ISP honors its past with Trooper 262 Project
Wednesday, Oct 20, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From the ISP…
When Illinois State Police Trooper William Boyd Lindsay was commissioned by the Illinois State Police (ISP) on July 23, 1941, it’s likely he was unaware that history was being made when badge #262 was pinned to his chest. On that day, Lindsay was sworn in as the first African American Trooper in the nation.
As a means of recognizing and celebrating Trooper Lindsay’s pivotal role and the Centennial of the Illinois State Police, current and former ISP Troopers initiated the Trooper 262 Project in his honor. Their research has yielded an ever-expanding roll of exemplary figures who forged extraordinary paths in their own right and who are worthy of recognition as well.
The Trooper 262 Project proudly showcases the professional accomplishments of courageous individuals who demonstrated Integrity, Service, and Pride while also breaking down barriers. We honor their indelible contributions to our agency and the path they forged for those who have followed.
This week the Illinois State Police selected a few of the ISP Trooper 262 Project panels to display in the rotunda of the Illinois State Capitol. Please take a moment to visit, explore, photograph this extraordinary exhibit of ISP’s history.
* I meant to get to this earlier and forgot. Sorry! But if you’re still at the Statehouse, go take a look…
- Levois J - Wednesday, Oct 20, 21 @ 1:46 pm:
I’m glad we know about our remarkable state troopers who have broken down barriers.
- Shield - Wednesday, Oct 20, 21 @ 2:48 pm:
On the topic of troopers, Pew quotes an ISP trooper in this article. There’s still a lot of work to do.
- DuPage Saint - Wednesday, Oct 20, 21 @ 3:18 pm:
And proud of our state to be be first in the nation to have an African American state trooper. I always like it when Illinois leads the way. As Rich sometimes says. “A little more like this”
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Oct 20, 21 @ 3:55 pm:
One of the sessions at the recent Conference on Illinois History at the ALPLM included highlights from the Trooper 262 display and slide show. Great session and fascinating.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 20, 21 @ 4:32 pm:
This is a great thing.
There’s work to be done everywhere.
- RWC - Wednesday, Oct 20, 21 @ 5:09 pm:
I’m surprised that they believe he wouldn’t have known he was the first African American trooper in the country. I would think he might have.
- Leslie K - Wednesday, Oct 20, 21 @ 7:00 pm:
This is really neat. I’m sorry I wasn’t in town to see it. I googled a bit and couldn’t find it online (but I did find this CapitolFax thread). Hopefully they will be able to make it an online experience at some point (if they haven’t); I’d like to read the other stories as well.
- Occasionally Moderated - Wednesday, Oct 20, 21 @ 9:21 pm:
I worked with a pretty diverse group at ISP. I thought about posting how great the women I worked with were- and it would be true. The truth is ISP personnel are pretty damn awesome as a whole.
ISP has done some stuff really, really right. I love it that the history is being shown off. Thanks.