would like for all unvaxxed people to be denied medical treatment until they bend to your will?=

    I’ve been following the Facebook postings of an unvaccinated individual who’s now 60+ days in the hospital. Whether he makes it out alive or not his treatment will be north of $100K. All because he decided to forgo a shot for a preventable disease. And since June over 95K preventable deaths have occurred?

    And exactly who pays for all of this? The answer of course is we all do in terms of higher premiums. So yeah we are subsidizing the medical treatment of belligerent people and have every right to be agitated over it. I’m beyond tired of paying the tab for freedom fighters.

  29. - Cool Papa Bell - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:16 pm:


    =and non-binaries=

    All you gotta do is listen and people will tell you who they are…

  30. - Just Me 2 - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:19 pm:

    ===You do realize children are rarely hospitalized much less die from COVID.===

    So you admit that some children are hospitalized and even a few die.

  31. - Coolguy - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:23 pm:

    I’m not vaccinated. Everyone tell me how much better than me you are.

  32. - ArchPundit - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:26 pm:

    As pointed out Steve doesn’t seem to understand what he is citing. 1 in 88 is chance of suicide over a lifetime.

    If you look at the leading causes of death for children and adolescents, the rate of death by COVID-19 across the population (larger than who has had it so far) at 5 out of ever 100,000 would make it the 3rd highest cause of death behind all injuries and then just slightly behind motor vehicle accidents. Across the population that would mean that COVID-19 would be the highest cause of death not by accident for that age group and nearly 20 percent of all deaths in that age range.

    Tell me more about innumeracy.

  33. - ArchPundit - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:29 pm:

    From NEJM:

  34. - ArchPundit - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:30 pm:

    —I’m not vaccinated. Everyone tell me how much better than me you are.

    And the victims are heard from again. You aren’t vaccinated at all? No MMR, DPT, Meningitis?

    Why not?

  35. - Pundent - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:33 pm:

    =Everyone tell me how much better than me you are.=

    Not sure that we can measure better. And presumably from your comment you could be vaccinated but chose not to.

    So better? Don’t know. But smarter? Yes, definitely.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:38 pm:

    === Everyone tell me===

    This is not a place for performance art.

    Vanity for your own ignorance is on Facebook

  37. - Norseman - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:44 pm:

    === I’m not vaccinated. Everyone tell me how much better than me you are. ===

    I don’t know whether I’m better than you. I do know that I’m more responsible than you and care about the health of my community - even yours.

  38. - Cool Papa Bell - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 3:44 pm:

    This weekend in Sangamon County - people in their 30’s, 50’s and 60’s died as a result of a COVID infection.

  39. - JS Mill - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 4:22 pm:

    =But before you go more draconian - perhaps take a breath and be a bit more patient. =

    I thought you were a law and order guy? Now you want to be patient?

  40. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 18, 21 @ 4:23 pm:

    ===I thought you were a law and order guy? Now you want to be patient?===

    It’s the same thingy with “my body… “ silliness without grasping they are advocating pro-choice.

    Is it dishonest? It’s something.

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